Scout Slavery
Rick Masters
(© 2012 by the author)
The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's
consent. Comments are appreciated at...
Chapter 7
Saturday dawned bright and clear at about
a quarter past five. I was the first awake and had the pleasure of being able to
examine Mike in his natural state without him interfering in any way. Just
looking at him was enough to excite Charlie who began to stiffen up in
anticipation. I couldn't resist it and so leant over and gave Mike's prick a
kiss. I was amazed because he reacted immediately, not by waking up but by
getting an erection. I decided that as I could not hear any movement from the
other tent yet, they were still asleep, and we would not be disturbed for a bit,
and so I began to lick Mike's cock and fondle his balls. This woke him up, and
he said good morning to me and when I moved my mouth away from his cock to reply
he ticked me off and told me to get on with the job. So I did. I learned
something with this for as I took the full length of his cock into my mouth,
instead of gagging, I inadvertently swallowed, discovering that this helped me
to take all of him. I tried this out a few times as I moved up and down on his
cock to make sure my discovery was in fact helpful and learnt it to be so. As I
sucked my hand explored Mikes bum and I soon had a finger up his chute. Mike
asked me to put two fingers up and wiggle them around and so I did this using
the saliva which was now running down between his legs as a lubricant. I felt
Mike was getting close and so moved faster on his cock whilst pushing my fingers
as deep into his arse as I could. Without knowing it I was massaging his
prostate with those two fingers and was kind of shocked at what I felt in there
as he started his orgasm, giving me an appetiser for breakfast. I had only just
finished licking Mike's cock clean when we heard the other guys stirring and so
there was no time for Mike to do anything to me. Once again my hard cock had to
soften without release. After breakfast Mike announced we were to climb the
mountain across the valley from our campsite. As this would involve having to
walk about half a mile on the main road to get around the swamp in the valley he
said I would have to take a pair of shorts and shirt with me and would wear them
whilst on the road only. We put together a backpack with some water, fruit and a
few other bits and I was told I would have to be the bearer as I was the slave.
The mountain was a huge granite outcrop rising about 1500 feet above the valley
and we were to climb the face which was the steepest side and away from the
road. This meant that I would not be on view whilst dressed only in a loincloth.
When we reached the top we discovered the weather worn hollows spread across it
were full of water from the recent rains. Mike made us sit for a few minutes to
cool down a bit before he would let go in for a splash. We all stripped off and
jumped in the biggest pool which was about 8 feet across and 18 inches deep. Of
course, once we had finished splashing each other and messing around the water
level had gone down by a few inches but we had fun. We got out to eat our fruit
and dry off a bit and Mike said we all needed to put sun screen cream on so that
we did not burn badly. He then said the slave would put it on everybody starting
with him. I got the bottle of cream out and poured a bit on my hand and began to
spread it over Mike's back and bum and down the back of his legs. When I moved
on to do his front I carefully avoided touching his cock, but he ordered me to
do his cock as well as he did not want to risk getting that sun burnt, and to
make sure I got it fully covered. Of course he got an erection with my
ministrations, as did I, but no one said anything. As I finished doing Mike he
said, "And make sure you cover all of the others as well."
John said, "I think I can do myself, thanks. I'll let the slave off."
"No you will not!" Mike ordered forcefully. "The slave will do everybody and
everything. That is the tradition, and we are not going to break it now." That
evening when we were alone in our tent I said I had not known about the
tradition and Mike told me that there was no tradition but he had done it to
give me some fun as the slave. I dutifully - and willingly - obeyed and creamed
up everybody, making sure each of them were hard before I finished. John
appeared very uncomfortable with it but also did enjoy the physical thrill any
penis experiences at the touch of a gentle hand. When I had finished, Mike told
Andy that he was to do me. Andy objected at first, but then went on to do it and
I experienced a third hand on my cock that weekend. Now the only person who had
not given my cock a good feel was John; it would not happen anyway because John
was not gay at all and was old enough to stand up to Mike on issues like that.
