Dura et Pulsans VI

By: Rick Masters
(© 2017 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...


Chapter 2

We left the hut and returned to the dormitory to see who else had arrived. As we got near the front door of the hostel we saw Ian struggling with his trunk and went to help him. By chance we had stopped talking before we got to the dormitory and so were relatively quiet on our entrance. The first thing we noticed was Flynn on his knees in front of my bedside locker, scrabbling around inside it. Clearly he was looking for the photographs.

"Do you really think I'm as stupid as you are, Flynn?" I asked. Flynn jumped and knew that he had been caught without any excuse. "Maybe I should just go straight to Furber and report that you were trying to steal something from my locker. You can explain what it is that you were looking for." I turned and began walking towards the door. "You two are my witnesses that Flynn was looking for something inside my locker."

"Can't deny what we saw," Ian said.

"No wait!" Flynn said.

"Why? Give me one good reason not to go straight to Furber now. After all, I'm pretty sure I can show him what you were looking for in my locker."

"Okay! Of course I was looking for the pictures. You can't show those to anyone," Flynn said.

"Oh yes, I can. I can show them to anyone I want to. Whether I will or not depends on you and your friends. I think we will be looking at some more later on too," I said.

"What are we going to have to do now?" Flynn asked.

"Well I was just going to make you guys wait to shower once the hot water was all gone, but after what I have just seen I think I will have to think up something more."

"And what if we refuse to do it?" Flynn asked.

"You already know the answer to that," I said and left it. "Now fuck off from beside my bed. If I ever catch you near my locker again you might wish that you had never met me."

Flynn went back to his own bed space, and I knelt on the floor and began to tidy my locker again. I could have told Flynn to do it, but I knew he would never get it right. When I looked in I saw that I would have been able to tell the first time I went to it that someone had been in it. While I was still doing that I became aware of someone standing close to me. I turned my head and looked up.

"Uh, Delmar, I've done a lot of thinking over the half-term, and it all tells me that I am more to blame than anyone else in this dorm for the way we have treated you. I'm very sorry and will accept whatever revenge you want to take. I should have stopped it in the very first term but didn't, and then it was easier to just let it go on, until it became a habit for us. I promise you now, though, that I will do my best to make sure no one ever treats you like that again," Whitworth said.

"You maybe could have tried to make the others stop, but they also could have stopped without being made to. Everyone in this dorm has been in charge of their own actions, and those who still refuse to accept that are the ones I will try to get to see the wrong in their actions. Show me that you mean it by your behaviour and I will look to forgiving you."

"Thank you. That is more than I can really ask for," Whitworth said.

Lawson and Winters arrived together and were the last from our dorm to get in. Lawson carried his trunk to his bed and quickly greeted Flynn and the others but noticeably ignored me. I had hoped that struggling with some uncertainty about their future might have brought them to the realisation that if they behaved towards me like they did towards anyone else I might go easy on them. Clearly this was not the case. Winters had just said "Hi, everyone," and then gone straight to his bed and began unpacking. MacDonald had been in and unpacked and gone out again without me seeing him, so he had not had a chance to show how he was feeling, and of course Flynn had already come across aggressively. However, when MacDonald did come in he gave me a look that told me he had not changed either.

Because of the different arrival times we always went for our evening meal on the first day back before going for our showers, and this gave me a bit more time to think. I really had not thought up anything more to do with the four cuntets; I had hoped that it would all have eased during the break. I managed to get in a quiet word with Daffyd and asked him to take charge of the photographs that were still inside my shirt and give the guys an opportunity to see some of the new ones before we went for our showers. When those pictures began to make the rounds in the dormitory and not out of my hands the four got quiet and Flynn actually paled. But then he tore the photograph into shreds and threw the pieces in the bin.

"You dumb fucker. Do you think he would have let you get your hands on that picture if he didn't have more to take its place?" Ewan Powell asked. "Just accept it, man. You are screwed big time, and going through Delmar's locker did nothing to help your situation."

"You fucking arsehole, you'd better not have made it worse for us too," Winters said upon hearing of Flynn's actions for the first time; there was a murmur of agreement amongst others in the dorm.

