Dura et Pulsans
Rick Masters
(© 2017 by the author)
The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's
consent. Comments are appreciated at...
Chapter 3
We were lined up outside the dining hall
with Kesiena's year lining up next to us when he moved down the line, taking
himself out of a position closer to the front so that he could be level with me.
He handed me an envelope. "You can have these; I don't want them," he told me. I
had a pretty good idea that he had given me back the Polaroid photographs he had
taken of me. I looked at him and he could see the unspoken question in my
expression. "I'll explain when we can talk in private."
"I'm not sure what this is about, but we know what you did with Butterworth, and
I am warning you to leave him alone, and you'd better not tell anyone about
those things either," Daffyd warned Kesiena.
"What I have to say to this guy is between him and me only. You are not my
master and I don't need to listen to you. He shouldn't have to either," Kesiena
"Just listen to my warning and you'll be okay," Daffyd said.
"I don't think you need to threaten him," I told Daffyd.
"Look, I said I was going to do what I could to make it right for you. This is
part of it," Daffyd said to me.
"Yes, I know what you said. But I don't think Kesiena is a problem," I explained
and waved the envelope in front of Daffyd, hoping he would think the same thing
that I did. Of course there was no way I could open the envelope out there, so I
just undid a button and tucked it inside my shirt.
When we had finished our meal Daffyd got up and left the dining hall behind the
group that Kesiena was in. I didn't know why he did that, but I hoped that he
wouldn't do anything to upset Kesiena as he seemed a fairly reasonable person.
When we got back to our dorm and began to get our things ready for our shower, I
was surprised that Daffyd wasn't there already. I put the still un-opened
envelope into my locker and left it there under some clothing. When Daffyd came
in about five minutes later he had a bit of a smug look on his face which
puzzled me, but he clearly was not going to let on what he had been doing or
where he had been.
The shower time was a rather muted affair, but for once I was allowed under the
spray while it was still hot and enjoyed a nice warm shower instead of the
lukewarm or cold showers I had become accustomed to.
The next day was the first Sunday I had not been forced to go to the shed since
the start of the term, and I quite enjoyed knowing that I would not be forced to
do that again. I knew I would miss the opportunities to feel and suck on the
guys' cocks, but I was not going to miss being treated like shit. Of course I
still was not invited to join in for the new dorm photograph, but I didn't
really want to be counted as part of that group, even if some of them were
showing me a different attitude. It did give me the opportunity to look at the
contents of the envelope that Kesiena had given me the night before, and I had
been correct in my assumption. To the best of my recollection he had given me
all the Polaroid pictures he had taken, even the ones where I was still mostly
clothed. That evening, when we were back in our lines to go into the dining
room, Kesiena again lined up next to me.
"Please come and see me at the Scorer's Hut tomorrow after classes," he asked.
"Why?" I asked back.
"Because we need to talk some more," he replied and left it like that. I wasn't
sure how to take it, and although I knew he had given me the Polaroids he had
taken, he still had the negatives on his other camera. I am a curious person and
persuaded myself that I should go.
All through the lessons that day I had a myriad of thoughts racing through my
head, and by the time we came to the end of the classes I had almost persuaded
myself to not risk it and stay away. But curiosity got the better of me and I
went. When I got there he was waiting for me and didn't have a camera with him.
To my surprise he produced the key, unlocked the door, and led the way in. Once
in he closed the door but didn't lock it.
"That guy, Morgan, is really trying to be your friend," Kesiena began.
"What do you mean?"
"You cannot let him know I told you, but I think you need a friend, and you need
to know who you can trust to be a friend. He came to me after dinner on Saturday
and asked me to do something special for you. He did not know that I had already
given you the photographs I took. He offered to let me take photographs of him
in whatever pose and dress I wanted if I would give you those photographs,"
Kesiena told me.
"He did that?" I asked disbelievingly.
"He did more than that. He offered to do more with me if I wanted it, in return
for playing a bit of a trick on the others to get something to stop them
treating you like shit."
"Do more?" I asked.
"What do you think? He offered to get me off in whatever way I choose whenever I
wanted it," Kesiena explained.
"And what did you say?"
"Let's just say that I accepted his offer but probably will not be asking for
"Why? I mean why did you give me back those photographs, and why did you agree
to do what he was asking of you?"
"Let me tell you a little story. White people in general all think that the
black person is dishonest and will do anything to try and get more than he
deserves. But before the white people came to Africa, we lived together in our
communities in harmony. We never knew what a lock was until the white man came.
Some tribes didn't even have doors on their houses. We owned nothing and yet
everything because we shared everything between us. We only learned to become
dishonest when the whites taught us to be. Sure I charge you guys a lot for
pictures but that is only because I know I can get away with it and it is not
stealing because no one is being forced to have me take a picture. When someone
pays me, they have chosen to do so and have accepted the going rate. I gave you
back those pictures because you did not choose to pay the price. You were forced
to do so. Morgan has told me how your dormitory has treated you almost since the
start of your time here at the school and I am disgusted with them. That is not
how educated human beings treat each other. It is not how uneducated human
beings treat each other. It is not even how animals treat each other. That is
why I agreed to do what he asked of me. Not because of what he offered, even
though I might be tempted," Kesiena said with a grin.
