The Awakening

By: Backwoods Boy
(© 2022 by the author)

Edited by:

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Chapter 4


Saturday, August 10, 1968


The black kid behind the counter wore a McDonald's uniform shirt which appeared to have been tailored to perfectly fit his athletic body. He noticed Devin first and grinned.


"Hey, Devin, my man. What's up?"


"Not much, Tyler. My friend Fuzz here is buying me dinner and then hanging out with us tonight."


"Yeah, Cato said something about that." He scanned Brian from top to bottom and then returned to the middle. "Nice shorts, Fuzz. You can be my friend too. Welcome to McDonald's. What can I get for you?"


Brian ordered burgers, fries, and milkshakes for both of them. He paid and Tyler handed him a bag.


"See you guys later."


Not wishing to press their luck with management, the boys went to an outside table. Devin checked out Brian's shorts as they sat down.


"I'm a little slow sometimes noticing things. Those shorts are new, aren't they?"


"Yeah, I got them mail-order a while back."


"What are you gonna do with the old ones?"


"They're in my car. Do you want them?"


Devin thought for a moment.


"I'd love to have them, but I have a friend who'd love them even more. Could I give them to him?"


"Go for it. If they can find a good home, I'll be happy."


Brian pulled the food out of the bag and handed Devin his share. He looked back into the bag, and then looked up at Devin.


"Seems like we have two extra hamburgers. Is that because Tyler knows you?"


Devin grinned broadly. "Nope. It's because he's got the hots for your body."


Brian paused a moment before admitting to something he'd have denied a week earlier.


"I've got the hots for his body too. How do you happen to know him?"


"He and I are the same age, and he goes to the same school as Cato and me. He and Cato are both on the swim team." He grinned mischievously. "You've got the hots for Cato too, don't you?"


A week ago he would have disavowed it. Now he grinned back.


"You're damned right I do."


"He thought so. He likes you too."


Brian reflected on his high school days. This was the kind of conversation he'd overheard and should have been having then. Better late than never.


As they ate, Brian watched the customers come and go. Most who looked his way gave him a friendly smile. Some of the teenagers exhibited envy, others lust. Posing as a teenage hunk when off-duty was turning out to be highly successful.


When they were finished, the boys cleaned up their trash and drove the few blocks to Devin's home. Brian became more relaxed. This adventure might work out after all.




Devin's home needed painting and the grass was overgrown. The rusting mower near the back door provided the reason for the latter.


The car was an ancient family-four-door with dents, chipped paint, torn seat covers, and one flat tire. The jack required to change it stood nearby.


They entered by the back door, and Devin announced their arrival.


"Mom, I'm home with my friend."


A greeting came from the other room.


"Would you boys change the tire for me?"


"Sure, in a few minutes."


From the refrigerator, Devin pulled out a can of soda for himself and, without asking, a bottle of beer for Brian. His selections seemed to acknowledge their age difference - as well as his lack of concern about it.


They opened their drinks and took a sip before heading back out to the task at hand. Brian found a pair of coveralls to wear. Devin opened the trunk and pulled out the tire while Brian evaluated the jack. It was rusty and reluctant to function. He turned to Devin.


"Do you have an oilcan?"


Devin rummaged around in the garage and found one. It was empty, but a nearby, open can of oil provided a refill. Brian made the jack functional, but Devin determined that the spare was deflated. The boys rolled it down the street to the corner gas station, inflated it, and rolled it back. It seemed to be holding air, so they replaced the flat and then carried that tire to the station for repair.


Devin knew the service station attendant, and made the introductions.


"Jalen, this is my friend, Fuzz." He addressed Brian. "Jalen is Cato's brother."


Jalen, about Brian's age, gave him a fist bump.


"Hi, Fuzz. I'd shake hands, but mine are a little dirty. So, tell me about the nickname."


Brian smiled. "Devin and Randy gave it to me, as in Lieutenant Fuzz of comic strip fame."


Jalen laughed. "It's perfect for you." He turned to Devin. "I'll have this fixed by tomorrow."


"Cool! Thanks, Jalen."


Returning to Devin's place, Brian discarded his coveralls. The boys grabbed their drinks, now warm, and went back into the house. Devin shouted to his mom.


"The tire is fixed."


The voice from the other room responded.


"Thanks, boys. Devin, did you offer your friend a drink?"


"Yeah, Mom, I've got that covered."


"You didn't give him a beer, did you?"


Devin winked at Brian. "Of course not."


He pulled out another beer, removed the cap, and traded Brian for the warm one, which he poured down the drain.


"Let's go downstairs and clean up. Cato will be here soon. Tyler will be here after he gets off work."


