The Wrestling Team
by: Peter
(© 2007 by the Author)
The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the
author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...
Chapter 5
In the lounge there was one guy in a towel watching TV and another who was dozed off. Braden set his gym bag beside the couch and stretched out and covered up with the blanket. Sleep came pretty quick. He was tired and he was cold, a lethal combination for sleep. He slept soundly.
When he came awake some time later he could barely move. He tried to stretch his legs and shoved his feet against somebody.
"Sorry," he mumbled.
"That's okay," the guy said.
Braden started to raise up and winced with pain in his ribs and his back. He sucked it up and shoved himself painfully to a sitting position.
"Dam, this is the most uncomfortable thing I ever slept on," he grumbled. "Shit, the springs are coming through."
"Yeah, it does need to be replaced," the guy said.
Braden guessed him to be in his early twenties, good looking, nicely built and nicely tanned. He looked like he spent a lot of time in the gym, but more as a fitness model. Certainly, he had incredible abs.
"Are you one of the wrestlers?" the man asked.
"Yeah," Braden said, rubbing his back.
"We heard there was a wrestling team in the house."
"What'd they do, announce it on the intercom while I was asleep?"
Braden asked.
"No, but word like that spreads," the man said. "I could tell you're one of them."
"Oh? How?"
"The way you're built. That athletic jacket does nothing to hide your build. And your thick neck. You've got a wrestler's neck, or the neck of a football player."
Braden half smiled and winced again.
"The Jacuzzi is good for that," the man said.
"I don't have anyplace to put my clothes," Braden said. I don't have a room."
"Didn't they give you a locker?"
"No, everything's filled up."
"You're welcome to use my room," the man said.
"I don't think I'd better do that," Braden said, giving the guy a suspicious side-glance.
"No, I meant you could use my room; have it to yourself. I can find something to keep me busy, wander around the place."
"I'm not going to take your room away from you," Braden said.
"Then you can use it for a place to put your gym bag and hang your clothes," the man said.
"That's still an imposition," Braden said.
"Okay, then you can share it. I know what you're no doubt thinking and it will be strictly hands off if that's the way you want it," the man assured him. He smiled at Braden's dumb look. "I'm gay, but I'm not stupid.
Nobody in his right mind would try anything with you, unless you wanted them to."
"Thanks, but if the coach comes looking for me, I would be in big trouble if I was in somebody's room," Braden said.
"If you want, I'll leave word at the desk that you're in my room, by yourself, so he'll know where to come looking for you. He couldn't argue with that, could he, if you were in the room by yourself, and you weren't hiding from him?"
"Well...I, he couldn't argue with that."
"I'm Rob, by the way," the man said, putting out his hand.
"Good to meet you," Braden said as they shook hands.
"I could tell you restrained your grip," Rob said with a smile.
"I've got a pretty powerful grip," Braden conceded.
Rob went to the desk then came back to take Braden to his room. He let him in and closed the door behind them. There was barely room for the two of them to move around.
"It's crowded, but they're only intended as one-man rooms," Rob said.
"Thanks for letting me use your room. That bed looks damned inviting after that dilapidated couch."
"You can hang your clothes on that hook. We can put your bag down here beside the bunk," Rob said.
Braden was hesitant about taking off his clothes. He wondered if Rob was going to leave. He didn't want to ask him to; it was his room, for chrissakes. After an uneasy moment, he began taking off his clothes. What the hell, he was used to taking off his clothes and being naked in front of other guys, why should this be any different? Except that Rob was gay. He was keenly aware of the man watching him. It wasn't like the admiring looks he got from guys in the locker room. There was a brief hesitation as Braden stood in his shorts.
"I, uh....thought...I was going to have the room to myself," Braden said.
"Yes...yes, or course, I was just getting you settled in," Rob said. "Are you coming down to the Jacuzzi to work the soreness out of those muscles?" he asked, opening the door.
"Yeah. I think I will," Braden said.
"I'll wait outside."
"No don't have to do that," Braden said with an embarrassed chuckle. "It's not like no one's ever seen me naked before."
With that he shoved his shorts down and stepped out of them and laid them on his bag. The way the man's eyes were raking over him, Braden half expected him to try something but when he picked up his towel Rob opened the door for him. They walked together to the wet area, past the showers and the sauna, to the Jacuzzi. It was empty. Rob took off his towel and stepped down into the swirling water. Braden followed suit, under Rob's watchful eye.
