Dura et Pulsans III
Rick Masters
(© 2017 by the author)
The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's
consent. Comments are appreciated at...
Chapter 1
We opened the map and spread it out over
Daffyd's bed. Once I got my bearings I quickly found Gavin's school. We measured
three miles off the scale and I drew an imaginary circle around the school at
that distance with my finger. "Right, what's the first street name?" I asked.
"Glover Close," Daffyd said. We looked over the area we expected to find Gail's
home in but could not see a Glover Close. "Let's see, the next one is Berkfield
Road," Daffyd said. Again we drew a blank. The next nine street names on the
list also could not be found in our three mile zone, but the twelfth was within
a mile of the school. We were even more encouraged when we could not find the
last two street names in that area.
"Well at least we only have one place to stake out then," I said. "We're going
to have to come up with a plan."
"Yeah. Maybe we can think of something in the shower," Daffyd said. He stepped
over to his windows and began to draw the curtains.
I was fairly convinced that we would be sharing the shower again, and as soon as
the two edges of the curtains met I began to strip off. My shoes had come off at
the door when we arrived back from getting my things. As I had not put any
underwear on yet I only had my socks, jeans and shirt to lose, so I was quickly
naked. Daffyd was not far behind me, and we looked at each other lustfully
before turning and going into his bathroom. This time I got to stand behind
Daffyd and wash his back first. I kept him out of the shower spray so that when
I stepped up close to him my body, and especially my hard cock, could slide
easily over his soapy skin as I reached around him from behind to wash his
front. By feel I found his nipples and teased those to erection, which made him
squirm against my erection and rub his back against my equally hard nipples. My
hands moved on down over his stomach and I paused in my downward journey to
tease his belly button for a bit, because I like to have a little bit of play
there when I am aroused. But it was only a short stop before I moved on to wash
the prize to which I had been working since I first rubbed the cake of soap on
the face cloth. As with the night before there was no attempt or intent to gain
entry into his butt; not even with a finger. But as I jerked him off my cock was
rubbing up and down in the cleft of his bum crack and I was enjoying it
immensely. When Daffyd shot his load I knew that I was not close to shooting
mine yet, so once he pushed my hands off his cock I stepped back and let him
wash me.
When he got to my cock he asked, "Do you want me to jerk you off right now, or
can you wait and let me spend some time just playing with your cock on the bed
before making you cum?"
"Let's wait," I said. I knew that Daffyd wanted to try playing with my cock like
I had done to him the day before, and with the experience I had had with
pleasuring the guys in the dorm but not being allowed to cum myself I had learnt
that I actually quite liked being teased in that way. It did not take much
longer for us to finish our showers. We left the bathroom as naked as we had
entered it. I still had a full hard on, and Daffyd had chubbed up a bit after
getting soft following his orgasm. Daffyd quickly pulled back the duvet and
asked me to lie down on my back. I had walked round to my side of the bed and
lay down there, leaving Daffyd's half free.
Daffyd asked me to spread my legs and then told me to stay like that. He went
back into the bathroom and returned with his comb. Kneeling on the bed with his
bum resting on his heels he proceeded to comb my pubes, directing them away from
my cock, with a parting down the middle that he let my cock lie in as it pointed
towards my navel. Happy with that, he began to feel my balls and roll each one
around gently in his fingers. I looked at his face and saw that he was
concentrating deeply on what he was doing and looking at. For a good long time
Daffyd examined my scrotum - feeling it, rolling my balls around inside it,
stretching the skin and pulling it down to make my cock stand up and point to
the ceiling. Then he lifted my balls out the way to have a look at my perineum.
He stroked that and played some more with my balls while he tickled me in that
area but carefully didn't touch my hard cock. He didn't need to touch my cock to
keep it hard; it did that of its own accord. Finally he moved on up and began to
feel my cock, pulling the foreskin back and then letting it slip forward over my
cock head again. He wiped the pre-cum off my cock and licked it off his fingers.
He brushed my pubes away from my cock and balls with his fingers and went back
to stroking my cock, but not enough to make me cum. "Will you let me shave your
pubes off at the start of the summer holidays?" he asked, speaking for the first
time since he had begun combing my pubes.
"That depends," I answered.
"Depends on what?" he asked.
"If you end this torture and bring me off quickly now, or if you prolong it," I
"What do you want me to do?" he asked.
"Get me off now," I told him.
Daffyd did not say another word. He couldn't, as he had bent forward and
swallowed my cock and was now sucking on it and bobbing his head up and down
while his fingers fondled my balls. I had been teased enough that I did not take
long to fall over the edge and blow a good serving into his waiting mouth. He
swallowed most of it, then turned and brought his lips to mine, and we shared
the last of it as we kissed and let our tongues explore each other's mouth.
