Scout Slavery

By: Rick Masters
(© 2012 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 9

On the Wednesday after camp, Mike phoned me and asked me to go around to his house. I called my mom at work and got permission and so set off. When I got to Mike's house we went straight through to his room and started kissing each other. Mike broke our kiss, but held me tight and said he had some good news for me.

"What?" I asked.

"We held a Patrol Leaders Council last night and you have been moved to my patrol so that you can help me with my Duke of Edinburgh Award, if you want to that is." Mike replied.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"Well, as Scouts we all get the opportunity to do our 'D of E', but we need to have other people help us and those people also get some of the Award done while helping us. It also means that we will have to spend a lot of time together and go on various weekend projects alone and things like that. Are you interested?"

"Of course I am. We will have an excuse to see more of each other without raising suspicions and so on."

"That is exactly what I thought. Of course your mom will have to give her permission for a lot of the stuff, but after this weekend I think that will not be a problem. I will also need you to sleep over some nights for us to work on things together."

"By the way. I have said so much to mom about how good camp was and what a good leader you are that she wants to meet you."

"How is this to happen?"

"Well, you could come around Saturday afternoon on some D of E stuff. She will be home then."

"O.k. But now I want you to take your punishment. I have devised some things for you to try out. There is some purpose in being good at physics."

"What do you mean?"

"Here, let me help you get ready. First we have to remove all your clothes; then we fix you to the torture table." At this Mike lifted my 't' shirt up and helped me to pull it over my head. Then he took my shoes off, I wasn't wearing any socks. Finally he took hold of my shorts and pulled them down. In expectation, I had left my undies at home. Mike was both pleased and impressed, especially as I was already sporting a boner of note. "Your hair is not growing back very fast. It has been almost a week and I can't see any short bits at all."

"That is because I have shaved twice since. I shaved the morning after we got home from camp and again this morning. I like being smooth and it keeps mom's suspicions at bay, but if you look at my arms and legs you will see that hair is growing."

"Oh yes, I do see now. Anyway, to the torture table with you. Lie down on the bed face up." I obeyed Mike's command. The next thing I knew he was sitting astride my chest, pinning me to the bed and leaning over my head while he fiddle with something under the pillow. I tried to turn my head to see what he was doing and got a gentle tap on the side of my head with a strict order to keep still and look only at the ceiling. Mike then grabbed one of my arms and pulled my hand up to the head of the bed, where he tied it up with a rope which had obviously been hidden under the pillow. A few moments later my other hand was also tied to the head of the bed. A flat band was then fitted around my head and fixed in a way that made it impossible for me to move my head. I then felt a similar flat band fixed across my stomach and pulled tight enough to keep me flat on the bed, not so tight that I was put into any discomfort. "I know you like this sort of treatment," Mike said, "and I like giving it, but if I ever go too far I want you to promise to tell me immediately. Do you promise?"

"I promise, but what are you going to do?"

"You will have to wait and find out."

I could hear Mike moving about, but was not sure what he was doing until suddenly his hard cock was pointing straight out across my line of vision. He had been undressing. In silence he rubbed his cock over my eyes and down my nose to my mouth. I automatically opened my mouth and stuck out my tongue to get a taste of the slight saltiness of his precum. I thought he would then get me to suck his cock, but he pulled away and then started to kiss me, and we shared our tongues, exploring as deep into each others mouths as we could get. After a while of this snogging, Mike stopped and turned away from the bed. Again I could not see what he was doing, but could hear him collecting something from one of his drawers. "Here's where my physics lessons are going to come in. He held some contraption in front of my face which had two flat metal parts with a small hole in the middle of each and a wire coming from them leading to a plastic ice-cream box. I must admit, I was a bit nervous, but was actually powerless to do anything. Mike took some elastoplasts and fixed each of the plates over my nipples with the nipple fitting through the hole in the plate. "Tell me if this gets too much." He ordered as he fiddled with something in the box. The next thing I new was that I was receiving a mild electric shock across my nipples. "Wow! That made them stand up immediately." Mike exclaimed. He then proceeded to turn the voltage up until my chest muscles were actually contracting with each pulse. He left this for a few minutes and then I complained that it was starting to hurt a bit and so he turned it down, but not off. I was now experiencing a tingle over the nipples at each pulse, and when Mike took my Charlie into his mouth I was aware that my cock was very sensitive.

"I am going to cum very quickly like this." I told Mike.