"Dam, it's hot," he said.
"Ease into it," Rob said. "You'll think you're going to boil your balls till you get used to it, but then it's going to feel great. And you could arrange for a massage if you want to."
Braden smiled to himself as he eased down into the water; he could just see Coach Colby's face if he found out he'd gotten a massage in a gay men's club. He sank into the hot water, inch by inch, till he was sitting on a ledge opposite Rob, with the water up to his shoulders.
"Aahhh, that feels good." He stretched his legs out in front of him and sank lower in the water till it was up around his neck. Half-lying down, his cock floated near the surface, lolling around with the water's violent current. He didn't much care that Rob was watching him. Not much he could do about it anyway unless he held his cock down with his hand and that would look stupid. Secretly, he wanted to go back to the guy's room, the both of them, and see what might happen.
"Would I offend you if I said you have a beautiful cock?" Rob said.
Braden laughed. "No, why would I be offended by such a compliment?"
"Because I'm gay and you're straight and most straight guys would be offended to the point of being violently defensive."
"I'm straight, not homophobic," Braden said. "Nobody's ever said that to me before, but I'm not offended."
"You are also very confident and comfortable in your skin," Rob observed. "I have to wonder what it must feel like to live in a body like yours."
"Pretty much the same as living in your body, I would guess,"
Braden said.
"Guys like you always say that, like you don't have a clue about your physical beauty."
"Now I'm going to get defensive; nobody calls me beautiful," Braden joked.
Rob's foot touched the inside of Braden's calf. Braden started but he didn't move his leg. Encouraged, Rob moved his foot on up past his knee to the inside of his thigh.
"Does that offend you?" he asked with a soft smile.
"If it did, I would do something about it," Braden said. He liked the feel of the guy's foot on his leg, moving higher and higher. Rob hunkered down deeper in the water till he was pressing his foot gently into Braden's crotch. Braden liked it. He spread his legs wider. Shit, he hoped to hell Coach Colby didn't come down to the wet area.
"You're going to make me get a hardon," Braden said.
"I was counting on that," Rob said.
"I'm sitting here wondering what would happen if my coach walks in here," Braden said.
"He left you on your own, you have to assume he thinks you can take care of yourself," Rob said.
Braden laughed. "I'm not so sure he would think that if he walked in and saw me sitting here with some guy's foot in my crotch."
"Well, the offer is still open to share the privacy of my room, where your coach wouldn't see you," Rob said.
"But there's no longer any guarantee of hands-off?" Braden asked.
"If that's the way you want it," the man assured him. "I could be very happy just looking at you."
"I don't know...I'm not so sure I would want it hands-off," Braden said.
"Its entirely your call. Have you ever done anything with another guy?" Rob asked.
"I would be honored and very pleased to initiate you."
"Well, I am dreading going back to that couch," Braden said.
"There's no need to. You'll have all the comforts of home in my room. Plus some."
Braden thought for a moment while Rob kept massaging his balls with his foot. It was feeling good, the intimacy as much as the raw physical contact, and his cock was fluffing up, expanding by the minute. He was weighing the risk of being found out.
"All right," he said as he shoved himself up out of the water. His cock was fluffed up, long and thick, swinging around like a hunk of sausage. He proudly displayed it to Rob and anyone else who came by.
They dried off and headed back to Rob's room. Inside, Rob crawled to the far side of the bunk, closest to the wall.
"This is weird, I haven't slept with another guy since I was a little kid," Braden said as he hung up his towel.
"After the Jacuzzi, you'll be so sound asleep in a few minutes you won't know from weird," Rob said.
As they got under the blankets Braden tried to be careful not to touch Rob but there just wasn't enough room for two men their size. It soon became awkward, trying to avoid touching.
"What say we deep-six the inhibitions and not worry about it," Rob said.
With that Braden felt more at ease if their arms or their legs or their feet happened to touch. "It's a lot warmer in here," he said. "That ought to make you sleep good," Rob said.