A little while later we were lying side by side, holding hands and thinking our
own thoughts, content just to be next to each other. At any time we could lift
our heads slightly and look down the naked body of our lover as we hadn't pulled
the duvet over us yet. "You know what? Tomorrow, when we get up, I'm going to
phone that Thomson number and see if I can find out if Gail lives there. If so I
will try and see if she would be prepared to meet with Gav somewhere," I said.
"You don't think that might frighten her off?" Daffyd asked.
"I don't know. I'm not a girl and have no idea how they think. All I know is
that they don't think the same as us guys," I answered.
"I suppose it might at least answer the question if that is her house, and we
can pass that information on to Gavin," Daffyd suggested.
"What's the time?" I asked. "Maybe I'll go and try now."
"No! You are not leaving this room, because you are going to be naked until some
time after the sun has got up tomorrow. I like seeing you naked and being naked
with you. I want to get as much of that in as I can. After all, next week we
will be back at school and only able to see each other naked when we are
showering or changing, and we won't be able to sleep together naked," Daffyd
"We could both go out there naked and make the call," I joked.
"Not bloody likely. I don't think you have the guts to risk being seen naked by
my folks, and I know I'm not willing to risk that at all," Daffyd countered.
We continued chatting while Daffyd pulled up the duvet, with my help when it got
within reach, and turned off the light. As our conversation died down we drifted
off to a peaceful sleep side by side. Did we move during our sleep? I guess we
did, but it didn't look like it when I woke, for we were both still lying on our
backs and about the same distance apart as we had been the evening before.
Daffyd was still asleep, so I returned the gift he had woken me with the morning
before and began to suck on his cock. He woke up while I was still sucking and
agreed that it was a very nice way to be woken up.
"Perhaps I should suggest that to your mum then?" I teased, after I swallowed
the last of his cum.
"Oh no! That's fucking gross. Don't even fucking think like that!" Daffyd
When we had completed our morning ablutions we went out into the house to find
some food to eat and then get our instructions on what Daffyd's mum wanted us to
"Actually, I've had a look around and there is not that much left to do. First I
would like you to put the spare room bed together. Then if you could move all
the boxes in from the garage and put them out of the way in the rooms they are
labeled for, please. Daffyd, have you finished unpacking your things?" his mum
"Yeah, I managed to get it all done by Sunday, which is why I asked to be
allowed to go into town on Monday," Daffyd answered.
"Do you know how this bed goes together?" I asked Daffyd.
"Yeah. It used to be my bed, but my folks bought me the double bed last holidays
because the old spare bed needed to go to the rubbish dump," Daffyd explained.
"Okay then, let's get on with that and then move those boxes," I said. Daffyd
went to get the tool box.
On his return he asked, "Mum, there's only about eight boxes left in the garage.
Do you not want us to bring those in first so that you can crack on with putting
the stuff where you want it while we put that bed together?"
"It doesn't really matter which way round it gets done, because I've still got a
few of the ones you moved in for me yesterday to unpack. I just thought that
most of those boxes are to go in the spare room, and you might like having the
floor clear while you put the bed together," she answered.
"That makes sense. The bed first it is then," Daffyd said and led me up the
stairs to the guest room. When Daffyd showed me the parts of the bed frame I saw
that the design was rather simple; you certainly didn't need an engineering
degree to work it out. However, we did horse around a bit, so it took us more
than half an hour to complete what should probably have only taken about fifteen
minutes. But we had some fun, and there was no rush to get it done. Daffyd's mum
was right; four out of the eight boxes left were marked for the spare room, with
the others going into four different rooms. We asked if she wanted us to help
with unpacking any of them. She said that she wanted to know where the things
were that came out of the boxes and be happy that they were put away as tidy as
they could be. With that our work was finished, and we moved back downstairs to
make that phone call. Daffyd said that as he was providing the phone I should do
all the talking. I told him that was a cop-out if I ever saw one.
My first call was to Gavin. I got his mum, who told me that Gavin was still
asleep and she would get him to call me back when he woke up. She also told us
that Mike was still being kept sedated but was showing good signs of recovery,
although there was still a long way to go. I thanked her, asking her to get
Gavin to phone me at Daffyd's house and then passed that information on to
Daffyd. I really appreciated Daffyd's genuine concern for both Gavin and Mike.
He had only met Gavin two days previously and had never seen Mike, and yet he
clearly wanted both of them to have what was best for them.