I was still quite angry at Flynn for going through my locker and decided that he needed something more than the others. Once we were all naked in the showers I ordered the four to go and stand against the wall. "I had hoped we would not have to resort to this after the break, but it seems that none of you four have changed, and you are not ready yet to change your ways. Until you do, that is where you will go for the rest of the term." I gave them a few seconds to get over there and then reminded them that they needed to make sure they kept each other hard.

When I saw that Flynn was hard I called him over to where I was standing under the warm shower. I tapped a point on the floor with my toe and told Flynn, "Get your arse on that spot with your legs spread apart."

"Why? What you gonna do?" he asked.

"Why? Because that is what I told you to do. What? You will see," I replied. "Now get your arse on the floor."

"I don't want to," Flynn said.

"I didn't want to do the stuff you made me do either, but I had no choice. Now you have no choice. Or rather you do. It's either this or those pictures of the four of you go on public display."

"Get your arse on the floor, or we will put you down there," MacDonald called out.

"At least that means he is not going to fuck your arse," Winters said.

"You make it any more worse for us and we will fuck you up," Lawson said.

Their allegiance to each other was clearly strained. Flynn realised that he was on his own now and meekly sat down on the floor and spread his legs. His hard-on had softened during the discussion, which probably worked out better for me. I put my foot over his cock and balls and pressed down a little. Not enough to cause pain but enough to cause some discomfort and show him that I had him at my mercy. "Now, suck my cock," I ordered.

"No ways!" he shouted as the water from the shower streamed down his face.

I pressed my foot a little harder on his balls and said, "And make sure that your teeth don't scratch me or there could be scrambled eggs for breakfast." Using my own hand I slapped my cock against his head.

"Your cock is too high for me to reach it."

"Stretch up then," I ordered.

Of course with my foot on his cock and balls his ability to stretch up was limited. The best he could do was to turn his face up, which forced him to keep his eyes closed against the shower spray. I bent my knees and lowered my soft cock into his open mouth and told him to start sucking. I let him suck for about a minute, then pulled my still soft cock out of his mouth. "You're fucking useless. Go back to the wall. I bet you couldn't even suck on your mother's tit when you were a baby." A very humiliated Flynn went back to the wall, where the water on him soon cooled to make him colder than his three so-called mates. "So tell me, Flynn. Did you like that? Did it make you feel like a man? Did it boost you up?" I let it rest for a few minutes and then asked, "Any of you other three want to get a taste? Come on over if you do." None of them budged, and Flynn looked really pissed off and humiliated. "So none of you want to try out what you thought was so good for someone else? I guess that speaks for itself. Think on that, you pathetic lot!" That little show had delayed their showers, so that their first shower back at school would be with only cold water, and the four would have to be very quick to get all the soap off before the water stopped flowing.

Back in the dormitory I waited until Furber had made his customary visit, then I told all the guys to get naked, making sure they realised I was not meaning just the four cuntets. I also got naked, then told the guys to get on their beds and start jerking off. There were some protests but I told them that protests were no good. I had not even been given the chance to protest. I did get a strange and questioning look from Daffyd. I gave him a thumbs up in return, in the hopes that he would realise I had something up my sleeve. I made no bones about the fact that I was enjoying my wank and knew that I was being observed when my cum shot out over my chest and stomach. After I cleaned up I watched as the others had their orgasms and then gave them the chance to clean up.

"Was that so hard?" I asked, getting a mixture of mumbled responses with no one willing to come right out and say that they had actually enjoyed their wank. "We all know that we wank. None of you needed to be taught what to do tonight. From now on, if you want to wank just go ahead and enjoy it. Don't worry about any of us seeing it. We have all seen each other doing it. There were no lightning bolts out of the sky to kill us. We haven't grown hairs on our hands or gone blind. Trying to be secret about it is fooling no one. So let's just accept it and have fun without worrying about what the guy next door thinks or might say. And don't worry, I'm not going to make you do a group jerk again. This was just to help you see that it's okay to get some relief. It will feel weird for a while, but I think we will all be surprised how easily we get used to it. Sweet dreams. Goodnight."

