Dura et Pulsans VI

By: Rick Masters
(© 2017 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...


Chapter 3

The next morning as we stood at the back of the hall for assembly Daffyd put his hand on my back and let it slide down till he was gently stroking it across my bum. I shuddered from the sensation, and he quickly pulled his hand away, muttering a soft "sorry."

"No, don't stop," I muttered back in as quiet a whisper as I could get out that he would still hear. Moments later his hand was again giving me feelings I had not known existed, but that I liked very much. If it weren't for my tight briefs and baggy school trousers you might have been able to see just how much I liked it, as I was sporting a very rigid tool. Because of the way we were standing I was not able to return the favour, but once we had left the hall and were walking to our first class of the day I told Daffyd the effect his caressing had had on me and promised to let him experience it too when we got an opportunity. We had to wait until the following afternoon before we had the scoring hut to ourselves, but I did manage to get in a couple of very short sessions with Daffyd, who agreed that it was 'rather nice'.

In the hut we explored this new side to our physical experience and discovered that while it is really nice to have your bum caressed while dressed, it is awesome to do it naked. Seeing each other naked in the showers and when changing in the dorm is one thing. Knowing that we are free to jerk off in our beds in the dorm helps, but being able to be naked with each other in the privacy of the hut was definitely something that we looked forward to with eagerness. Here we were able to express our love for each other in a much more tangible way, and of course the release of our sexual tension was so much more enjoyable when we did it together, helping each other out. Whether it was in a sixty-nine or if we just jerked each other off, it just was better. Daffyd told me that having me suck him now was very different from when they were forcing me to do it. Not that I was any better, but because the emotional aspect of it all was changed. Another aspect of our times in the hut that we enjoyed was our after-sex chats. At least that is what we called them. Once we had satisfied our physical needs, at least for the first time, we often would just sit side by side in the hut, still naked, and talk. During these little chats we discovered a lot more about each other. We each revealed stuff that we had not thought to share before. It built our love for each other and increased the trust we had in each other too. Sometimes it also led to a second release of sexual tension.

That we had become good and close friends was evident to all, and I'm sure that even some of the masters and teachers must have wondered if we were homosexual, but we never came out at school.

On the Monday of our second week back after half term I got a letter from my mother, which she had posted on the Saturday. It was a bit of a surprise, because I didn't usually get letters from either of my parents. In fact I didn't usually get letters at all. But mum had written to me to let me know that Mike was progressing well and had been released from the intensive care into a small ward. They expected that he would be able to go home in about ten days. I shared that news with Daffyd, and he was so pleased that he sat down and wrote a letter to Gavin and Mike, telling them that he was very happy and hoped that he would be able to see them at the next holiday. Then he got a bit embarrassed as he had to ask me if I knew their address. Fortunately I did and asked if I could put a letter in with his to save on postage. That evening we dropped the envelope in the outbox in the vestibule of the hostel. I never wrote letters home, so Daffyd had to supply the stamp, which made a good reason to put my letter inside the same envelope. On Friday there was another letter addressed to me, but when I opened it there were two letters inside. They were almost identical, except that in Daffyd's letter from Gavin he had said how his parents and Mike were really touched by Daffyd's concern even though he hardly knew them. In my letter we were also thanked for getting Gavin and Gail together and were told that they were definitely dating. We were looking forward to having some great times together over the next school break.

Adia continued our photography lessons and without outing us to anyone brought in some other subjects who were willing to be photographed in different states of undress and arousal. One of them was also willing to be more intimate with Adia and be photographed in this intimacy, with Adia relying on us to get him some quality pictures.