My second call was to the Thomsons' and was answered by what sounded like a girl
rather than a woman. "Oh, hi. Is that Gail?" I asked.
"Yes. Who is this?" Gail replied.
"I'm a friend of Gavin Wisbech, but you will not know me as I go to a different
school," I told her.
"So why are you calling me?" Gail asked.
"Please don't hang up on me until you've heard what I've got to say. Gavin
doesn't know I'm phoning you, and he is not here with me either. I think he is
still at the hospital," I lied. I thought a bit of sympathy might help to ease
the process a bit.
I got interrupted with a flurry of questions. "Why is he at the hospital? Is he
sick? Has there been an accident? Will he be alright?" I detected a note of real
concern in Gail's voice. This raised the hope that she might at least be
interested in some social time with Gavin.
"Gavin is okay. It's his little brother Mike who is very sick and nearly died.
Even now they don't know if he will be okay, so Gavin is very upset. We thought
he could possibly use some support from some of those he knows. He mentioned
that you are in his class at school, so we thought you might be willing to meet
up with him. I can't tell you when yet, because we need to find out when he will
be free. But would you be willing to see him?" I asked.
"Yes, of course I will see him, if you think it will help. He's a nice guy." I
wasn't sure if I was reading anything into the change of tone, but I thought she
sounded a little excited.
"Thank you, I'm sure he'll appreciate your care. My name's Del, by the way. I'll
phone you again once I've had a chance to arrange something with Gav. Is there
any time that is no good for you or that would be best for you?" Gail told me
that she could be free anytime during the half term break as she had no fixed
plans for anything. I thanked her again and hung up. Then turning to Daffyd I
held up my hand with palm open and he clapped his hand against it.
We thought about going out for a stroll around the neighbourhood but then
decided we had best stay in, in case Gavin phoned while we were out. We went in
search of Daffyd's mum and found her in the guest bedroom unpacking boxes.
Daffyd asked if she would like some help or a cup of tea and got taken up on the
offer of tea. We made ourselves some tea also, and after taking his mum's cuppa
to her we took ours back into the bedroom and began to discuss what we were
going to do to get Gavin with Gail. By the time we had finished our cups we had
our plan, which was basically to get the two together and then make ourselves
scarce for a while on some pretext.
We waited for nearly two hours after our call to Gail before Gavin returned our
call. We spent a few minutes catching up with him. He was coping much better now
that Mike was showing good signs of recovery. Gavin also told us that he had
slept really well for the first time in several days and hoped that we could get
together again soon, but it could not be that day as they were going off to the
hospital and he wasn't sure how long he would be there. I suggested we plan to
meet up the next day and asked him what would be a good time. He had me wait
while he went to check with his parents. He told us that his dad would have to
go back to work the next day and that he would be going to see Mike in the
afternoon, so we agreed to meet at a well-known coffee shop in the main shopping
precinct in town at ten. After we had finished talking to Gavin I phoned Gail
and set it up for her to meet us there too, explaining that Gavin still did not
know we had contacted her or were arranging the meeting. She seemed quite
thrilled with the idea and agreed to make it seem that it was just a coincidence
that she was there. That left Daffyd and me relatively free for the rest of the
day. I suggested we go to the cinema to see the movie I was supposed to have
seen with Gavin on the Monday. Daffyd got ready and we walked round to my house,
where I changed and put a load of laundry on, as neither of my parents had done
so, and we left for the bus stop.
We were lucky. The cinema was not very full, which allowed us to pick seats with
no one near us. When the lights went down I reached across and held Daffyd's
hand. We sat like that for a bit, then he pulled my hand up over his crotch and
I could feel his cock hardening under my hand. I moved my head close to his and
asked him to put his hand on me where my hand was on him, and he discovered that
I too was hard. We stayed like that for most of the film, gently rubbing each
other's cocks through our trousers. We didn't have the courage to actually undo
a fly and fish a cock out. We did have the foresight to stop when it looked like
the film was coming to an end to give our boners a chance to go down before the
lights came on again. After the film we walked round to the precinct where we
were meeting Gavin and Gail so that I could show Daffyd where it was and what
else was there. We then caught the bus home and went straight to my house.
