The Wrestling Team
by: Peter
(© 2007 by the Author)
The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the
author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...
Chapter 4
All the while Sean was fucking Rick, the other man was standing in close to watch as he stroked his cock with one hand and felt Rick's and Sean's muscles with the other. He was especially attracted to Rick's butt. Suddenly he climbed up on the bed and stood astraddle Rick, facing Sean with his cock sticking out of his fist.
"Wanta suck it?" he said.
Sean did a double take and reared back like he'd been smacked in the face, which he very nearly was by the big cock. He shook his head but the man didn't take no for an answer. He put his hand on Sean's head to try to give him his cock but Sean jerked back.
"You've got it wrong. I'm straight," Sean said.
"Nobody's holding that against you," the man said. "Some of the best blow jobs I ever had were from straight guys."
"Not this straight guy," Sean said firmly.
"I know what you need," the man said as he leaned over to get something off the TV shelf.
Sean didn't know what it was but he knew he wasn't going to suck the guy's cock, or any other cock. Still, he had to admit, there was a strange attraction to the big, thick hunk of meat sticking out at him, being offered so boldly. It was maybe the first time he had ever noticed another guy's cock up close and he had to admit, the guy had a nice one.
He could see ball juice glistening in the wide slit. The guy held a small, uncapped bottle down to Sean's nose. He reared back away from it. He was about to get pissed; the guy was interrupting the best fuck of his life and he wasn't going to suck his cock, so he needed to just back off. But the bottle was under his nose for the couple of seconds it took for him to get a whiff of the aroma and a faint idea of its effects. When the man offered him the bottle again, his curiosity had surfaced and he didn't turn his head away.
"Ah, yeah, you wanta try it, don't you?" the man said as he held the bottle snugly to one nostril while he closed the other nostril.
Sean took in a breath then reared back from the bottle. "Whew!
What is it?" he asked, shaking his head.
"Poppers. Take another hit," the man said. "You need to take it in both sides."
Okay. The first one was making him feeling good enough that he wanted the second dose, he had to know how the second dose would make him feel. He held the man's hand steady when he put the bottle to his nose and sucked in deep, and took still another deep breath when he moved it back to the other side of his nose. The stuff kicked in like a hurricane, picking up momentum by the second, till his head was spinning and he was feeling hot all through, right down to his balls. His cock throbbed painfully hard inside Rick's ass and it felt like he was going to come. But it was just a feeling. He kept right on fucking while the feeling was still there and it was incredible. The man stood in front of him again, his hands on his hips, his cock sticking out.
"Now do you want to try it?" he asked. "I'm not going to try to force you, I don't want to tangle with those muscles, except in a good way."
Sean looked up at him with a scowling grin. "Like you could," he said.
"Yeah, like I could," the man said.
Okay, the guy was being sort of an asshole but he was a damned good looking asshole with a damned impressive cock and for some damned reason Sean's mouth was starting to water so bad he had to swallow his spit. Must be the poppers making his mouth water. Rick's ass was feeling awfully good around his cock. It seemed to take on a life of its own, and his ass and Sean's cock were having their own little love affair. Sean's brain was frying and his thinking process shifted to his balls and all he could think about was sex and cock and ass and feeling good and cock......and cock...and...cock...
Suddenly he was having a hard time holding his head on his shoulders, like he was in a stupor. Intentional or not, he closed his eyes and let his head loll back and forth, his mouth slack. He felt something warm and slick against his lips, and he knew somewhere in his brain that it was the heat of the man's cock; the slickness his precome, and he didn't have the will to turn away from it. He couldn't even purse his lips against it.
"Aawwhhnnnnn," he moaned, his eyes fluttering as he felt his mouth go slack. The warm cock was self-lubricated from its own pre-come and it slid into Sean's mouth with the greatest of ease. He let his jaw go slack and the man shoved nearly all of his cock in his mouth... then all of it...right into his throat.
"Aww, fuck, he's taking it. The straight stud is taking it right down his throat," the man groaned.
