Dura et Pulsans
Rick Masters
(© 2017 by the author)
The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's
consent. Comments are appreciated at...
Chapter 2
When I got to the hut Flynn was waiting
outside and ordered me to get inside quick and strip off. As I was undoing my
shirt I heard some approaching voices and knew that I was not going to have only
Flynn to service. Instead, Flynn was joined by three more of the nine,
MacDonald, Winters, and Lawson. These four made up a sort of team within the
team of nine, and were the worst of the nine too.
The shed door was locked and I was ordered to hurry up and finish stripping,
even though all I had left on was my briefs, and then I had to help each of the
four boys strip off too. I had to kneel on the floor again and was told to put
my clothes down there to make a cushion for my knees. Flynn moved directly in
front of me and presented his cock for me to suck on. I didn't need any
instruction to do that and just opened my mouth for him to slide it in and hold
my head as he began to pump it. While he was doing that Winters and Lawson moved
either side of me and ordered me to begin to wank them. I couldn't see what
MacDonald was doing at that point. I moved my hands from where they had been
holding onto Flynn's legs and found the two cocks I had to wank while I sucked
the third.
Flynn was the first to cum but he only shot one spurt into my mouth and then
pulled his cock out and jerked himself to shoot the rest of his load over my
face. Flynn produced quite a lot of cum and had got a bit of a build-up too so
that by the time he had finished his cum was running down my face and dripping
onto my torso and legs. There were also drops of cum landing on my clothes
beneath my knees. When he had finished he moved aside and MacDonald took his
place pushing his cock into my mouth for me to suck. Winters came next and shot
his load onto my hair and the side of my head. Again it ran down and dripped
onto my shoulder with some of it running down my back while the remainder
dribbled down my front. Lawson decorated the other side of my head, including a
direct shot into my ear, and shoulder with much the same effect as Winters had
achieved. When MacDonald hit his orgasm, he followed the same pattern as Flynn
and added more cum to my face to run down over my front and clothes. I was
ordered to remain kneeling while the others dressed and then was told to get
dressed myself but was not allowed to clean up at all. As I pulled my briefs up
I could feel them spreading the still wet cum on my legs. When I put my shirt on
I could feel it sticking to globs of cum on my back and front and knew that with
it being a white shirt it would show the wet spots. Pulling on my black trousers
I was dismayed to see that there were spots of cum on the legs which I knew I
would not be allowed to try and wipe off. I felt totally humiliated through all
of this and the walk back to the hostels just increased that feeling. Anyone
passing close by would see the cum still sticking in my hair and the spots on my
shirt and trousers. To make sure that I did not try and find somewhere to clean
up, the four cunts stayed with me until we were at the hostel entrance. They
then went off to do whatever they wanted to do and left me to negotiate the last
bit to our dorm on my own.
When I entered the dorm the only other person in there was Morgan but I just
ignored him and sat down on my bed facing the wall. I was lost as to what I
could do. I had no way of getting cleaned up properly until our shower time
which was after dinner. I would have to go to dinner with the cum stains on my
clothing and globules of dried or still drying cum in my hair and everyone would
notice it. I was extremely dejected and sat there, staring at the wall, trying
very hard not to cry. At least facing the wall, Morgan would not be able to see
the tears that did escape and ran down my cheeks. But he did see the shake of my
shoulders and heard me trying to stop a sob escaping. This made him look a bit
closer and see the mess in my hair. I heard his bed creak and then realised he
was standing right next to me.
"What the fuck has happened to you?" he asked, sounding surprised.
"As if you don't know!" I retorted.
"Actually, I don't know," he replied.
"Don't try and bullshit me. It's your fucking key. You think I don't know you're
the cause of all this?" I asked bitterly.
"Is that cum in your hair?" he asked. I nodded but stared daggers at him because
I was sure he knew it was. These guys seemed to plan it all in minute detail.
"Who did this to you?" Morgan actually sounded concerned.
"Who the fuck do you think? Who did you give the key to? Shit, I didn't think
you were that dense." I said angrily
"Yes, it is my key, but I don't control it anymore. So I really don't know who
had use of it," he told me.