Within two weeks of my making the guys all wank in the dorm together it was common and accepted that if you needed to rub one out, you just went ahead and did it. Of course if it was during the day you had to be a bit more careful in case a master walked into the dorm, but the guys were no longer embarrassed to be seen having a wank in front of others in the dorm. This included the four cuntets, and just before the end of the term Andrew Lawson came up to me and said, "Butterworth, we're never going to be friends, but if you are willing I would like us to call a truce. I enjoyed getting my cock sucked and getting wanked by you, but I'm sorry for the way we did it." Then he held out his hand to shake mine. I wasn't sure if this was just a ruse, but I would never know if I didn't shake his hand. True to his word, we never did become friends but lived the truce for the rest of our time at the school. That night when we went for our showers I called him over to me just as I finished rinsing the soap off my body and then I stepped aside and let him have my shower. He got his first warm shower since returning from half term. If looks could kill, his three mates would have been guilty of double murder, the way they looked at him and me. But I was already used to it.

Back in the dormitory Lawson came under a barrage of abuse from Flynn, MacDonald and Winters. Possibly the kindest thing he heard was being called a traitor. He listened to it all without saying a word. Others in the dorm were trying to get the three to ease up without success. When their stream of vindictiveness dried up he turned to them and asked, "Did you listen to yourselves through all that?"

"What the fuck do you mean?" Flynn asked in return.

"Just that half the time you weren't even making sense. You were just trying to make me feel bad. Well I already felt bad. I felt bad because it took me so long to realise just how much I was cutting my own nose off to spite my face," Andrew answered.

"What do you mean by that?" MacDonald asked.

"Think about it. What was your shower like? And what do you think my shower was like? I told Butterworth that he and I will never be friends but that I was sorry for the way we treated him and I asked for a truce. What you saw in the showers was that truce. Nothing more."

"So you're saying that if I go and tell Butterballs that I'm sorry he will let me have a hot shower?" Flynn asked derisively.

"Not with the attitude you've got. Stop some time and listen to what you say and how you say it, and think about the body language you use with it. Fuck man! Butterworth is the most intelligent one in this dorm. He can tell if you mean it or not. For a little humble pie you could stop the humiliation. But then I don't think you can understand that," Ian MacLean said.

"That's just it. I didn't like spending the half-term being reminded every time I took a shower or had a wank that we were still under threat when we got back to school. But I was not ready to admit that I had been wrong until I saw that Whitworth was not being made to be a part of us. I worked it out that if I did man up and admit I was wrong maybe I could get Butterworth to go a bit easier on me," Lawson said.

I knew then that I had made the right decision to shake Lawson's hand and was willing to give him the chance to even become a friend, because I could see that down inside him there was a respectable person struggling to get out. I had an opportunity in prep the next day to show that I can bury the hatchet quite quickly. By chance, Lawson was sitting opposite me and I could see that he was struggling with some of his physics prep. I quietly got up and went to get a drink of water and returned along the side of the table that Lawson was on. I hovered near him looking over his shoulder while he tried to reason it out with Trevor Wilson. I could tell straight off that neither of them were taking the right tack to get to the solution. I leant over the other side of Lawson from Wilson and showed him how to work the problem out. Something in the way I explained it was enough for him to work out where his thinking was wrong, and you could see the penny drop as he grasped the principles that led to the solution. Trevor hadn't been able to see what I had done, so Lawson showed him using my words, almost exactly. I returned to my own place, and as I sat down Lawson looked over at me and smiled. "Thanks, Delmar. I never thought I would get your help again."

"I can't help it. When people show they can be kind, I have to be kind too," I replied and left it like that. Later Ewan told me that the look on Flynn's face was frightening. He even suggested that Flynn might be possessed by evil spirits. I just decided that Flynn was so stubbornly proud he could not admit defeat and acknowledge that he had been bad.

When Daffyd and I got on the train to go home for the holidays we were excited. We knew we had three weeks when we could be together most of the time, and we would also be able to see Gavin and hopefully Mike. Mum picked us up from the station. On the way home she told us that they had agreed with Daffyd's parents that we could split our time between the two homes and stay together for the whole of the holidays. None of us were going away for a trip or anything, so we basically could just stay with each other as long as both sets of parents got to see us a fair bit of the time. We laughed at how our tongue in cheek suggestion that both families move into one house together was met with the contempt it deserved. Each weekend the six of us had at least one meal together, and we enjoyed several pub meals as a result.