Braden closed his eyes but his brain was still in overdrive. Not that he was having any particular thoughts that he could grab hold of; there were things... thoughts that he couldn't make out, like they were in a fog. Thoughts like, this wasn't something he ought to be doing...sleeping with a strange guy in a gay men's club. But Rob was a nice guy, and he had promised he wouldn't try anything. Braden wondered if he would try something if he went to sleep. Within minutes he was so drowsy he didn't give a dam one way or another.
"Fuck, I've never felt this sleepy before," he said.
"Go to sleep," Rob said. "I promise I won't touch you. I'll just lie here and watch you sleep, difficult as that might be."
"If Coach Colby..."
"Your coach isn't going to come pounding on the door; he doesn't know which room you might be in, and the management sure as hell isn't going to conduct a room-by-room search."
"But you left word at the desk where I would be," Braden reminded him.
Rob smiled. "Would you hit me if I said I lied?"
"You didn't leave word at the desk."
"Good. I don't want the coach finding me here."
He slept like a baby; he didn't know for how long, but he knew he'd slept good by the totally relaxed feeling when he woke up. He was shocked that he was lying tightly against Rob's warm body. He was even comfortably relaxed, lying spooned against the man's muscular frame. There was a blanket between them but he was still wrapped around another guy. He tensed, then, as he gradually came fully awake. Fuck, he had a hardon! He was rock throbbing hard and he was lying smack up against Rob's backside.
Not only that, his cock was laying against Rob's butt! He started to move away and the blanket pulled away, exposing their bodies skin-to-skin. The warmth of Rob's bare body was a good feeling that kept him there. Rob was asleep, what would it hurt to lie there and let his cock throb against his butt. It felt good and he was sure Rob wouldn't mind.
Yeah, another man's body felt good against him. Even if Rob woke up, what was so unusual about a guy with a morning hardon, and Braden didn't figure the guy would mind having a big hard cock smashed against his butt. Hell, he was gay. He was lying there in a hazed contentment when he flinched with surprise. He waited...there it was again...Rob's butt muscles clenching, flexing against his cock. Maybe it was a sleep reflex. He held perfectly still except for his cock throbbing, which he couldn't do anything about. Again, Rob's butt muscles tightened against his cock, one side then the other, then back and forth again. That was no sleep reaction. Maybe he was having a dream; a gay dream.
Braden squirmed in his position, causing his cock to slide against Rob's backside and the immediate reaction was Rob's butt flexing against his cock again. The thoughts in his head were clearing up, making more sense now...scaring him. But his curiosity was stronger than his fear. He tightened his abs against Rob's back and squirmed ever-so-slightly to cause his cock to move along the crack of Rob's ass. He was remembering another time; he had lied to Rob. He had done this one time with a friend when they were kids and used to stay overnight at each other's houses. His friend liked to move his cock back and forth between Braden's thighs from the back and he liked to rub his cock in the crack of his buddy's ass. Nothing ever came of it; they were even too young to come. This was different. He wasn't a kid anymore.
They seemed to be squirming at the same time and as Braden drew back to adjust his position, his cock poked squarely at Rob's ass. Rob didn't flinch and he didn't move away. Then Braden made the most amazing discovery of all when he moved again; nudging the head of his cock gently against the guy's split buns he felt the warm slickness there. He tested it again. Motherfuck, he was lubed up! That could only mean one thing! He wants me to fuck him!
Braden's head went into a spin, like he was about to black out. It was incomprehensible. He couldn't be doing this...he shouldn't even be in this guy's room, let along poking his cock between the guy's buns. But a change had come over him in that short time that begun in the Jacuzzi with the guy's foot in his crotch; a transformation of sorts. The old Braden would have bolted and run, scared out of his little-boy wits. But the old Braden had vanished sometime during his sleep and a new, braver, bolder, more curious Braden had emerged.
Boldly, he tightened his butt muscles to push his cockhead between Rob's buns. Rob pushed back! Oh, God...he wants me to fuck him!! He pushed again and his cock slipped off target. He jumped at the feel of Rob's hand around it.
"Oh, Geezusss!" Rob swore softly he guided him to his asshole.
Braden was afraid he might be scared of his size but he was guiding it between his buns. Braden followed his lead willingly, till the head of his cock was lodged firmly against Rob's asshole. Then, as if on cue, they both applied pressure and the inevitable happened. His steel-hard cock wasn't going to give any ground, and Rob's asshole was totally vulnerable, completely at the mercy of the huge cock. Suddenly, the tiny aperture spread open and welcomed his cock inside.