"Well you can all go and get stuffed now. It won't be long before it is all over
the school, what with involving Sambo and now those four bastards making me walk
back looking like this. You've got nothing left to blackmail me with now. And
seeing as how I have no way of getting cleaned up before dinner, even more will
see me like this. So just fuck off and leave me alone." I shouted the last
sentence and put my hands over my face so that he would not see the tears as I
cried. Shit, I was nearly seventeen and couldn't stop myself from crying. How
much more humiliation would I have to endure?
Morgan left me and the dormitory. About twenty minutes later he returned. It was
still just the two of us in there. I hadn't looked up when he came back in and
at first did not know it was him. I only looked up when I heard a bed scraping
on the floor. Morgan's bed was opposite mine, and he was pulling it in front of
the door to prevent anyone else from coming in the dorm. Then he came across to
me with a bucket of warm water and his own face cloth. He wet the cloth and
wrung it out and began to wipe my face first. As he did so he began to talk,
softly, "I'm really sorry. This has got right out of hand. We had all agreed
that we would keep it just in the dorm and not tell anyone else so that we had
that threat over you. I'm guessing that the four are Flynn, Winters, Lawson and
MacDonald?" I nodded. "But what is the deal with Sambo?"
The tone of his voice told me that Morgan really did not know and was genuinely
sorry that things had got to the state they had. "Whitworth made me strip and
pose for Sambo to take as many pictures as he wanted and then give him a blow
job, so that he would take a new dorm picture of you all," I told him. I could
see by the change in his expression that this news angered and upset him, but I
thought I would just let him know something of what I felt so I asked, "What
have I ever done to you guys to be treated this way? This is the first kind
thing any of you have ever done since we got put in the same dormitory together.
Have I ever done anything to hurt any of you? Even when you have come to me for
help with schoolwork have I ever made you feel like you are stupid? Have I ever
refused to help you? Tell me that! Yet all you do is be shit to me. You fuck
around with my bed; you call me cruel names; you shun me unless you want
something! Why? Tell me why!" This time I couldn't stop the tears from escaping
from my eyes. Morgan saw them but didn't mock me; he just used his face cloth to
wipe them away. He continued to try and clean me up and asked me to take my
shirt off. "What's the use? I'll just have to put it back on to go to dinner. I
can't put an extra shirt in the laundry without a master's note." I asked.
"You're right. If you wear this shirt to dinner a lot of people will see it and
questions will be asked. You'll just have to wear your clean shirt for tomorrow,
today and then again tomorrow, so don't dribble any food on it at dinner.
Listen, I've not been too comfortable with what's been going on lately.To my
shame I joined in because I didn't want them to think I was odd. But I can't
continue with this. I will not force you to do anything with me anymore, and I
am going to speak to the rest and try and bring this to an end. I am very, very
sorry." Morgan sounded genuine in this response, and for once I thought that
there might be some hope of a little light at the end of the tunnel.
After he had finished cleaning my chest he asked me to stand and turn around so
that he could do the back. When he was doing that he saw the smears of cum on
the waistband of my briefs and suggested I should strip off completely. I did so
more because I was too tired of all the shit to make an objection. I was also
enjoying having him wash me. And when he moved around to my front again he saw
how much I was enjoying it. Morgan knelt down in front of me to wash the cum off
my legs which now was just dried smears. I stood there letting him wash wherever
he wanted and made no objection when he washed my hard cock. He pulled my
foreskin back and as I watched he looked up at me and then wrapped his lips
around it and began to suck me off. Although I had done a lot of cock sucking,
this was my first time ever being sucked off. Now I understood why the guys kept
making me do them despite claiming to be straight. I thought about just letting
him suck me until I shot into his mouth. but I decided that would make me no
better than them. As my orgasm began to draw near I warned Morgan that I was
getting close.
He pulled his mouth off my cock and said, "You've been forced to take my cum in
your mouth. Now I'm forcing myself to take your cum in my mouth."
"You don't have to. You have already shown me that I have some hope of change.
That is enough," I told him.
Morgan just shook his head and kept on sucking until I blew into his mouth. It
was probably one of my biggest loads, but I will never know, because he not only
took it into his mouth but also swallowed it down.
I had to sit down, having gone a bit weak in the knees, and as I sat the
movement pulled my cock from his mouth. "Thank you. That was something that I
have longed for but never had before," I told him. "But you didn't have to do
it, you know."
