The Awakening

By: Backwoods Boy
(© 2022 by the author)

Edited by:

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Chapter 3


Saturday, August 10, 1968


Brian spent the week in emotional turmoil. He knew what would happen if he were to be caught having gay sex, especially with minors. He resolved each day to find another place to hang out, but by the end of the week he knew he couldn't do it. He liked what he'd seen and done, and he wanted to experience more of it.


He developed a plan. First, he'd become more adventurous and take advantage of the opportunities that came his way. Second, he'd buy his own lube so he'd be prepared for those opportunities. Third, he would alter his off-duty image. He needed to be anonymous and approachable. His USAF shorts would have to go.


A few months earlier, he'd mail-ordered a provocative pair of white shorts which he wore only in the privacy of his home. Form-fitting without being snug, the low-riding, nylon-tricot chop-top trunks clung to him like a loose layer of skin. With no visible means of support, and side zippers for removal, they seemed to be an integral part of his body.


He put them on and checked himself out in the mirror. Like the model in the Esquire ad that inspired the purchase, he was ten percent soft seductive swimwear and ninety percent hard-bodied hunk. He smiled at his reflection. These would serve his purpose well.


Saturday morning found Brian headed back to the quiet beach by the lake. Near the park, he pulled into a drugstore parking lot. Ignoring the no shirt, no shoes, no service sign, he went inside. He was relieved to find the K-Y Jelly available on a shelf, unlike condoms which you had to ask the pharmacist for.


At the checkout counter, the young male clerk took note of Brian's swimwear.


"Nice shorts. Headed for the park?"




He looked at Brian's purchase. With a knowing smile, he reached under the counter and pulled out a box of condoms.


"Want a couple? For you, they're free."


Based on Brian's experience, neither Cato nor Devin used them, and he doubted that Randy did either. But it wouldn't hurt to be prepared.


"Sure. Thanks."


The clerk put the items in a small cloth sack with a drawstring instead of the usual paper bag.


"Easier to pack around this way. By the way, where did you get the shorts?"


"Mail order. Look for the Parr of Arizona ad in Esquire."


"Cool! I'll do that."




Turning down the primitive dirt road into the park, Brian stopped near the central, more-populated section of the beach. He had wanted to check out a diving platform anchored a short distance from the shore, and doing it now would give him an opportunity to test the effectiveness of his new image.


On his way to the water, Brian took note of the attention he was getting and the occasional friendly greeting. What had formerly taken two weeks was happening in minutes.


Once in the water, he swam to the platform. Climbing out, he checked out his shorts and smiled. Wet, they were nearly transparent, and his semi-hard cock stood out like the focal point of a bas-relief sculpture.


It also became the focal point for the other guys on the platform. It was easy to determine their sexual orientation - the straight boys looked envious, the gay guys adjusted their hard cocks. But in both cases, they were friendly. The approachable part of his plan was working well.


After spending some time socializing, Brian headed for the west end of the park. He found Randy's towel, but the only thing on it was a pair of junior-high gym shorts. Looking around, he saw Randy headed towards the woods followed by a younger boy, equally naked but several inches shorter, carrying a towel over his shoulder. Brian called out.


"Hey, Randy!"


Randy turned around and waved a greeting.


"Hang out next to my towel. We'll be back in a few minutes. Put the cap on the lube, if you would, please."


Brian looked at the towel again. In addition to the boy's shorts, he now noted Randy's tube of K-Y Jelly with the cap removed. He put the cap on and, spreading out his towel, lay down to wait.


It took a couple of minutes for things to sink in. Brian sat up suddenly with a smile on his face. There weren't too many reasons for a tube of K-Y to have its cap off. He knew what went on in the woods, and he had a good idea that Randy and his little buddy weren't gathering chestnuts.


Taking the familiar path to the left, he approached the clearing. The boy now lay on his back on the towel he'd been carrying. Randy lay on top, his abs grinding against the boy's. He raised himself up slightly and reached between his legs. Inching forward, he slowly buried his boner in the boy. The boy was silent, but the way he gripped the towel tightly told a tale of anxiety. Randy spoke softly.


"Relax, Billy."


"It hurts."


"Relax, and it won't."


Brian's cock was emerging from the top of his chop-top trunks. He rubbed it gently. Unzipping the sides of his shorts, he let them fall to the ground. Spitting on his hand, he slowly stroked his growing boner.


