Dura et Pulsans VI
Rick Masters
(© 2017 by the author)
The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's
consent. Comments are appreciated at...
Chapter 1
"What about, Dad?" Daffyd asked.
"Your relationship with each other," Daffyd's father said.
"What do you mean? We're friends," Daffyd said.
"Yes, you are friends. But you're more than that. You're boyfriends also; aren't
Both of us stayed silent, not knowing quite how to answer that. Mr. Morgan let
us squirm for just a few moments before he said, "I take your silence as
confirmation that we all have guessed correctly. Yes, your mother and Del's
parents also know. Now, we all have agreed that it makes no difference to us,
because we all love both of you boys, but we know that there are a lot of people
out there who will not accept it. Some of them might want to take some sort of
action against it too. That action could be physical, and you guys could get
badly hurt. None of us want that, so we are asking that you try to act as if you
are not in love with each other. Although there has been some movement towards
making homosexuality legal, you both are still under the age of consent for
same-gender sex. It's going to be hard for you two, because we can see it just
in the way you look at each other. Now, don't try to offer any excuses; none are
needed. Just please be careful. We'd better get a move on now. If you miss your
train and I have to drive you to school, your mother is not going to be
"Thank you, Mr. Morgan. I'm sorry if this disappoints you," I said.
"Hey, I just told you I love you. No more of this 'mister' malarkey. Call me
Darren, and you best remember that his mum is Enid," Daffyd's dad told me. "And
there's no being disappointed either. This sort of thing does not come about by
chance. Meeting each other maybe was by chance, but being homosexual is as much
a part of you as being heterosexual is a part of me. I can't change me and
neither can you two."
"How did you ...?" Daffyd couldn't put words to his question.
"Amelda invited us over for supper that night you stayed over at Del's house.
When you two went off to start your baths or whatever, she asked us if we had
noticed anything about you two. Enid immediately said that you were very close.
Del's father said that he had not really noticed anything but as far as he was
concerned if you two were lovers he had no problem with that. I had noticed that
you two were very close but had not put two and two together to come up with
homosexual; just very good friends. I guess guys aren't as sensitive to this
sort of thing as girls are." Darren Morgan smiled. "Now, come on or we'll miss
that train." He opened his door and got out, which put a stop to any further
conversation of that nature.
When we got on the train we found a spot to stow our two trunks and then sat
down in a section of the wagon that was still empty. We knew that it would fill
up as we travelled, but at least we would have a bit of time to ourselves, and
we needed it.
Daffyd's father stayed with us until the whistle blew and he had to get out of
the train. Once we were moving Daffyd said, "Shit. Gail saw it in the way we
look at each other, and our parents saw it too. How the fuck are we going to
keep this from the others?"
"I don't know, but I think we might have an advantage in there being no girls in
the school, apart from teachers and other staff. Neither of our fathers noticed
it until our mums had told them. The other guys at school know that we were
becoming friends. If we let our friendship show, hopefully the guys will think
that is all it is, a friendship that is developing into a good friendship," I
suggested hopefully.
"There's only one way we will find out if that works, but I think we must be
careful about not being seen alone together too much," Daffyd added.
"There's also Ewan, Trevor and Ian that we can try and include in our circle of
friends. That might help to alleviate suspicion," I said.
"Yeah. I get on alright with them, and they did stand by you when the crunch
came. That's surely enough reason for you to want to try to be better friends
with them," Daffyd reasoned.
"I guess we'll just have to wait and see how things develop and try to be just
as we were that last week before half term to start with," I said. "But at least
while we are alone here with no one else to see I'm going to get in a bit of
fun." I moved my hand straight onto the bulge in Daffyd's school trousers and
caused it to grow by some gentle rubbing. Daffyd didn't wait longer than a few
seconds to start returning the favour and rubbed me well enough that I had to
stop him for fear that I would cum in my briefs. Just before we were due to
reach the next station on the line I said I needed to take care of what he had
started and went off to the loo, which was in the next carriage along. I was
still hard when I got inside and closed the door, and there was a definite wet
patch in my undies where my pre-cum had soaked in. I didn't bother to get my
trousers and undies lower than my knees before I wrapped my hand around my cock
and began stroking rapidly as I stood over the toilet bowl. Despite the fact
that Daffyd had got me off before we left home, when we had shared our last
sixty-nine together until we didn't know when, I didn't have to stroke very long
before I blasted my load out all over the toilet bowl and its lid. It took more
toilet paper to clean that mess up than what I would normally use to clean
myself up after cumming onto my chest and stomach.