"Oh, but I did. I had to take a bit of what I have given. Not to make me feel
any better, even though knowing you liked it has made me happier. No, I had to
do that so I could understand what it is like to put yourself under someone
else's control. You see now you have something over me. I have willingly sucked
you off. You have always been forced to suck me off. I don't think I'm gay, but
I did like doing it and will do you again if you want it," Daffyd Morgan
"You really mean that don't, you?" I asked, not quite believing the change I was
"Seeing you like you were earlier hit me like a kick in the balls. I couldn't
believe how low we had got. I know that it will be hard for you to believe, but
I promise you I am going to do all that I can to bring an end to this treatment.
I would like to try and be your friend from now on, if you'll give me that
honour and a chance. Hopefully I can prove to you that I mean it. Now I think
you should get dressed before the guys come and try to bash in the door," he
I dug in my locker to get out my clean clothes for the next day and began to
pull them on, pushing the dirty ones into my laundry bag and stuffing that back
in the locker. I would be adding the clothes I was about to put on after I had
used them the next day before taking it to the laundry cart. At least we were
allowed one complete change of clothing every day; if something happened that
required a second change then a master would give us a note which was put in a
little pocket on the outside of the laundry bag. If you tried to sneak in extra
laundry the dirtiest items would be returned to you, unwashed, in a plastic bag
with your clean clothes. Having to get a note from a master was usually quite
difficult and embarrassing; when you had a dose of the shits it was very
"Listen, the guys will all be coming back here soon to wait for dinner. It might
be easier for you if you were not here when I talk to them. It's up to you, but
I think it would be better if you made yourself scarce for a while," Morgan
"Yes, I think I will go to the library for a bit before it closes. But before I
go, where did you get that bucket of water?" I asked.
"One of the cooks thinks I look like her grandson and gives me treats once in a
while. I just asked her and said that it was to help someone in a difficult
situation. I'm sorry; it's the bucket they use for mopping the floor in the
kitchen, but it was spotlessly clean when I got it," he explained.
"Please tell her I'm very grateful," I said and left the dormitory to go to the
library. As I was leaving Whitworth passed me on his way into the dormitory. He
didn't even acknowledge that he had seen me. Clearly not all had changed. When I
got to the library, the librarian apologised and said the library would only be
open for another quarter of an hour because she had to leave work early. I told
her I would leave when she asked me to and then moved to the shelves to select a
book. The librarian was a nice person and I'm guessing her being pregnant was
the cause of the need to leave early that evening. I knew I was going to miss
her cheerful help when she left to have the baby.
It seemed like I had just sat down when she tapped me on the shoulder and,
apologising again, asked me to leave the library. I closed the book straightaway
and put it back on the shelf and then wished her 'goodnight' and left. I wasn't
sure what to do as I didn't think I could go back to the dorm, but it had
started to rain and I wasn't going to sit out in the rain either so I thought,
"Fuck it, they'll just have to have me there," and I headed back. As I
approached the door I heard a thud against it and realised that Daffyd Morgan
had moved his bed against it either to keep his audience captive or to keep me
out, or maybe both. When I got to the door I put my head against it and
discovered that I could hear some of what was being said.
"Listen guys," Daffyd Morgan began. I could hear him quite clearly and guessed
he was sitting on his bed close to the door. "When we started this sex stuff
with Butterworth we agreed that we would keep it just to us guys in this dorm.
Whitworth, you said that if we let it spread then we were likely to lose our
hold over him to keep it going if we liked it. But you have brought Sambo in and
forced Butterworth to do things in front of Sambo. How long do you think he will
wait before telling his friends? MacLean, you said that if it got out we all
risked getting expelled and I believe you are right. And you other four this
afternoon have done just that, put us at risk. To force him to walk back to the
dorm covered in your cum was totally wrong. That's not what we agreed to. We
have to stop before things get completely out of hand and we end up in trouble."
"Yeah sure, like you really want to give up getting your cock sucked or jerked,"
Flynn asked.
"What happened today?" Powell asked. "And what's this about Sambo?"
"I don't know the full thing about Sambo, but I believe Whitworth can tell you
that. Today though, Flynn, MacDonald, Winters and Lawson made Butterworth kneel
on his clothes while he sucked two of them off and wanked the other two. Only
when they shot their loads they shot them all over Butterworth's head and let it
dribble down over his body and his clothing. Then they forced him to dress
without being allowed to clean up and walk all the way back from the Scorer's
Hut to the dorm with their cum all over him. How many people saw him like that?