"Hhhoo!" Braden gasped with surprise. "OOhhhh!" he moaned softly as he sank his cock deeper and deeper into the tight, hot hole.
"Oh My Godd!" Rob gasped. "Ohh, Geezusss... you're so big!"
Braden stopped. " it too much?"
"No. Oh, could never be too big. Just go easy and slow till it's all the way in and I get used to it."
"Ready for more?" Braden asked.
Braden didn't know for sure how much cock there was left to go but it felt like a lot. He inched deeper and hit something. He twisted his hips to maneuver around it. Rob gasped and moaned but made no move away from him.
"Is it okay?" he asked.
"Yess...Big! Goddd, how much more?"
"I don't know...three, four inches, maybe."
"My Godd, how big are you? It feels like you're hitting my lungs already."
"I can stop," he said, easing back on the pressure. "It's about ten inches; I think you've got most of it."
"Ohh, Goddd, ten inches! I've never even seen a cock that big, let alone had one shoved in my ass."
"I can stop," Braden said again. "You don't have to take all of it."
"Oh, I want it...every throbbing inch of it...all ten inches...I'll take it if it kills me."
"Hey, it's not a challenge or anything," Braden said.
"Oh, yes...a ten-inch cock is a challenge. Please...please, don't pull back ...give it to me...all of it...Ohh, Godd...I want it so bad!"
"Okay, you asked for it." He clenched his butt and hunkered forward, burying the final inches of his cock deep in the guy's ass till his thighs and stomach were pressing against him.
"OOHhhhhhhh! Ohhh, Goddd, that is so wonderful! Ohhh...ohhhh, you big stud! Ohhhhh...Ohhh, godd...fuck me... fuck meeeee..."
"Yeah, hell yeah, I'll fuck you," Braden said.
He eased back then shoved back in, causing Rob to groan again. He did it again and again, till it sounded like Rob's moans were more from pleasure than pain.
"Okay, now, if I shift into gear?" Braden asked him.
"Oh, yess! Drive it, stud. Drive it in me."
He set a pace and fucked him with all the power he had in his butt and abs and thighs that propelled his cock into the clenching hole. He fucked him harder and harder till gradually he had pushed him down flat and was on top of him. Rob spread his legs out and he hunkered up between them.
"Ohhh. Goddd, yessss. That's good this way..."
"Fuck, feels like I'm gonna drill right through the mattress,"
Braden said. He fucked and twisted his hips around and probed to find a new spot, a new feeling each time.
"Yesss...YEsss, There! Ohh, Godd, you know how to fuck!"
He probed again to find the spot that made Rob cry out. It felt firm but spongy to the touch. He shoved against it, slid his cock across it, causing Rob to choke on his outcries.
"There, I guess?" he asked.
"Ohhh, you found it...ohhh, fuck it,...move your cock back and forth across that spot...Yesss, like that!...Ohhhh...OHhhhh. OHhhhhh, you stud! Where did you learn how to fuck like this?"
"It's the first time I ever fucked like this," he said.
"Ohh, Goddd, I don't believe that."
"I'm telling the truth," Braden said. "There's so many different feelings in there, I'm just trying to find them all."
"Keep searching, stud," Rob told him.
It wasn't like any girl he'd ever fucked. A girl's pussy was a straight shoot in and back out. It stretched to the size of his cock and usually got pretty loose after awhile, but there was nothing different from one stroke to the other. Rob's ass was an adventure. It was tight one minute, pliable the next. His cock slid across one spot one time then found another exciting surface that engulfed it the next. What was really different was that, unlike the girls he had fucked, Rob was fucking him back, big time. He wasn't just lying there taking it. Even his asshole was responding, squeezing and milking his cock all the way in to the tip.
"OHhh...Hoohh, yeah do that," Braden moaned. "Ohhhh, that feels so good when your ass squeezes my cock like that."
Rob squeezed some more and Braden bore through the deep, tight confines of his ass.
"I lost the spot," he said as he probed to find the spot that made Rob groan and cry out. "Ahhh there it that it?"