When I got back to Daffyd we were pulling into the station and he couldn't go
and relieve his tension, so while we were still alone, I managed to rub him up
some more while telling him how my cum splattered all over the toilet seat and I
had to spend more time cleaning up than actually making the mess in the first
place. As soon as the last house flew past our window, Daffyd was up and walking
down the carriage with quite a noticeable bulge in his trousers. When he
returned from the toilet some others had moved into our carriage and we had to
be careful what we talked about. Although we were never crowded, we did have
enough company in the carriage to curtail any further fun play.
When we pulled into the station where we would be getting off the train we saw
Mr. Stone standing on the platform. Clearly he had been sent to collect us and
any others who might be on the same train. We stacked our trunks one on top of
the other and manhandled them off the train like that. Stone came up to us and
grumbled some comment about not being told that Morgan would be on the train. It
made no difference to us because he would have to take both of us anyway. When
we arrived at the school we were followed in by a black Mercedes that had tinted
windows and looked very important. Daffyd and I got out of the school mini bus
in time to see the Mercedes pull to a halt in the middle of the car park. Almost
before it stopped the two front doors opened and two black men got out, one
dressed in a smart suit and the other in an equally smart chauffeur's uniform.
They each opened one of the back doors of the car and we watched, somewhat in
awe, as Adia Kesiana stepped out of one side and an older version of Adia got
out of the other side. Daffyd and I stacked our trunks up again, grabbed the
handles of the lower one, lifted them and began to walk towards the dorm. When
we got closer to the Mercedes Adia called out, "Hey, Morgan, I've got your key
here." Daffyd and I put our trunks down and walked towards Adia. "Baba, this is
Morgan, and this is Butterworth. Guys, meet my father."
I put out my hand and Adia's father took it in his, giving me a very firm
handshake that made me wince slightly. "Happy to meet you," he said, then
repeated it as he gave Daffyd an equally firm handshake. I learned later from
Daffyd that he had to stop himself from crying out as his hand was squeezed by
the Nigerian High Commissioner. In the meantime, the suited aide or bodyguard
had opened the boot and lifted Adia's trunk out. This was followed with a
smaller suitcase that we presumed held his cameras. Adia shook his father's
hand, said good-bye and picked up the smaller case, while the aide carried his
trunk towards the hostel doors. We returned to our trunks and followed Adia into
the hostel. We headed off towards our dormitory while Adia's trunk was carried
all the way to his dormitory by the aide.
Daffyd and I were quite pleased to find we were the only two in the dormitory at
the time, although we could see that a couple of the others had already arrived
and left some of their stuff on their beds. We helped each other to pick our
trunks up onto our beds and started to unpack them. There was a soft knock on
the door, and Daffyd went to see what it was. The 'what' turned out to be a who,
as Adia was standing the other side of the door when Daffyd opened it. "Hey Adia,
what's the problem?" he asked.
"No problem, at least not for you guys. Here I have something for you." He
handed me an envelope. "There's some more pictures some of the guys will not be
too happy with and the negatives of the photos I took of you. I promise that I
have not made any prints of them. And here's your key back. I haven't tried
mine; if it doesn't work you'll be hearing from me to borrow yours."
"Thanks, Adia. I really appreciate this," I said.
"It was nothing. In fact I quite liked getting one over those bastards and at
the same time giving you something to sort them out with." Adia smiled at me and
his black face was split with an arc of white teeth.
"Did you have a good break?" Daffyd asked him.
"Some was good. I loved developing and printing my pictures. Got some good ones
of you guys which I will show you if you want. But then I had to attend this
boring parade thing in London with my father. It was alright for him. He had
loads of people coming up and talking to him and so on, but I just had to stand
around in a bloody uncomfortable suit and smile. It took six hours, and I maybe
said twenty words in that whole time."
"Shit! I'm glad I didn't have to do anything like that," I said.
"I saw you two carrying your trunks together. Are you now proper friends?"
"Yes. My parents moved into the same town where Del lives while we were at
school, and I bumped into Del in town. We live quite close to each other now,"
Daffyd said.
"Ah, that's nice," Adia said.