"So why did you take those photographs if you don't like the circumstances under
which you got them?" I asked.
"I didn't know the circumstances. It was seeing how he treated you that got me
thinking. Then I spoke to you and worked out that there was something very
wrong. I like to have pictures of people, both clothed and naked. And yes,
before you ask, I do like to jerk off to some of them and would do so to some of
the ones I took of you because you have a sexy body, but I can't, knowing the
way I got them. That is why when I develop the negatives of the ones in the
other camera I will not print any of those pictures but will bring you all the
negatives so that you can do with them what you want."
"Thank you. I really appreciate that. But if I say I don't mind you having them
if you promise me that you won't show them to anyone else, would you still not
want them?" I offered.
"No. I don't want them because they would remind me of the circumstances under
which I got them and I would not be happy with that. And don't worry, I am not
going to tell anyone about any of this," he promised.
"So can you tell me what it was that Morgan asked for in return for his offer of
jerking you off?" I asked.
"He asked me to get these," Kesiena replied and handed me an envelope.
"What's this?"
"Look at them."
I opened the envelope and pulled out a bunch of pictures. They were mainly
photographs of the four cuntets in various stages of undress and arousal.
Several of them had the four as two couples each holding their partner's cock
and puckering up to kiss. I think my face must have shown my surprise. "How? ...
How did you manage to get them like this?"
"That was Morgan's idea. I told them that all Whitworth had negotiated for was
one Polaroid of the group. But if they each wanted a picture to have for
themselves they knew how Whitworth had got payment and they could do something
similar to pay for the pictures. I told them that I would take several of the
group with my other camera and would print them up at half term but in order to
get that they needed to let me take some instant pictures of them in whatever
way I asked them to be. They are so stupid they didn't even realise they were
being set up," Kesiena explained. "I don't want those pictures, because I
dislike those guys intensely for what they did to you. I have been shunned and
treated badly because of the colour of my skin. You have been treated badly
because you are so much more intelligent than them. I don't know what all you
have suffered, but I think I can understand some of what you have been feeling.
So I wanted to help you. You can keep those photographs. I have more like them
on the Kodak and will bring you some replacements if you need them after half
term. I don't suppose you will be as mean to them as they have been to you, but
enjoy a bit of like for like revenge." Kesiena smiled at me. "Oh, you might have
noticed there are duplicates of those four holding each other's cocks. I
understand they are the worst in the way they have treated you. I thought you
might want to give them one but tell them that there are more which could be
I couldn't help myself and just pulled him into a hug and thanked him. "You
don't know what this means to me. I feel I can look on you as a friend. I've not
got any friends at school."
"I like you too. But try and let Morgan be your friend. He really wants to be,"
Kesiena encouraged me. "By the way, you really do give good blow jobs. Maybe
someday we can try that again, but only if you are willing."
"Maybe. Thank you," I said and let him go from the hug.
"Right. Let's get back. Let me know how things are going," Kesiena said. We left
the hut and he locked the door then handed the key to me and asked me to give it
to Daffyd.
When I got back to the dorm, Daffyd looked at me and I could see the question in
his eyes. I smiled and gave him a thumbs up. His face broke into a big grin and
he returned the thumbs up signal. I began to believe Kesiena when he said that
Daffyd wanted to be a friend.
There was a couple of hours of free time left before we had to go to dinner and
the others left the dorm in little groups to find something with which to amuse
themselves, eventually leaving just Daffyd and me. I walked over to his bed and
sat down beside him. "Thank you. That was a very nice thing you did."
"I'm not sure I'm going to like paying the fee, but it was the least I could
"I don't think Kesiena will be collecting the fee from what he told me. He only
told me so that I would know what you had offered to do for me. Although if you
like sucking cocks, his is a nice one to suck." I looked at him then and smiled.
"You are a good guy, you know. How we all didn't see it years ago I don't know.
We've been such arseholes I wouldn't be surprised if you made us all pay for it
somehow," Daffyd said.
"You have paid for it already. Your remorse tells me that. But I have some plans
for the cuntets later."
"What about the rest of us? I guess you've got photographs of all of us that we
would not like put on public display."
"I'll see how genuine each person is in the way they treat me going forwards," I
said and got up and went back to my bed. I got the envelope Kesiena had given me
that afternoon and looked through the photographs, pulling out any that showed
Daffyd in a bad way. I checked to make sure that I still had photographs of all
of the others I could use if I needed to. I took the ones I had separated out
over to Daffyd and handed them to him. "These are all the ones with you in them.
Kesiena must have been careful when taking them because none of them make you
look like you're queer. Anyway, I don't need or want these ones. You can do what
you like with them."