In fact later on in the day, John told Mike privately that he did not want to be
involved in any more traditions which involved touching cocks or the like. We
sat around in the warm sun for a while longer and then went back into the water
for another splash around. We also had a bit of a wrestling match which did not
last long because the stone was too rough on our naked skin, but during the
wrestling Mike managed to give my bum some good squeezes which were returned
just as joyfully as they were received and there were several instances of cocks
being pressed up against others bodies, which was all very erotic and all but
John had hard-ons at the end of the short game. Steve suggested we go naked to
get down the mountain, but Mike said this would not be a good idea as we would
be exposed to the sun for too long on top of the exposure we already had and
also we needed the protection of clothes for the narrow passages we had had to
squeeze through on the way up. I was the exception. A lowly slave did not need
to be considered for pampering, and so was to make the descent in my loin cloth
alone until we reached the road again. Although the descent went faster than the
ascent, we still did not get back into our campsite until mid afternoon. We had
eaten our fruit which we had taken up the mountain and so decided to go for an
early supper instead of lunch and supper. Mike set the other three to working on
supper while he and I went in search of new supplies of firewood. He led me some
distance away so that we would not be overheard or seen and then he said that I
was to give him a wank. This I did, and asked for one in return, but he said I
had to wait until we were in bed again as he had some special plans and I would
need all my spunk for them. We then got together quite a load of wood and headed
back to camp, with me still supporting an erection from unrequited sexual
tension. Steve noticed my erection immediately and said I must have a hard on
more than a relaxed cock, which I took to be a compliment and so just smiled a
thank you at him. After we had eaten our early supper, we went into the big tent
and Andy got out a pack of cards and suggested we play a game. We started with
snap but that did not hold our interest and so Steve suggested poker. John
asked, "What do we bet with?" and Steve immediately replied, "Our clothes. Let's
play strip poker with forfeits."
"I don't want any of that," John said, "I'm tired of all this homo cocky stuff.
You do it but I think I will go and sit on top of the big rock and watch the
sunset if that is o.k." Mike realized that John was not very happy with the
theme the day had taken and so said that it would be alright.
"How do we play with forfeits?" I asked.
"Well, we play strip poker as normal, but once someone is naked, instead of
dropping out the game, they continue to play and if they lose they have do a
forfeit which is decided by the others." Steve answered.
"What sort of forfeits?" Andy asked.
"Whatever we decide. It could be that you have clean the dishes after the next
meal, or that you have to be shaved, or have your balls polished, or anything
else we might come up with."
"I'm o.k. with that," I answered, "but I will be at a disadvantage as I only
have the loin cloth and a pair of shoes on, while you guys have shirts, shorts,
undies and shoes on."
"You'll just have to play more skilfully and win then, slave." Mike said. And
that was the end of that, so the game started. I was really pleased because
despite my disadvantage, Mike was the only one who did not lose all his clothes
before me. Andy had two forfeits to pay, and Steve had five before I got one and
then on the next hand Mike lost his undies and we were all naked, which ended
that portion of the game. It was decide to give out the forfeits in lowest to
greatest order and so I had to have mine first. Mike suggested that as I could
not be shaved again, I should have to do the breakfast washing up in the nude.
The others agreed to this and I thought I had got off lightly as I had a good
idea of what the others were likely to get. We then moved on to Andy's two
forfeits. I suggested that we use sellotape and tape Andy's cock either to his
leg or to his belly. Steve said we should paint his cock with gentian violet,
while Mike said we should shave him (because he liked to see smooth boys). We
decided we would write the three ideas on pieces of paper and then Andy would
draw his two out of a hat. He drew a purple cock and the tape and so we set
about painting his cock with the gentian violet from the first aid kit, and of
course he got a nice hard on in the process. It would take about a week for the
g.v. to wear off. We then got the sellotape from the supplies kit box and
started by first wrapping his erect prick entirely in tape and then bending it
down as far as it could go and attaching it by copious amounts of tape to his
left leg. He would have to stay like this till the morning which meant that he
would have to piss down his leg if he needed to go before then. As it was almost
time for the warden to come we agreed that we would get dressed and sort out
Steve's forfeits after the warden had gone. I was sent to fetch John who clearly
showed that he was not at all happy about what had been going on. When I told
him that Steve still had to have his forfeits decided and carried out he
expressed his displeasure with a string of expletives. I tried to ease the
situation by saying it was just things which we were doing because we had the
freedom of no adults present to stop us, but this did not seem to help. The
warden came, looked through Mike's log and seemed to be impressed that we were
all still in one piece and the campsite was clean and tidy, and then he left
with the promise to see us before we left the next day. We waited half an hour
to be sure he had had time to go and then Mike called us into the tent and made
us all strip off so that we were all in the same state we had been in before we
got ready for the wardens visit. John said he would build a campfire and went
off again. Andy's cock had become flaccid, but was still taped securely to his
leg and looked very uncomfortable. We began suggesting forfeits for Steve and as
each suggestion was made, it was written on a piece of paper and put into the
hat. The final list of options which went in were to have a purple cock, be
shaved, be taped with his cock to one leg and balls to the other, wash the lunch
dishes in the nude, give each of the others a blow job (Andy's to wait for the
morning), have noughts and crosses played on his bum with a permanent marker
until there was no space left to draw, lie on his back and be jerked off until
he came by another person, do the early morning run in the nude and spend the
night with a wax candle taped up his arse to make sure it could not come out.