How long do you think it will take for that news to get around the school? And
for what? Did that make your orgasm feel any better? Or did you just get kicks
out of humiliating him even more than you have done already? He asked me a
question this afternoon that I can't answer so I'll ask you. What has he done to
deserve the way we have treated him all this time?" Daffyd Morgan asked.
"He's a homo. You've seen how he gets hard when he sucks us. Homos deserve to be
used and abused," Flynn said.
"If you think that getting hard is proof of being a homo then we all are,"
Wilson joined in the conversation. "Actually, when you think about it, he has
been forced to do sex stuff with us. We have all willingly enjoyed it. If his
getting hard makes him a homo, then our being willing makes us more of a homo."
"John, what is this thing with Sambo?" MacLean asked Whitworth.
"I've arranged with Sambo to take another photograph of us. Since we don't have
enough money to pay him for it, I got him to do it for a different kind of fee.
He was to be allowed to take as many pictures of Butterworth as he wanted in
whatever way he wanted Butterworth to pose, and then he could have Butterworth
suck his cock for him if he wanted that. He agreed to it and got paid today.
Tomorrow afternoon he will take the picture for us. To make sure there are no
other surprises he will take the picture in the hut," Whitworth told his dorm
"And Butterballs agreed to this?" Wilson asked.
"He wasn't given the choice. He fucked up our last picture; he had to pay for
the new one," Whitworth replied.
"So five out the nine of us have broken the agreement we made, which was
intended to keep us safe and satisfied," Ewan Powell said. "What you guys have
done has put us all at risk." Powell's voice got a bit louder and I guessed he
had moved over next to Morgan. "I agree with Daffyd. We've had our fun, but it
has to stop now before we do something that could get us expelled."
"And Daffyd has asked a good question. Apart from getting in the photograph,
uninvited, what has he done to deserve what we have done to him?" Trevor Wilson
"Come on! He's a geek, a nerd, what more do you want? He's a queer; he asks for
what he gets," Winters said.
"How long have you thought that he's a queer?" Morgan asked.
"Since he got hard in the hut," Winters answered quickly.
"And how long have you treated him like an arsehole?" Morgan asked.
"I dunno. Since he asked for it, I suppose," Winters answered evasively.
"The truth is that we have treated him like shit since we were first all put
together in the same dormitory. We had no grounds then for being like that and
we have no grounds now. Monday morning I am posting the key back to my home. He
has only ever helped us and we have never ever done anything that could be
considered kind for him in the four years we have all been together. We've kept
him separated from us who should be his friends; we've bullied and humiliated
him for years and used him without giving anything back in return, not even a
thank you. Now it is time to show that we can rise above our baser instincts and
show him some kindness. Which of you can even claim to have said a simple thank
you to him when he has helped you with some work. I can't. We have just used
him, and it is time to stop," Daffyd Morgan said.
"I agree with Daffyd. It is time to stop. Who else has the courage to stand with
us?" Ewan Powell said.
"I'm in." I recognised Trevor Wilson with those two words and imagined them
standing side by side facing the other six.
"You guys are crazy. Here we have the perfect answer to our needs. I'm not
giving up on blow jobs," Lawson said.
"Me neither," Winters said and I guess those two stood next to each other.
"Well I'm not prepared to risk being expelled and especially not for forcing a
guy to suck my cock. My parents would disown me," Ian MacLean said.
"What about you Andy?" Winters asked Flynn.
"He's still going to be swallowing my cum till the day we leave school," Flynn
"And mine," MacDonald said effectively splitting the group into two.
"I don't know. I need to think on it some more." Whitworth didn't know it then,
but with that indecision he lost the leadership of the dorm.
"Well, I'm going to do my best to stop you doing that," Daffyd said.
"Oh yeah? You and whose army, Morgan?" Flynn asked.
"My two arms to start with," Wilson said.
"And mine," Powell quickly added.
"Count me in too," MacLean joined the group now supporting me.
