by: Tyler Peel

© 2007 by the author


The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent.

Chapter 34
Christmas Eve


"Tyler?" Luke whispered in his ear.

"Wot...?" moaned a sleeping Tyler.

"Is it time yet?" Luke asked. Tyler opened his eyes and blinked at Luke.

"Luke! Christmas day is tomorrow!" Tyler said sleepily.

"No dumbass! Is it time to leave for the Food Bank?" Luke asked.

"What time is it?" Tyler asked with his eyes closed.

"4:24 a.m.," Luke said jumping up and down.

"What?" Tyler asked opening his eyes again.

"It's 4:24 a.m. No, now it's 4:25 a.m.," Luke said.

"Lucas... we've got five and half hours before we need to be there." Tyler said opening up the covers. "Get in here," he said to Luke.

Luke crawled in landing on Tyler's erection. "Oww!" Tyler yelped.

"Sorry, I didn't see it, but you've got a big one there. It takes up most of the bed," Luke said, adjusting Tyler's cock up against his back.

Derek snickered. Tyler reached over Jeff and hit Derek in the back.

"Go back to sleep Luke and if you feel like you're going to be sick then tell me so I can hold you over Derek." Tyler said. "Oww! That hurt, Derek," Tyler said.

Derek snickered.

<5:01 a.m.>

<tap, tap, tap> on Luke's shoulder and Luke opened his eyes.

"What are you doing in here?" Casey asked.

"I came in to see if it was time to leave for the food bank but Tyler said...," Luke began.

"Will the two of you shut up and go back to your room?" Derek yelled from the other side of the bed.

"Tyler said I could stay," Luke said, defending himself.

"Tyler lied!" Derek said into his pillow.

"Tyler doesn't lie to me!" Luke responded.

"He lied about lying to you as well!" Derek said.

Jeff sat up and crawled over Derek and walked through the bathroom into Kyle's room without saying a word.

"Oww! That hurt, Ty!" Derek moaned.

"That's what you get for lying, Babe!" Tyler said as he lifted Luke over him and put him in where Jeff had been sleeping. Then he pulled Casey in and gave him a kiss.

"I love you, Casey, now shut up and go to sleep or Derek will kill the both of you." Tyler said, lifting him over and putting him in the middle of the bed beside Luke. "Unlike me... Derek never lies!" Tyler mumbled and Derek snorted.

Tyler rolled back over facing the outside of the bed. He had an uneasy feeling that he was being watched. Opening one eye he saw a naked 14-year old in front of him.

"Dear God... what could you possibly want at this time of the morning?" Tyler asked with one eye open.

"Jeff crawled into bed saying there was no room left in here and I got squeezed out of bed so I went to take a leak and heard noises in here. No one told me you guys were all having a sleepover in your room?" Kyle asked.

"Try going to the garden in six weeks," Luke mumbled.

It took Tyler about three seconds to burst in to laughter. "Good one Luke!" Tyler said.

"I don't get it?" Kyle asked.

"Think groundhog day..." Tyler mumbled.

"THAT'S IT! I've had enough! I'm going to go sleep in Luke's room!" Derek said getting out of bed.

"Shush Derek! I'm trying to sleep," Luke said.

"Grrrrrrrrrrrr" Derek moaned as he left the room.

Tyler opened his eyes to see Kyle still standing over him. Tyler pulled open the covers and Kyle climbed in and on top of Tyler.

"Move, Kyle!" Tyler said.

"Awwwwww." Kyle moaned as crawled over Luke and Casey and settled into Derek's spot.

<10 minutes later>

Tyler crawled over Casey and got out of bed.

"Where are you going?" Kyle asked.

"I can't sleep anymore...," Tyler said as he leaned over Casey and Luke and gave Kyle a kiss.

Tyler went down into the kitchen and started the coffee. Abbey popped her head up on the back of the sofa and moaned.

"Morning, Abigail!" Tyler said and her tail began thumping. "Are you ready for breakfast?" he asked her. Tyler fed Abbey and then got the back bacon, sausages, and home fries going for breakfast. He dug up the two packages of instant Hollandaise sauce mix and made them. When breakfast was ready he began work on making his broccoli quiche for Christmas morning breakfast. When 6:30 a.m. came around he started peeling apples and chopping onions up to make the stuffing for the Christmas turkey dinner tomorrow night.

"Okay... what else needs to be done?" Tyler asked out loud and Abbey appeared at his feet thumping her tail. "Right! You didn't get your sausages, did you?" Tyler took two breakfast sausages and cut them up into little pieces and gave them to her. He then opened Luke's peanut butter jar from the Ciccone's and took a knife full of peanut butter and put it on his finger for Abbey to lick off.

"More coffee," Tyler said, and he made another pot.

"Whatcha doing?" Derek asked as he walked into the kitchen.

"I'm setting up the wine glasses for the bar," Tyler said.

"Pretty fancy, Mr. Peel!" Derek said as kissed Tyler from behind. "What are these pieces of bread for cut into Christmas tree and bell shapes for?" Derek asked.

"French Toast for Casey and Luke. I want Luke to be on a full stomach at the food bank today. Can't have Luke eating everyone's Christmas dinner!" Tyler said laughing.

"Full stomach?" Derek teased.

"Fine... almost full stomach," Tyler said, as he refilled his mug and poured a fresh mug for Derek.

"Are you having fun, Ty?" Derek asked.

"I'm having the time of my life and I owe it all to you," Tyler said kissing Derek on the lips. "If something ever happened to us that we decided not to be lovers I hope we would still be friends so I could visit here?" Tyler asked.

"That won't be a problem Ty. If something happened to us it would be a question of whether I could still come home," Derek said grinning. "But Ty, I really want you to start allowing yourself to become a part of the family."

"I am doing that, I thought?" Tyler asked seriously.

"Let me put it this way. Mom and Dad would really like you to call them Mom and Dad if you feel that way? I would like you to call them Mom and Dad too. Now if you have a problem with calling them Mom and Dad because it reminds you of the loss of your parents then I am totally cool with that. If you don't let them into your heart then you will never really get the full benefit of your family," Derek said sipping on his coffee.

"Mmmmm... and what kind of benefits are we talking about Mr. Anderson?" Tyler asked, as he hugged Derek.

"Benefits like this...," Derek said kissing Tyler and sliding his right hand in Tyler's shorts through the fly hole.

Kathy walked into the kitchen wearing her robe and yawning. "Oh! I'm sorry!" she apologized. Derek and Tyler parted.

"No need to apologize, Mom... it seems to happen every morning." Tyler said, and poured her some coffee.

"We were taking advantage of 12 seconds without some teenagers interrupting," Derek smirked.

Kathy laughed. "So you boys had a sleepover last night?" she asked.

Tyler brought a mug of coffee for her around the other side of the island and gave her a hug.

"It started with Luke at 4:24 a.m., no, I mean 4:25 a.m.," Derek said and Tyler laughed.

"Are you already for Christmas?" Tyler asked.

"I'm ready for everything except dealing with the family at Christmas dinner!" Kathy laughed.

"Why is that?" Tyler asked.

"I will have to hear about Paul and all of the 'I told you so' by most of the family," Kathy groaned.

"Why don't you just stay here? You're part of this family too!" Derek said.

"If Mom didn't have her Casey on Christmas day there would be hell to pay," Kathy laughed. "I was actually thinking of taking you and your baseball bat along and telling everyone that if they wanted to talk about Paul they could see you," she grinned.

Tyler and Derek burst into laughter.

"That sounds like fun!" Derek mused. "I could just stand behind you at the dinner table tapping my bat in my hand and when you asked for the rolls to be passed I could just give a mean look at whoever was asking," Derek said, laughing.

"Sounds like a very quiet meal!" Tyler joked.

"Sounds good to me!" Kathy said smiling and sipping on her coffee.

"Would you taste my stuffing and tell me what you think?" Tyler asked Kathy.

"I thought that was exclusively saved for me?" Derek joked. Kathy snorted her coffee.

"Oops, my bad!" Derek said, laughing.

"Morning, everyone." Linda said entering the kitchen.

"Morning, Mom!" Tyler said and giving Derek a quick glance.

"Yeah, morning, Mom," Derek said smiling. Tyler poured a mug of coffee for Linda.

"Everything smells so good! I could smell the onions up in the bedroom," Linda said.

"See!!!!!! I told you, Derek, that you need to brush your teeth in the morning," Tyler teased.

"Goodness Tyler! You've got the entire bar area set up and it looks great!" She said.

"I thought we might set a couple of coolers up on the counter over there, behind the bar, so that everyone can grab sodas or mix as they want?" Tyler said pointing.

"Hey, Derek, has your Dad noticed the tree yet?" Tyler asked.

"You mean OUR dad and no, he hasn't noticed it yet. I am going to plug it in just before the party starts," Derek said. Linda hugged and kissed Derek.

"You tell 'em how it is, Ttiger!" Linda teased.

"He does... believe me," Tyler joked. Derek smiled.

Luke and Casey arrived for breakfast. Luke was donning a suit and tie.

"Well, look at the Pookster?" Tyler said smiling. "Got a date?"

"With about 600 of my fans!" Luke announced pulling out his lime green sunglasses and putting them on. Everyone laughed.

"Luke, we're helping serve Christmas dinner, not attending a formal ball," Tyler joked.

"...Or a funeral," Derek added.

"You're not a very good publicist, Ty! Stay in the kitchen where you belong," Luke said, frowning. More laughter came from everyone.

"French Toast, then?" Tyler asked.

"That will suffice...," Luke said, pulling a carton of chocolate milk out of the fridge.

"Luke? Can you say, I'm ready for my close up Mr. De Mille?" Derek teased.

"Don't make me come over there, Derek!!" Luke said pointing a finger at him.

"Honey, you're not eating breakfast in that suit and I just got it cleaned for church on Sunday! Please go upstairs and change?" Linda asked.

"Speaking of..., I should shower and get ready to go," Tyler said. "Mom?" Tyler asked while grinning at Derek. "Could you stir the hollandaise sauce every so often?"

"Yes, Son." Linda teased, grinning at Derek. "Are you making Eggs Benedict, Tyler?"

"Sort of... I'm using Canadian bacon, English muffins, and American eggs. I got a pot of boiling water going to poach the eggs," Tyler said as he left the kitchen.

Kyle was still asleep in Derek's bed when Tyler returned. He stripped naked as quietly as possible and gently closed the bathroom door. He wasn't five minutes into his shower when the sliding glass shower door slid open and a sleepy Kyle got in.

"I'll be done shortly," Tyler smiled, and Kyle wrapped his tired arms around Tyler.

"You okay, not-so-little-dude?" Tyler asked, turning around to hug Kyle.

"I just miss you. We haven't had any time alone together," Kyle said.

"We're alone right now," Tyler said. "And it is Christmas time and you've been spending a lot of time with Chris and Jeff," he added.

Tyler switched positions with Kyle placing him in front of the shower spray. He took some liquid soap and wrapped his arms under and around Kyle so he could wash his body. Tyler massaged his neck and back with soap. Tyler then washed his hair and rinsed his body down. Kyle grabbed Tyler's hand and placed it on his rapidly growing member.

"No, Kyle! I've told you before, I love you with all my heart but we are not going into this area," Tyler said.