Randy braced himself before sliding part way out and then pushing back in. He looked down at Billy with a proprietary smile.




Satisfied with his position, he began to move his hips forward and back.


Picking up his shorts, Brian moved to one side of the path and stepped back into the darkness of the trees to watch. He knew how the boy felt - his own first time had been only a week earlier. In a way, he was glad he'd waited until he was older. Younger than twenty would have been okay, but at thirteen, he would have been far more traumatized than Billy seemed to be.


As the thrusts continued, Billy moved his hands to Randy's shoulders, grasping them tightly. Randy paused briefly.


"Do you like it?"


"It's okay."


"Not what you expected?"


"No. Can we stop?"


Randy resumed his thrusts and spoke in a firm but friendly manner.


"Like we agreed, we'll stop after I cum."


As Randy continued, the boy began to relax. His hands stroked the older boy's back and shoulders, and then explored as far down as he could reach. Randy grinned at him.


"Better now?"


The kid grinned back.




As Randy approached the end, it was clear the boy hadn't thought this all the way through. His eyes grew wide.


"You're gonna cum inside me!"


"What did you expect?"


"I don't know."


Randy didn't respond. Instead, he thrust in deep and, with a grunt of animal pleasure, dropped his load. Simultaneously, Brian shot sperm onto the leaves at his feet.


Stunned, the boy lay immobile as Randy pulled out and stood up.


"You okay, Billy?"


The response was muted.


"Yeah, I guess so."


As Randy watched silently, the kid jumped up, grabbed his towel, and quickly departed. Brian put on his shorts and stepped out of the woods. Randy grinned.


"I guess you got my message. You look more shocked than Billy did."


"I guess I am."


"Don't worry. Kids take their first times in different ways. He'll get over it. Let's go back to the beach."


When they got back to their towels, Brian noted that the gym shorts were gone. In the distance, Billy was returning to the central part of the beach, talking with a friend. Randy watched with a smile.


"Tommy will be next. He's ready too. Billy's probably pushing him to do it. Peer pressure keeps me supplied with fresh meat." He paused briefly. "Devin's over at the dam skinny-dipping with some of our friends. Wanna go join them?"




"You can leave your shorts here. Nice shorts, by the way."


Brian picked up his towel. "Thanks. I'll stash my towel and shorts in my car."




At the dam, a dozen or more sun-bronzed, teenage boys were diving from one of the support column foundations. They greeted Randy as he and Brian approached the huge cement block. Randy shouted to them.


"I brought my friend, Fuzz."


One of the boys replied.


"Devin said you might do that. Glad you could join us, Fuzz."


Brian waved an acknowledgement as he and Randy climbed the rungs to the top, where Devin waited to greet them. Randy gave him a fist bump.


"Have you taken a turn yet?"


"No. I'm up next."


That was when Brian noticed the air mattress - or more correctly, the two boys on the air mattress and the three or four standing around watching. Randy put a hand on his shoulder.


"As you can see, there's more than skinny-dipping going on. You can do it with whoever you want to. It's just another form of outdoor recreation. There's no pressure. Some of these guys are straight, so they just ignore the rest of us."


The two boys were finished. To the cheers of the spectators, they stood up and casually went back to swimming. Devin lay down on the mattress. A brawny older boy stepped out of the ranks of the spectators, dropped to his knees, and leaned over Devin.






To the cheers of the onlookers, the boy slid his pole inside and applied himself to the task.


Randy removed his hand from Brian's shoulder.


"Let's swim for a while."


Randy and Brian dove in. One of the boys observed Randy doing the more complicated dive Brian had taught him.


"Where did you learn that, Randy?"


"Fuzz taught me. He's a good instructor."


Brian found himself giving instructions again, this time to a group of four boys. Standing on the foundation block, he gave advice, and then provided feedback when the boys climbed back to the top. He discovered that there's nothing like a skill to share to help with bonding. With his hand on their shoulders giving advice, he quickly had four new buddies who were calling him Coach Fuzz.


From his conversations with them, Brian learned that all of them had summer jobs, most in agriculture or construction. Their Saturday in the sun was something they looked forward to all week - and they made the most of it.


The air mattress got occasional use. Several times, Brian observed a couple of boys on it, and perhaps one or two watching. At one point it blew into the water and had to be retrieved.