Daffyd looked at me. He looked at the few pictures I had given him and then
said, "Thank you. Please try and let me be your friend. I think I'm going to
need a new friend."
I couldn't answer that request because the door burst open and Daffyd only just
had time to slip the pictures under his pillow when Flynn came in. "Morgan, give
me the key to the hut. You get your sorry little arse over there now," he said,
looking straight at me.
"Fuck off," I said and began to walk over to my bed.
"I'm warning you, Butterballs. You might think with these lily livered shits
siding with you that it is all over. It isn't. You think it has been bad from us
in your dorm. See what it is like when it is the whole school," Flynn
"Don't even go there, Flynn; you will come off worst. Now fuck off and leave us
alone," Daffyd said.
"What, we have two queers now to use, do we?" Flynn said. "Hand over that key.
I'll be in charge of it from now on."
"Well you had better go and find the postman then," Daffyd lied. "I told you I
was posting it back to my home today."
"You're such an arsehole. A little bit of fun and you run scared like a
chicken," Flynn accused.
"Just fuck off, Flynn. Go and find somewhere to wank. Or persuade one of your
mates to do it for you if you can't remember how," Daffyd said.
"You haven't heard the last of this," he warned and stormed out.
"He's right, you know," I said. "You haven't heard the last of it, but then
neither has he. I think he might enjoy his after dinner treat."
"What are you going to do?" Daffyd asked.
"I haven't fully thought it out yet, but those four are going to have a
different shower today," I said. "I don't want to be forced to bring the issue
forward any, so I'm going to head off and spend a bit of time in the library. I
think they are too scared to come in there."
"Mind if I come with you?" Daffyd asked.
"Not at all. Just remember you have to be quiet in a library," I teased him.
"Shit! You even have a sense of humour and I didn't know that," Daffyd responded
and we left the dorm, only returning in time to go to line up for dinner.
As we got into line Daffyd veered off to have a word or two with Kesiena and
came back smiling. "For a Sambo he's quite a good guy," he told me; I could see
that he did not intend to be racist or mean. Dinner passed by rather
uneventfully with Flynn casting hateful glares at both Daffyd and me. As usual
we all returned to the dorm to get our things ready for taking our showers.
I pulled out one of the photographs that showed the four cuntets hard and
holding one another's cocks. I passed it to Whitworth, whose bed was next to
mine. "Pass that on for the rest to see, please," I said.
"How did you get this?" he asked in shock.
"None of your fucking business," I said, "Now do as I asked. I want everyone to
have a look at this photograph that is being passed around. Don't waste time
because it is nearly time for us to go for our showers."
The photograph did the rounds with some sniggers but mostly worried looks
appearing on the faces of the others. When it got to Flynn his face paled. "That
fucking black bastard. I'm going to get him for this."
"I would think very carefully before you do anything to him," I said. "Don't
forget that he has more pictures of you, and they may be worse than this one.
Also, his father is the most senior member of the Nigerian government in this
country. You hurt Kesiena and our government is going to come down on you like a
ton of bricks. Also Kesiena is not the only one who has some of these pictures
and I think if you try anything on with him, you might just find the pictures
appearing on notice boards around the school. Now let's get ourselves off to the
Once we were in the shower room and everyone had stripped off I told the four
cuntets to go and stand against the far wall and stay there if they didn't want
their pictures to be made public. They put up a bit of a protest to start with
and I suggested that maybe they wanted to force the issue and have all nine of
them exposed publically. That got them moving when the remaining five guys
realised that they could be open to threats as well.
"He can't fight all of us. We'll just hold him down and search his things till
we find the pictures, then he will pay big time," Flynn said.
"Oh, you poor, silly fuckwit!" I said. "Do you really think that I would be
stupid enough to have the pictures somewhere that you could find them? Come on.
Every one of you has come to me for help on virtually every subject we study
here. You know that I have more brains than that."
"For fuck's sake, just do what he says. The tables have been turned," Whitworth
I waited a few moments while the four cuntets moved over to stand against the
wall. I got under a nice warm spray and began to wash myself. Stopping for a bit
but staying under the spray I said, "Yes, the tables have been turned.
Whitworth, go over and stroke each of them to get them hard."
Whitworth looked at me. Lowering his head he put up no argument but moved over
to the four and began to stroke them amidst their protests. But they didn't try
to stop him, and it did not take long for them all to be sporting hard ons.
"You're lucky that Stone is not on duty today," I said. "Now keep yourselves
hard. Whitworth, stay there and make sure you are hard by the time I finish
washing." I was amazed that though I was enjoying watching these guys get hard,
I didn't get hard myself this time. I made a mental note that I would have to
investigate that later.
I left them for quite a while making sure the hot water was running out before I
left my shower and dried, leaving the water running. Once dried, and dressed, I
sauntered over to them and felt each one's cock then turning to the four I had
not made to do anything I said, "Dura et pulsans." And walked out the shower
To be continued...
Posted: 06/16/17