There was silence as everyone digested the ideas I had just put into their heads. Daffyd looked back at me and gave me a thumbs up, but with his hand hidden from the rest of the dorm by his leg. Then he turned to the rest of the dorm and said, "Del's right, and I learnt something over the break. I like to sleep in the nude, so I hope you don't mind, but my skin will be my night-dress going forwards."

"Oh, sexy," Wilson teased, but there was no malice in his voice.

"It's nearly lights-out time, guys. Best we get ready for bed quick. I will do the honours with the switch tonight," Ian MacLean said.

More than Daffyd and I got into bed without any clothing on; Ian strutted his naked body up to the light switch, showing that he too was going to sleep natural.

I did not do anything more to the four cuntets apart from making them wait and keep each other hard in the showers. Stone did not fail to notice; his visits to the showers became more regular, and his words of wisdom got longer. We had to complain and ask to be allowed to keep on showering while he talked, or else the water would go off before we finished. I felt I noticed a bit of softening in the attitudes of all but Flynn, but they did not make any real effort to befriend me or treat me the way they treated the others in the dorm, so I kept them under the threat of exposure.

On the Wednesday of that first week back at school as we were heading to the dining hall for our evening meal, Daffyd and I found Adia also going that way. "Hey Adia, got your time-table sorted yet?" Daffyd asked.

"Yeah. When're you free to talk?" he answered.

"Can you meet us in the library after lessons tomorrow?" I asked.

"Sure. See you there," he said. We walked on together, with Adia only leaving us when he needed to get into his line.

Thursday after lessons was great, because we discovered that there were three days in the week when the three of us would be able to meet up if we wanted. We then agreed that for the next few weeks we would keep all of those times free to meet up. We also settled times when we would leave the hut free for Adia to use for himself and when he would leave it for our personal use. But as Thursday was one of the days for the three of us we agreed to go there while Adia went to fetch his cameras, and he would meet us there for our first lesson.

Once all three of us were in the shed Adia used his key to lock it. "I just don't want to risk us being found," he said as he turned the key. "Also, I want to explain where I think I stand with you two guys. So if you let me talk first, then you can talk after if that is okay?"

"Yeah, I've got no problem with that," I said.

"Me neither," Daffyd said.

"Okay. I want to teach you how to use the cameras because I want you guys to take some of me dressed, naked, and hard and even sucking on a cock, and I think you are the only two I know I can trust to keep it quiet. Also, I would like to have some freely offered pictures of you two naked and hard. I know you have sucked my cock, Delmar, but that was under protest. However, I could tell from the way you did it you know how, and I was wondering if you were willing to get involved in some physical action with me. Maybe in return for teaching you how to take pictures you could teach me how to suck a cock well. What do you say?"

"Firstly, I think from the way you have helped us you have shown us that we can also trust you. So I am willing to go along with some of what you have suggested, but there some things that I need to discuss privately with Daffyd before I can give you an answer," I replied.

"And I think my answer is exactly the same," Daffyd said.

"Something has happened over the half term, hasn't it?" Adia asked grinning.

"Let us have a talk, and we will give you the answer to that too," Daffyd said.

"Okay. I won't press you. Do you want to start learning some things about taking a picture now? Then when you have had your talk you can let me know."

"Sure, but for now we keep our clothes on," I said.

"Okay. I was thinking that, as we don't have that much time left anyway, I would just go through some of the basics that I know and let you have a couple of tries with the polaroid so that you can see how the pictures come out."

"Yeah. Sounds good to me," Daffyd agreed. I nodded my head, and Adia began to teach us.

He talked about framing and composition and making sure that things were central. He also told us about ways of holding the camera and locking elbows and wrists and using a finger that was not supporting the camera to release the shutter. He explained about lighting and the effect it can have on a picture. This took some time, then he snapped off five pictures with the polaroid to show us what he meant. While we waited for them to develop he talked a bit more about focus and adjusting the shutter speed. Then he told us that most cameras don't have adjustable focus or shutter speeds and you have to really get it right by making sure of your distance from the subject of the photograph. He said he did have a really expensive camera at home that did those sort of things, but that his father would not let him bring that one to school. Once we had looked at his pictures and he had discussed the things wrong with them and the causes, he had us take it in turns to be the subject while the other took a picture. It soon became clear that Daffyd was going to be the better photographer out of the two of us, and he was really chuffed with that.