"I just missed you and wanted some quiet time with you," Kyle pleaded.

"I can make time to talk, hug, kiss, and love you but not in a sexual way. This is one of those few times you have to trust me that it isn't right. Not because the law says it is illegal but because you need to have and share those experiences with people around your age. You're definitely not a 14 year old mentally or physically but that still doesn't make it right and there's a bigger reason than that. Namely, I'm in love with your brother," Tyler said.

"Don't you love me too?" Kyle asked.

"Don't pull that crap on me." Tyler said laughing. "You know I love you and if you are as mature as you claim you are then you know the difference?" Kyle dropped his head down.

Tyler reached over behind Kyle and turned the water off. "All that I can ask of you is to have some trust in me. Hopefully someday you will see that I love you enough to turn you down?" Tyler said, stepping out of the shower.

Kyle wouldn't look Tyler in the face.

"I've always loved you, Kyle! I'm sorry we haven't had a lot of quiet time together but once Christmas Day is over I will try to make up for it," Tyler said.

"You already have...," Kyle said.

"I have?" Tyler asked.

"Just by being here and loving me, Tyler. Please don't ever go away and I will try to have more control in the future," Kyle said, hugging Tyler.

"Between you and me Kyle there is no greater compliment than a sexy guy like you wanting me," Tyler said bending down and giving him a kiss. "And as long as everyone in this family wants me I will always be nearby Kyle. I promise," Tyler said.

"Everyone?" Kyle asked.

"Everyone Kyle! This is your home as well as Luke's and Derek's! If Luke decided he didn't want me around here then I would leave. That is only fair! Let's not worry about tomorrow and just enjoy today? We don't know what the future holds so don't waste time worrying about the future when you should be concentrating on living today out to its fullest," Tyler said, stepping out of the shower and wrapping himself in a towel.

"K..." Kyle said, wiping the water away.

Tyler handed Kyle a towel and said, "In short, all that matters is that I love you today!"

"You mean you might not love me tomorrow?" Kyle asked.

"No Kyle, don't be pulling a Luke on me! Think about it from the perspective of my world! One minute I'm in a car driving to the airport! The next minute my family is gone! We don't know what tomorrow holds? You can't live in the past nor can you see the future. All that matters is making the most of the 24 hours you have today! Do you understand?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah, I do. It's not the quantity of time but the quality of time you always say," Kyle said. "Does this mean we don't have much time?"

"Only God knows, not-so-little-dude, but you reminded me to make sure that I make time with you everyday. If something were to happen to you tomorrow I want know in my heart that I made some quality time with you today, Kyle," Tyler said, smiling and kissed Kyle on the lips.

Kyle got sad. "Don't be sad Kyle! Life is about today! Are you coming with us to the food bank to help cook and serve Christmas dinner? Tyler asked.

"Nah... I think Chris and I are going to hang out for a bit," Kyle said.

"Okay," Tyler said as he began shaving.

"Are you mad?" Kyle asked.

"Nope," Tyler said.

"You seem like it," Kyle said.

"Not at all, now go have fun with Chris and Cody before Cody heads home and tell them that breakfast is ready," Tyler said, smiling.

"Wow Ty, you look hot!" Derek said when Tyler arrived back in the kitchen. Tyler was wearing beige cargo pants with a bright t-shirt half covered by a brown and navy plaid shirt that hung out. "Did you buy a new shirt? I don't think I've worn that one yet?" Derek asked.

"Exactly, it's my Christmas present from Danny," Tyler said doing a complete turn to model himself before everyone.

"I see... so it's going to be that way now? What's yours is yours?" Derek feigned disappointment and Linda and Kathy laughed. "By the way I like your hair spiked!" Derek added.

"Whatever!" Tyler said.

"Don't worry Tyler, if Derek dumps you I'm sure Kathy or I would happily have you!" Linda teased.

"Does that mean I get my Mazda RX-8 back?" Larry asked walking into the kitchen.

"Geez, Dad, look at the time. You slept late!" Derek said.

"Yeah, I was up all night," Larry said.

Tyler, Derek, and Linda burst into laughter.

"Are you going like that?" Tyler asked Derek.

"Wot? Boxers aren't allowed?" Derek asked.

"Maybe you should stay home?" Tyler said pouring himself some coffee.

"Forget that I can't wait to pitch in? This is already the best Christmas ever!" Derek said kissing Tyler's cheek.

Derek passed by Kyle, Cody, and Chris as he left the kitchen. "No boxers allowed today at the Food Bank!" Derek grinned.

"What?" Kyle asked.

"Never mind." Derek said running up the curved staircase.

"Good morning, boys. Are you having Eggs Benedict for breakfast?" Linda asked.

"No, I have to get on the road home, Mrs. Anderson." Cody said.

"What's that?" Kyle said.

"You'll hate it so don't have it which leaves more for me!" Tyler said with his mouth half full.

"Okay I will try it," Kyle grinned.

"Works every time!" Tyler said. "Anyone else want to join Luke, Derek, and me?" Tyler asked.

"I would love to go if you can handle what still needs to be done for the party tonight?" Larry asked Linda.

Tyler and Kyle walked Cody out to his Van after he said goodbye to everyone.

"Not much left because Tyler's done so much. Kathy and I are going to wash all the serving trays, move some furniture around to make it more accessible, finish some decorations, clean out the front closet for coats and boots to go into... things like that. If Kyle isn't going then we can use him," Linda said.

"Huh?" Kyle said. "I'm going to the food bank! Tyler already asked me to go."

Tyler looked over at Kyle for a moment and then asked, "Chris, do you want to come along?"

"Thanks, but I've got hockey practice at 11:00! I better go see if Jeff has finished his shower and get home." Chris said, slurping down the end of his orange juice.

"It's not a problem for me to stay?" Larry offered.

"No Larry, I'm sure there are going to be some people who have sick kids and you should probably be there!" Linda said.

"I better take my boxes of free samples from the pharmaceutical companies as well!" Larry added.

"We'll see you tonight with Ashlea?" Tyler asked, and winked at Jeff.

"You better believe it!" Jeff grinned. "C'mon little brother, let's get you home and make sure you have something clean to wear tonight."

Everyone piled into Larry's Van and headed over to the food bank. Today they couldn't park anywhere near the truck loading doors because of the crowd of volunteers.

"Did you remember my camera, Derek?" Tyler asked. Derek reached in his pocket and pulled it out. "Thanks, Babe."

When they walked in through the receiving door at 9:50 a.m. It wasn't the rows of tables all set with plates and accessories for the food bank's Christmas dinner that caught their attention but the 15-foot high picture of Luke from the Kraft calendar hanging on the wall with a sofa sitting in front of it that caught their attention.

"Holy Fuck!" Kyle said.

"Yeah...," Larry agreed.

"Mom's not gonna believe this," Derek said.

"I don't believe this," Tyler said.

"I'm a star!" Luke grinned and pushed his way ahead of them walking towards the picture of himself.

"Lucas!" Sergeant Bagger called out from across the room and came over to greet him.

"Good Morning, Sarge!" Luke said standing at attention and saluting him. Sergeant Bagger immediately returned the salute at full attention grinning at Luke.

"Sir, this is my family," Luke said.

"Right, thanks for coming, Tyson!" Sergeant Bagger said.

"Tyler, Sir," Tyler said extending his hand to shake. "This is Lucas' two brothers Kyle and Derek, his best friend Casey, and his father, Dr. Larry Anderson."

"Pleasure to meet you all," Sergeant Bagger said.

"I'm available to look after anyone who might need minor medical treatment, Sergeant," Larry said, offering his services.

"Thank you, Dr. Anderson. I'm sure there are enough colds and flu going around right now and so many can't afford a doctor!" Sergeant Bagger said. "If you boys would like to go see my wife over there," he said, pointing. "She'll put you to work!"

Tyler, Derek, and Kyle went over to see Helen Bagger and they began placing large jugs of apple and orange juice, as well as water, upon the tables.

"Where did you get my picture?" Luke asked.

"I contacted our representative from Kraft foods and told him what was happening today. He had it sent to me by FedEx along with a special surprise! He sent along 200 Kraft Smoothy and Crunchy bears to be given out to the kids," The Sergeant said.

"Really?" Luke screamed in excitement. "I've always wanted one."

"Me too!" Casey added

"Well then I'll make sure we have one tucked away for you both," Sergeant Bagger said. "We've got the Mayor coming today along with several city councillors and a reporter from KFOX TV will be here as well, to interview Luke."

"Wow!" Luke said, as he fisted with Casey.

While Tyler and Kyle placed jugs for refreshments on the table, Derek worked at rolling up knives, forks, and spoons in paper napkins.

"How's it going?" Tyler asked Derek with a big smile.

"This is horrible! Incredibly boring and I keep having to wipe the knives down because some assmite isn't handling them by their handles," Derek moaned.

Tyler leaned down and whispered in his ear, "Now you know one of the things I do at the beginning of every shift at Ciccone's."

"Really? You're not paid enough then," Derek said, grumbling as he continued to roll silverware up.

"I don't need the money. I am the richest guy in the world because I have you," Tyler said, and kissed Derek. Tyler and Kyle began helping others fill up the hot and cold buffet line. Larry assisted Sgt. Bagger with taping down electrical cords running from the portable hot buffet table.

By eleven o'clock food bins were filled and ready to be served to the hungry guests. One local school choir and a local church choir had arrived and were setting up a stage not far away from Luke's wall poster. Two clowns had volunteered to perform for the smaller children and Santa Claus had his own throne to meet and greet the kids of needy families.

"Are you ready for your fans, Lucas?" Sgt. Bagger asked.

"You bet, but just one question? What do you want me to do?" Luke asked.

"See that sign? The one that says meet and have your picture taken with Lucas Anderson, Baltimore's own Kraft Poster boy for June 2005! Just smile and say hello. It's the kids that will want their picture taken and a few families!" Sgt. Bagger said.

"Okay, that sounds easy? What about the Kraft bears?" Luke asked.

"Good question! I almost forgot. Martha!!!" Sgt. Bagger yelled for his wife to come over to Luke and him at the sofa. "Can you stick around and assist Lucas please? You give Martha the signal like this." Sgt. Bagger held up two fingers "and she will hand you two Bears from the box and you give them to the kids. Just make sure you smile and watch out for kids sitting on your lap that might wet!" Sgt Bagger said.

"Seriously? That's gross!" Luke said and Casey laughed.

"Go talk to Santa if you don't believe me," Sgt. Bagger said, as he patted Luke's shoulder and left.

"Casey? C'mere, we need your help!" Tyler called, and Casey ran over to Tyler.

"Can you help Kyle with the baskets of rolls?" Tyler asked.

"Sure, what do you want me to do?" Casey asked.

"Kyle will show you what do. Thanks, Casey!" Tyler said, giving him a hug.

Sgt. Bagger approached microphone and announced, "Let the doors be opened!" Four pairs of gymnasium style doors were opened and a sea of 200 families poured in. Kids from every family got in line behind ropes to have their picture taken with Luke while Santa leaned on the arm of his throne wondering what he was doing wrong?

Luke was such a hit with the kids that their parents had a hard time getting them to sit down to eat. Tyler and Derek assisted carving turkey; Kyle and Casey pushed a cart and went around to the tables exchanging empty water pitchers with fresh ones. Larry made the rounds checking out crying children and new mothers with their babies.

