Scout Slavery
Rick Masters
(© 2012 by the author)
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Chapter 8
I awoke the next morning to bright sunshine because Mike had got up already and had opened the tent flap which let the early morning sun shine straight in on top of me. As usual I also awoke with a good morning glory which I acknowledged with a couple of tender rubs and then realised that my bum was a bit tender, which reminded me of the pleasure of the last night's activities. I crawled out of the tent with my hard on still bobbing up and down and walked over to the kitchen area to stoke the fire so that we could start on breakfast. Mike had beaten me to it and already had the water on for coffee. He told me to go and wake the other three so that we could get on with the things we were to do that morning before we had to break camp and get ready to go home. Steve and Andy were still lying side by side and were flat on their backs with nothing covering their morning stiffies. This was a temptation to hard to resist and so I took hold of a cock in each hand gave them a good tug to wake their owners up. A most satisfying and successful manoeuvre, for not only did they wake up, but they also shouted at me which woke John up. He took one look at the three of us, all naked with boners and asked if we could not get enough in a day. Thinking this was a bit otherwise we decided to show our APL how to treat his patrol members and went over and tipped him out of his sleeping bag. This revealed that he had gone to bed dressed only in a pair of rather well fitting briefs which clearly revealed that though he did not think much of same sex enjoyment, he was still all male and experienced the same early morning rise as the rest of us. John appeared quite embarrassed by this and grabbing a pair of shorts walked out of the tent to put them on. Mike must have realised what was going on and called out to us to get a move on and get breakfast on the go, reminding me that I still had a forfeit to complete. As I had not dressed since the previous evening's games I was already fitted to complete my forfeit of washing the breakfast dishes on the nude, which I set about doing as soon as we had finished eating. With the dishes cleaned, dried and put away, we were free to continue the day's activities which Mike told us were going to be punishing. By this we thought he meant they would be hard, but what he actually meant was the each time we did something wrong we would receive a punishment, carried out at the 'place of punishment'. Mike then started us off with compasses and would point towards something and ask us what bearing it would take to walk to the object. Andy was the first to make a mistake and was taken to the place of punishment, there he was tied to the stave and had a bucket of water thrown over him. We moved on then from compass work to estimation and were all told to estimate the height of the rock which stood behind our kitchen area. John just smiled because he already knew as he had been involved in a similar exercise in the past. I had never done estimation before and so I got it wrong. At the place of punishment after I was tied to the stave, I had a bucket of water thrown over me, and then the others were told to through handfuls of dirt onto me so that I came away very filthy indeed. Next we had to do some knotting and Steve was absolutely hopeless and thus paid his visit to the place of punishment. Steve was stripped to his briefs and tied to the stave. He got the bucket of water, and then the handfuls of dirt. We were then told to pick the seeds off of the bushes around the campsite and fill his briefs with them. These seeds when handled produced a sticky sap which was the way they got moved about as they would stick to the coats of animals brushing past the bushes and fall off later somewhere else to germinate and grow. By the time we were finished, Steve appeared to be extremely well endowed as his briefs bulged tremendously. Of course this put even more pressure on the seeds which released more of the sap and he had rivulets of the sticky sap running down his legs and beads of sap oozing through the material of his briefs. We had time for just one more activity before we would stop for lunch and unfortunately I lost this one as well and so I was taken back to the place of punishment. Got a fresh buck of water, more handfuls of dirt, and because I was not even wearing the loin clot, on my master's orders, he said I was to be covered in the seeds from the bushes from my shoulders to my feet. To do this, the other four would collect a handful of the seeds and then press the hand against me causing a layer of seeds to stick to me. Mike, of course, had the honour of covering my genitals which he did with fervour, rubbing the seeds on instead of pressing them on. When I was fully covered in the sticky mass, I was wrapped in plastic sheeting, which Mike said was to hold the seeds in place. What it did was to make me sweat and as the perspiration mixed with the sap it caused some sort of reaction which made my skin feel like it was shrinking. I had to suffer this for about half an hour before Mike said that as it was now close to lunch time the three of us who had receive punishment should all go and clean up at the showers while he and John got the lunch ready. We grabbed our soap and towels and went off. When we got to the showers, Steve and Andy helped me to get the plastic off and then we piled into the showers together. Andy was alright as he had not had the seeds pressed onto him, but Steve and I had a bit of job getting the sap off. As he was finished and Steve only had a small area to scrub, Andy offered to help me and with my agreement set about getting my back sticky free. He completed this and moved on down to my bum and had to also clean right in the crack because Mike had made sure every inch was covered. Having him rubbing and touching in these sensitive areas caused the inevitable to happen and so once again I stood proud with my boner on view to the others. I don't think I had so much time of being erect in week before than I had in this weekend. Both Steve and Andy took opportunities to rub and stroke my Charlie, but I would not let them actually jerk me off, as I wanted to reserve this for my Mike. However, I did return the favour and give each of them a few rubs as well as they too were sporting hard-ons. By the time we got back to camp, the lunch was ready and we sat down to eat. After lunch Steve completed his final forfeit of washing up the dishes on the nude, and we set about breaking camp. Mike told us all to get dressed in our uniforms as soon as we had finished taking the camp apart and packing everything up. His timing couldn't have been better if he tried, for as we were putting our socks and shoes on, the first of our parents coming to collect us arrived, and there was no visible sign of anything that had gone on for the last few days.
To be continued...
Posted: 12/14/12