The Awakening

By: Backwoods Boy
(© 2022 by the author)

Edited by:

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Chapter 5


Saturday, August 17, 1968


For Brian, it had been another week of emotional distress. The previous week's theme had been indecision and fear of the unknown. Now it was paranoia. Every smile was a knowing smile, every conversation an interrogation, every glance a furtive one. Everyone knew.


It was a relief when Saturday came and he could escape to the park where he could let down his guard and be himself. Parking near the west-end restroom, he grabbed his towel and bag of sex supplies, and headed for the beach. As he got closer, he saw Randy and Devin, fully engaged with each other.


Randy didn't hold a monopoly on nudity. Often, Devin went au naturel and occasionally others did too. But his new friends had reserved sex for the relative privacy of the dam, the woods, and their homes. Until now.


Naked, Devin lay on his back stroking his hard cock. Randy was on his knees between Devin's legs. His pole was embedded in the younger boy, and his hips moved forward and back with a slow, steady rhythm. As Brian approached, Randy looked up with a welcoming smile.


"Stick around. We'll be done in a few minutes."


Brian spread his towel nearby and watched until Devin's body jerked and he shot a load onto his chest. Randy pulled out and turned to Brian.


"Wanna try what I was doing?"


It was said so casually, it was like asking what Brian wanted for breakfast. They were inviting him to screw on a public beach as if it were an everyday occurrence. For them, it apparently was.


Brian reminded himself of his resolution to be adventurous and take advantage of opportunities. This was a stretch, but he'd do it - without questions this time. Including whether or not to use a condom. They didn't use them, so he wouldn't either. He took off his shorts.


"Sure. Looks like fun."


"Just lube yourself. Devin's already prepped."


Randy moved to his own towel and Brian took his place, awkwardly trying to insert his boner. Devin put his legs over Brian's and pulled himself closer.


"Put your hands on my thighs... Yeah, like that."


He reached down and guided the older boy's pole into position.


"Brace your knees and thrust your hips forward... Good, you're in... Now move your hips forward and back. Use your leg muscles as much as you need to. You'll figure it out fast enough."


Brian had already figured it out, and as he rocked his hips and closed his eyes in ecstasy, his inhibitions faded away.


"Oh, fuck, this feels good. It's so much better than jacking off."


Devin smiled. "You can cum if you want to."


Brian looked down at Devin, finding it hard to believe he was actually joined to this hot, fifteen-year-old hunk. Then he remembered how exposed they were.


"Does anybody ever watch you guys when you do this?"


Randy spoke up. "All the time. Some of them join in. As a matter of fact, you're being watched right now."


Brian's head jerked up. Near the woods stood a boy about Devin's age. As his hand stroked his hard cock, his eyes eagerly followed the action.


"Do you know the boy?"


"No. I saw him at the east end of the park playing with some younger kids. I caught him checking me out." He smiled smugly. "I think he liked what he saw. Do you know him, Devin?"


Devin turned his head to look.


"His name is Buster. He's my age, but he repeated a grade so he's still in junior high." He grinned. "Maybe he's ready to run with the big dogs."


"Wanna find out?"




"How about you, Fuzz?"


Brian wasn't completely following the conversation, but he went with the flow.




Buster had moved closer, carrying his cutoffs in one hand and stroking his boner with the other. He stopped a short distance away, not completely sure of his welcome. Randy moved his towel a few feet away from the action.


"Come sit with me, Buster."


The boy quickly followed Randy's suggestion. Randy put a hand on his shoulder, and the kid's face lit up with a smile as if he'd been touched by God himself.


"Pretty hot, isn't it?"


Buster nodded his head


"Have you ever done anything like that?"


The boy's head moved left and right.


"Are we close enough for you to watch?"


Buster nodded happily.


Brian had been screwing on autopilot during the conversation. Now he returned his attention to what he was doing. His arousal was increasing, but he was still a long way from a climax. Devin was stroking his pole again. Brian looked down at him.