The Mayor of Baltimore, Robyn McArthur, came along with her entourage to present a check for $500.00 to Sgt. Bagger and the Salvation Army's food bank. She also made time to sit with Lucas on the sofa for a photo opportunity for the Press.

"Are we live?" The reporter said holding his earpiece in. "I'm getting feedback."

"You're live in three, two, one...," the director said.

<The director, standing next to the cameraman then pointed his finger at Chet>

"This is Chet Bigwood from KFOX 7 live at The Salvation Army Food Bank's annual Pre-Christmas dinner for the needy in the East End. We might have the Mayor and several City Councillors here along with the big guy himself, Santa Claus, but the real star to hundreds of these kids is 11 year old Lucas Anderson of Baltimore," Chet said as the camera pulled away and focused in on Luke sitting with Mayor McArthur with the boom microphone overhead listening in.

"Baltimore's own Luke Anderson was the Kraft Food's Calendar Kid for June of this past year. You can see the enlarged photo of Luke's calendar picture behind him and Mayor McArthur. Sources tell me that the picture really is of his bedroom! Kraft Foods kindly donated 200 stuffed Crunchy and Smoothy Teddy bears for today's dinner and the first 200 needy children here will get their picture taken with Luke and receive their very own Teddy bear... let's go now to the Mayor and Luke Anderson...," Chet said.

"Well Lucas... on behalf of the City of Baltimore we want to thank you for giving time to help out this great organization that does so much for the less fortunate of our city," the Mayor said smiling into the camera and shaking Luke's hand.

"Thank you Mrs. Mayor," Luke giggled. "I really don't have much to do with this. I just came in with my brother's boyfriend who wanted to make a donation. He offered to help when he found out that all of these great people here were serving Christmas dinner to the less fortunate. The rest of my family got involved too... everyone's done a lot of work but it's all thanks to great people like Sgt. Bagger and his wife and all of the volunteers but especially the people at Kraft Foods who gave us these Teddy bears to give out to all the needy families!" Luke said, smiling holding up the two bears to the camera. He saw Tyler give him the thumbs up and he smiled back at Tyler.

"Well I know my two kids would love to have a Crunchy and Smoothy teddy bear as well! That sure was great of Kraft Foods to participate, wasn't it Luke?" Mayor McArthur asked.

"Yes Ma'am. You really can't afford to buy your own kids two bears?" Luke asked.

"No Luke. That wasn't what I meant!" The Mayor began smiling at the camera.

"I just thought that you guys on Council made lots of money? My dad says you are the most overpaid people in the state!" Luke said and Chet snorted into his microphone.

The Mayor glared at Chet while Luke continued. "I'm sure Mrs. Mayor that we can get a few bucks together to help your family out? I don't get much for an allowance but you can have it cause I don't want your kids to not have something on Christmas morning...," Luke continued as the camera focused in close on his face.

"No Luke! That's not it all!" the Mayor was trying to explain.

"I just don't understand when you go around in limos why you can't afford to buy your kids some stuffed bears instead of wanting these ones that are for kids who have nothing?" Luke asked. The camera panned back and Chet jumped in.

"Mayor McArthur! Are you trying to weasel two teddy bears designated for needy kids from little Lucas Anderson?" Chet asked, stuffing his remote microphone in the Mayor's face.

"Grow up, Chet!" The Mayor said blasting him. Luke was also in the camera shot and he could be seen reaching into his pockets and pulling change out of them. "Luke simply didn't understand what I was saying...," she continued as she smiled at the camera.

"We understand completely, Mayor McArthur! You're trying to weasel two stuffed bears to give to your own children rather than spend some of that $182,000.00 per year you make... plus expenses...," Chet said facing the camera and yelling into his microphone as the Mayor stood up beside him and grabbed on to the microphone in Chet's hand.

"I understand an eleven year old getting confused Chet but you're supposed to be a professional. There is only one weasel story here and speaking of weasels, Chet, does your wife know you sleep around with Julie your boom microphone operator?" the Mayor asked.

A shriek was heard and the boom microphone dropped to ground just missing the Mayor and Lucas. A woman was heard running away crying! The cameraman then focused in on Lucas who pulled his knees up to his chest to avoid being hit.

Luke grabbed the Mayor's hand and tried to stuff money into it. "Mrs. Mayor, I only have six dollars and fifty-six cents but you can put this towards buying your kids something for Christmas!" Luke said to the Mayor with Chet's microphone in his face.

"I don't need your damn money, kid!" The Mayor said throwing it on to the sofa and storming off with her entourage following. The camera focused on Luke whose eyes began to water. He looked up at Chet and said, "I was just trying to help her needy kids?"

"It's okay, Lucas! You did a lot of good for some people in need and Baltimore thanks you!" Chet said, putting his arm around the Luke. "There you have it folks and that's your Mayor for you, and remember you saw it first here on KFOX live at Noon! Thankfully we have people like Lucas Anderson here who try to make the world a little better place. Back to you Kate and Jeff. Reporting live from The Salvation Army's Food Banks Christmas Dinner, I'm Chet Bigwood!" The director yelled 'cut' and the camera was turned off

Tyler immediately picked Luke up in his arms and held him until Larry could get through the crowds of onlookers laughing at what had just happened.

"Where's Julie?" Chet yelled at the cameraman.

"Chet, it's your wife on the cell phone," The cameraman said holding an open cell phone.

"Oh, hey, Babykins," Chet said.

"You okay, Pookey?" Larry asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just don't understand all the fighting?" Luke asked.

"I'll explain it later. You want to go home or finish work here?" Larry asked.

Luke looked at Tyler and Tyler said, "You dun good, Pookster. Really good!" Luke smiled.

"No, Dad, there's kids that need me!" Luke said.

"Good boy!" Larry said setting him down.

By two-thirty in the afternoon things had died down. All the bears were given out and everyone who was still there was either eating or helping with the cleanup. People gathered around Luke for the rest of the afternoon to thank him and congratulate him on helping out.

Sgt. Bagger and Larry had a good laugh over the afternoon's events and Sgt Bagger was sure that all of the press would really increase awareness of the food bank's needs.

Luke spotted David, the boy who was going to be getting his inline skates for Christmas from Santa. He was sitting eating with his Mom and a little girl who was crying. Luke excused himself from the group. Tyler and Derek watched as Luke went over to the empty table and sat down next to David's mother, across from David and the little girl.

"Hi, I'm Luke!" He said smiling. The little girl quieted down but was still shedding tears. "You don't like your turkey?" Luke asked grinning. She shook her head.

"She's upset because she didn't get a bear!" David said. "Stuffed bears are for babies, anyway," he added and that made her cry again.

"I have a stuffed monkey named Mango!" Luke said defending the little girl.

"Ahem...," David's mother said looking at him.

"Well... maybe I have a stuffed Tigger...," David said, not looking at Luke when he said it.

"What's your name?" Luke asked the little girl.

"Melissa," She said.

"Hmmm... you know Melissa I might know where to find a Kraft Smoothy bear?" Luke said. "Let me take a look! I'll be right back!" Luke said getting up and running over to Tyler.

"C'mere I need your help!" Luke said pulling Tyler away from Derek and taking him behind the sofa. He bent down and then pulled Tyler down with him.

"I need fifty-dollars right now!" Luke demanded.

"What? What do you need fifty-dollars for?" Tyler asked.

"I don't have time to explain. Give it to me if you've got it and I will pay you back when we get home." Luke said pulling out the two Kraft Peanut Butter bears from under the sofa. Tyler opened his wallet and gave Luke a ten-dollar bill and two twenty-dollar bills. Luke rolled them up tight inside his hand.

"Is this for the kid who you're giving the skates to?" Tyler asked.

"Shut up!" Luke said and winked at him.

Luke ran back to the table and sat back down next to David's Mom. He held up one bear in the air and Melissa gasped with excitement. Luke handed her the bear. Melissa beamed as she hugged her Smoothy bear. Tyler motioned for Derek to come to him so they could watch Luke.

"So what are you asking Santa to bring you for Christmas Melissa?" Luke asked.

"A Barbie doll!" she said.

"Cool!" Luke said teasing her.

"Yeah right...," David said.

"You know... non-believers get nothing!" Luke said to David. David rolled his eyes.

"I was given two bears...," Luke began, as he set the Crunchy bear down in front of him. "But I already have Mango and I don't want him to get jealous so I need to find him a home," Luke said, staring at David. David looked at Luke and then at the bear and his lips formed a smile.

"He's really easy to care for! He needs lot of hugs and you never have to feed him because he's already stuffed!" Luke said, and David and his Mom burst into laughter.

"But I'm not giving him to anyone who won't love him like I love Mango!" Luke warned.

"I could probably squeeze in the time to look after him...," David said.

"I don't want him to be alone on Christmas or anything...," Luke said, handing the bear across to David and then smiled.

"So Melissa are you hoping Santa brings you lots of candy?" Luke asked.

"He doesn't always bring us candy. I just hope I get a Barbie doll," Melissa said. Luke lightly hit David's Mother's thigh with his closed fist. She looked down and saw what Luke was doing and opened her right hand. Luke slid his hand over hers. She squeezed Luke's hand and he squeezed her hand back three times.

"If you really believe Melissa and you ask Santa he might just surprise you?" Luke said and winked at her. She blushed and held the bear up to her face.

"Whatever," David said.

Luke stared at David seriously. "I said that if you believe... Santa might just surprise you!" Luke said as he got up to leave. "Have a nice Christmas everyone." He said and David's Mom pulled him for a hug and kiss and whispered 'thanks'.

"Oh my God! What have you done to my brother?" Derek asked.

"Nothing! Why are you accusing me of doing something to Luke?" Tyler asked.

"I already know the Tyler effect, Puckhead!" Derek grinned. Tyler grinned back.

"C'mere, Luke?" Derek called and gave him a hug. "That was the nicest thing I've ever seen anyone do! I couldn't be prouder of you, Luke!" Tyler winked and smiled at Luke.

"Hey?" David said approaching Luke.

"Hey." Luke said.

"Saturday mornings after sorting all the stuff here we play floor hockey if you wanted to come and play?" David asked. "Oh, I'm David by the way."

"Coolies!" Luke said with a big smile. "These are my brothers Derek and Tyler. That's my best friend Casey over there." Luke said pointing to a kid emptying pitchers of water into a sink. "And that's my brother Kyle on the skateboard."

"Whoa! He's really good!" David said.

"C'mon, I'll introduce you!" Luke said walking away with David beside him. "Do you like peanut butter?" Luke asked as they walked.

"Do I? I live on the stuff!" David said and Luke put his arm around David's shoulder.

"Shit! It's quarter after three! We've got to get home," Tyler said, as his cell phone began ringing and Tyler checked the call display and smiled.

"Inbred hick boy says what?" Tyler said, answering the phone and Derek gave him a funny look.

"What?" Danny said into the phone and Tyler laughed.

"Nothing, Puckhead! How are you?" Tyler asked and Derek started laughing.

"I'm good, just missing my Cody and Derek!" Danny teased.

"You can be soooo cruel at times!" Tyler said.

"Word! Can I talk to your better half?" Danny asked and Tyler handed the phone to Derek.

"Here, it's for you!" Tyler said.