Mike turned down having him tied to a tree for the night with a weight attached
to his foreskin. Steve was the only one who was not circumcised and his foreskin
protruded beyond the tip of his cock, saying that would be too cruel. He also
told Andy that he could take the sellotape of when we went for our showers. John
then came in to the tent and said the camp fire was ready but not lit and that
he wanted to go for a shower. Mike said it would be o.k. and so John went off.
Steve drew his first forfeit which was to be shaved. Mike said I had to do the
shaving while Andy lathered, and that we would only do around his cock, and
leave his legs and arms alone. Andy went to get some water while I went to our
tent and got the shaving gear from Mike's kit. Although Steve was older than me
he was not quite as well developed as I was, but Andy put a good load of lather
around and over his cock and I set to work, making a meal out of making sure
every last hair was removed and giving his cock a good jacking as well. His next
forfeit required the use of more cotton wool and more g.v. and before much
longer his smooth hard cock was a lovely dark purple. The third time he dipped
his hand into the hat took care of the lunch dishes on Sunday. His fourth got
him running in less than me the next morning and his final one gave us a game of
noughts and crosses for about half an hour because we drew small grid patterns.
Mike then announced that we needed to get an early night after our eventful day
and so should go for a short campfire in the nude and then shower and bed. As we
left the tent John returned from the shower and said he was very tired and would
rather just go straight to bed even though it was only half past nine in the
evening. We agreed then to forego the camp fire which none of us were really
interested in and were only doing because it was kind of an obligatory inclusion
in any camp program, grabbed our towels and soap bags and set off down the path
to the showers, all still in the nude. It took about ten minutes to walk to
where the showers were and we chatted along the way. Mike asked, "Andy, how have
you like the camp so far?"
"It's been really great."
"Even with your cock taped to your leg?" I asked.
"Well that is a bit uncomfortable as it pulls every time I take a step, but I
have liked to be able to play around like this, and swimming in the nude on top
the hill was so good."
"What about having the sun cream put on? I liked that." Steve added.
"It was o.k. I mean we aren't supposed to like having another guy touch us, but
I did not find it so bad and my cock showed it did not mind anyway."
"How about you Steve?" Mike asked, "What have you liked about camp?"
"I have liked all of it. I really liked putting the shaving lather on Rick, and
being shaved myself. I think I like touching and being touched down there."
"And you Rick?" Mike moved on to include me. "What has being a slave been like
so far?"
"It has been o.k. At first, I was scared that it would be really bad and I would
end up being made to lick the shit off your bum after you'd been to the toilet
and things like that, but you have been a kind master, thank you."
"Would you have liked to have been shaved Andy?" Steve asked
"Actually, I think I might have. It would look quite good all of us going around
with no hair between our legs. How about you Mike? Want to be shaved also?"
"My slave is going to do that to me in the shower tonight actually, and I will
do you also."
"Hey, what about me? Don't I get to shave any body this camp?"