Two hours went by quickly. The diving had run its course. Brian dove in to cool off. When he climbed out, he got a drink of water from the communal plastic jug. Setting it down, he stretched. The inactivity had taken its toll. Returning to his new circle of friends, he found them conversing quietly, a conversation that stopped when he joined them.


One of Randy's friends, a seventeen-year-old they called Python, moved behind Brian and massaged his shoulders. Brian nearly had a spontaneous orgasm.


"Fuck, that feels good."


Python laughed softly.


"I'm training to be a massage therapist. You're very tense. Why don't you lie down on the mattress and I'll give you a back massage."


He didn't have to offer twice. Brian was face down on the mattress within seconds. Python straddled his upper legs and began to work down from his shoulders a few inches at a time, massaging deeply. Brian had never experienced anything like it. Completely relaxed, he rested his head on his crossed arms and closed his eyes as the massage continued its downward travel.


Now Python was massaging his ass cheeks. A lubricated finger slipped between them and teased his pucker. Brian stirred slightly. Python spoke softly.


"Let me give you an internal massage."


Brian's grunt was taken as approval, and it was. It didn't take a rocket scientist to know what an internal massage was. Sooner or later, Python was going to screw him. He'd known that from the start.


The finger slipped inside and twisted around, looking for Brian's joy button. Brian groaned softly as the younger boy massaged it with one, then two fingers. Then he added a third, twisting them as he pushed them in as far as possible. Brian pushed back against his hand, and the younger boy smiled with satisfaction. Coach Fuzz was ready.


Python slid his hard cock along Brian's ass crack several times, pressing down on it with one hand. Brian pushed back against it each time it reached his pucker, wanting it inside. Python teased him for a couple of minutes before pressing down on the tip and guiding it into the older boy. Leaning forward on his forearms, he gently pushed forward with his hips, and his shaft slowly slid all the way in.


Brian's head came up and he gasped with surprise, not at what Python had done - he'd expected that - but because he suddenly understood the boy's nickname. The snake that had crawled inside was a good eight inches long. As it began to probe within him, Brian dropped his head back down on his arms and moaned with excitement. He also heard murmurs of approval, and realized they were being watched - and realized being watched turned him on.


For many long minutes, the snake slid in and out at a steady pace as it continued its explorations. Aroused, Brian pushed back, trying to force it in further. That drew more murmurs and soft laughter from the spectators.


The snake slowed to a crawl, and then stopped moving. Brian felt the rhythmic throb as it expanded and contracted, ejecting sperm into his body. Then, slowly, it withdrew.


The applause, more than anything else, told him it was over. Rolling onto his back he looked up into six grinning faces - his diving class, Randy, and Devin. He grinned back.


"We'll need to wash the mattress. I sort of made a mess on it."


Laughing, Devin helped him up. "Having fun?"


"You know it!"


Devin put a hand on his shoulder.


"When you're ready, a couple of my buddies wanna fuck you."




It was mid-afternoon, and Brian sat on the edge of the foundation looking out at the lake. He'd enjoyed getting acquainted with Randy's and Devin's friends, giving diving instructions, swimming, and having a good time - the kind of good time he should have been having in high school.


Brian had taken it from Devin's two buddies, each of whom had his own style and preferred position. Brian liked doing it with the younger boys. Innocent wasn't the right word - they were far from innocent - but they were spontaneous and creative.


Many of the boys, including Randy, had now left. Devin sat down next to Brian.


"Having a good time?"


"The best!"




Devin looked out at the water for a few moments.


"I want you to come home and spend the night with me."


Brian hesitated. Several problems came to mind. He went for the simplest.


"I don't have anything to wear except my shorts."


Devin grinned at him. "No problem. You won't be in them very long anyway."


Brian went directly to the heart of the matter.


"What will your parents think when you bring home a boy you barely know, to fuck?"


"I live with my mom, and she does that all the time. Besides, you're my friend."


Brian was still struggling with the idea. Devin dangled a carrot.


"Cato's staying overnight too."


Cato. The black hunk. Brian had resolved to take advantage of opportunities. Where was his sense of adventure? He shouldn't worry about minor details.


"Cool! I'll have to find something to eat, though. Is there a McDonald's around?"


"Sure. There's one a few blocks away, close to my home. But you gotta have a shirt and shoes to be served."


Having already jumped that hurdle once, Brian was willing to try again.


To be continued...



Posted: 11/25/2022