"Hello?" Derek said.

"Derek?" Danny said.

"Danny! Hey, what a great surprise! Did you get the pictures I sent?" Derek asked.

"Yeah, they were great! Thanks! I just wanted to say thanks for my package that arrived today. I noticed that you doubled the order... so I shared them with my family." Danny joked. Tyler was gathering the three boys together to head home.

"I'm happy you got them, Danny. Look, we are just leaving the Salvation Army's Christmas food bank dinner so I have to get going. We've got a big open house Christmas Party tonight, but we'll call you in the morning okay?" Derek said.

"No problem Derek, and have a Happy Christmas and send my love to everyone but Tyler!" Danny laughed and Derek closed the cell phone.

All six men in the Van rushed into the house to prepare for the party. Tyler was the only one running into the kitchen.

"You barbequed the shrimp?" Tyler asked, with a big grin!

"Shouldn't I have?" Linda asked.

"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you..." Tyler said grinning. "I was wondering how I was going to get all that done and get ready in time?" he said, giving her a hug and a kiss.

"I did want to do something for the party?" Linda joked. "How did it go today?" She asked.

Tyler grabbed three skewers of shrimp and as he ran out of the kitchen he yelled, "Watch the KFOX six o'clock news!"

"Oh dear God... I figured he would be at least 15 years old before he made the news?" Linda said putting her hand to her forehead.

Tyler dropped into Kyle's room and handed him a skewer and then ran through the bathroom into Derek's room giving him the other skewer as he tore his clothes off.

"Shower?" Tyler said.

"Shower!" Derek said.

Kyle came running naked into Derek's room and said, "I'm going to shower!"

"Main bathroom!" Derek and Tyler said together.

"Sweet!" Kyle said smiling as he scratched his balls and ate his last shrimp.

All three boys ran into the main bathroom to find Luke and Casey in the shower together.

"Damn, I'm glad we have multiple shower heads in here!" Derek said.

"I'd say we have fifteen showerheads if you count the ones on the wall." Kyle said grinning.

"I'm asking dad if we can get a pill for you!" Derek said moving in to share the showerhead with Luke. Tyler shared with Casey and Kyle got his own. Tyler was the last one to leave the main bathroom as he wiped the shower doors clean and made it look presentable again. As he left the main bathroom he saw Luke in the hallway all dressed up for the party.

Luke was standing at attention and would take two steps and then stop. Then he would hold his hands like claws and growl. Then he would stand at attention, take two steps, stop, and growl again, repeating this as he moved down the hall.

"What in the hell are you doing?" Tyler asked.

"Well since I'm dressed like I'm going to be at mom and dad's wedding in the spring I thought I would practice," Luke said smiling.

"Practice what?" Tyler asked.

"I'm going to be the ring bearer!" Luke proudly announced. Tyler laughed so hard he thought he would fall down!

"That's great, Luke, but do me one favour?" Tyler asked.

"Sure?" Luke wondered.

"Let it be a surprise! Don't tell anyone you're going to do it!" Tyler said patting Luke's head as he walked by.

By 4:30 p.m. all five boys were in Derek's room prepping and primping.

"We look like some sort of boy band," Kyle said.

"I don't do boy bands!" Tyler said. "Not even the cute ones!"

"Second that!" Derek said.

"Sunglasses everyone?" Luke asked.

"Okay guys everyone downstairs to the kitchen very quietly. I want to give you all some lessons on serving people," Tyler said.

As they crept down the stairs to the kitchen Luke pointed up to the chandelier in the middle of the front foyer!

"What's a matter, Luke?" Tyler whispered.

"There's no mistletoe?" Luke said.

"Okay we'll get to that in a moment." Tyler said. "Now everyone... you move around in circles with a full tray! If you don't know what is on your tray then ask me and I will describe it to you. You always carry napkins in one hand and the tray in the other. When your tray is empty make sure you pick up empty glasses and dirty napkins. Casey and Luke! You don't touch the wine glasses and everyone use two hands when the area is crowded. We don't take the desserts out until we've finished with the hors d'oeuvres," Tyler said, straightening Casey's bow tie.

"Smile! Be polite! No picking your nose! No spitting in food or drinks! And Lucas... no flashing, no threatening, no pick-pocketing, no selling things that aren't yours... well, just don't attempt to sell anything, and no grabbing 70 year old women's asses!" Tyler said smiling at him. Luke glared at him mischievously.

"Damn!" Luke said laughing.

"And above all guys... put the lid down tonight!" Tyler said, and they all laughed.

"Now when your parents arrive...," Tyler began.

"Our parents arrive!" Derek interrupted.

"When our parents arrive we want everyone standing side-by-side, with feet at attention and sunglasses on!" Tyler said pulling his out and putting them on.

"Mistletoe?" Luke asked again.

"Right! Derek, find some Mistletoe to hang on the chandelier in the front entrance, please!" Tyler asked.

"Why me?" Derek moaned. Tyler just shook his head.

"C'mon Kyle, you're helping. You get the step ladder out of the hall closet." Derek said. "I'll go dig through the attic!"

At 4:40 p.m. Linda came out of the bathroom yelling at Larry to hurry up. She looked out of their bedroom door and down in the foyer but didn't see or hear anyone. "I wonder where the boys are? The house seems so quiet!" she asked Larry.

"Does that make you nervous?" Larry teased.

"Of course it does! Doesn't it concern you?" she asked as she knocked on the stairway door to the apartment.

"Not as long as Tyler and Derek are here," Larry smiled.

"Kathy, you look amazing!" Larry said. "I might have to reconsider my date for tonight," Larry teased.

He extended his elbows out so Linda could hold one arm and Kathy the other as they walked down the stairs.

"Oh, my goodness!" Linda screamed, laughing as she entered the kitchen.

"Whoa!" Larry said.

"You guys look so adorable!" Kathy said.

"Awwww Mom, now you're embarrassing us!" Casey said.

Standing before Linda, Larry, and Kathy were five boys in order of height. All were wearing the exact same white tuxedo shirt, black pants, and black shoes. The only difference was the bow tie on each one of them. Tyler had fluorescent lime-green, Derek had burnt orange, Kyle had deep royal blue, Luke had bright red, and Casey had purple.

"*Ahem*" Tyler said and Luke and Casey approached their Moms and gave each of them a single red rose.

"What's for Daddy?" Larry teased as Luke and Casey returned to their exact positions.

Tyler again brought his hand to his mouth and said, "*ahem*" and Kyle lifted a tray up on his right palm and carried an old fashion glass with Scotch in it and presented it to his Dad.

"We also have something extra special for you, Dr. ... ah Dad! Actually, Kyle and Derek prepared it for you!" Tyler said.

Kyle went over and turned out all of the lights so that only the candles in the room were giving light, while Derek flipped a switch near the patio door.

"A real Christmas tree!" Larry screamed with joy! "My tree!" He yelled and everyone laughed. "Thanks guys! Next to having my family here that completes my Christmas!" Larry said putting his arm around Derek's shoulder.

"Music, Derek?" Tyler said and Derek pointed and clicked the remote control at the stereo.

"We've got to get pictures of this Larry!" Linda said.

"I know it's such a beautiful tree!" Larry said gazing out the window.

"No, Larry, I mean the boys!" Linda said, shaking her head and all the boys laughed.

Larry took several pictures of the boys in front of the Christmas tree with and without their shades on. They even got one picture of the four boys holding Lucas sideways in their arms with his lime green shades on as per Luke's request.

"We should take one with our butts showing!" Kyle said grinning.

"No!" Larry said.

The doorbell rang and everyone moved into position. Larry and Linda began greeting guests at the door while Tyler and Derek started hanging coats up in the closet. Tyler and Kyle had numbered 100 pieces of paper and stuck them over one hundred hangers earlier that day. They made a second stack of numbers to give out to people as they came in to make finding their coats easier when it came time to leave.

"I've never seen so many dead animals in one room," Tyler said, hanging up another fur coat.

"The people or the coats?" Derek teased. Tyler just raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"Look at our boys!" Linda said. "Aren't they wonderful?"

"They sure are!" Kathy said grinning. "More wine?" she asked.

"Oh God, yes! Why do all the obnoxious neighbours have to come?" Linda whispered and Kathy laughed.

"Is there one in particular or all of them?" Kathy teased.

"See the fat one with too much make up and the bad dye job?" Linda said pointing her glass of wine towards the fireplace.

"Can you be more specific?" Kathy joked.

"The one who thinks leopard skin stretch pants are suitable for a Christmas Eve party!" Linda said.

"Ahhh... the Liz Claiborne Bingo collection," Kathy said, as she sipped on her wine.

Linda snorted a mouthful of wine from laughing so hard. "That was good Kathy! That's the one. Millie Scott-Ford! Her daughter dated Derek for a while. Millie can find everything that is wrong with everyone except herself. Think of the relative you have that you hate the most and multiply it by ten!" Linda said, and Kathy had tears running out of her eyes from laughing.

"Derek always referred to her as 'the beast from the east'," Linda said and Kathy snorted a mouthful of wine.

"And you said this was going to be boring?" Kathy asked laughing.

Five members of Luke's hockey team and their families dropped in and that included Greg Anderson and his son Greg.

"Tyler!" Greg Jr. yelled.

"Hey... ahhh it's Greg right?" Tyler said holding his tray of snacks.

"I can't wait for you guys to come down for the game in February." Greg, Jr., said.

"Me neither! Luke and Casey are in the kitchen. Why don't you go and demand they serve you a drink?" Tyler teased and winked and Greg, Jr., left for the kitchen.

"Mr. and Mrs. Anderson?" Tyler said extending his hand. "No relation to these Andersons I presume?" Tyler asked laughing.

"Nice to meet you face-to-face Tyler! I hope everything works out well with that lawyer in Philadelphia?" Greg Anderson said.

"It's going great! I have to drive back to Philly on Monday to meet with him that morning. Thank you so much, Sir, for the assistance!" Tyler said. "Can I get you both a drink?" he asked.

"That would be great, Tyler," Marlene Anderson said.

Tyler stuck his elbow out for Marlene to take his arm and said, "Please come this way."

"See Greg! A gentleman knows how to escort a lady!" Marlene said teasing her husband.

"I was going to attempt to win you away from Mr. Anderson but I know better than to battle with a lawyer." Tyler joked.

Tyler presented them at the bar to Larry and politely excused himself. Greg followed Tyler with a Scotch in hand and cornered him.

"Can I have a moment alone with you?" Greg asked Tyler.

"Certainly, Sir," Tyler said.

"I received a letter from your Uncle David," Greg said.

"Oh," Tyler said, tensing up and not hiding his distress.

"He sent a sealed envelope, a Christmas card I would gather, and asked that I get it to you. He figured that you would probably be here for Christmas," Greg said.

"Any chance of you returning it to him and saying you never saw me?" Tyler asked.

"Nope! But you are free to do what you want with it. I would just like to say that while I am disappointed in your Uncle, I'm not surprised having lived with him while at school. I won't defend him or his stupidity but I will say that inside, he really is a good person. You may want to consider not burning all your bridges with your real family," Greg said, pulling a card out of his suit jacket and handing it to Tyler.