He stopped sucking on my cock, "Not if I can help it." He then left my cock alone for a bit to allow him to take each leg and tie the ankle to the same ropes which were holding my hands. I realised he was going to fuck me, but before he did, he took one of the electrodes off of my nipple and stuck it onto my cock so that it was covering that most sensitive part just at the base of the glans. The other electrode was stuck over my navel. He gradually turned the power up until he saw my cock was dancing to the force of the shock at each pulse. "We will see what happens with that." Leaving it like that he started to oil up his cock and my chute with baby oil. (The likes of KY jelly were beyond the reach of junior people like us.) Mike entered me slowly, checking all the time that I was not hurting too much, until he was fully in. He then started to pump me, slowly and gently for the first few thrusts, but soon he was going like a piston on a steam engine. Obviously the play he had with me had really turned him on and he was virtually out of control. I did not mind because I knew that I was close to coming as well. Suddenly Mike yelled and rammed himself into me very hard and I felt his cock throbbing as he pumped his seed into my backside. This coupled with the electrical stimulation was enough to set me off and I started to shoot. The first spasm erupted from my cock with such force that it cleared my head and hit the wall behind the head of his bed. With the other spurts reducing in force I was left with a trail of cum down my head and chest. Even when the cum had run out, the electrical pulse kept my orgasm going until I could stand it no longer and had to plead with Mike to stop it. Mike turned off the power and disconnected the electrodes from my body. He then began to lick the cum off of me until he reached my mouth when he shared what was left in his mouth by giving me another tongue exchanging kiss of passion. "I love you Ricky." He kept on repeating.

"I love you too." I replied. And although I did not really know what love was at that stage, I know now that I did love Mike and that he loved me. Hormones did kind of dictate that a lot of our love was expressed in a physical way, but there was definitely the spiritual and emotional element included in our relationship. We just had not learned the best way to express it and that we did not need to have physical satisfaction every time we were together. However, this knowledge did come to us as we worked together on Mike's (and partly mine) D of E award. Perhaps this was because we ended up spending a lot of time alone with each other. Also a sleeping bag on rough bush grass is not that conducive to love making all the time. The old 'role in the hay' is definitely not all it is cracked up to be. Other times we were too exhausted to do anything more than hold hands and kiss each other. Mike did end up with an all over tan like mine at times, though, because whenever it was feasible we would go totally naked.

I guess I am a naturist at heart. Mike's experiments with electricity also became voyages of discovery as we tried different things on each other, but I was always the first guinea pig. Another thing which happened to help our relationship to grow and mature was really a coincidence. My sister got herself pregnant and married the father and so left our home at about the same time as my mother got a new position which required her to work at night on alternate weeks. With Mike's parents' agreement, Mike would spend those nights at my home. Mom did not want the house left empty at regular intervals as this would invite burglaries, and at the same time she did not want to leave me alone in the house. Perhaps in future records I will recount some of what we got up to. I am sure that mom realised that we had a special relationship because of how she reacted when the tragedy struck.

Finally Mike passed his D of E, completed his A levels and as was the norm of all guys in the country at that time was called up to do his national service in the army. Mike completed his initial training with success and was all too soon posted to the front. On his second tour of duty Mike was involved in contact and took a shot through his heart which killed him instantly. Mike's parents phoned mom to tell her so that she could tell me what had happened. Needless to say I was absolutely devastated. This was the only person whom I had loved and now he was dead before his nineteenth birthday. For one who was only just over 15 years old, it was as if the world had come to an end. Mom cuddled me and held me close as I wept uncontrollably for a very long time. She did not say much at all. I am sure she knew that there were not many words which could help and it would take time for the feelings which were tearing my soul apart to ease and become bearable. He was given a full military funeral and all his scout mates attended in their scout uniform. Mom had organised with the doctor and had got some tranquillisers for me, but even with those, I was unable to control my emotions and wept openly at the graveside as the Last Post was played, and the guns were fired. We had had almost five years together, and they will never be forgotten.

Mike I salute you!

Authors Note: If you have not already guessed, this story is based on fact from my own life. I began writing it as a form of coming to terms with whom I am and what I want to be. A form of catharsis, if you like. Mike was the first love of my life; but because I grew up in a very homophobic area I subdued my gay desires and learnt to love a woman whom I married and am very happy with and whom I love dearly. I have two adult children and for their sake will continue to write my stories under a pseudonym to protect them and their feelings as they know nothing of this part of my life. I trust you will respect this and not do anything that might jeopardise me or my family. I hope you like my other stories which will hopefully be published on this same site in due course.

Posted: 12/21/12