Dura et Pulsans II

By: Rick Masters
(© 2017 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...


Chapter 1

Back in the dormitory following that first shower I had to admit to experiencing a lot of pleasure in humiliating the four cuntets and also Whitworth. Some may wonder why I was including Whitworth in with those four who had been so mean towards me. The simple truth was that Whitworth was the first to put me at greater risk by involving Adia before the four cuntets had jerked off all over me and then forced me to walk back to the dormitory with their cum still dripping off my face and hair. And Whitworth had not yet had the guts to let everyone know where he stood. I had been kind enough to keep their humiliation contained to just us from the dorm. Surely none of them are going to talk about it to anyone else. Having left those five to enjoy the dregs of warm water and the pressure of having to try and get in and washed before the water was shut off, I was dried and dressed before they got finished.

I was sitting on my bed feeling rather good when the other four, led by the one who I was hoping would become my first friend in the school, came up to me. They knew they had a few minutes before the other five would get back and so could talk openly.

"Del," Daffyd Morgan began, "thank you for not putting us through that same stuff. We know we deserved it, and we appreciate you not doing it to us."

"Yeah. We all do. Thanks," Trevor Wilson added with Ewan Powell and Ian Maclean nodding their agreement behind Daffyd and Trevor.

"You four guys have already said you are going to stop being mean to me and so far have proved that so I see no reason to make you suffer," I told them

"Well, like Daffyd said, we still deserved it because of the way we have been towards you for so long," Ian said.

"Are you going to do more?" Ewan asked.

"I don't know. It will depend on how things go with them now," I told them.

"You haven't heard the last of this, Butterballs!" Flynn said harshly as he entered the dorm ahead of the others who had been made to wait.

"Just remember: when you least expect it," I responded, giving them back the warning they had given me just a few weeks ago when it all kicked off.

"And you others can stop gloating. You are not going to be able to protect him all the time," Flynn added.

"Flynn, shut the fuck up! You're only making it worse for all of us," Whitworth said.

"You screwed up and ain't our leader anymore. So you shut the fuck up," Flynn retorted.

"And you aren't the leader either, so stop telling me what to do," Whitworth responded, giving Flynn a shove on the shoulder.

I feared that a physical fight was about to start. Hoping to prevent it, I said, "I see that having some of your own treatment hasn't put you in the best of moods. Well I've had four years of it. Think on that and what it is going to be like now that the shoe is on the other foot." I still hadn't thought about whether I was going to make them suffer through any other humiliation, but I did feel they could at least worry about it for a while. I was most definitely not going to let them think they had got off lightly. I intended to ensure that they went home for the half term break just as worried as they might now be. This little interruption did put an end to the confrontation between Flynn and Whitworth.

The day before we were due to leave for the half term break, Whitworth still had not let anyone else know how he felt about me and which side he was on. This rather surprised me; he had been the un-elected leader of our dorm mainly through his ability to make quick decisions that were good for most of those concerned. Yet on this one thing, where four had stood up to be counted on one side and four had stayed on the side they had started from, he had remained sitting on the fence. Perhaps he thought that was what the cleft in his bum cheeks was intended for. Because of this indecision I decided to include him with the other four again for a bit of fun. I did not initially single those five out and merely told the rest of the dorm as we were preparing to go for our showers to take their razors with them.

"No fucking way are you going to make me shave!" Clive Winters declared.

"He can't do that," Andrew Lawson said nervously.

"Don't tell me that if you had thought of it you wouldn't have made me do it," I said, increasing their nervousness. Then to remind them of where the strength lay I added, as if an afterthought, "Amazing how much power there is in one picture. And several make it even more powerful. No wonder they say a picture paints a thousand words." They all pulled their shaving gear out of their lockers and added it to their wash bags.

Once we were in the shower room and had stripped off I told the four cuntets, "You know where to stand and what to do." Then I looked at Whitworth. "You might as well join them. You can watch as I shower. I don't mind." I went ahead and had my shower and made a bit of a show of using my razor to clean my beard off. I still did not grow that much but did need to shave two to three times a week. Once I was drying I looked over at the five guys all with hard cocks helped to get that way by another and said, "Right, you are not going to shave yourself, but you do need to get rid of that bum fluff so pair up and do each other and then one of you can help Whitworth get smooth too."