"Thank you, Sir, and I understand what you are saying. The Andersons are my family. I never would have thought that so much good could come out of a tragedy but if one searches a little bit you can find something positive out of every experience," Tyler said sliding the card into his pocket.

"You couldn't have found a better family to be a part of, Tyler!" Greg said.

"Thanks, Sir! I'm now trying to live every day to the fullest. I'm the luckiest guy in the world to have the Andersons in my life," Tyler said smiling.

"Have a Merry Christmas, Tyler," Greg said smiling.

"You too, Sir!" Tyler said picking up his tray and collecting empty wine glasses. Tyler was talking with Linda and Derek when the doorbell rang. Kyle was on door duty and opened it to find Chris, Jeff, Ashlea, and Mr. Coulter.

"Hey, guys!" Kyle said grinning! "I was wondering when you would get here?" Tyler headed over to the door.

"Get a look at you all dressed up!" Chris said laughing T Kyle.

"It's my pimping outfit!" Kyle said laughing.

"Ashlea, you look stunning!" Tyler said as he gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you!" she said, blushing.

"You should dump this loser and be with me tonight?" Tyler teased Jeff.

"Thanks for the offer but this one's a keeper," Ashlea said grinning as she held on to a single, long-stem red rose.

"Dad, this is Tyler," Chris said.

"Mr. Coulter, pleasure to meet you. You have two fine sons who have honoured me with their friendship, though Ashlea here could do better!" Tyler said continuing to tease Jeff as he shook hands with Ian Coulter.

"Get in line Tyler... I've already told Ashlea that if she ever decides to dump Jeff that she can call me!" Mr. Coulter said.

"Is this pick on Jeff night?" Jeff asked, blushing.

"Yes!" Tyler and Mr. Coulter said in unison. Derek came over with his mother and she gave Jeff and Chris a hug.

"How are my two little brothers tonight?" Derek asked grinning. "Hey Ashlea... what are you doing with a loser like Jeff?"

"All right everyone! Pick on Jeff night is officially over!" Jeff said and everyone laughed.

"Dad, you remember Kyle's older brother Derek and his Mom, Mrs. Anderson!" Jeff said introducing the two of them to his Dad.

"Yes Jeff, I was here the day you and Derek saved Kathy. Call me Ian please! Thank you for inviting us to your Christmas Eve party," Mr. Coulter said handing Linda a wrapped bottle of wine.

"Thank you Ian. You didn't need to do that!" Linda said accepting the bottle.

"It was the least I could do! With the boys over here the house is so much cleaner and quieter!" Ian said laughing.

"Kyle, please take their coats. Come with me Ian and I'll get you drink! You have to see the changes in Kathy Mitchell!" She said walking him towards the kitchen.

Everyone standing at the door laughed. "Looks like Mom's doing some match making?" Derek joked.

"Jeff!" Luke yelled and ran over to the front door to give him a hug.

"Hey Luke! Merry Christmas!" Jeff said, giving him a hug and kiss. "You remember Ashlea from Ruby Tuesday's?" he asked.

"Hi!" Luke said not really caring about Ashlea being there. "I was afraid you wouldn't be coming?" Luke asked.

"Are you kidding? I wouldn't miss seeing you on Christmas Eve!" Jeff said bending down to give Luke another hug.

"I hope you like kids, Ashlea?" Derek said.

"Now?" Ashlea said with a grin and wink.

"Eleven year olds especially!" Derek said. "Feel free to take him with you!" Derek winked.

Derek was leaning on the door handle when the doorbell rang. He pulled the door open to see three young ladies standing there.

"It must be a full moon out tonight." Derek said glaring at lady in the centre. "Done with the entire football team already?" He asked pausing to look at his watch.

Luke who was still being hugged by Jeff turned to see who was at the door. "The beast returns!" Luke said scowling at her.

Abbey wondered up to the door and sat down. She looked at the girls and growled.

She pushed her way in past everyone pausing only for a moment in front of Luke to look down and say, "Troll!"

"Skank!" Luke yelled at her loud enough for everyone in the front foyer to turn and look at her.

She turned and walked up to Luke pointing her finger at him when Derek interrupted.

"Lay one finger on my brother and I will make your plastic surgeon a much wealthier man. Make my Christmas and give me one lousy reason to punch your fugly face out?" Derek asked then paused to smile.

"It's so nice of you to drop by and put the 'HO' in Christmas now why don't you get the fuck out of here." Derek added with a grin.

"I'm here to see my mother!" she said.

"You can't miss that fat..." Luke started to say and Jeff covered his mouth. Tyler looked at Jeff and Ashlea. They all shrugged their shoulders, as they didn't know the history.

"She's in the great room... we rolled her in there as it's the only room that would hold her!" Derek said glaring at her. Chris and Kyle made no attempt to hide how funny they thought it was. Derek stayed close to the three girls watching their every move.

"She's at the buffet set up on the island. Jabba was hungry... as always!" Luke said glaring at her and then sticking his tongue out at Kristen.

"Who is that Kyle?" Tyler asked.

"Derek's old girl friend Kristen!" Kyle said.

"Ahhh..." Tyler said smiling. "No love lost I take it?"

"If Kristen had a brain she would know enough to stay away from Luke!" Kyle said climbing the stairs with Chris following. "We'll be back in ten minutes!" Kyle said winking at Tyler.

Tyler took his full tray of empty wine glasses and returned to the kitchen. He reloaded his tray with six fresh glasses of red and white wine, napkins, and a dish of curried shrimp with Thai dipping sauce. He made is way into the living room to find it only about half full. Kristen and her two friends were in the corner of the living room near the piano talking.

Tyler began collecting empty wine glasses in the room and putting them together on the piano. As he cleaned he could hear bits and pieces of their conversation.

"I see the witch hasn't done a thing in here since last year's Christmas party!" Kristen said and her subordinates mumbled their agreement.

"Maybe this is where K-Mart dumps their trash?" Kristen said laughing.

"Ladies, can I offer you ladies an hors d'oeuvres and perhaps a glass a wine?" Tyler said smiling at them.

"At least the hired help is better looking this year!" Kristen said eyeing the candy before her.

"Mmmm Hmmm," agreed one of her friends as she slurped back a glass of free wine.

"Boy! Get me a gin and tonic and make it a double!" Kristen ordered.

"Sorry, Ma'am. You have to approach the bar for that. I can only serve red and white wine!" Tyler said smiling.

"Maybe you and I could find another way you could service me?" Kristen winked. "He looks like more of man than Derek ever was!"

Tyler's eyes popped at the comment. He held out the tray and said, "Shrimp, Ma'am?" and smiled.

"It doesn't look like it from my view!" Kristen said attempting to reach down and grab Tyler's crotch but he lowered the tray preventing her from doing so.

"I'll see what I can do about that gin and tonic, Ma'am!" Tyler said doing an about face and leaving with a full tray of empty wine glasses.

"Gin 'n tonic please!" Tyler said to Larry.

"That rough of a night huh?' Larry said.

"No... I have deal with some Kristen girl... an ex of Derek's?" Tyler said loading up his tray with deep-fried mozzarella sticks and spanakopita wedges.

"Stay away from that girl! We know she stole Derek's grandmother's heart shaped locket right out of Linda's jewellery box but we've never been able to prove it." Larry said. "Hold on to your wallet if you're near her as well."

"Yes, Sir!" Tyler grinned.

Tyler headed back into the living room. When he approached the girls he spotted the locket hanging around her neck. 'Egotistical bitch,' Tyler thought to himself. 'She's really got balls to wear something she stole in the house that she took it from.'

"Ladies! I brought some munchies... and a gin 'n tonic for the prettiest lady here tonight!" Tyler said, smiling at Kristen.

"Why thank you, boy!" Kristen smiled. "So we were talking about that package you're carrying...," she said.

"Package?" Tyler asked playing dumb.

"Don't play dumb, little boy! Do you want to go for the ride of you life?" Kristen said as she inserted a mozzarella stick in and out of her mouth to make her point. It was all Tyler could do to hold back his laughter.

"I'm very particular, Ma'am! You would have to be an amazing kisser?" Tyler asked, eyeing the locket.

"You would have to be amazingly equipped for me!" Kristen shot, back with a sideways glance at her friends.

"Maybe we should see if we pass each other's tests?" Tyler said raising his eyebrows up and down.

"Ma'am?" Tyler said to the girl standing next to Kristen. "Would you kindly hold the tray?" Tyler handed her the tray and wrapped his right arm around Kristen's waist pulling her to his side.

Kristen firmly planted her hand on Tyler's crotch and then ran her hand down the length of his shaft. "Oh God! You're not a little boy after all!" she said.

Tyler grinned and lowered Kristen back over the sofa. He brought his left hand up to stroke her cheek and ran his finger down her neck to her chest. She closed her eyes as Tyler's lips approached hers. Tyler grabbed hold of the locket and snapped it off her neck dropping her on to the sofa!"

Kristen's shriek causing the people in the room to turn their attention to them. "You asshole!" she yelled.

"You thief!" Tyler said holding up the locket!

"I told you not to wear it, Kristen!" one of her subordinates said.

Tyler put the locket in his pocket and took the tray back. Kristen glared at her friend for opening her mouth.

"Allow me to escort you ladies to the door or shall I call the police?" Tyler asked.

Kristen jumped up rubbing her neck. "Good help is so hard to fine!" Kristen said.

"You'll probably be happy to know that I'm not hired help! I'm Derek's boyfriend!" Tyler said grinning.

She stopped, turned and glared at Tyler and then headed towards the door with her friends behind her. Tyler gave them their coats with a big grin on his face and slammed the door shut as they left. He turned and leaned against the door. He looked over at the stairs to see Chris and Kyle laughing at him.

"Jabba, Jr., not happy?" Luke asked walking into the room as she left.

"Something like that! Go away, Luke...," Tyler said.

"You've angered Jabba, Jr. Good work, Number One!" Luke said and turned and walked out of the room.

Tyler used his finger to call them over. "Did you guys see what happened?" Tyler asked.

"Everything!" Chris said jumping up and down and clapping his hands.

"You rock, big brother... talk about nailing it to the wall!" Kyle said grinning.

"Not a WORD!" Tyler threatened. "To anyone!"

"C'mon Ty! You'll be Mom and Dad's hero!" Kyle said.

"I didn't do it be a hero Kyle. What's the lesson we learned?" Tyler asked Kyle.

Kyle shrugged his shoulders.

"Sometimes Kyle you have to step up and do the right thing even if you put yourself in danger," Tyler said.

"Oh... you're talking about Derek and the baseball bat?" Kyle asked.

"Yeah, Derek's a hero!" Chris said.

"No Chris, he isn't a hero. He did what everyone should have done! Doing the right thing doesn't make you a hero," Tyler said.

Kyle grabbed a mozzarella stick and slid it in and out of his mouth and then he and Chris broke out in laughter.

"I lied when I said I loved you guys!" Tyler said, walking away.

Kyle pulled the mozzarella stick out of his mouth and said, "Yours is much bigger!"

"I certainly hope so!" Chris said. They both sat down on the stair steps laughing.

"Hey Babe, how are you doing?" Tyler asked.

"I'm getting a headache. I just wish that bitch would leave!" Derek said as he put wine glasses into the dishwasher.

"She's already gone...," Tyler said casually.

"Really? I thought she'd have a few comments to make to me before leaving?" Derek said.