"At last something that I'm better at than you," Daffyd exclaimed.

"You're better at sports than I am too," I reminded him.

Once our lesson was finished, Adia left us and we stayed behind in the shed to talk. "I didn't want to tell Adia if I was willing to suck his cock or let him suck my cock without talking to you first. Also, I think he has guessed it, but do you think it would be safe to come out to him, seeing as he has almost come out to us?" I asked.

"I agree. I think he has twigged that we are gay and possibly thinks that we are boyfriends. I don't think if we are going to do any nude posing for him and taking pictures of him that we can keep our being gay secret from him, so I guess we might as will admit it up front. Do you want to do stuff with him?"

"I'm torn. Part of me says I want to be yours and that implies faithfulness, but this down here says I liked sucking his cock and wouldn't mind doing it again. How do you feel about me doing stuff with him, with the promise that if you are not present I will tell you everything? And do you want to do stuff with him yourself?"

"You are the only person I have experienced, and there is a part of me that says I want to try something else to compare. But also like you, part of me says I want to keep myself for you as a sign of my love," Daffyd answered.

"Okay, let's go with this for now. We agree to let him take pictures of us naked and hard, and we agree to take similar pictures of him, but as for blowjobs, we wait for a while longer and see how we feel after some time. In the meantime, we explain that we are boyfriends and want to keep to each other only," I suggested.

"Okay. We'll tell him that at our next practice session, unless we have a change of mind before that," Daffyd agreed and we left the hut.

That evening in the showers we lingered a bit longer than normal, which meant that the four cuntets didn't quite get all the soap off their bodies before the water dried up. Flynn was fuming over this. He didn't take kindly to being reminded by one of the others that this was what had happened to me many times and none of them had felt any pity for me when it did. He was letting it build up inside him, and when we went for dinner as he walked past the line that Adia was in he suddenly stopped and grabbed the front of Adia's shirt. "You and your fucking camera had better watch out. You are going to suffer for those photographs you tricked us with," he hissed in a harsh whisper.

"You posed for those of your own free choice," Adia replied.

"You fucking black bastard!" Flynn spat out and raised his fist to punch Adia. He got no further before he was grabbed from behind by one of the staff, who got him into a professional hold that prevented him from doing anything but struggle a bit.

"You had better be careful about who you pick fights with, young man, or you could end up in prison," the man who was holding him said.

"It's alright, Mr. Chambers. I don't think he is too happy tonight, but I'm sure he has realised he needs to be more careful. I think you can let him go," Adia said. "Thank you for your help."

While this warned Flynn, and all those who saw it, off attempting to harm Adia, it did nothing to improve his mood that night. Once we were all back in the dormitory waiting till lights out he had another go at blaming me for his humiliation.

"Actually, you only have yourself to blame," Ewan replied. "We all can only blame ourselves, because we are the ones who started it all with the way we treated Delmar. Now we are paying the penalty for letting it get out of hand. Although I am glad it got out of hand, because it helped most of us to see that we were being right shits and gave us the chance to try and make amends."

"Speak for yourself, Powell. We didn't ask to have this faggot put in our dorm with us, did we?" Flynn said pointing at me.

Ian Maclean was standing close to Flynn when he said that, and he just turned and slapped Flynn over his mouth. "You better be fucking careful what you say. We still don't have any proof that Del is a homo. Remember, we were the ones forcing him to do those things, and we were willingly allowing it. You were quite happy to get your cock sucked by a guy. You were quite happy to take your clothes off and let one of your friends stroke your cock and hold it when it was hard for another guy to take a picture of it. You've seen the picture that you posed for without being forced. So, tell me, who looks the most like a homo?" Ian spoke with a harsh tone that made it very clear that he was not going to tolerate anyone saying something about me that was not proven to be true.

