The Awakening

By: Backwoods Boy
(© 2022 by the author)

Edited by:

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Chapter 2


Sunday, August 4, 1968


The note scrawled on the wall over the urinal said, "Rub your cock when you leave if you want a blowjob." Brian smiled to himself. It was probably a joke. Like leaving a message that says, "For a good time call..." and then adding your best friend's phone number.


When he left the park restroom, Brian casually looked around. Near the woods, a guy his age loitered in the shade smoking a cigarette. Wearing camouflage cargo shorts, he was looking toward the restroom. It was probably a coincidence. Surely no one would openly solicit sexual experiences at a public park.


Walking back to his car, Brian grabbed his towel and headed for the beach feeling the heat of the mid-day sun on his back. To his surprise, Randy was there, naked, as before. Randy gave him a fist bump.


"Hey, Fuzz. Nice to see you again."


Brian spread his towel and dropped down beside him.


"I'm glad to see you too, Randy. I had a blast yesterday."


Randy smiled. "So did we. For an officer, you're a lot of fun. Most of them are sort of stuck up." He grinned. "Like the one we named you after."


Brian laughed. "I read an article about that comic strip. Mort Walker modeled Lieutenant Fuzz after himself because he took himself too seriously as a new officer. I may look like Fuzz, but I try not to be like him." He looked around. "Not very many guys here today."


Randy replied. "It's usually like this, especially at this end of the park. It's a small park, and hard to find unless you live in the neighborhood like we do, or someone tells you about it. I'm surprised you found it."


Brian leaned back on his elbows and looked around.


"I accidentally stumbled onto it. It's just what I was looking for. A piece of the backwoods close to the city."


Randy was quiet for a moment.


"Yeah, that's why we like it too."


There was something about the way he said it that got Brian's attention. As friendly as the boys were, there must be some local knowledge Randy wasn't sharing.


Devin's towel was spread out beside them. His cutoffs were there, but the redhead himself was absent. Brian changed the subject.


"Where's Devin?"


Randy pointed. "He's over there by the woods negotiating with Cody for a blowjob."


Brian looked where Randy was pointing. Devin was talking with the guy Brian had seen earlier. It seemed that the boys were on a first-name basis with him.


"What is there to negotiate?"


"Location and details. And Cody usually wants something in return."


Brian looked back toward the ongoing conversation near the woods. Cody gestured toward the restroom. Devin shook his head and pointed toward the trees.


Suddenly, everything lined up. This was a gay hangout. Brian watched as Devin followed Cody into the woods. When he turned back with a bemused look on his face, Randy grinned at him.


"I think you just put it all together. Give them a couple of minutes and then go take a look. Devin won't mind."


Brian hesitated. To his way of thinking, a sexual experience was a private thing. He was sure that if he were getting a blowjob, he'd be nervous about someone watching. Randy gave him a friendly shove.


"Go watch. I know Devin would want you to. Follow the trail to your left. They won't be hard to find." He stood up. "I gotta leave now. Go check it out."


Hesitantly, Brian headed for the woods. Walking into the shade of the trees, he paused to let his eyes adjust. Turning to the left, he followed the trail through the brush for a hundred feet until it ended at the edge of a small clearing.


In the clearing, Devin stood facing away from him, his sun-bronzed body glowing in the early-afternoon sun. Cody knelt in front of him, his hands on Devin's hips and his face level with the younger boy's crotch. Devin's hands rested on the older boy's head, and the way his hips moved slowly forward and back left no doubt as to what was happening.


Cody moved one hand to caress Devin's balls and then slipped it between the boy's legs. He slid his middle finger along Devin's ass crack until he found the boy's pucker. Devin spread his feet further apart, and Cody's middle finger moved inside. Devin gasped loudly.


"Oh fuck!"


Cody pushed his finger further in and worked it in and out. Devin moaned with excitement.


"Yeah, Cody. That's what I want."


It ended suddenly. Devin let out a cry of excitement as he thrust forward one last time. His ass muscles squeezed tight several times as he blew his load, and then his jizz began to drip off his balls as it escaped from the older boy's mouth.


Finished with his task, Cody pulled off and stood up. After a short conversation with Devin, he quickly moved past Brian and out toward the beach. Devin turned and found the older boy watching. Brian looked down, embarrassed.


"Randy told me I should come watch."


"No problem, Fuzz. What do you think about what Cody did to me?"


"It was hot, but what Cato did to you yesterday was even hotter."


The two boys returned to the beach together. Devin paused by his towel as if making a decision.


"Wanna swim over to the dam again? Just you and me?"


"Yeah, that sounds great."


Devin leaned over, picked up a tube of K-Y Jelly and handed it to Brian.


"Put this in your pocket. We're gonna need it."


Brian felt his pucker spontaneously tighten. He put the lube in his pocket and followed Devin to the water.




As they approached the dam, Devin swam to the far support foundation where the action had taken place the day before. He climbed the ladder with Brian close behind. At the top, he turned to Brian.


"Teach me that dive you taught Randy yesterday."


Brian tried to concentrate on the diving instructions, but the tube in his pocket was a continuous reminder of their real reason for being there. When Devin had mastered the dive and climbed the ladder for the last time, he stretched sensuously and grinned at Brian.


"Thanks for the lessons, Fuzz. Are you ready for your reward now?"


Instead of answering, Brian handed the lube to Devin and took off his shorts. Devin removed the cap and spread lube on his fingers.


"Lean against the support column like I did last week."


Brian braced himself. Devin spread lube around the older boy's pucker and worked it inside. He slid his finger further in and twisted it around. Brian moaned softly. Devin chuckled.


"I think you like that."


"Oh, yeah!"


"I like it too. That's why I asked Cody to do it when he gave me the blowjob. But you're gonna like my cock in there even better."


Devin greased his pole and moved in behind Brian, sliding the tip along Brian's ass-crack. He paused at the opening and put his other hand on Brian's shoulder.




Devin pressed forward gently and the tip of his pole slipped inside. Brian arched his back and moaned with excitement as the fifteen-year-old slowly slid his pole all the way in and began to move inside him.


"Oh, shit, Devin! What are you doing to me?"


Devin laughed softly.


"Giving you your first lesson in getting fucked."


It felt far different than Brian had anticipated - more pleasure than pain. He was perspiring profusely from both the heat of the afternoon sun and the effort of remaining stationary, but what was going on inside turned him on like nothing else ever had. He wondered how long the boy would keep going.


Devin could have lasted longer, but for Brian's first time, the few minutes he spent pleasuring himself was long enough. Tightly gripping Brian's hips, he thrust in hard and deep.


For one long, intense moment, Brian was one with the boy - with the strong, adolescent hands that held him in place; the sensual, young body pressed tightly against his own; the steel-hard shaft shooting sperm deep inside him. Never before had he felt so alive.


And just as intense was the letdown when it was over.


Putting both hands on Brian's shoulders, Devin squeezed gently.


"Good job, Fuzz."


Brian looked down between his feet. Spunk dripped out of him onto the cement surface of the foundation. There was no doubt about what Devin had done. A hot flash of anxiety coursed through his body and then was gone. He'd willingly let Devin fuck him, and he was good with it.


And he wanted to do it again.


To be continued...



Posted: 11/18/2022