Our first night at home we were at Daffyd's home. After dinner we phoned Gavin to see if we could arrange to meet up. Gavin said he wasn't sure of times but would get back to us soon. He also let us know that Mike was home but had not gone back to school before the holidays began. He said that Mike would appreciate a visit as he was getting rather bored. We promised him that we would make a point of getting to see Mike, as Daffyd really wanted to meet him.

We hadn't expected to hear from Gavin at least until the next day, but half an hour after we had phoned him he phoned us back. "Sorry I couldn't give you an answer straight away; I had to check with the management. Gail has suggested we meet up in town and make one of the food stalls happy. How about tomorrow morning? Then we can all catch the bus back to mine so you can see Mike. He has to see the neuroguy that did his op tomorrow morning, so if we go back in the later afternoon he can have a bit of a rest before you guys see him. Then mum says she will give you two lovebirds a lift home."

"Your mum called us lovebirds?" I asked incredulously.

"No. She doesn't even know you two are homo's. Just thinks you're good friends. I called you lovebirds. You are still together, aren't you?" Gavin asked, realising that he had not checked that.

"Hang on a bit; I just need to look in the mirror." I paused for a bit. "Yep, he's still with me."

"Oh, dear. This is going to be some holiday," Gavin said, and after a bit more banter we ended the call, agreeing to meet at ten the next morning. Daffyd and I retired to his bedroom and en-suite shower where I kept my promise and allowed him to shave me from the neck down. When he ran his soap-slicked hands over my smooth skin I knew that it would not be the last time I lost the hair on my body. Daffyd assured me that he would also be willing to help me get smooth again. We traded places and I shaved him and felt how smooth he was afterwards. Clean and dry we went back into the room where I got on my knees and Daffyd sat on the edge of the bed while I sucked him off. Then I lay down on the bed for Daffyd to use baby oil and play with my body for some time before he brought me off. Sleep came shortly after that, with both of us very happy and feeling like we were the luckiest guys in the world.

Our parents allowing us to stay together so much over the holidays helped us to learn a lot about each other's body. I liked it when he flicked his tongue over the tip of my cock when he was sucking me off, and he liked it when I would twist his foreskin round his cock head by working my fingers across his cock instead of down the length of it. We discovered that we both liked it when Daffyd would edge me for a while and then make me cum and follow that with using his fingers as paint brushes and my cum as the paint. He would draw designs on my chest, especially around my nipples, and would pretend he was putting makeup on me with eye liner, blush and lipstick. I would lie there until those thin smears had dried while he played with my cock again, edging me some more, then shooting his cum over me before he let me cum the second time. Then we would both go and have a shower. I am sure an analyst could come up with some link between this cum paint and the four cuntets shooting their cum all over me. Maybe there was even something in the taking a shower together afterwards so that I was clean before any other person could see me.

The next morning Gavin arrived holding Gail's hand, and both of them looked radiant. Seeing them like that helped me to understand how they could see Daffyd's and my love for each other so easily. You just can't keep it under wraps to the watchful eye. We were greeted effusively by both of them, with Gail giving us each a hug and a kiss in turn. Gavin said he would restrain himself and just give us a hug each. We talked about general things as we wandered around the precinct for a bit, then we settled into a little café that served nice food at a reasonable price. It was not as busy as the chain style places, so we were able to talk without having to shout over the noise. When Gavin got up to use the toilet Gail told us, "You know that you two have done the best thing for Gavin and me. You have literally changed both our lives. But he's still shy."

"What do you mean? I didn't think Gav was that shy," I asked.

"Well, we've been dating for several weeks now, and he's not yet made a move on me."

"You mean he has not tried to get under your clothes?" I asked.

"Yes. I mean, I know he gets excited, because I have felt it pressing into me when we have been close, but he has not even suggested we try anything more than hugging and kissing, not even a feel of the boobs."