Brian's cock went hard. He was looking forward to spending the night with all three boys, but Cato would be the icing on the cake.




Other than a bathroom, laundry facilities, and an ancient refrigerator at the far end, the basement was a large, cluttered family room - apparently Devin's personal domain. Brian wondered if they'd be screwing on the used-and-abused sofa or the mattress that was Devin's bed. Both were conveniently located in front of the TV.


The boys showered, and Brian was drying his hair when the back door slammed and footsteps sounded on the stairs. Wet from swimming, Cato materialized at the bottom - and Brian experienced genuine lust for the first time in his life.


From a distance, Cato had been impressive. Up close, he was breathtaking. Though only sixteen, he was a beautiful, athletic hunk. Featuring a chiseled six-pack, his broad, muscular upper torso tapered to a narrow waist, and then disappeared into the same white denim cutoffs he'd worn while he screwed Devin the week before.


Enticingly loose at the waistband, the cutoffs fit snugly around Cato's hips, drawing attention to an eye-catching bulge. That they were scruffy and stained only served to emphasize the perfection of his smooth, dark body. Molded by his movement, they were a living sculpture which defined Cato's summer identity. Brian doubted that the boy ever removed them.


Cato grinned at Brian as if he'd known him all his life and cheerfully gave him a high five.


"Hey, Fuzz, give me your towel. Like what you see?"


Brian had been caught staring. He blushed and handed Cato the towel. Cato winked at the older boy as he dried himself.


"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?"


Brian hadn't heard that expression for a long time, but it had never been more appropriate. Cato scanned Brian's body as he handed back the towel.


"Nice shorts, dude. They're fucking hot."


Suddenly, Brian was self-conscious. His shorts were seductive, no doubt about that, but his mail-order magnetism didn't begin to compare to the casual charisma of the cutoffs molded to Cato's body. Brian's chop-top trunks were window dressing. Cato's cutoffs were an integral part of his sexual presence - a presence Brian longed to know intimately.


Devin rescued Brian from his embarrassment by assuming the host role.


"Want a drink, Cato?"




"Want another one, Fuzz?"




Devin fetched the beverages from the basement refrigerator. Then he turned on the TV and turned off the lights.


"Let's see what's on the tube."


The boys sat down on the sagging sofa to watch Hogan's Heroes. Devin focused on the show. Cato, sitting in the middle, casually rested a hand on Brian's thigh and squeezed it gently. Brian unfastened the side-zips on his shorts and tossed them to one side. Cato grinned at him.


"Looks like you're ready for some fun."


Brian laid his arm along the back of the couch.


"What kind of fun are you thinking of?"


Cato smiled mischievously.


"You'll find out soon enough."


He moved his hand to Brian's rock-hard cock and gently stroked it.




Wearing a revealing dress and carrying a cocktail, Devin's mom chose that moment to come down the stairs and flip on the lights. The boys' hands returned to socially-correct positions. Caught with his shorts missing, Brian covered himself with a throw pillow and hoped she wouldn't notice. She looked at the three boys with a boozy smile.


"Now there's a fine collection of stallions."


Devin made a face. "Mom!"


She attempted to focus on him.


"Roger's here to take me to the dance, honey. I'll see you later."


She blew them a kiss and headed unsteadily up the stairs. Halfway up, she turned around and came back down and, to the best of her intoxicated ability, focused her attention on Brian.


"Devin, honey. You haven't introduced me to your new friend yet."


The throw pillow suddenly seemed very inadequate. Brian frantically looked around for something with more surface area. His eyes lit on the TV guide section of the newspaper lying on the time-scarred end table beside him. Quickly opening it, he spread it across his lap and pretended to be engrossed in the feature article about Leonard Nimoy and his Star Trek role as Spock.


A pained expression crossed Devin's face.


"Mom, Roger's waiting for you."


"It'll only take a minute, honey. I won't try to seduce him."


Devin's look was now one of resignation.


"Okay. Mom, this is my friend, Fuzz. Fuzz, this is my mom, Lucy."


Brian smiled at Lucy and hoped he wouldn't be required to stand up.


"Pleased to meet you, ma'am."


Lucy looked at him with bleary eyes.


"Why do they call you Fuzz?"


"It's a long story, ma'am."


Leaning against the railing for support, she looked him over to the best of her ability.


"Devin, honey. Is he one of your classmates?"


"No, I met him at the park."


Lucy looked at Brian again, more carefully this time.


"Isn't he a little young for you? I thought you were into older guys."


"I'm into any guy I can get, Mom. But Fuzz is gonna do it with Cato. Tyler's coming over to do it with me."