I was really surprised, because I hadn't realised that some of them actually did
have some sense of what was right. Maybe I should thank those four cuntets for
forcing it out of the others. Not bloody likely. I could sense that the meeting
was coming to a close and so took off down the corridor and went out into the
grounds for a bit; fortunately it had stopped raining. I had left my watch on
the locker when Daffyd had helped to clean me up and so I counted to five
hundred and then started to walk back into the hostel. I had just made it in the
main entrance when Kesiena stopped me.
"What's with those other guys and you?" he asked.
"What do you mean?" I asked back.
"He was forcing you to let me take those photographs. You didn't do any of that
by choice, did you?" Kesiena asked.
"No. They're just a bunch of shits, but I don't care anymore. They've hurt me
enough now that whatever else they do can't make it any worse, so I'm not doing
anything more for them anymore," I said.
"You mean all nine of them have ganged up against you?" Kesiena asked.
"How else do you think they could force me to do all that shit?" I answered.
"We'll talk again. There are others coming," Kesiena said and walked away. He
was right; a group of about ten guys from his year were approaching. They walked
past me without making any comments just as they would have any other time, so I
reasoned that Kesiena must not have shown them the photographs. I continued back
to the dorm.
When I walked in some of the talking stopped immediately. I was fairly sure that
they had been talking about me, but it didn't bother me. I had made my mind up.
I went to my bed and retrieved my watch off my locker and began to put it on. I
was facing into the corner with my back to the rest of the dorm and so didn't
see any of them approaching me.
"Uhh Butterworth, ... uhm ... I'm sorry for being such a shit to you," Trevor
Wilson said. He didn't seem to know how to put into words what he felt he needed
to say. I chose to just look at him and then look away again. Four years of
torment couldn't be wiped away with just some mumbled sentence. Also I was in
such a poor emotional state I knew that there was a good chance I might end up
crying if I said anything.
"Well he might be sorry, but I'm not. And you're still going to be sucking my
cock," Flynn called out across the dormitory. Those words hit into my back and I
physically shuddered. I turned and glared at him.
"You can fuck off. I'm not doing another fucking thing for you ever."
"You'll do what I fucking tell you to do or the whole school will find out that
you're a queer," Flynn retorted.
"No you won't. Remember that it is you who have forced him to do things to you,
not the other way round. If you start saying anything to anyone that will become
public knowledge faster than you can blink your eyes," Daffyd threatened.
"And we'll back him up so that it will be believed. You are the one who has put
us all at risk and now you can suffer and go back to using your own hand, unless
you can get one of your mates to do it for you," Powell spoke up.
"And that goes for any of you who think they can force Butterworth to do
anything like that anymore," MacLean said, turning to look at me. "Things are
going to change from now on."
I couldn't let them know I already had an idea of what had happened, so I just
continued in the same vein that I had earlier. "You've fucked yourselves in the
foot now. You were so shit to me today that I don't care what you say about me
to whoever anymore or what you do to each other, but I'm not doing anything for
anyone anymore."
"Look, Butterworth, I can understand that you are really upset. I was angry when
I heard what happened today; angry enough that I've decided to stop treating you
the way I have been. I know after all this time that will be hard to believe but
I intend to show you that you can believe it. Morgan told us what Flynn,
Winters, Lawson and MacDonald did to you today and I'm standing with Morgan in
trying to make a change. I'm also sorry. And I'm ashamed that I let myself fall
in with the rest in doing all that to you. Hopefully some time down the road you
will be able to forgive me," Powell said in a voice loud enough for the whole
dorm to hear.
"I suppose you expect me to say thank you?" I asked bitterly. All the talking
was making me feel worse rather than better. I knew I should have been
rejoicing, but that just wasn't going to be possible yet.
"Why should you say thank you. We never have said it when you've helped us with
our work. No, I don't expect it. But I hope you will be able to feel a bit
better as time goes on," Powell said.
"At this stage I think we all have to agree to disagree, because we need to get
ourselves off to dinner," Whitworth told the dorm.
"Shut up, Whitworth. I'll never agree to give up a good thing," Winters said,
receiving nods of approval from the other three cuntets. I had decided that that
was what I was going to call those four from now on. I even thought about
calling them that to their face but decided not to antagonise them any further.
They were going to learn just how much I meant it when I said I was not going to
do anything for them anymore. What I didn't know was how soon I was going to
have some power that would turn the tables and I was going to get a little
pleasure out of exercising that power to a small degree within a few days.
To be continued...
Posted: 06/09/17