Mum was very happy to meet Daffyd 'properly', as she put it, explaining that
meeting in hospitals was not always the best way to find out what a person is
really like. We chatted with mum a bit, getting more inside information on Mike
than what mum would normally have shared with me. The most telling thing was
that they had now taken the drain out of his head, and they were going to start
easing the sedation to see how he was doing. She did tell me that he would be in
intensive care for quite a while, and I would not be able to see him before
going back to school. Mum then suggested that Daffyd might like to spend the
night at our house to give his folks a rest from the two of us. Daffyd
immediately asked if he could use the phone. A few minutes later he had
permission to sleep with me that night. We walked round to his house so that he
could grab what he needed for the night out, and with a cheery goodbye to his
mum we returned to my house. When we got home we could already smell the roast
mum had put on as soon as she knew Daffyd was staying the night. I was quite
chuffed with this, as it meant that mum had accepted Daffyd. "There is the spare
room, but I'm guessing that you two would prefer to share the same room. It's up
to you. I promise I will not come in without knocking first and getting an
invite, even though I've seen it all before." She smiled and Daffyd blushed. My
immediate thought was that I was not sure she had seen all that she might see in
my room.
We left mum and went up to my room to sort out our sleeping arrangements. I did
not have a double bed, and this meant one of us was going to have to sleep on a
mattress from the spare room, which we would put on the floor of my room. Daffyd
suggested that if we pushed my bed to one side we could pull the mattress off
that and put the two mattresses side by side. This met with my approval. We
agreed that we would only do that once we had come up to bed. While we were
still sorting out the other mattress and the bedding to go with it, mum knocked
on the door and asked for Daffyd's phone number. He gave it and we heard her go
down the stairs and make a call. We correctly guessed that mum was talking to
Daffyd's mum but had no idea what that was about. We found out later when
Daffyd's parents arrived to have dinner with us. While this was nice, it meant
that we couldn't escape to my room on the pretext of needing an early night or
extra beauty sleep; we had to wait until Daffyd's parents left for home.
I, unfortunately, did not have an en-suite bathroom, so we had to shower
separately and would only be able to have some fun once we went to bed, but then
we needed to get used to the idea of not having sex of some sort every night for
when we went back to school. Once we were alone in the room we began to move the
bed and pull the mattress off. We didn't realise how much noise that made and
dad came knocking on the door to find out what we were up to. I decided that
something close to the truth was the best. I said that to avoid arguments we
were both going to sleep on the floor, and to make enough room we had to drag my
bed to the side of the room. Dad thought that was a good idea and suggested that
we push the two mattresses together so that we can get to both sides instead of
one of us having to crawl over the other. I don't know if it was dad being sly
or just practical, but it certainly got no objections from us. Once the door was
closed we stripped off and soon were enjoying getting to know each other's body
better, in the dark, by feel. Two most pleasurable orgasms and some kissing
later we were again lying side by side, holding hands, thinking our own thoughts
as we drifted off to sleep.
The next morning Daffyd and I got to the coffee bar a bit early. We wanted to
secure a table that was not too open but where we thought Gail would feel safe
with three guys. Gavin was bang on time and we were sipping our drinks when Gail
walked in and acted surprised to see Gavin. Gavin asked her to join our table
and introduced us and then offered to get her something when she agreed to join
us. Gavin went up to the bar and got Gail's order. When he returned I asked him
how Mike was. This allowed Gail to ask the right questions and show her concern.
It was clear from the start that Gail had more than a passing interest in Gavin,
and we felt that we had done the right thing in helping them along a bit. Once
Daffyd and I had finished our drinks we made a story about me showing Daffyd
where some of the shops he needed to know were and we left Gavin and Gail alone
together. On the way out I ordered another round for the two of them and asked
the barista to take it over to them. When we returned about half an hour later
Gavin stood up and pulled Daffyd and me into a group hug and just said thanks.
"Thanks for what?" I asked.
"He knows you set this up," Gail told us. "I slipped up and mentioned the phone
"Well, none of us lied. We just didn't tell all of the story," Daffyd said.
"Actually I don't care if you did lie. You got me and Gail together, and it
seems that we have some mutual interests which we want to pursue. So thank you,"
Gavin said.
"Yeah. Gavin's going to help me with my maths," Gail said.
"Oh! That's so exciting," I teased. "Now if it was something like quantum
physics ..." I left it hanging.
"Look, not everybody's a brainbox like you, Delmar Butterworth. Some of us poor
earthlings have to work at it," Gavin shot back. "If it is help with maths or
any other subject for that matter, he's your man," Gavin added pointing at me.
Daffyd nodding in agreement did not help.
"Well, I guess you want us to make ourselves scarce again, then?" I asked.
"No, it's okay. We can talk about other things for a while. Do you guys want to
have another drink?" Gail asked.
"Actually I want to make use of their facilities first," I said.
"Do you want the same again? I'll get them in while you ease the pressure,"
Daffyd asked.