"No! Afraid not. But you do get to lather Andy up." Mike replied. "So get to it,
here's the kit" Mike handed the shaving soap and brush to Steve and then told me
to hold the torch for him to see what he was doing. Andy's cock was hard before
Steve even got close to it with the lather, but now this seemed to be quite
normal and so no one commented. While Andy was getting well lathered, Mike told
me that he and I were going to give the other two a good jerk-off as soon as the
shaving was done and that as I had already given Steve a bit of a wank, I would
do Andy. Mike then set about removing the pubic hair from Andy's body while
Steve held a second torch so that there was no chance of any mishap. I then had
the pleasure of ministering to my master's desires and began to lather his belly
and nether regions with relish. I tried to make sure that I gave him a good
tickle with the brush because I felt he deserved the pleasure. I also used the
brush to lather his crack and cheeks as I intended to try and shave them as
well. I took at least ten minutes with the lathering and made sure Mike's prick
was as hard as it could get. I put the soap and brush down and reached for the
razor. Then I asked Mike to turn around so that I could do his bum first. He did
so without objection and leaned forward so as to make his bum more accessible. I
followed each stroke of the razor with a light rub with my fingers to make sure
he was really smooth and to give his bum a good feel. Finally using my other
hand to help pull his cheeks apart I cleaned his crack from hair. Mike turned
around and I directed Steve and Andy to hold the torches so that I could clearly
see what I was doing. I did not know what Mike had planned for later, but I was
very sure I did not want to dampen his enthusiasm by giving him any painful
nicks with the razor. Starting at his navel, I shaved all the hair down to about
an inch and a half down his legs. Being able to hold and pull on his ball bag
and cock to make the skin tight so that the razor would move over it smoothly
was as much enjoyment as the actual shaving was. When I was finished, Mike went
into the shower to wash off the last bits of soap and loose hair and then said I
had done a good job and he was really smooth. He called Steve over to him and
made him stand in front of him with his back to Mike. Mike then told Andy to
stand in front of me in the same way. Out of his soap bag Mike pulled a bottle
of baby oil and poured a bit into his palm before passing the bottle over to me
to do the same. He then told the other two that as they had just been shaved
they needed a bit of oil to stop any possible itching, and that he and I would
apply it to them. With that we began to smear the oil over their cocks and
balls, and went on to masturbate them. Neither if the boys objected, but I did
notice that for me to bring Andy to orgasm, was not the same as doing it for
Mike. I guess that this is because I did not have any real feelings for Andy
like I did for Mike. Andy was a mate, but that was all. When we had finished,
Mike told the two of them not to say anything to John as he seemed a bit against
this sort of thing and we did not want to upset him further. We then had our
showers and helped to wash each as this was more fun than washing ourselves,
especially as we did this in the dark. Having walked down to the showers naked
we had to walk back to camp naked and the three of them said they noticed that
it was a bit cooler around their cocks with no fur to keep it warm. I already
knew this from the last 24 hours of experience. Steve said that he was going to
sleep in the nude as he though this might be quite nice and suggested Andy does
the same. Andy said he would as he liked sleeping naked and did so quite a bit
at home anyway. They then asked me if I was going to sleep in the nude also.
"That will depend on what my master tells me to do. It won't be more than a loin
cloth if I do have anything on anyway." I replied.
Mike simply said, "I think Ricky is going to be naked until we get ready to
break camp now."
It was close to eleven o'clock when we got back to camp and Mike told the other
two to go straight to bed and to keep quiet so as not to wake John up. Being
very tired they did as ordered and within a quarter of an hour we could hear by
their breathing they were sound asleep. Mike and I peeped into the tent to make
sure and shone a veiled torch light up to the roof of the tent. In the part
light we saw the two had indeed gone to bed naked. What is more, they were lying
on top of their sleeping bags and were holding hands. We went into our tent and
then Mike began to reveal some of what was in store for me. Firstly he told me I
was not to make a noise and to make sure of this he was going to gag me. He took
my troop scarf and tied it over my mouth. Next he took some rope and tied my
hands behind my head and used a short stave across the back of my neck to make
sure I could not pull them down past my shoulders. My legs were then pulled up
one at a time and my ankles were attached with rope to the same stave. I was
well trussed on my back with my arse and balls fully exposed to what ever else
he had in mind and I loved it. Next, Mike took two clothes pegs and attached one
to each nipple and the gentle pain from that was quite a turn on. Mike then
produced a bottle of baby oil and poured some into my navel and down my belly to
my cock and began to spread it around with his hand until my stomach, cock,
balls and arse were well greased up. Mike stated to wank my prick with one hand
while he used his finger to fuck my arse. After about 5 minutes he put in two
fingers and moved them around inside while also pulling out and pushing in.
Another five minutes and Mike said he was going to go all the way, and if I hurt
I was too close my eyes and grunt. Being gagged I could not talk. Mike took some
more oil and lubed his cock up, and then he moved into position and placed the
tip of cock against my hole and put the pressure on. "Relax it" he ordered, I
had tensed up with expectation and he was having difficulty making penetration.