"She's something else... She grabbed my crotch!" Tyler said laughing as he grabbed Derek's hand and walked him into the hallway going to the garage.

"I love you, Derek!" Tyler said kissing him.

"Mmmmm.... I love you too, Babe!" Derek said. Tyler took both of Derek's hands in his and kissed him once more saying, "Merry Christmas, my love," and he let the locket and chain slide into Derek's hand and then walked back into the kitchen.

"Oh Fuck! I don't believe.... Tyler?" Derek yelled as he went back into the kitchen. He found Tyler standing beside Larry with his arms wrapped around him. Tyler kissed Larry's cheek after saying something and left with his tray. Derek went back to putting glasses in the dishwasher. He kept a close eye on Tyler and when he caught Tyler's eye, Tyler winked and smiled. Derek just shook his head and smiled.

Tyler came back to the island with another full tray of empty glasses. He saw Mr. Coulter sitting on a bar stool talking with Kathy, who had her arms around Jeff. She was telling Ian how Jeff helped save her life.

"Umm, excuse me, Mr. Coulter? Kathy? Jeff has a date with him tonight!" Tyler said.

"Thank you, Ty. Thank you so much!" Jeff said and Kathy lightly swatted the back of Jeff's head.

Tyler came up behind Luke who was offering a tray of desserts bites to everyone. "Try the lemon cheesecake squares? They're the best!" Luke declared. "But don't touch the peanut butter squares cause I sneezed on them!" he said.

Tyler bent down beside Luke. "Hey Luke? I made a third pan of chocolate peanut butter squares and they're hidden in the fridge in the garage!" Tyler said.

"Oh!" He said looking at the people watching them. "I wiped them off pretty good!" Luke said, flashing a big grin!

"They're quite edible folks. Luke just doesn't like to share them!" Tyler said shaking his head.

Tyler cleaned up dirty glasses and napkins in the living room and came into the front foyer when he saw Jeff and Ashlea standing under the chandelier talking. Tyler could see that Jeff wasn't relaxing at all.

"Okay people...," Tyler said, setting down the tray. "Now, Ashlea, you have to understand what a great guy Jeff is..."Tyler began and Jeff began to blush and look away. "But he's way too shy... and obviously not as bright as any of us thought because he's got you standing under the mistletoe and he isn't doing anything about it," Tyler grinned at both of them.

"I hate you!" Jeff laughed.

"If you don't kiss her right now two things are going happen! One, I'm not going to leave and two; I'm going to kiss this incredibly beautiful lady. Now if either of those doesn't work... I'm going to kiss you Jeff and embarrass you thoroughly!" Tyler said and Ashlea laughed so hard she covered her mouth.

Derek came up behind Tyler. "Is Tyler bothering you two?"

"Shut up, Derek!" Tyler said.

"Yes, he is!" Jeff said grinning. Derek tugged on Tyler's ear.

"C'mon, Luke number two, leave them alone!" Derek said dragging Tyler away.

"I'll be back!!!!!!" Tyler threatened laughing as Derek dragged him away.

Ten minutes later Jeff and Ashlea returned to the kitchen. Both were flushed. "Dad can I have the keys to take Ashlea home and then I'll be right back?" Jeff asked.

"Actually we're about to leave Jeff so if you just wait a moment...," Mr. Coulter began.

"Mr. Coulter, I can drive you home and we're just going to hang around and talk. Besides, it looks like Kathy would enjoy the company and Jeff and Ashlea would enjoy having less of me around!" Tyler said. "If no one's home then come right back here, Jeff! Besides you haven't checked your stocking to see if Santa brought you coal or not," Tyler winked.

"C'mon, Babe! I'll walk you to the car!" Tyler said putting his arm around Ashlea and taking her to get her coat.

Jeff looked at his Dad and Derek shaking his head and said, "I hate him sooooooo much!"

As Jeff started to leave the kitchen his Dad said, "Remember Jeff, tell Ashlea the offer still stands!" Derek fisted with Mr. Coulter as they laughed.

As Tyler and Ashlea walked out the front door Tyler yelled back to Jeff that his coat was in the front closet...somewhere!

"Did you have fun tonight?" Tyler asked as they walked to Mr. Coulter's pick up truck.

"I had a ball! Jeff is so sweet. I'm glad you approached me in the restaurant. At first I thought he was some kind of weirdo but he's really sweet," Ashlea said.

"He's one of the best I've ever met! He just needs some encouragement to come out of his shell. Don't let my teasing him influence you!" Tyler said.

"It does, Tyler, but in a good way. I can see you love him. He was explaining the family concept around here and I didn't quite understand it until tonight, but I'm so happy I came," Ashlea said.

"Wow, you had like an orgasm while you were here?" Tyler asked winking. Ashlea punched his arm.

"Stop that!" she said, laughing.

"Hey, I'm an equal opportunity abuser!" Tyler said pulling Ashlea into a hug and giving her a kiss!

"Hey! Now you're kissing my girlfriend?" Jeff asked grinning.

"Someone had to kiss her before she went home!" Tyler said squeezing Ashlea.

"Have a very Merry Christmas, Ashlea," Tyler said.

"You too, Tyler, thank you for everything you've done!" she said, giving him a kiss on lips.

"Now I'm really getting jealous!" Jeff joked.

Tyler turned and started back towards the house. When he was about to pass Jeff he grabbed him and threw him over his knee giving him a big, long kiss on the lips! Tyler then stood him back up. Tyler winked at Ashlea and headed back up the driveway to the house.

"You are so lucky, Jeff!" Ashlea said, as Jeff drove off down the street.

"Lucky about what?" He asked.

"Having Tyler stupid!" she said punching his arm.

"What makes you say that?" Jeff asked.

"He loves you so much!" Ashlea said.

"What?" Jeff yelled.

"I said he loves you so much... like a little brother or a son," Ashlea said.

"Oh... you really think so?" Jeff asked.

"You are thick sometimes...," Ashlea said, smiling at Jeff.

"How so?" Jeff said.

"You ask a lot of questions don't you?" Ashlea said.

"Do I?" Jeff asked breaking into laughter. "I just want to know about you, Ashlea! You're so beautiful and yet that isn't even very important. I just love to listen to you talk or stare into your eyes!" Jeff said, taking her hand in his as he drove.

"So you understand what I meant about Tyler?" Ashlea asked.

"Ashlea, Tyler would give his left and right lung to me if I needed it ... or even asked for it? I know what you are saying. He's my role model to be a better person and I wouldn't trade his friendship for anyone except Chris!" Jeff said.

<They drove in silence>

"Sorry, when I said that I didn't mean to say you weren't important to me, but my brother is number one right now and my family is number two. Shit! That's not sounding any better is it?" Jeff said pulling into Ashlea's driveway.

"No, Jeff, that was perfect. You're obviously the kind of guy I can respect and fall in love with." Ashlea said, sliding over on the bench seat beside Jeff. Jeff turned the engine and the headlights off.

When Tyler got back inside the house he saw Mr. Coulter and Kathy sitting on the sofa side-by-side. Mr. Coulter had his arm over the back of the sofa and Kathy was leaning slightly into him. Casey was sitting on Mr. Coulter's lap explaining the video game he was playing with Luke. Larry and Linda were on the other sofa snuggled up together and Derek, Kyle, and Chris were cleaning up the kitchen.

Tyler went out to the fridge in the garage and pulled out the Spinach Lasagne he had made and forgotten to cut up into wedges. He brought it back and threw it in the oven to warm up.

"Have we got much bruchetta left?" Tyler asked.

"About 40 pieces I guess?" Derek said.

"Great! Do you guys need help or can I go sit down for a bit?" Tyler asked.

"Go sit down, Babe. You look like shit!" Derek said, and Tyler turned to stare at him. "I mean good shit!" Derek said, grinning.

Tyler wandered over to the sofa and flopped down next to Linda. She put her arm around him and he lay into her chest."

"I want to go to bed, Mom," Tyler said and giggled.

"You have to read me a bedtime story first!" Luke said without looking away from his game.

"It's only quarter to nine, Luke! Do you really want to go to bed now?" Tyler asked.

Luke quickly glanced over at Tyler to give him the evil eye.

"You did good honey! It was a huge success because of you!" Linda said kissing the top of Tyler's head.

"Thanks, Mom. It was nice to be included," Tyler said.

Abbey jumped up on the sofa and lay her head down on Tyler's lap. Tyler looked at her and started laughing.

"Did anyone notice what Abbey did when that Kristen girl was at the door?" Tyler asked laughing so hard he could barely say the words.

"Yeah, she growled at her! It was funny!" Luke said.

"Did anyone notice that fat pig of a mother of hers?" Linda began, "She never spent an entire minute without a piece of food in one hand or the other!" Everyone laughed.

"I saw her eating some just before she left and I told her Abbey had peed on them and I thought we had thrown them out?" Luke said. Laughter erupted from the kitchen as well.

"You didn't?" Linda asked.

"Maybe not...," Luke said, grinning.

"Damn! I wish you had!" Linda said, to more laughter.

"I think this is the most fun I've had in about three years!" Ian said as his hand gently wrapped around Kathy's shoulder.

Tyler reached in his pocket and pulled out a wrinkled card inside a sealed envelope and tossed it on the coffee table.

"What's that?" Linda asked.

"Just garbage for the recycling bin!" Tyler said as he closed his eyes and hugged Linda. Larry reached over with his right hand and took hold of Tyler's hand.

Derek came over from the kitchen carrying two mugs of coffee, one for him and one for Tyler.

"Can I fix anyone a drink? Egg Nog and Rum?" Derek asked. No one answered him.

"I'll have an Egg Nog and Rum hold the Egg Nog?" Luke asked.

"How about an R.C. cola with some cherries in it?" Derek offered.

"Fair compromise with the rents in the room," Luke said.

"I assume your son is referring to us?" Larry asked laughing.

"YOUR son is referring to us in the third person." Linda said elbowing Larry.

Derek returned with two cherry R.C.'s for Luke and Casey as the buzzer on the stove went off.

"Got it...," Tyler mumbled, getting up and slurping his coffee on the way back to the kitchen.

"Somebody want to whip up a quick salad?" Tyler asked.

"Damn! I thought I would get through this holiday without having to go into the kitchen!" Linda joked as she got up.

Tyler heard the faint tapping noise at the front door stopped carving up the lasagne to go answer it.

"Hey Jeff, welcome back!" Tyler said. "Did you have a nice trip home?"

"Yeah, it was great!" Jeff grinned. "Can I talk with you alone Ty?"

"Sure. Right now or later?" Tyler asked.

"Now if we could?" Jeff said and Tyler smiled. Jeff took Tyler's hand and led him upstairs to Derek's bedroom.

Jeff was still holding Tyler's hand when they sat down and Tyler said, "If you're thinking of proposing I have to tell you I'm already spoken for!"

Jeff pulled his hand away realizing he was still holding it. Tyler smiled and took his hand back.

"Don't be so damned shy Jeff! Follow your heart!" Tyler said.

"Ummm... now you made me lose my thought!" Jeff said.

Tyler leaned over and kissed Jeff's cheek. "We can talk another time, dinner's waiting." Tyler said standing up. Jeff pulled him back down.