Following Ian's lecture there was a brief stunned silence, then Trevor Wilson spoke up, "That's absolutely true. If anyone in this dorm is to be labelled as homo, it's the nine of us who forced ourselves upon Delmar, not Delmar. So let's all just stop this talk about who's a homo and who's not. It's not helping any of us. And just remember that Delmar's not done anything to us as bad as what we did to him. Even you four who still seem determined to not see how shit we have been in the past have not been treated as badly as you gave. It's time to respect the leniency we have been shown."

There was some nodding of heads, but with those two speaking out quite forcefully there really was nothing more to be said. Instead we all went about what we were doing, before we would get into our beds ready for the lights to go off, in a subdued mood. I was really happy about the way Ian, Trevor and Ewan had spoken up for me, but I too was rather subdued. I was concerned that I was now becoming the dividing factor in our dormitory, and I didn't want that. I felt that keeping silent at this point was probably the best way of preventing further argument. This also put a bit of a damper on the conversation that usually continued after lights out and left the dorm a lot quieter than normal. But it did not take long for the sounds of someone having a wank to reach me as I lay in bed, and I was rather pleased that at least one person had accepted my reasoning and was now not hiding his pleasure.

Those sounds were a help in another way too, because once it was clear that someone was doing it, a couple of others started up, and then a voice called out, "Okay, who's spanking the monkey?" This was met with a few laughs and broke the tension that had been hanging in the air.

Someone replied with, "At least I'm not too scared to do it now." That got a few more chuckles. To my surprise, I could not decide who had spoken. Whether they tried to camouflage their voices I don't know, but to this day I cannot say who it was that admitted to wanking or who had asked the question. From that night on I don't think there was one night when we didn't hear at least one person having a wank in the dark. I'm sure that every one of us did it on a fairly regular basis too.

The next time Daffyd and I met with Adia we explained what we were willing to do and why. "Shit! I knew it. If you change your minds remember I have this cock and mouth ready for some lessons. But listen, I'm happy for you two, and I still want to show you more about photography. My dad spent money sending me for lessons over the holidays, and I want to share them. That I might get some pictures of myself in ways that I couldn't otherwise will be a bonus, and getting pictures of you two will also be a bonus. So no hard feelings, excepting between my legs, and hoping you guys will change," he told us.

He then went on to give us our next lesson, about how different things can cause different effects. Again he used his polaroid camera to demonstrate what he was saying. He started off by having me pose, fully dressed, in various ways. Then I took my shoes and socks and shirt off and posed in the same ways again. Then I stripped to nothing but my briefs and we did the same poses and repeated it with me fully naked and then finally a few of the same poses with me with a hard on. Once they were all developed he laid them out in rows of the same pose from dressed to naked and talked about the effect the different states of dress had on the picture. Then he pointed out how different poses conveyed different things. Taking one picture of me naked in a side profile and another picture of me fully dressed but with a "come and take me" invitation in my stance and expression, he showed that the fully dressed picture actually was more erotic than the naked one was. He then asked if he could take some pictures of us for his private collection with his Brownie. I was already naked, so he took some solos of me, then concentrated on Daffyd for a while, taking him through the range from fully dressed to fully naked. Then he asked us to stand together and be photographed as a pair. He started with us facing him, then had us turn and face each other. Without really thinking about it we leant into each other and kissed.

"Now if I was one of those other ones in your dorm, I could blackmail you something terrible with that picture," Adia said and chuckled.

"Well, you're not one of them, and we trust you," Daffyd said.

"And I trust you two. Now it is time for you to put your lessons into practice with this camera." Adia held up the Brownie. "Who wants to go first?"

"I will, so that Daffyd can get the better shots in when it counts," I said.

"No, that's not how I want to do it. What I want is for each of you to take the same photograph. Delmar you take one, and then while I hold the pose, Daffyd you take one, and so we go till I am happy."

"Oh, okay. Give me the camera then," I said. Both Daffyd and I remained naked as we took the pictures and Adia slowly stripped his clothes off between each pair of shots. Once he was naked he got himself hard and had us take a few more and then he jerked himself till his white cum splattered across his tummy making a marked contrast with his dark skin. That contrast was also preserved for posterity in a couple of clicks.

To be continued...


Posted: 07/28/17