"No! Come on Delmar, you can't expect us to shave there," Martin MacDonald said using my given name for the first time in as long as I could remember.

"So now it's Delmar. What happened to Butterballs?" I chided. "And where is there?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" Andrew Flynn snapped back at me.

"MacDonald said I can't expect you to shave there. Where is there?" I said in as condescending a voice as I could manage.

"Our balls!" Macdonald said, sounding surprised that I needed to ask.

"Come here, MacDonald," I ordered. He meekly walked over to me. I reached out and felt his pubes and gave them a little tug. "Hey Daff, does this look like bum fluff to you?"

"I wouldn't call it that," Daffyd replied.

"Neither would I. But this I would," I said as rubbed my hand across MacDonald's cheek and chin. "Now you guys pair up and shave each other's faces. Be thankful that it is not your groins you are shaving," I said derisively and turned to finish drying off and dressing.

When the other four realised just how easily I had strung them along they began to laugh and pat me on the back. "That was neat," Trevor said as he patted my back.

"Yeah, but I think you should have made them shave their balls. You are right that if they had thought of it they would have forced you to," Ian said.

"Well now that they have given me the idea I might just take them up on that when we come back," I said. That silenced the grumbling that was coming from the other side of the shower room and I noticed that already the pairs had swapped and a shaved boy was now shaving his mate. I decided to leave Whitworth to his fate and headed out of the shower room. Those five had not even made it under the showers and I had showered, shaved and dressed already. They were likely to get caught out with soap all over their bodies when the water was turned off. When the five boys came back to the dorm I noticed Whitworth's eyes were red and he had a couple of bits of toilet paper stuck to his face to stop the bleeding where he had been nicked by the razor. Obviously the other four had not been as careful with him as they had been with each other.

"What? Didn't keep your head still enough, Whitworth?" Ewan asked.

"What's it got to do with you?" Whitworth shot back.

"Just an observation. Don't need to get all uppity about it," Ewan returned. Whitworth just glared at him, and I must admit to feeling a few pangs of sympathy for the guy. I knew only too well what he was feeling now. From being the king of the castle he had suddenly dropped to the bottom of the bunch. But they were only pangs. He knew full well what he had been responsible for encouraging and doing and had done nothing to change that even when he had the power to at least try and do something.

The next morning as we were lining up for breakfast before leaving to go home for the half term Adia approached Daffyd and asked if he could borrow the key to the hut. "I want to make a copy over the break so that I can use it for taking some special pictures." He told us smiling, knowing that we knew exactly what he meant. Daffyd didn't even blink and fished the key out of his pocket and handed it over. "Thank you, I will bring it back after the break," Adia said.

"You had the key in your pocket?" I observed.

"Yeah, well I didn't want one of those others getting hold of it and making a copy," Daffyd said in a soft voice. "They are right that we can't protect you all the time, and if they ever managed to get you alone I don't know what they would do. With no access to the hut at least that is one place they can't hide away. Knowing that Daffyd was right and knowing that they might just throw caution to the wind and risk the photographs being put on public display, I felt grateful towards Daffyd for his thoughtfulness.

Normally, like me, Daffyd would be taken to the station and put on a train to get home but this time he told me his parents were picking him up from the school and he didn't really know why. Isaid that he would probably find out soon enough but then had to heft my trunk and head to the school bus that would be taking me along with several other students to the station to catch a train.

My train was one of the early ones, so I was the first member of our dorm to leave the school. In the past this had come as a great relief to me and it still was, but there was a tinge of something in my chest that made it a bit different. As a parting shot, however, I said my good byes to Daffyd, Ian, Ewan and Trevor, thanking each one for manning up and changing. Then I turned to the other half of the dorm and said, "Cheers, chaps. Don't forget, 'when you least expect it'." And I was out the dormitory and on my way home for a week of freedom before any of them could think of something insulting enough to respond with.