"No. Now please? I need to apologize because I can't live with the guilt." Jeff began. "At first I was angry at you because I thought you were stealing Derek away from me and I'm sorry. I realized that you weren't but I was still angry and I couldn't figure out why. Ashlea made me realize that you really love me like a brother. Like a brother should!" Jeff added.

"You were making me go places inside me that I was afraid to go. Feeling things I was afraid to feel. I know I'm not gay but I would have no problem being sexually involved with you or Derek, even Kyle and Chris for that matter, because love isn't about the sex of the other person is it?" Jeff asked.

"I think you've already answered that question, Jeff!" Tyler said trying to keep his eyes open.

Jeff smiled. "I'm sorry, Tyler, for how I've been with you. I don't even know how to make it up to you?" he asked.

"That easy Jeff! Firstly, you have nothing to make up for and secondly, if you still feel you need to then do this! Follow your heart and always search for the good that does exist in everyone. You are welcome in our bed anytime you want Jeff, but more importantly you are wanted in our lives! You can even bring Ashlea along!" Tyler teased.

"May I kiss you?" Jeff asked.

"If it comes from the heart then you don't need to ask." Tyler said. This time Tyler didn't move and let Jeff come to him. They held on to each other's hands. Tyler opened his mouth slightly and kissed and sucked on each of Jeff's lips. When they parted Jeff looked into Tyler's eyes and started to cry. Tyler pulled Jeff into a hug and let Jeff cry himself out.

"It feels good to feel again doesn't it?" Tyler asked rubbing his back. Jeff nodded as he cried. "You know what my favourite hug is Jeff? It's from Luke. There's no bullshit or baggage with him. It's 100% love and it's the best hug in the world."

They parted and Jeff wiped his eyes. "I think I really need to eat before I pass out!" Tyler said and Jeff smiled. "Why don't you go wash up and hurry down and join us?" Jeff nodded and Tyler got up to leave the room.

"Hey, Jeff?" Tyler called, as he turned to leave the room. "You know there will always be a place setting for you at our table!" Tyler said giving him a smile.

Everyone devoured Tyler's spinach lasagne. Even Abbey had some to eat!

Ian Coulter announced that it was time to take his boys home. Linda insisted that they come for breakfast in the morning so the boys could see what Santa brought them in their stocking. Kathy took Ian's arm and walked him out to his truck ahead of everyone else. After the Coulters left for home, everyone gathered in the great room to relax.

Kathy sat on one end of the leather sofa with Casey tucked in her arms. Larry was in the opposite corner with Linda in his arms. Tyler was almost asleep with his legs hanging over the arm of the other leather sofa with his head on Derek's lap. Derek's right arm was around Kyle and his left hand being held by Tyler. Luke was on the floor with Abbey, unable to sit still.

"Did you see the bottle of wine Millie Scott-Ford brought us?" Linda asked breaking the silence and laughing while she said it.

"That bad huh?" Larry said.

"Homemade blueberry wine!" Linda said laughing.

Tyler grinned and then snorted without opening his eyes and that made everyone else laugh.

"I doubt the winos that hang out in the back of Ciccone's Trattoria would drink it," Tyler said with his eyes closed.

"If you don't want it I could send it to my Uncle David," Tyler said, laughing. No one said anything and Tyler lifted his head to look at everyone. "Oh God that felt so good!" He said and laughed some more. Everyone laughed at Tyler.

"Sooooo!" Luke said.

"So?" Derek questioned.

"Do we get to open our one gift now?" Luke asked bouncing up and down on his knees.

"What's the tradition here?" Tyler asked with his eyes still closed.

"All the kiddies...," Derek began staring at Luke who frowned from the reference. "Get to open one gift on Christmas Eve, one gift is saved for Christmas dinner, an the rest can be opened tomorrow morning AFTER breakfast. Or else Luke doesn't eat!"

"Coolies! I like that idea. It spreads Christmas out a little longer but the Luke not eating? I can't believe that!" Tyler said.

"No, actually it means that if you don't behave throughout Christmas day then Mom makes you wait until the next morning to open your gift," Derek said, grinning at Luke who in turn stuck his tongue out at Derek.

"Stick that tongue out once more Luke and you won't be opening anything until next Christmas!" Larry said. Luke made a face.

"I'm all for that..." Tyler said. "Less work to do next Christmas!"

"Tyler, you and Kathy have made this the nicest Christmas ever!" Linda said. "I've never done such little work to prepare for Christmas in my life."

"What about me?" Luke said to his Mom! "I helped out!"

"Yes, you did, Honey, and I appreciate your being such a good helper," Linda said smiling.

"What did you do?" Kyle asked.

"I ate!" Luke proudly announced.

"Okay! Go get your one gift each so we can all get to bed before Santa comes," Larry said.

Luke and Casey ran to the tree and began searching for gifts with their names on it. Kyle strolled over casually trying not to look like his little brothers but when he got under the tree he was searching as hard as Casey and Luke.

"What do you want to open?" Derek asked Tyler.

"My bed... and go to sleep," Tyler said.

"Want me to pick out a gift for you?" Derek asked.

"Whatever you want... you can open it for me too and tell me if I like it," Tyler said, and Derek winked at his parents. They all laughed. Derek extricated himself out from under Tyler and pulled out a gift for himself and then went over to a wall closet and pulled out a large gift for Tyler that was hidden. Everyone watched Derek and snickered. He set the gift behind the sofa that Tyler was laying on.

"Whose gift did you pick?" Larry asked Luke.

"There were two boxes the exact same size and weight from Tyler and Derek for me and Casey so we decided to go with those." Luke said and Casey smiled in agreement with him.

"What did you pick, Kyle?" Linda asked.

"This one is from Derek and Tyler," Kyle said excitedly.

Tyler jumped up and Derek sat up. "Let me see that, Kyle," he asked and Kyle handed it to him.

"Yeah. It's okay," Tyler said. "It's the other one we don't want him opening until morning."

"I want to pick a different gift now?" Kyle demanded.

"You'll get what you've picked and like it!" Derek said as he handed the gift back to him.

Kyle made a sour face at Derek. Tyler laughed. "I'm sure you will be happy with it!" he said.

"Derek, what gift did you pick?" Kathy asked.

"Can we open these now?" Luke asked impatiently.

"This one is from Mom and Dad," Derek said.

"Go ahead and open your gifts!" Larry said and Casey and Luke had their gifts stripped in less than five seconds.

"Whoa!" Luke yelled.

"Coooooool!" Casey added.

"What is it?" Kathy asked.

"We got remote control NASCAR racing cars!" Casey yelled.

"Hey! This is the Kurt Busch Kraft car from the Roush Racing team!" Luke said with his eyes popping wide open. They both ran over to give Tyler and Derek a hug and to say thanks.

"Batteries included?" Larry asked looking at Tyler.

"Batteries, charger, rechargeable batteries all included!" Tyler said. Larry mouthed the word 'thank you' to Tyler. Derek laughed.

"I got Karl Edwards car from the Roush Racing team!" Casey said. "This is already the best Christmas ever!" Casey added hugging his Mom.

"Yes it is, Honey!" Kathy said holding him.

"What did you get Kyle?" Linda asked.

Kyle began opening his gift. "Sweet!" He said looking at a grinning Tyler and Derek. "I got a webcam!" He said holding the box up.

"Now we can see you when we're talking on the internet!" Derek said.

"Open your gift up, Honey," Linda said to Derek. Derek could tell it was some kind of clothing inside of the large box as he carefully peeled the paper off.

"Guys, why don't you go and put your wrapping paper in the recycle box?" Larry asked Casey, Luke, and Kyle.

Derek undid the tape holding the cardboard box together and lifted the lid.

"Sweet!" Tyler said grinning.

"Wow! Thanks, Mom and Dad!" Derek said.

"What'd you get?" Luke asked running back into the room with Casey and Kyle following.

"A white bathrobe with my name embroidered on it." Derek said turning the box around so everyone could see.

"Boring!" Luke yelled.

"There's something else inside there, Derek?" Tyler said.

"HAHAHAHA" Derek and Tyler began laughing as he picked up a pair of white silk boxers with red hearts on them. Derek held them up for all to see.

"You guys are sick!" Luke said to his parents.

"Ummm, this is not for me?" Derek questioned as he read the name 'Tyler' stitched in on the bottom of the left leg of the boxers.

"Dumbass!" Tyler said laughing. "Read it again!" Kyle looked over and broke out in laughter.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhh!" Derek said laughing. "I didn't see the apostrophe!"

"What does it say?" Kathy asked.

"Tyler's!" Derek said turning beet red and covering his face with the boxers. Everyone laughed at Derek.

"I've never been given a pair of boxers with your name on them!" Larry moaned.

"Wait and see if Santa says you've been a good boy!" Linda said, pinching Larry's thigh.

"Okay, Ty, have a seat here in the centre of the sofa so you can open your gift," Derek said. Casey, Luke, and Kyle got up and piled around him.

"Is there a reason why there is so much interest in my gift?" Tyler asked.

"Maybe it's a jar of peanut butter and you would want to share it with the rest of us... being Christmas and all!" Luke said, nodding his head up and down while Tyler laughed at him.

Larry and Linda leaned forward on the sofa to watch as Derek reached behind the sofa and pulled out a wrapped picture and set it on Tyler's lap.

"This was going to be your table gift tomorrow but we decided we wanted you to have the full benefit of the gift for all of Christmas day!" Derek said, handing Tyler a wrapped picture.

"It's a picture of Luke from the Kraft calendar?" Tyler asked.

"I suggested that but was voted down on the idea!" Luke said grinning.

"I don't need your picture, Luke, I've got the real thing beside me!" Tyler said kissing his cheek.

Tyler reached under the framed picture and slowly began to tear back the tape holding the Christmas wrap.

"Be a kid and just tear the paper off!" Luke said shaking his head in disgust. Tyler looked at him and in quick motion tore the paper off.

Tyler looked at the certificate and began to read out loud.

"It is hereby ordered under the direction of the Court of Social Services and the Clerk of the Surrogate Court of Baltimore County in the State of Maryland, that TYLER JOHN PEEL born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada on September 30th, 1986 has been granted permission to be adopted by Lawrence Anderson and Linda Anderson. Forward, from this 25th Day of December, in the year of our Lord, Two Thousand and Five (2005)."

Tyler paused to wipe the steady stream of tears running down his face.

"From this date forward it is ordered that the name of the adoptive will be known as, Tyler John Peel-Anderson. <Tyler's voice began to break up> It is therefore further ordered that a final decree of adoption be, and the same entered herein."

Tyler took a deep breath and wiped his eyes before continuing.

"IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the Circuit Court of Baltimore County this 25th day of December, 2005 and WITNESSED by the following persons." Larry, Linda, Derek, Kyle, and Luke's signatures, as well as Abbey's paw print all ran along the bottom of the document.

Tyler's crying turned into wailing as he grabbed the closest person to him, Luke, and hugged him.

"Is he happy?" Luke asked.

"He's happy!" Derek said wiping his own tears away and holding Kyle in his own arms. Larry and Linda came over and hugged Tyler.

When everyone settled down Tyler picked up the framed certificate and asked, "Is this really legal?" Everyone laughed.

"Only in this house and a few Banana Republics around the world!" Larry teased.

Tyler looked closely and started to laugh. "It's signed 'not quite a judge, Greg Anderson'," Tyler said laughing.