Godd, it was like being struck by lightning from all sides. He was stupefied at what was happening...what he was doing. His cock was tingling and aching at the same time and the man's cock in his mouth tasted and felt so good and he was sucking cock for the first time. He knew what he was doing but he couldn't comprehend it. Hell, the man was fucking his throat and moaning and Rick was groaning under him and he was groaning himself as the guy pumped his cock in and out of his mouth. He gave himself up to ride the wave of intense pleasure that threatened to consume him. Suddenly it did consume him. Lust seared his brain and his cock swelled up like a steel rod and he wanted to come so bad it ached. He had a faint realization that Rick was coming and that triggered his own climax. In those final frenzied moments he went out of his mind. He raised up, thrusting his cock in and out of Rick's ass like a jackhammer. The other man clasped his hands around Sean's head and stumbled toward him to keep his cock in his mouth and Sean clasped his own hands around the guy's tight butt to hold him in place so he wouldn't loose his cock. The guy wasn't just face-fucking him; he, Sean was gobbling his cock like a hungry wolf. Suddenly he felt his come building up, fast and hard, till he was overtaken by powerful tremors. Finally, he lost it; his lust shot out of him like fire out of a hot cannon. He dug his fingers into the standing man's butt to hold on and keep from toppling over. It was a climax like he'd never had before in his life. Even after he had emptied his load deep in Rick's guts, his cock continued to throb painfully. His satisfaction attained, the poppers began to wear off and he was faced with the awful reality that he had a cock in his mouth! It jolted him to the core, so that he was unable to move for a moment. But as the man was pumping his cock furiously in and out of his mouth, he grasped the situation and sensed that the guy was about to come in his mouth. He shoved the man's hips away and reared back quickly, pulling his cock free of Rick's ass and managed to stumble down off the bed. The guy was groaning something awful as he shot his load all over the wall and the bed. Sean grabbed his towel and put it around his waist and quickly stumbled out of the room.
Outside, he pulled the door shut and stood there to take in a couple of deep breaths. He shook his head to clear his brain. He glanced at the door of his own room then quickly rushed away to the rest room. He took some mouthwash from the big glass tank and rinsed his mouth out a half dozen times. He used some liquid hand soap in his mouth and rinsed again.
He raised up from the sink, slowly and deliberately, afraid of what he might see. He had to force his eyes to focus on his image in the mirror.
He prayed that what he saw wasn't real. He avoided his own eyes except for a split second, which scared the hell out of him. In that split second he had looked into his very soul. "You fuckin' sucked cock!" he whispered to himself.
He couldn't go back to the room. Cody would surely suspect something. He had to get calmed down first. He headed for weight room, the best place he knew to work things out. There was nothing like a good workout to clear his brain.
There were only two other guys in the workout room; a heavily-muscled guy, about forty, in a pair of blue workout shorts, and a younger guy, not much older than Sean, wearing a pair of bright yellow, stretch shorts. They were working out together. Sean tugged the knot of his towel tighter as he looked around the gym. He should go back and get his shorts, but he didn't want to take the chance of waking Cody.
"Is it okay to work out like this?" he asked.
"You'll have to take the towel off to cover the bench--gym rules,"
the older man said.
"Then naked is okay," Sean said.
"I don't think it's going to bother anyone," the man said.
Sean undid the knot and draped the towel over the incline bench, all the while watching the man as he took up his position at the leg press.
"That's a lot of weight," he remarked.
The younger boy laughed. "He's just getting warmed up."
Sean looked around the room. "When he gets warmed up, do they send out for more weights?" he asked.
The man released the sled and went down in a diagonal squat, all the way down, till his butt was pressing against his thighs, then raised back up. He did several reps then locked the sled and the younger boy added more plates. Sean picked up two twenty-pound dumbbells and straddled the bench and lay back on it. He pumped out a dozen reps of presses then sat up and racked the weights. The man was in the middle of another set and Sean waited to watch him. Dam, he had big impressive thighs. He could almost hear them groan with power as they pushed the weight upward. He picked up the thirty-pounders for another set of dumbbell presses, oblivious to his own nakedness as he became caught up in the other men's workout.
"Put on the fifties," he told the younger boy.
"How much weight are you using?" Sean asked.
"Eight-sixty," the boy replied.
"Geezusss! Who don't you just go lift a house," Sean said.
The man laughed. "Looks like you could be pressing a crankshaft with those arms," he said, returning the compliment.
"Hey, I'll bet you're part of the wrestling team, aren't you?" the younger boy said.
"How'd you do?" the older man asked.
"Good, but not good enough. The smallest guy on the team was the only to win his class."
They exchanged a few more bits of conversation between sets then the man walked away from the machine, going toward the door.
"Hey, dad, are you finished here? I need to take off some weight."
"Yeah, I'm done there. I'm going to do some cardio then call it quits," the man replied as he stepped through the door and bent over the water fountain.
Sean nearly dropped the forty-pounders he was pressing. He swung upward and set his feet on either side of the bench and rested the dumbbells on his thighs.
"Excuse me, did you just call him dad?"
"Wow! Your dad brings you here to work out?"
"Yeah," the boy said as he unloaded some of the weight off leg press.
"O--kay," Sean said, repressing a smile.
"Your coach brought you here," the boy said.
"Touche. Sort of. We were desperate for a place to spend the night."
"This is the best gym closest to where we live."
"Somehow, I can't imagine my dad and I working out in a gay men's club," Sean said.
"My dad's gay, I'm straight," the boy said.