Three hours later dad picked me up from the station and we began our quarter of an hour journey to the house. Dad has never been very talkative, so apart from the initial greeting and obligatory question of how school had been and my equally non-informative answer we travelled the majority of the journey in silence. Dad helped me inside with my trunk and then was out the door, going back to the university to do some more work. Mum would be out until late in the evening at least, tending the sick and dying, so I did my usual thing on returning home from school. I unpacked my trunk and took all the clothes I had in it and those I had worn to get home in and put the lot in the washing machine and set it off. It had become a sort of ritual with me over the years. I would unpack the trunk in my room and put all the clothes into a bundle using a shirt to wrap around them. Then I would carry that bundle down stairs to the scullery and stuff them in the washing machine. I would then strip off and stuff those clothes in the washing machine and start it up. From the scullery I would make a tour of the house, stopping in every room to stroke my cock a bit to keep it hard, so that I could say that I had had a hard on in every room of my house. That included my parents' studies and their bedroom, ending up in their énsuite bathroom where I would lie down on the floor and jerk myself to an orgasm. I would then have a shower in their shower and dry using one of their towels. Somehow this made sure that my cock was hard again as I left their room to spend most of the day naked and mostly hard. Usually I would cum at least two more times on that first day at home, only getting dressed when it was close to the time I could expect one of my parents to get home. A few times I had had to make a very quick dash upstairs to get some clothes on when I heard them arriving back earlier than I had expected.

That evening while I was still waiting for my parents to get home I phoned my friend who lived in the same town. We had gone to the same junior school together, but now that I was a boarder we were in different schools. He lived several miles from me and so after a bit of chatting we arranged to meet on the Monday of the holidays at the cinema. We would both have to catch a bus in, but as we were on different routes it was easier to meet outside the cinema than anywhere else.

When my mum got home she asked me to help her with preparing the meal, and we talked quite a bit about what had been happening in each of our lives. At some point she asked, "Has something changed at school, Delmar? You seem to have a different attitude towards things."

"Yeah. Well, a couple of the guys in the dorm now seem to want to be friends rather than just users." I had told my parents a tiny bit about how the guys just used me to help them when they wanted it but weren't really friendly otherwise, so telling her as much as I did was not going to invoke an inquisition that might get the real truth out.

"Oh, that's nice. I hope it does work out. I know it has been quite tough for you with the rest of the dorm not being very friendly. What has brought about this change?" mum asked.

"I don't really know. Daffyd said he had suddenly realised how horrible he had been towards me and felt really guilty and asked me if I would forgive him," I told mum.

"Maybe he saw it happening to someone else or saw a film of something like that which opened his eyes a bit," Mum suggested.

"Maybe. Anyway, it's quite nice to have someone to talk to, but I am just a bit wary in case it is an elaborate hoax. I will see how it is when I get back next week,"

Both parents worked on Saturday but promised me that Sunday was a day to go out and have lunch in a café and then a nice meal in a pub or restaurant in the evening. This was pretty much what happened every half term break. Two O'clock Sunday morning my precious sleep was jangled away from me as the telephone rang. At that time in the morning it sounded incredibly loud but it was quickly answered by one of my parents on the extension in their bedroom. If I had been asleep the need would have lasted till much later but now that I was awake the pressure in my bladder demanded my attention and I walked through to the bathroom that I used when at home. I heard mum telling whoever it was that had called that she would be there in half an hour and I knew there was some serious emergency at the hospital. They didn't call mum unless it was a life or death situation. I knew I was in for a more tiring and boring day as it would most likely be just me and dad. And sociology is the most boring of subjects there is and pretty much the only thing dad can talk about. At least I had Monday to look forward to.

I was right. Sunday was diabolical. I doubt dad and I said two hundred words between us the whole day. We agreed to forgo the meal in a pub and just get some takeaways on the way home. At least then I could find something on the tele to occupy my mind. When we got home there was message from mum on the answer machine telling us that she would most likely not be home for some time as the case was very serious. Mum never talked about patients; they were all cases. I never did find out why.

Monday when I woke up I had the house to myself again as both parents were at work. I don't think mum even came home. With serious cases she often would just make use of a quiet room at the hospital to catch up on some sleep. She kept changes of clothing there and used hospital uniform when on the wards. I relieved my bladder in the bathroom and left the briefs I had slept in in the wash box there and headed downstairs, once again naked, to find some brunch. It was only when I got in the kitchen and saw the clock above the sink that I realised I had read my watch wrong and needed to really shift it if I was to meet Gavin in time. So my toast and coffee and a bowl of mixed grain cereal gave way to a couple of cereal bars held in the hand and chewed on as I mounted the steps and headed straight to my room to choose some clothing to wear. I was going to have to make up for it later; possibly some fast food with Gavin after the movie. My shower was almost as quick as the ones I had had to get in at school and I was thankful that I had shaved before going out with dad the day before. As it was I had to sprint the last thirty yards to catch the bus. Sitting on the bus, I checked my watch and saw that I would be on time and would have to wait a few minutes for Gavin to join me; his bus ran a bit later than mine.