"Yeah, okay. I'll square up with you when I get back," I replied. As I walked
off I heard Daffyd asking Gail and Gavin if they wanted anything, but I had got
too far to hear their response over the noise in the coffee house.
When I got back to the table our drinks were waiting and Daffyd wouldn't hear of
me paying my share. We were talking about our schools and comparing some
differences between them when Gail shocked us by asking, "So are you two an item
or just very good friends?"
"What do you mean by 'an item'?" Gavin asked.
"Come on, Gavin. You know what that means. So are you two dating, or do you just
love each other and have not had the courage to come out to each other?" Gail
asked bluntly.
"Is it that obvious?" Daffyd asked.
"It is to me, but then I've known Del was a homo for some time," Gavin said.
"You've known he was queer and still stayed friends with him?" Gail asked.
"Of course. He's a nice guy and has never once made a move on me. Plus it
reduced the competition," Gavin said smiling.
"Actually, we really need to know what makes it so obvious, so we can try and
change that before we go back to school," I said.
"I don't know if you can change it. It's in the way you look at each other, I
think. The eyes tell a great story," Gail said.
"Yeah, I agree. You look at Daff in a way I have never seen you look at another
person. It's not perving on him, like the way you look at me when I'm naked, and
it's not the way I saw you looking at your mum at the hospital."
"Shit! That's going to make it hard at school then," I said.
"If I've picked it up in one day, then they already know," Gail said.
"Not really. It's a long story, but until a couple of weeks ago I would not have
admitted that Del existed as a fellow human. He was just someone to use when
needed," Daffyd said.
"What an awful thing to say! How could you have been like that?" Gail asked
"Like I said, it's a long story. Let's just say the rest of us were inhuman, and
it took something quite drastic to get me to open my eyes to reality. I'm going
to regret the way I've treated Del for the rest of my life," Daffyd told Gail.
"Look. You've got her curiosity up now, and it would be cruel to leave her
hanging. The basic thing is the guys in the dorm did not like me from the start.
Possibly because I'm a nerd and prefer to be reading a book over kicking a ball.
So from the time we were all put together about four years ago they treated me
badly. They only came to me when they needed help with their schoolwork. This
term they got worse. Some of them got me really upset, and Daffyd picked up on
that. That same day he changed and got half the guys to change with him. For the
first time in my life I am not going back to boarding school dreading it, and
that's thanks to Daffyd. I can't tell you the details, so please don't ask for
them," I told her.
"And out of that has blossomed this love for each other. That's so sweet," Gail
said. Leaning over, she put a hand over one of mine and her other hand over one
of Daffyd's.
"Thank you," I said. "Look. I think you two need a bit more time to make plans
before Gav has to leave for the hospital, so we're going to head off to the bus
and home. Mum told me that although they are going to start reducing the
sedation now, Mike won't be out of the intensive care unit until after we've
gone back to school, so when you can please tell him I say hi and hope he gets
better really fast," I told Gavin. Turning to Gail I said, "It's been nice
meeting you. Thank you for agreeing to meet Gavin. I think you guys could be
good for each other, and maybe we will see you again sometime." I stood up. As I
did so Gail stood up, came round the table, and gave me a hug.
"Thank you for giving me a reason to get with Gavin. I've wanted to for some
time, but if you ever tell him that you're dead meat," she whispered in my ear.
More loudly she added, "It's been good to meet you too, Cupid." She then moved
over and gave Daffyd a hug as well. "You two be careful when you go back to
school. Things could get tough," she said, and I could tell she definitely cared
for us.
When Gavin got home from visiting his brother he called me. He related how Gail
had told him all about the phone call and the plan and had said she had to tell
him because she wanted no secrets between them. "And we've kissed already! She
is even better than I thought she was, and that has put me in a situation. I
don't think I can ask her to have sex with me. She's too special for that."
"Well, that's something you are going to have to work out for yourself. In the
meantime, enjoy your hand," I replied and gave a little laugh.
We didn't get a chance to see Gail again before going back to school and only
managed to see Gavin on the Saturday before we left midday Sunday on the train.
Once Daffyd's parents learnt that was how I would be going back to school they
arranged the same thing for Daffyd instead of their original plan of driving him
back in a car. That Saturday evening Daffyd's parents had had me and my parents
around for a meal in return for the meal they had had at our house. The two sets
of parents seemed to like each other, and we guessed that there might be more
joint meals in the future.
On the Sunday, Daffyd's dad took the two of us to the station. When we pulled up
in a parking space outside the station he turned to us and said, "We need to
talk before you get on that train."
To be continued...
Posted: 07/14/17