Daffyd and I continued to unpack our trunks, and Adia stayed, which was a bit
unusual. It seemed like there was something more he wanted to say, so Daffyd
asked him, "Is there something more?"
"I was hoping you might be prepared to do some modelling for me," Adia said.
"I thought I owed you that for taking those photographs for Del," Daffyd said.
"No. There is no debt. But I would like to have some pictures that are offered
freely. They just seem so much more sexy that way," Adia told us.
"Are you asking just Daffyd or both of us?" I asked.
"Both or either one. But there is another bit too. Is either of you any good at
taking photographs?"
"I've never had the chance," Daffyd said.
"I've used my dad's camera a few times, but I don't know if I'm any good,
really. Why?" I said.
"Would you be willing to learn and take a few instructions from a junior?" Adia
"You mean from you?" I asked.
"Yes. I want someone to take some photos with me in them. I have loads of photos
of other people but none of me."
"I guess you could give both of us some training and then see which one is
better," I said, knowing Daffyd would go along with that. "As for posing, yes I
will pose for you, but on one condition. When you print the pictures you print
some copies for me and Daffyd."
"And I will pose too. We can even pose together if you want," Daffyd said.
"Thank you. We can talk in a couple of days, when we know our time-tables, and
see where we can fit some lessons in," Adia said and then left.
Shortly after he left I turned to Daffyd and said, "You know we might just have
let the cat out the bag there."
"What do you mean?"
"We both offered something for each other. I told Adia that I wanted copies of
any pictures for both of us and then you said we could pose together for him.
And all three of us knew he was talking about nude photos," I said.
"Yeah, I guess we might have then. Shit. This is going to be harder than we
We went back into our own thoughts for a bit and were not able to continue that
conversation as more of the dorm inmates arrived in that time.
"Hey, Morgan, how come you're here so early? You're usually one of the last to
arrive back," Trevor Wilson greeted us.
"Yeah, well I live in a different town now. How was your half term?"
"Pretty shit actually. I got sick on the Monday and only really began to feel
better on Friday. That certainly didn't give me a chance to make any headway
with the girls," Trevor told us.
Flynn showed that he had not enjoyed being left on tenterhooks for the half term
break. "Well if it isn't the gay and his mate," he said by way of acknowledging
our presence rather than offering a greeting. "You're still not safe you know.
Even with those pictures, we will get you somehow."
"Well I guess that depends on how brave you really are," I said.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Flynn asked.
"You'll just have to wait and learn," I said, leaving him to ponder and smoulder.
We still had a fair bit of free time until dinner. I suggested to Daffyd that he
bring his key and we go for a walk. I slipped the envelope that Adia had given
me into my shirt and we left the dormitory. We took a longer route round to the
hut, but once we had locked ourselves in I pulled out the envelope, and we began
to look at the pictures Adia had done for me. We discovered that he had given us
quite a lot of duplicates too, which would give us some to show the four cuntets
without fear that they would tear them up and we would lose our leverage. Both
of us had a bit of a laugh over some of the pictures, but we got solid boners
from looking at their solid cocks. It was not long before we dropped our
trousers and wanked each other off. I sorted out a few of the duplicates and put
them with the polaroids the guys had already seen. I climbed to the second level
of the hut and put the envelope with the bulk of the pictures in it into a
little gap I found between the wall and the shelf that held the plates with
numbers and letters. I used a pencil that was lying on the shelf to help jam the
envelope into the gap so it wouldn't fall out.
"I'm kind of glad you didn't post this key home. There would have been no way of
getting it back," I said as I did my fly up.
"Yeah, and I think we are going to need it quite a bit in the coming weeks." We
both smiled. "By the way, how do you feel about getting naked and doing stuff
together for Adia to photograph?"
"I'm quite excited about it, actually. I trust him. There is something about the
way he returned these to me that just makes me trust him. I quite like him, and
if he wants to get sucked off again, I'll think about it," I answered.
"Can I look at those negatives? Or do you just want to destroy them and try to
forget how they came about?"
"I will destroy them, but you can look first," I said, handing the strips over
to him.
"Shit, he really put you through the mill with those. How many are there?"
"I don't know," I said. Daffyd started to count them.
"Thirty three. Plus there were the polaroids too. He has given you back quite a
bit of money's worth in that lot."
"Yeah. I think that's one of the reasons I trust him and why I like him," I
To be continued...
Posted: 07/21/17