I was standing outside the cinema doors when I heard my name called by a voice that was familiar but not from my home town. The second time I heard "Del?" called I turned to look at what I thought was my ears deceiving me. Walking towards me, with a grin that practically split his face was Daffyd Morgan. "Shit! It is you," he said as I turned to face him.

"Daff? What are ...?" for once I was caught unawares and unable to think fast enough to put my question into words.

"Del, is this your hometown?" Daffyd asked.

"Yeah, but what are you doing here?" I answered.

"I live here too now. That's why my parents picked me up. While I was at school they up and moved towns. They didn't tell me so that it would be a surprise. Surprise? Shit I have had to unpack my whole room and I difn't know what was in which box because they had movers come in and pack for them. And I got into shit because the spare key for my bedroom seems to be missing," Daffyd said.

"Del, hi," Gavin said as he arrived.

"Hi Gav. This is Daffyd. He's in my dorm at school and his folks have just moved his ass into our patch," I said using terminology I never normally used but tried it out to hopefully put both the guys at ease. But then I noticed that Gavin was not looking the way I expected. He had dark shadows under his eyes and his face was pale. "Is something wrong Gav?" I asked.

"Yeah! You know my little brother, he's had something go wrong inside his head and they don't even know if he will live," Gavin told me and I noticed the moisture of tears glistening in his eyes.

"Oh shit! I'm sorry. When did this happen?" I pulled Gavin into a hug which was something we had not really done before but something told me he needed it.

"Saturday. My folks woke me up and told me that Mike was being rushed to hospital. Dad came home on Sunday and said that it was bad and he was getting some things ready to take back to mum at the hospital. He's in the intensive care and they won't let me in to see him, only mum and dad," Gavin told us.

"Look, I don't know you but that has got to be hard to handle. Maybe you need to be alone with Del," Daffyd said.

"No! don't go. We were going to see a film but maybe we should just go somewhere and talk. Stay with us. Gav probably could do with someone else to talk to," I said. It might have been a bit selfish, but I wanted to at least have the chance to arrange to meet up with Daffyd again during the half term break. The only way to do that would be to swap telephone numbers, and I couldn't do that straight away.

Gavin clearly was not in a position to cope with a film, so we headed off to a little corner store and bought some cokes and crisps and then walked a bit further to a small park which was called a 'green'. We found a bench, sat down on it, and began to talk.

Gavin said, "Mike got home from his friend's on Saturday afternoon and told mum that he had a bit of a headache and was going to lie down until supper. When the food was ready mum sent me to go and fetch him and he was lying in his bed with his eyes shut and tears running down his face. I talked to him and he just said 'It hurts. It hurts bad.' I ran to the top of the stairs and shouted for mum and they came running up and then dad went out to buy some headache pills and Mike took those and went back to sleep. I went to bed quite early and next thing mum was shaking me to tell me that an ambulance was coming to take Mike to hospital as he was just getting worse. Mum went with him in the ambulance and Dad and I went in the car. When we got there they wouldn't let me through with mum and dad, so dad phoned our neighbour and had him come and take me home. Do you know what it is like to just sit there not knowing anything? The same neighbour ran me back to the hospital yesterday and left me there. I eventually found where my parents and Mike were, but they still wouldn't let me in and all dad has said is that it is bad and the doctors can't say what is going to happen. There's some woman doctor there who seems to be in charge, and when she has talked with dad she seems to be nice and caring, but she was shaking her head a lot and looking very sad."

"Does that woman doctor look like this?" I asked, getting my wallet out where I had a picture of my parents with their names and telephone numbers on the back. It was my parents' way of making sure I had some sort of emergency contact on me should I ever get run over by a bus or something. Although we had been friends for a long time, because of the hours mum works, Gavin had never met her, and he had never stayed over at my house.

"Yes, is she your mum?" Gavin asked.