"Uhhnnnnnn...Ohhhnnnnn...OHhh, yesss...ohh, yeah, you found it...ohh, fuck me...keep fucking me right there... you're gonna make me come!"
"Can I come in you?" Braden asked.
"Yessss. Fill me up with your hot stud-come. Make me feel it."
He pistoned his cock in and out of the man's hole, taking careful angle and aim to pound his joy spot. Rob threw his head back and choked on his groans each time he thrust in. Suddenly Rob hunkered up, trembling, like he had a bellyache, his eight-pack abs bulging taut, and Braden figured he was coming. He twisted his hips around, lobbing his cock around over the joy spot and Rob's ass responded gratefully, squeezing and massaging and pulling his climax to the surface.
"I'm gonna come, too," Braden gasped.
"Oh, yess, I can hardly wait. Shoot it. Fuck me full of your hot come!"
Braden choked as his body stiffened and trembled and his climax overtook him. The stuff exploded from somewhere deep inside him and gushed through the come channels, through his cock, making it swell painfully, then erupted out the end like a power hose.
"Ohh...Ohh...I can feel it! Geezusss, I can feel your come shooting in me!" Rob cried out.
He could feel it too, spurting out in powerful gushes and washing back around his cock. He kept pumping his cock and coming so much that the stuff began sloshing back around his cock and out of Rob's ass. He fucked him for a good ten minutes after they had both come. His cock just wouldn't go down.
"That was incredible!" Rob said, when Braden finally slowed his pace.
"Yeah, it was pretty incredible," Braden agreed. "Nothing like the girls I've fucked."
Rob laughed. "Girls would not like to know how many times a guy says that," he said.
"I know I'm big. I hope I wasn't too much for you."
"No. No, you were perfect for me. I just never had anybody reach where you did."
"Do you think I can fuck you again?" Braden asked.
"Oh, yeah. You can fuck me as much as you like, I'll suck your cock.... whatever you want to do."
"I thought if you were going to try something, that's what you would do, suck my cock, even though you said it would be hands-off, but I never thought in a thousand years that I would end up fucking you."
"It was just a wonderful fluke that we got in the position we did,"
Rob said.
"I would sort of like to see what its like to get my cock sucked,"
Braden said. "If I went and took a shower, maybe...but, shit, the coach might see me and wonder why I was taking a shower at this hour."
"You don't have to shower," Rob said, reaching down for his cock.
"You know, I wondered about that. I kept wondering what I was going to find when I was done, but fuck, I came out clean as whistle."
"That's just something you take care of," Rob said.
"Are you saying you would...suck my cock, now, right out of your ass?"
"Of course. I'm dying to suck you. And it feels like you're aching to be sucked; dam, it didn't even go down," he said, squeezing his cock.
"It does that a lot when it's so good," Braden said.
"My Godd, I can't believe the size of this thing," Rob said, fisting the big slick cock. "You might well have the biggest cock in captivity."
"I doubt that. Maybe the biggest teenage cock, but I doubt that too."
"Well, I haven't been fortunate enough to find another teenager like you, but I've never found a man built like this, either." Rob raised up over him and pulled his cock straight up. "It's going to take some practice before I'm able to take this all the way down," he said apologetically.
"You don't have to take it all but you can practice all you want,"
Braden said.
Braden threw his forearm over his mouth to stifle his groan when Rob took his cock in his mouth. "Oh, Geezussss! Oh, Godd, I never thought it could feel so good! No girl's mouth ever felt so good."
"A girl doesn't know what makes a man feel good," Rob said.
Several times, Braden tried to shove Rob's head away.
"Are you getting close?" Rob asked.
"So close," Braden gasped. "Aww, you've had me almost there so many times, but you keep bringing me back down."
"Do you want to come again?" Rob asked.
"Yes, bad. I want to keep going, too, but it's gonna blow, I know that. I just gotta know know, what to when... do I warn you, or will you be able to tell? Or can I...can I shoot in your mouth, or what?"
"I wouldn't have it any other way," Rob said. "Yes, you can come in my mouth. I want to taste your hot come, fresh from your balls, a load worked up just for me."
"Take it, then. It's all yours. Every inch, every drop," Braden told him.
To be continued...
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Posted: 05/16/08