She smiled at Cato. "Have fun, Cato. Fuzz is pretty damned hot. And Devin, honey, there's some K-Y on my dresser if you need more."


There was a family social dynamic here which wasn't in Brian's frame of reference. Cato seemed unfazed. It was obviously normal to Devin.


"Thanks, Mom. Have a good time with Roger."


She blew him a kiss and disappeared up the stairs, permanently this time. The front door opened and closed. Devin turned out the lights, and all hands in the basement went back to their previous locations.


The beer was increasing Brian's sense of adventure while diminishing his inhibitions. This time his arm went around Cato's broad shoulders and his fingers gently stroked the boy's smooth neck. As Devin looked on with a smile, Cato pulled Brian's pole upright and went down on it. Brian sighed happily and leaned back into the sofa. Whatever other fun the boys had planned, this was a great start.


Naked and exposed, Brian became the focus of the younger boys' attention. Kneeling in front of him, Devin's hands slipped between his legs. He knew what Devin wanted to do. Sliding forward, he put his feet on the sofa, fully exposing himself. He felt a touch on his pucker, and Devin's greased middle finger slid inside.


Squirming with excitement, Brian put an encouraging hand on Cato's back. Closing his eyes in bliss, he waited for the inevitable orgasm. It wasn't long in coming, and with both boys stimulating him, it was a good one. As his jizz dripped onto the sofa, Brian was unaccountably worried about the stain it was making.


As Cato pulled off and Devin removed his finger, Brian looked at them with a happy smile. He'd gone from nervous apprehension to casual confidence in one short week. Devin grinned at him.


"See how much fun that is?"


"Oh, yeah!"


Devin flopped down in a nearby easy chair and turned his attention to the TV.

Cato pushed Brian onto his back on the sofa and knelt between the older boy's legs, his hard, brown body a shadow in the semi-darkened room. From his unbuttoned cutoffs hung a magnificent boner. As he lubricated himself and Brian, he grinned broadly at the older boy.


"Ready to get fucked, Fuzz?"


Brian grinned back. "I've been waiting for it all afternoon."


Leaning forward on his hands, Cato rubbed his pole against Brian's abs.


"I love your hard body, Fuzz. You're a hot guy."


With skill honed by practice, Cato let his shaft slip down between Brian's legs and with a gentle thrust pushed it inside. Repositioning his knees, he moved forward. As he slid his sizable shaft inside, Brian gripped his forearms tightly and groaned with excitement.


"Oh, fuck, Cato. That feels so good."


Cato looked deep into the older boy's eyes.


"You like getting fucked by a black boy, don't you?"


Brian smiled slyly.


"Just as much as you like fucking a white boy."


Cato laughed softly.


"Then we're both getting what we came for."


Rocking his hips, Cato began to slowly move inside the older boy. Brian was in heaven. Cato's pole was bigger than Devin's, and the older boy loved how it felt sliding in and out.


Cato was a teenage sex machine, never varying the tempo of his long, deep strokes. The only way Brian knew the boy was getting close was by the faraway expression in his eyes.


Then it happened again - that feeling of unity he'd felt with Devin. As the sixteen-year-old stud thrust deep and blasted sperm into his boy-hole, there was a momentary melding which made them one being. Brian felt Cato's orgasm without having one of his own.


Finished, Cato pulled out and stood up.


"You're a hot guy, Fuzz. I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did."


Brian grinned. "You have no idea how much I enjoyed it."


Brian sat up and looked around. Tyler's McDonald's uniform shirt lay over the back of the easy chair Devin had been sitting in. The rest of his clothing was dumped in the chair itself. Brian turned his head towards the mattress, where he discovered Tyler sliding his hard cock into Devin.


Cato and Brian sat on the sofa and watched a Star Trek rerun. Cato was focused on the TV, but with the mattress in plain view, Brian's attention wandered frequently. Halfway through the show, the boys on the mattress finished and stood up. Devin stretched.


"Your turn on the bed, Cato. Our turn with the TV."


Cato pulled Brian to his feet with a grin.


"I hope you're ready for more, Fuzz."


Brian grinned back.


"You bet I am."


Brian dropped onto his back, and put his hands behind his head, watching as Cato knelt between his legs and re-lubricated both of them. Cato was different from the others he'd had sex with. There was a chemistry between them he couldn't define. Opposite poles attracting? It wasn't that simple. He'd have to think about it later. Right now, Cato was ready to screw him, and he was ready to be screwed.


Cato slid his pole inside, and Brian's philosophical reflections vaporized, supplanted by the golden glow of carnal excitement.


To be continued...



Posted: 12/02/2022