"Are you going to cum again?"


"It depends on how soon you cum."


Five minutes later, Brian was still thrusting at a steady pace. He couldn't believe how long he'd lasted, but now he was moving closer to the edge. He looked down at the tension in Devin's face and knew the boy was going to blow his load.


Devin came, and his muscles tightened around Brian's pole. With a cry of surprise and excitement, Brian came hard.


Coming off his orgasm high, Brian grinned at Devin.


"That was hot!"


Devin smiled.


"It works that way sometimes."


Brian pulled out and dropped onto his back next to Devin. This was his first time on top, and it had all been so casual he hadn't really thought about what he was doing. But now he was acutely aware that he'd openly screwed a minor on a public beach with an unfamiliar kid watching. His anxiety and paranoia returned. He looked around to see if anyone else was watching. What he found made him forget about watchers. He nudged Devin.


"Check this out."


Buster lay on his back on Randy's towel, moaning softly as the older boy slowly and steadily screwed him. His smooth, adolescent hands gently stroked Randy's back and shoulders, and his eyes looked up with adoration into the blond hunk's face.


Brian sat up and watched the tableau of sensual pleasure - the slow, steady rhythm of the experienced, seventeen-year-old's thrusts, the excitement in Buster's eyes, the friendly grins the two boys shared. Watching it seemed to be as much fun as doing it, and when Randy came, Buster's wide-eyed look of surprise made Brian smile.


Randy pulled out and sat back on his heels with one hand on Buster's abs, gently holding him in place.


"Your turn, Fuzz."


What was it his dad used to say? In for a penny, in for a pound. Brian looked at Buster's eager eyes and sensual, adolescent body - his to know intimately if he chose to. Was his experience with Devin only a dress rehearsal? Devin put a hand on his back and pushed gently.


"Fuck him, Fuzz. He wants you to."


Getting to his feet, Brian moved to Randy's towel and knelt between Buster's legs. The boy grinned and spread them further apart. As Brian leaned forward, protection briefly crossed his mind. Randy hadn't used any. He wouldn't either, and as he sank his bare shaft into the boy's tight hole, he knew he never would.


Brian began to move inside the boy. Now it was his back Buster stroked and his eyes the boy looked into with admiration, and his teasing, unpredictable thrusts that produced the mischievous grins between them.


Brian slowed his pace and altered his rhythm, trying to make the experience last longer, but it was too late. His quick glance into Buster's eyes provided the only warning. The boy gripped Brian's sides and shivered with anticipation as Brian pushed in to his full seven-inch depth - and passed the point of no return.


The adrenaline rush caught Brian by surprise, intensifying his orgasm to levels his hand had never achieved. As he howled with excitement, his body took over and flooded the younger boy with his sperm.


As his brain returned to its normal state, Brian looked down at the grinning teenager who had provided him with the experience, and knew he'd never again pass up a chance to have sex with another boy. Either top or bottom - he didn't care - but he'd gone too far now to ever turn back.




At noon, Brian went to a nearby convenience store and returned with drinks and sandwiches. As they sat on their towels and ate, he thought about the morning. It had been very different and quite exciting. He smiled to himself. Right now, everything was different and exciting. He looked at Randy.


"You sure got inside Buster fast."


Randy smiled. "Hero worship makes it easy."


"Thanks for sharing him with me."


"That's what friends are for. It was fun watching you fuck him."


Devin nodded in agreement.


"Make that two of us. We're having fun breaking you in, Fuzz." He finished the last bite of his sandwich. "Randy nails one or two cherry-boys each month. It's one reason he's always naked. It attracts them. I'm not so lucky. You were my first for the summer." He smiled. "I deserved you. It was my turn."


Brian had a question. "I haven't seen Cody, your blowjob-buddy recently. For some reason, I thought he'd be here more often."


Randy answered. "He lives a long way from here so he doesn't come often. I think he'll be here this weekend though." He stood up. "I gotta go, but I'll be back late this evening. Will you still be here?"