"I know why. It's not that he's shy, but because he loves you and respects you too much to cheapen your relationship by forcing himself on you," I said.

"Are you sure?"

"He as good as told me at half term. After the two of you had been together that first day he told me that he couldn't use you. We had been talking about finding him someone to have sex with, and then we found you and asked you to meet him. He knew right from the start that you were too good for a 'wham, bam, thank you ma'am'. He didn't want to jeopardise your relationship by asking you to get physical with him," I told her.

"But what if I want it?"

"I don't know. Maybe you will have to make the first move."

"I don't know you, and I don't know Gavin. But what I can tell you is that Del and I are in love first, and lovers second," Daffyd said.

"That's really cool. I like the way you said that. Maybe I'll just have to wait a bit longer."

"So tell me, what you two are planning for the holidays?" I asked, changing the subject as I saw Gavin coming back to the table.

"Sorry, but there is only one toilet, and there were two girls in front of me. Shit, they take for ever to pee," Gavin said as he sat down.

"I see Gail hasn't managed to improve your speech yet," I teased.

"Don't you bloody start. I get enough from this lovely person next to me," Gavin said.

Our conversation carried on in a happy mood with light banter and much laughter, usually at the expense of one of us. Even though Gavin didn't know Daffyd, he still had a couple of digs at him as well as me. Gail had goes at all three of us, and Daffyd and I had goes at both of them. By the end of our time together in that café we were all very comfortable with each other. Our banter continued as we walked to the bus stop and rode the bus out to Gavin's home.

Gail was clearly no stranger there. She greeted Gavin's mum warmly and went with her to the kitchen to help prepare some drinks for all of us, while Gavin led Daffyd and me into the lounge, where Mike was watching a TV program. Although Mike's hair had started growing back, it still was very short, which changed his appearance quite considerably from what I remembered. The operation scar was still very visible, and even though we knew to expect it, the sight of it was a bit of a shock. He did seem genuinely happy to see me and greeted Daffyd with, "That was so cool of you to write to Gavin and me."

"I hope it helped you to feel a bit better," Daffyd said.

"Yeah, it helped a lot. It told me that someone cared even though he had not yet met me. That said something to me," Mike said. I thought that Mike was showing a lot more maturity than he had the last time I talked to him.

"Then I'm happy," Daffyd said.

"Actually it gave that message to the whole family. My folks were really pleased about it too," Gavin said.

Daffyd and I had sat down on a two seater sofa together. Being so comfortable in the company we were with, we held hands without even realising it. When our drinks came in, Gail saw it immediately and got a little grin on her face and Gavin's mother also smiled. We let go of each other to take our drinks off the tray, but once they were safely on the tables besides us we entwined our fingers once more. This time Mike saw it. After watching for a bit he said, "So you two are homos?"

"Mike!" Gavin exclaimed. "You can't just come out and say things like that!"

"It's okay. We kind of gave the game away by holding hands," Daffyd said.

"And that's cool too. Gavin and Gail are a couple and you two are, so when you guys all go out together there's not an odd one out," Mike said.

"So us being queer doesn't bother you?" I asked.

"No. At one time I thought you and Gavin might be, because Gavin used to take so much longer getting changed when you were with him. I decided then that I loved my brother, and if he was happy with another guy I would be happy to at least be friends with that guy too. People worry too much about these things. Look at me. I nearly died, and where would my worry about someone being a homo have got then? I want to live now in a way that will bring me and those close to me happiness and joy."

"Gav, how old did you say your brother was?" Daffyd asked.

"I know. He's kind of neat with this more mature nature. I guess the shock of nearly dying makes everyone look at things a bit differently."

Mike gave a little cough. "Hello! I am in this room also."

"But it didn't improve his cheek." Gavin laughed.

Gail was sitting between Gavin and Mike, and she turned and kissed Mike on his cheek. "I don't think this one needs improving. Let me test the other one."