"There's a smudge or something under the glass by Luke's name." Kyle said.

Derek looked closer and said, "That's peanut butter!"

"Lucas!" Linda said shaking her head. Lucas grinned!

"Where are you going to hang it?" Larry asked.

'On the front gate so the whole world knows how lucky I am!" Tyler said starting to cry again. Tyler got up and hugged Larry and Linda together. "Thanks, Dad and Mom, that's the most wonderful gift I've ever received!" Tyler said.

"Ahem, ahem!" Luke said clearing his throat.

"I mean next to having Luke in my life!" Tyler said laughing. Tyler then hugged and thanked Luke, Kyle, and Derek.

"Do you think we should give Casey, Luke, and Kyle their other gift right now?" Derek asked loud enough for everyone to hear.

"I don't know. Isn't that breaking with tradition?" Tyler asked.

"You can give me all my gifts now!" Luke yelled.

"Lucas!" Larry said. Luke looked at his dad and grinned.

"Would that be okay if we gave them each one more gift?" Derek asked. "It would really be appropriate right now!"

"They're your gifts to give!" Linda said, "but you guys remember that this means one less gift to open tomorrow!"

"Gimme, Gimme, Gimme!" Luke said bouncing up and down.

"Ah... there's nothing like the spirit of Christmas giving, Luke!" Derek said.

"Let's give them to them when I do their bedtime story," Tyler suggested.

"Good idea!" Derek said.

"I'm ready to go to bed!" Luke said with a big grin.

"Why didn't we think of that idea before?" Larry asked Linda.

"Because you're not smart like Tyler!" Linda said teasing.

Everyone hugged and said goodnight. Kathy and Linda took the boys upstairs to get them ready for bed. Derek got two glasses of apple juice ready to take upstairs for Casey and Luke. Kyle went upstairs to hook up his webcam. When Larry saw Tyler rereading his framed certificate of adoption sitting on the counter, he went over to him and hugged him from behind.

"Welcome home, Sson. It's just a piece of paper, Tyler. You were already a part of this family a while ago!" Larry reminded him.

Tyler turned and hugged Larry as Derek smiled at his Dad.

"My dad never hugged me," Tyler said and started to cry.

"I promise you, Tyler, that we'll make up for that with interest." Larry said, kissing the side of Tyler's head. Derek quietly slipped out of the kitchen leaving them alone.

"I miss my family so much right now...," Tyler said as he began to cry.

"I can only imagine... I can only imagine," Larry said rubbing his back.

"I'm sorry," Tyler said.

"Don't you ever be sorry Tyler, for listening to what your heart is telling you. I'm sure your family is looking down from heaven and smiling. It might just be that they helped make this happen because they don't want you to be alone? It's only natural to miss them and you always will but I think you will find that they are actually with you all the time," Larry said.

"Thanks, Dad, I love you," Tyler said.

"I love you too, Son!" Larry said. "Merry Christmas, Tyler."

"Merry Christmas, Dad," Tyler said, smiling through his tears.

"Are you up to doing story time with Luke and Casey?" Larry asked.

"I think so, but I do need to bring down a gift for Casey and Luke from Santa as well before I forget," Tyler said.

"Does Derek know where they are?" Larry asked.

"Yeah," Tyler said.

"I'll go get them from him. You go do your story. Night, Son," Larry said.

"Night, Dad." Tyler said giving Larry a quick kiss on the lips and then hugging him again.

"Try to remember one more thing about this Christmas, Tyler. Remember that you not only got the gift of this family but we got the gift of having you become part of it," Larry said, walking out of the kitchen with his arm around Tyler's shoulder.

"Are you guys ready for a Christmas story?" Tyler said, entering Luke's bedroom with a big smile.

"No!" They said in unison.

"No?" Tyler asked.

"We want our gift!" Luke said visibly shaking under the covers with excitement.

"You'll have to talk with Derek about that since it was his idea." Tyler said. He barely finished speaking when Luke and Casey jumped out of bed and ran down to Kyle's room where they saw Derek helping Kyle set up his webcam.

"We want our gift... please!" they said together.

"Well, go get into bed." Derek said laughing at them. "C'mon Kyle!" Derek said.

Kyle followed Derek into Luke's room carrying a bag with three identically wrapped boxes in it.

"I don't know why you guys would be excited over a gift of socks and underwear?" Derek asked winking at Tyler. "I always wanted to use mom's line!" he said laughing.

Derek handed each of the boys a box with their own name on it. The card read 'Love always, your brothers, Derek and Tyler.'

All three tore the wrapping off and opened their boxes.

None of them said anything.

"Is this the same one you guys have?" Kyle asked.

"Indeed!" Derek said smiling.

"What's it say?" Luke asked.

"You tell 'em, Ty!" Derek said holding Tyler's hand.

"It is Latin and it means 'Brothers Forever'!" Tyler said.

Kyle dove onto Tyler knocking him down on the bed. He whispered in Tyler's ear. "Thanks, Ty. This is the best gift ever, next to having you in my life." Tyler squeezed and hugged Kyle unlike he had ever hugged anyone before.

"Do you guys like it?" Derek asked.

"Yeah! Thanks, Derek!" Casey said hugging him. "Can you help me put it on?" he asked.

"Did you guys read the back of them?" Tyler asked.

They all turned them over to see that each one had the other four names of their brothers on it and it was dated Christmas 2005.

"This is so cool!" Casey said. Luke didn't say anything he just rubbed the bracelet in his hand.

"You don't like it, Luke?" Derek asked. Luke looked at Derek for a moment and then jumped up into his arms hugging him as tight as he could. He never said a word. Luke just squeezed Derek three times.

"Okay guys, it is bedtime! Luke would it be okay if I told you the story tomorrow night? I can't stay awake," Tyler asked.

Derek secretly nodded at Luke. "Sure, Ty," Luke said, and Derek winked and smiled at him.

"Just think, Luke, tomorrow night when all the gifts are open you will still have a Christmas story to come!" Derek said.

Tyler and Derek said goodnight and left. Kyle stayed behind. "I love you guys! Merry Christmas!" Kyle said giving Casey a hug and a kiss and then Luke. "Welcome to the family, Casey. It wouldn't be complete without you in it." Kyle added. and got another long hug from Casey.

Kyle pulled Casey away and added, "Remember that nothing can harm you now with your brothers protecting you!" Casey squeezed Kyle's neck to the point he was gasping for air.

"Don't forget! No going downstairs in the morning until everyone is up!" Kyle said.

"I hope Santa brings me a new hockey stick!" Casey said.

Luke looked at Kyle and rolled his eyes. Kyle grinned. "I'm sure Santa looks after all the good boys!" Kyle said, turning out the light.

As Kyle walked past Derek's bedroom door they called him in to their room.

Derek hugged and kissed Kyle. "Merry Christmas, Kyle."

"Thanks, you too!" Kyle said.

"Merry Christmas, not-so-little-dude!" Tyler said hugging him.

"Thanks Ty!" Kyle said. "Night guys!" He said leaving.

"You're just leaving us like that?" Derek teased.

"Chris is waiting for me to turn the cam on!" Kyle said winking.

Tyler stripped naked and put on Derek's new pair of silk boxers with hearts on them.

"Hey! Those are mine!" Derek said.

"It says Tyler's on them and besides you are always wearing mine!" Tyler grinned.

Tyler opened one of his suitcases and pulled out a wrapped gift for Derek and brought it with him to bed. "Merry Christmas my love!" Tyler said handing him the gift and giving him a quick kiss.

Derek ripped the paper off as fast as Luke would and opened the tiny box.

"Shit!" Derek exclaimed.

"You think it's shit?" Tyler said laughing.

"A diamond stud ear ring? Hell, no! Thank you, Ty! It's beautiful!" Derek said, giving Tyler a hug and a long kiss.

Derek opened the night table drawer next him and pulled out a square wrapped box and handed it to Tyler.

"Thanks!" Tyler said, giving Derek a quick kiss.

"You don't even know what it is?" Derek teased.

"It's from you so I would love it regardless!" Tyler said as he tore off the paper.

Tyler opened the box to reveal a gold watch with a black leather band. The face of the watch has the Canadian flag on it. Tyler turned to the watch over to read an inscription that said 'My one and only love, Derek'. "Oh my... Derek this means so much to me!" Tyler said staring into Derek's eyes.

"Here, let me put it on you so you will have me with you even if I'm not around," Derek said undoing the leather band and reattaching it around Tyler's wrist.

"Merry Christmas, My love!" Derek said.

"Merry Christmas, Derek!" Tyler said and Derek wrapped his arms around Tyler as Tyler reached over and turned out the light.

Tyler reached over and pressed the 30-minute snooze button on Derek's alarm clock. The music came on and 'Kiss Me' by Six Pence None the Richer was playing. Tyler rolled over and started kissing Derek.

"It's got an alarm built into it!" Derek said.

"Whatever...," Tyler said, passionately kissing Derek.

"So I don't have to roll on to your cell phone every night," Derek said between kisses.

"Derek? It's Christmas Eve. We're finally alone and not to mention alone in bed together! Do you really want to discuss the watch?" Tyler asked.

" I just wasn't sure you really loved it?" Derek asked.

"I don't!" Tyler said as he rolled on top of Derek kissing him.

"You don't?" Derek asked.

"I don't! I like the watch very much but I love you!" Tyler said.

"Right... more clues for the clueless!" Derek said laughing.

"Fine! I love the watch. Now shut up and kiss me!" Tyler said.

"Merry Christmas, Ty." Derek said.

"Merry Christmas Babe!" Tyler said as he forced his tongue into Derek's mouth and wrapped his hand around Derek's erect member.

"What a night?" Linda said stretching in bed.

"What a day too?" Larry said. "Did Santa get all of his gifts placed?"

"Yes, he's off to visit all of the other good boys and girls of this planet. How did the Christmas dinner go?" Linda asked.

"Wait and read the newspaper on Monday morning," Larry said laughing.

"Oh Shit! Larry, you're the second person to tell me that it made the news. What happened?" Linda asked sitting up in bed.

"Wait and see! Luke's not in any trouble... or much trouble anyway!" Larry pondered.

"Dear God!" Linda said rubbing her forehead. Larry laughed.

"Did you have fun tonight?" Larry asked.

"So far this has been the best Christmas ever," Linda said hugging Larry as he got into bed.

"I think our newest son is very happy?" Larry said.

"I hope he calls his Aunt and Uncle tomorrow to wish them a Merry Christmas," Linda said.

"Tyler will do what is right for him when he is ready," Larry said reaching behind his head to fluff his pillow up.

"What's this?' Larry said pulling out a card that was hidden under his pillow that said 'Dad' on it.

"Looks like Luke's printing." Linda said as she snuggled up beside Larry.

Larry tore open the envelope and pulled out a card with a badly drawn Christmas tree on it. Larry began to read the contents out loud. "Dear Dad, you asked me for something special this Christmas and I couldn't think of what to buy for you so I made you this card. I just wanted you to know that I love you. Signed Lucas Anderson ... and Mango."

"He wrote the word 'signed'?" Linda said giggling.

"Yeah!" Larry said smiling. "No question, Luke! You got me the best present a father could ask for!"

To be continued...

Posted: 12/26/08