"Sure. I'll wait for you."


Devin stood up too.


"I'm gonna help Cato with a school fundraiser this afternoon. Wanna come help too?"


Brian smiled happily. It had been fun helping Devin with his tire-changing task, and he hoped to get more involved in the lives of his new friends. This would be a good opportunity.




The fundraiser, for the high-school swim team, was a car wash being held at the service station near Devin's home. Brian and Devin arrived shortly after the one o'clock start time to find a group of seven boys hard at work, with a steady flow of customers.


Using an assembly-line approach, the boys were washing, rinsing, and towel-drying the cars. One of the boys stood at the entrance holding a sign. Devin hopped out to help while Brian got in line to get his 1967 VW Beetle cleaned.


Brian recognized three of the boys - Cato, wearing his white cutoffs, as always; Tyler, the boy from McDonald's, wearing his official team swimwear; and Jalen who, to Brian's delight, wore the USAF shorts he'd discarded. The other four boys also wore their official team swimwear - Speedos, which left little to the imagination.


Jalen was supervising the event, and the Speedos were a deliberate marketing ploy. Brian particularly enjoyed it when Tyler, with his boner partly exposed, stood close to the side window while washing the roof of the car. When Tyler moved back, Brian gave him a thumbs up and the two boys shared a grin.


Once his car was washed and parked, Brian joined the assembly line. After a few minutes, Jalen quite deliberately hosed him down and asked him to hold the sign. Wet, his shorts revealed even more than the skimpiest Speedo. The number of waiting cars increased, and drivers who didn't stop honked and waved.


Eventually, Brian was replaced by one of the Speedo-clad boys and returned to the washing station. It had been a long time since he'd been surrounded by so much adolescent testosterone, and he was enjoying the boys and their social interactions. He was also watching Cato, and remembering the week before. Cato was watching him too - with animal lust in his eyes.


Brian took a restroom break. As he stood at the urinal reflecting on the day, the door opened and closed. He glanced around to see Cato, his stiffening cock hanging out of his cutoffs, lock the security deadbolt with his brother's key. With Brian occupied taking a leak and the side-zippers halfway down, Cato quickly removed his shorts and hung them from the toilet enclosure.


Instinctively, Brian knew what was expected of him. He braced himself against the sink and watched in the mirror as Cato, now hard as a rock, moved behind, lubed them both, and quickly penetrated him. As the younger boy pushed all the way in, the reflection of their sex-hungry eyes met and locked together. Neither looked away from the study in black and white as Cato aggressively brought himself to a climax and blew his load.


Again, Brian experienced that transient unity, and gasped with surprise at the intensity of the bond. His eyes were still locked on Cato's fading reflection when the boy unbolted the door and let himself out.


Brian cleaned himself up and put on his shorts. He looked in the mirror again, this time at his own reflection, as he recalled a playful exchange from the week before:


"You like getting fucked by a black boy, don't you?"


"Just as much as you like fucking a white boy."


"Then we're both getting what we came for."


Brian thought about his senior English class. What was that quote from King Lear? Many a true word hath been spoken in jest. Shakespeare's aphorism had again been validated.


Stepping outside, Brian found Cato drying cars and chatting with his buddies as though nothing had happened. Brian returned to the washing station. No one was aware of what had transpired - except Jalen. He wandered over to Brian.


"Did he just do what I think he did?"


Brian grinned. "Uh-huh."


Jalen chuckled. "You gotta watch that boy all the time."


The fund raiser had been a success. Jalen congratulated the boys, and then turned to Brian and put a hand on his shoulder.


"Thanks for your help. And thanks for the shorts. I hope to join the Air Force after college. Maybe you could stop by for a while and we could talk about that."


Brian gave him a friendly smile. "I'd be happy to do that."


"Cool! We live two houses down behind the service station. You can leave your car here and walk with me if you want to."


To be continued...



Posted: 12/09/2022