"Looking at him, he could keep that secret till hell freezes over,"
Sean said.
"He didn't want to keep it a secret. He wanted to be who he is."
"You're certainly mighty okay with it," Sean said.
"No reason not to be," the boy said. "It's pretty hard to write your dad off just because of where he likes to put his cock."
Sean guffawed, choking back his laughter.
"Well, I guess that's one way of putting it."
"He's always been there for me, came to all my games, worked out with me, took me to ball games, backed me in everything I did in my world.
When I turned eighteen, he invited me and brought me into his world."
"Do you mind me asking, where does your mother fit into all of this?"
"My mother hasn't been in the picture since I was five. I barely remember her. My dad didn't realize he was gay when he got married. When he did come to grips with it, he didn't think it was fair to stay married to her and try to cover it up and live a lie so they divorced."
"You know what I'm wanting to ask," Sean said.
"You don't have to, it's written all over your face," he said with a pleasant smile. "The answer is yes. But it's a straight/gay relationship; a one-way street, so to speak."
Now Sean was trying not to look shocked. "So, you... y-you do have sex...with your dad."
"Sure. It makes him happy and it doesn't diminish me in any way. I still like girls."
"W...what?" Sean asked, shaking his head. "No, I heard you. I'm must having a little trouble absorbing it."
"He likes to suck my cock and likes for me to fuck him and he loves to explore my body with his tongue. But like I said, its all way one way, and we both get pleasure from it."
"Whew!" Sean whistled softly, still shaking his head. "Okay, you don't have to say anymore. I'll just take a moment to let this all soak in," he said as he picked up another pair of dumbbells.
"Sorry you're having a problem with it, but you're the one who asked the questions," the boy said.
Sean finished pumping out the reps then sat up and set the dumbbells on his thighs.
"No, I'm not having a problem with it; not you and your dad. I'm having a problem letting it soak in while I try to imagine me and my dad."
"Would you write your dad off just because he was gay?"
"No," Sean replied without hesitation. "And you've got my respect and admiration for the way you're handling it," he said. "Shit, you guys are both pretty awesome, the way you're handling it. Your dad is a stud."
"More ways than one," the boy said.
"Do you, you guys ever do anything besides work out when you come here?"
"Sure. He's probably in the steam room right now making out with some young stud."
"And that's okay, too."
"This is his world. I say let him live his life."
"What about you?" Sean asked.
"If somebody happens along who turns me on, yeah, I'll go with him.
Or sometimes, it's just me and my dad. Sometimes other guys with us. There's no set routine with us. What about you? I know you came in to get out of the weather, but have you had any memorable experiences while you're here?"
"As a matter of fact, I have," Sean said. "Some pretty incredible memorable experiences. All first time experiences."
"They're the best," the boy said.
Sean's brain had suddenly cleared and was cranking up again with ideas that should have been foreign to him. But he was watching this young stud on the leg press, with legs like his dad's, and admiring his muscles and wondering if he might be one of those guys who just happened along. The boy finished his set and racked the sled and stood out of the machine. He glanced in the mirror to see Sean looking at him.
"Do I see more questions on your face?" he asked.
"I don't know, it's probably just bewilderment you're seeing."
"No, I know bewilderment when I see it. That wasn't bewilderment on your face when you watching me."
"No. No, it wasn't," Sean said. "I was just wondering...I mean, this thing between you and your dad is sort of...well, sexy...sort of a turn on...I mean, it's gotta be something damned special."
"It is, very special. But what were you wondering about?"
"If...I told you this is my first time, but talking to you has got me wondering if...what it'd be like, maybe...if I'm one of those right guys who just happened along...if your dad would mine if I..."
"You want to have sex with me and my dad," the boy finished.
"I guess you could say that," Sean said.
"I had to, you weren't doing a very good job getting it out."
"Yeah, I guess I was stammering around pretty bad," Sean said.
"The answer is, sure, I know he would be glad to include you. I'll go get him as soon as we're finished here. Do you want him to take a shower out of the steam room?"
"I don't care. I don't mind sweat," Sean said.
"He'll like that," the boy said. "By the way, my name's Colt. My dad's name is Stedman."
"Sean," he said, putting out his hand. "You're aptly named; like a young colt. You dad, though, should be named Studman."
They went through their final sets and Sean picked up his towel. He was following Colt out of the gym when the boy turned around. "We're in
236," he said.
"Listen, just so there's no misunderstanding...I'm straight, like you."
"Okay. It doesn't matter."
"And you're gonna be there, too...I mean, all three of us."
"Unless you want him all to yourself," Colt said.
"No, I want you there," Sean said. "I wanta see you two together. I mean, the more I think about it, this is hotter than hell."
To be continued...
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Posted: 05/09/08