I nodded. "She is a neurologist and I can promise you that she is doing her best for Mike. She is good too."

"Your mum is a fucking neurologist. No wonder you're so brainy," Daffyd got in.

"And his dad's a fucking top professor at the uni," Gavin told Daffyd. It seemed that he was almost relieved to have the subject changed.

We chatted for a couple of minutes when Daffyd said something about the dorm which caused Gavin to realise that Daffyd was one of the guys from my dorm. "Hey, what's with this? You telling me that this guy is one of the arseholes from your dorm who has been nothing but shit to you for years and here you are seemingly friends? I don't understand."

"Things have changed a bit this term. It's a long story and I can't really tell you anything just yet. I will try to explain it later," I said.

"Let's just say that something happened which made me realise just how much of an arsehole I've been and now I'm trying to change things," Daffyd told Gavin.

"Are you telling me that in all those years you never once looked at what you were doing and thought about how Del might feel?" Gavin asked, and his tone told both Daffyd and me that he was not accepting what we had told him.

"I am totally ashamed to admit that I never thought of what Del was feeling until a couple of weeks ago. I was so concerned about how I would look in front of the others that I just went along with them and did my share of the bullying. But these last two weeks have been kind of bitter-sweet. The sweet has been seeing Del released from his suffering to some degree and having a chance to take some revenge. The bitter has been how I feel about myself and what I have done. I know I can never undo what I did, nor repay Del for it. But I am going to do what I can to make sure he doesn't get mistreated in the dorm ever again," Daffyd said.

"Listen, this is not the time for this. I have forgiven Daffyd because of what he has done in these last two weeks. Some time we might give you details, but right now I can't, and I think there is a more important thing we need to try and sort out," I said.

"What do you mean?" Gavin asked.

"Let's go back to my place, and I will try and get hold of mum and see if she can get them to let you see Mike," I said.

"And I'll get to see where you live. I wonder if it is close to my house," Daffyd said.

"But then I'll have to catch the bus back into town to get my own bus home," Gavin said.

"Well, I had thought I might see if dad will be around in time and able to give you a lift home or to the hospital," I told Gavin. "If not, I'll ride with you and then come back by myself."

"Or maybe all three of us will ride together," Daffyd added.

We made our way to the main bus terminus and I headed straight for the stand where my bus would leave from. "What route are you on?" Daffyd asked.

"We will catch a number forty-seven bus," I told him.

"Well fuck me over a barrel. That's the same bus I catch," Daffyd said. "I get off at the second stop on Finksbury Road. Where do you get off?"

"The second stop on Finksbury Road," I said smiling.

"Okay, this is weird. Our house is number four Shetland Close. Is that near you?" Daffyd asked.

"Almost in spitting distance. Turn left out of the close into Finksbury, cross the road and then turn right into Kintyre close and we are at the end of the cul-de-sac. Number seven," I told him.

"That is some bloody coincidence. How did you end up getting that house?" Gavin asked.

"I'm not sure. I think the company got it for us. They wanted dad to move here pretty fast," Daffyd said.

We paused our conversation as we boarded the bus and bought our tickets. Like all teens we headed straight to the back of the bus and sat down on the very back seat. As we travelled to my house Daffyd explained that his father had been travelling to the factory from the head office for several weeks and had discovered some very shady deals going on between the factory management and some of the customers, costing the company thousands of pounds a month. Once Daffyd's dad had got sufficient evidence the dishonest managers had been arrested and his dad had been asked to take over running the factory. The deal they offered included a house so that the family could move quickly to help his dad to be able to devote his time and effort to sorting out the factory rather than commuting.

Getting off at the second stop, we quickly walked the short way to my house. I pointed out to Gavin the close that Daffyd's house was on as we passed it. Once inside I led the other two to the kitchen and got out some glasses and showed them where the juice was, inviting them to help themselves while I tried to phone mum. Luck was with me and she was able to take the call straight away. I explained to her why I was calling and being able to name the patient let her know that I was not mistaken. Mum told me that Mike's situation was very poor. If the treatment they were trying did not work by the evening, they were going to have to operate, which would be very risky. They were just waiting for the neurosurgeon to make his assessment before making a final decision. Mum told me that she would need to get permission from Gavin's parents first and to wait for her to call me back.

To be continued...

Posted: 06/16/17