I made myself relax and as soon as I did the head of his cock popped through
into my rear end. The pain was something greater than what I had thought it
would be and I grunted and screwed my eyes shut and grunted again. The sudden
pain also made me tense up again so my muscle clamped down on his cock. "It's
all right, the pain will ease soon," Mike said. "Try and relax again. I will not
move until I feel you relax again." I willed myself to relax while Mike kept his
cock inside me but still. He began to play with my cock again and also to tickle
my tummy and sides because he knew that I liked it and it would help me to
relax. When he judged it to be right, he pushed in a bit more. More pain!
Another tensing of the arse, another wait to relax again. This time though the
pain was not as bad and the relaxing came easier. Mike pushed in another inch or
so and while there was still pain, I managed not to tense up very tight, so Mike
pushed in again and almost immediately pulled out a little bit. I concentrated
on trying to stay relaxed in that region and soon Mike was moving in and out
with nice even strokes. For the first time in my life I was being fucked and
that while trussed up like calf in a rodeo. I can't really describe how I felt.
I enjoyed being in a situation where I was helpless to defend myself and at
another's mercy. I got a genuine sexual thrill out of this. And then to be
fucked for the first time, in what was in a sense a rape situation, but because
I was willing was not really rape. Suddenly, even though Mike had stopped
wanking me, I knew I was close to cumming, but being gagged I could not say
anything and so just shot my load as Mike pumped away in my arse. Obviously it
was the action Mike's cock was having on my Prostate that brought it about, but
I did not know that at the time. Seeing me shooting out loads set Mike off and
he came inside me just as I finished. Mike stayed inside me for a little longer
while he used his hands to smear my semen mixed with the oil over my belly and
waited for his cock to relax. He then slid his cock out and wiped it clean with
some paper towel which he tore off a role he had thought to bring along. Mike
amazed me; he had had to plan so much for this camp, and had still thought of
all these extras for our time together. Mike released my legs, and pulled them
down so that I was now laid out flat on my back, he then removed my gag and laid
down on top of me to kiss me in a long passionate kiss which saw both our cocks
get hard again as he slid his body over mine spreading the oil even more. Then
he stopped kissing me and thanked me for letting him do this to me. He started
to give me a slow leisurely wank which in a way was a bit frustrating because I
wanted to be able to feel him and wank him also and he would not release my arms
no matter how much I asked. It took quite a while, but eventually I built up to
it and had a second orgasm that night. Of course this time I did not produce
much semen, just a couple of dribbles which did not even shoot out of my cock.
Mike stopped then, and using the paper towel first cleaned him self and then
again in a slow and leisurely way he cleaned me. I was now completely relaxed
and was quite pleased when Mike said that was it for the night for me and untied
my arms. I said I wondered if Steve and Andy were still how we had left them and
so Mike suggested we sneak in and have a look. I agreed, and we took our torches
and covered them with handkerchiefs to dim the light and went over to their
tent. We stood outside and listened first and could only hear nice even
breathing. Next we shone one torch in carefully and had a look around. They were
no longer holding hands, but were still lying on their backs side by side.
"I wonder if they will get hard if we rub their cocks?" I asked Mike.
"Let's find out," he said and so we moved very carefully into the tent and went
either side of the pair. Fortunately John was lying at the other end of the tent
at right angles to the two boys and so we were able to avoid him completely. I
gingerly stretched out my hand and touched Steve's cock. No reaction. Mike did
the same to Andy with the same result. As if rehearsed we both gave the cocks by
our hands a gentle rub and this time saw a bit of movement as the cocks started
to get hard, Before long we were jacking the other two boy's cocks while they
slept. I saw Steve move his head and his eyes flickered so I stopped
immediately. Steve then moved his own hand up to his cock and played with it a
bit still in his sleep. I think he was near to coming and this had almost woken
him up. Mike had noticed what was going on and stopped playing with Andy's cock.
Andy also moved his hand up to play with his cock. Mike reached over and took
their hands and swapped them over so that Steve was holding Andy's cock and visa
versa. They played with each other for a few moments, but then sleep took over
again and they stopped. Mike and I decided not to try anything more and went
back to our own tent where we lay down next to each other and kissed and
embraced with our hard on's sandwiched between our stomachs. This is how we fell
asleep on this our last night on camp.
To be continued...
Posted: 12/07/12