Mike turned crimson and then with a great smile on his face he lifted his body and made as if he was going to lower his pants. "Left or right side?" he asked.

Even his mother joined in the laughter at that antic, and Gail gave him a gentle pat on his butt as he sat back down again. "I can see I'm going to have to be very careful around your little brother," she said to Gavin. It was nice to see how well they interacted with each other. It could only help Gavin and Gail in their relationship.

One afternoon the four of us went to see a movie and ended up sitting with Gavin right against the wall, then Gail, me, and Daffyd on the end. The movie was not that great and had a weak story line, which left us all a little bored. Daffyd and I were able to hold hands all the way through the movie, which was nice, and we presumed that Gail and Gavin had done the same, but when the lights came on and we all stood to leave Gavin had a very noticeable bulge and a not quite so noticeable wet patch at the one end of the bulge, which led us to think that Gail had made a 'first' move. We later learned from Gavin that she had indeed helped him to feel good for a large part of the movie, leaving him hungering for release, which did not come until later that evening when he got home and had some private time alone. A day or two before we returned to boarding school Gavin did tell us that he had not yet had sex with Gail, but that they had talked about it and agreed not to rush into it. But Gail had seen him naked and helped him to cum a few times too.

Daffyd and I had each other every night, spent many hours naked with each other, and met each other's needs daily. Although we did feel each other's butts and tickle them, even over the pucker, we did not progress any further than that as far as anal sex goes, not even a finger fuck. We did find that when we were in a sixty-nine the caressing of our butts really increased the sensations we experienced and moved our orgasms up a level.

Before we left to go back to school at the end of the holiday, without discussing it between ourselves, I went to Daffyd's parents and thanked them for allowing us to spend so much time together, and Daffyd went to my parents with the same thing.

Until the end of the last term Flynn had still been supported by Winters and MacDonald, but spending the whole of the holiday break under the threat of being exposed made those two soften and admit their wrong. They also said much the same as Lawson had, and I was okay with that, knowing that if they meant it then the truce would hold. While not friends, we could at least respect each other and live in peace. Flynn cut himself off from his three mates, calling all of them traitors, back stabbers and a host of other things. For several weeks of the new term he smouldered, until one day his rage erupted. He did not take it out on me but on his three friends. They were out on the field during a break time and in a frenzy of screaming and flying fists he managed to break Winter's nose and blacken Lawson's eye before several others got him pinned to the ground and held him there as several masters ran up. The two injured were helped to sick-bay, and Flynn was dragged, still shouting and swearing, to the head's office. When we got back to our dorm his bed was stripped and his lockers were empty. We were never told exactly what happened, but we never saw him again, and for the rest of our time at school there were only nine of us in our dorm. Despite their earlier claims, once Flynn had left us Lawson, Winters and MacDonald all became friendly enough that I felt I could give them the photographs and let them know that I would not seek to get any copies made again. Their friendly attitude extended to them shaking my hand and giving me a hug on our last day together.

Daffyd and I were both accepted into the same university, and although for the first year we were not in the same halls, we did get a lot of time together and managed to enjoy our intimacy without being outed. Once we moved out of halls into our own residence, which we shared with two other guys and two girls, it did not take those four long to work out that we were homos, but they had also got to know us as fellow students first and accepted our relationship without outing us to the rest of the university. The two girls thought it was cute, and the two guys liked that the competition was halved. The four of them did not evolve into two couples, but more often than not two beds out of their four were not slept in. Once our relationship was known and accepted by the other four, Daffyd and I shared a room, which gave us one spare for when we wanted someone else to stay the night.

Our time at university could be described as halcyon days but then we had to move on and earn a living. Daffyd and I looked for work in the same areas and set about finding a place to stay and set up home together. Our love never diminished but steadily grew as the years progressed. Still sometimes he will clean cum from my body and with a gentle squeeze declare, "Dura et pulsans."

The End.


Posted: 08/25/17