The Wrestling Team
by: Peter
(© 2007 by the Author)
The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the
author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...
Chapter 6
"Man, it' going to feel good, getting under a blanket," Scott said as he was taking off his clothes. "Hey, Coach, is it okay if we sleep naked? I do at home."
"If you're more comfortable that way," Coach said.
Scott wasn't long about getting out of his clothes. Coach's throat went dry as he watched the young wrestler's tight, round, bare butt as he crawled into the bed.
"Hey, let's see what's on," Scott said as he leaned up to turn on the TV.
"I'll get it," Coach said as he quickly reached for the switch himself. He had his other hand on the channel button on the wall, ready to change the channels if an X-rated video came on the screen. He punched the button quickly but not before Scott saw what it was.
"Hey, what was that?" Scott asked, excitedly.
"Nothing you need to be watching," Coach said. "They're playing X-rated videos on two channels, we'll stick with this one."
"Come on, Coach, it's not like I never seen an X-rated video,"
Scott whined.
"Not with me, you haven't. And you shouldn't have been watching them with anyone else."
"We won't tell anybody," Scott said. "Come on, you know you want to see it, too. It's normal."
"Scott, need I remind you that this is a gay men's club, so I don't have to explain to you what kind of videos they show."
"I still want to see it, just for a little bit," Scott said. "I never seen a gay video before."
"And you're not going to, here," Coach said emphatically as he crawled in bed beside Scott, wearing his shorts.
"You don't sleep naked?" Scott asked.
"Not with one of my student athletes," Coach said.
"If there's anybody you shouldn't feel self-conscious about being naked with, it's one of your student athletes," Scott said. "You see us naked all the time."
"Yes, but this isn't the locker room," Coach said, trying to curb the feelings that were rising up inside him, and the images that kept invading his brain. He thought he had all of that under control, enough that he could see the young athletes coming and going in the locker room, and watch them playing grab-ass and cavorting around naked or in their jockstraps and not be consumed with the compulsion to act on those feelings. That was enough to fuel his fantasies and that was all he needed.
Till now, when he found himself in bed with one of those muscular boys, stark naked.
"Just two minutes, coach," Scott persisted. "Let me watch for just two minutes. That's not going to corrupt my mind any more than it's already corrupted."
But Coach Colby held firm. "Listen to yourself, Scott. Do you realize what you're asking? You're asking your coach to let you watch X-rated gay videos."
"Well, I'm going to sleep, then," Scott said, rather sullenly.
"This movie was made a hundred years before I was born."
Coach was sorry the boy was so disappointed, but he had to hold his ground. But when Scott turned over and snuggled in under the blankets, he began to feel bad for him. What could it hurt, anyway? It was just the two of them, and he trusted Scott not to tell anyone. Hell, he was trusting all four of the boys not to tell anyone that he had brought them to a gay men's club to spend the night.
"All right, if I let you watch two minutes of it, you have to promise you won't ever tell anybody. Not even the other boys," Coach said finally.
"No, we're not telling anybody about any of this, you said," Scott said. "We spent the night in Motel Six."
"I don't believe I'm doing this, but...okay, two minutes," Coach said as he leaned up and switched the channels.
"I'm eighteen, Coach, I'm old enough to watch this stuff legally,"
Scott reminded him.
"Barely. Just last week, wasn't it, that you turned eighteen?"
The scene jumped out and hit them in the face. A tall, muscular guy stood leaning back against his pickup, wearing his hunting cap and a plaid shirt with his jeans down around his ankles. Another really good-looking guy was on his knees sucking his cock.
"Man, look at that!" Scott exclaimed. "Hey, I wonder if he'll finish him off. Do you suppose that guy will let him shoot in his mouth?"
"I have no idea," Coach said rather impatiently. He wanted the promised two minutes to be over before it was too late. The video was giving him the tingles and he knew what it must be doing to Scott, and if they let it go on, the results could be devastating. When he thought enough time had elapsed he started to raise up and switch the channel.
"No, wait! Just a little longer, let's see if he shoots in his mouth," Scott said excitedly.
Coach's hesitation was fatal. He lay back down. Scott's eyes were glued to the TV. He cocked one knee up, Coach knew, to hide a rising hardon.
"Dam, Coach, look at the way he swallows that thing, all the way down. And these two guys are studs. You would never even know they're gay from looking at them."
It was easy to put caution behind him and be caught up in the moment, lying there with a naked, teenage wrestler, watching a gay video. The longer he watched, the more comfortable he became with the situation, till he found himself becoming hard-pressed to believe there was anything wrong with it. Hell, what was turning it off now going to accomplish after the boy had already been exposed to it. Scott probably thought he was going to let him watch the entire video.
The hunter clasped his hands around the other guy's head and began pumping his cock in and out of his mouth. His face screwed up and his hips sort of lurched out of control then suddenly he jerked his cock free and jacked himself to a climax, shooting his load all over the other guy's face. The guy knelt with is mouth open wide to catch what he could of the spurting come.
"Oh, Wow! Look at that, Coach!" Scott gasped excitedly.
Coach Colby knew he should turn the channel now or turn the TV off and squelch the feelings before it was too late, but he didn't move. He felt numb. The scene faded and another came on the screen; this time with two guys in a cabin, one of them bent across a cot while another fucked him in the ass.
"Aw, Mannn! Look at that! Do you believe that! He's fucking him in the butt! I never believe guys really did that. Oh, sorry, coach, for the language," he said sheepishly.
Yes, I believe it! Coach wanted to scream. He believed it so much that he could almost feel the big, stiff cock plowing his own ass...he could almost feel Scott's cock pumping in and out of his ass.
"Well, its time to turn it off," Coach said.
"No, just a couple more minutes," Scott begged.
"I've already let you watch more than the two minutes you asked for, and listen to your language."
"I'm sorry, Coach. That just slipped out. But considering what I was watching...well, it just came out sort of natural. But I won't say it again, I promise."
"Well, I'm sure its not the first time you used the word," Coach said with a smile.
"Hey, Coach, did you ever do anything with another guy?" Scott asked.
He stared at the boy in disbelief. "No," he lied, with indignation.
"Not even when you were younger; like when you were a kid?"
"Oh, me and a couple of my buddies messed around, like kids do, but we were just kids," Coach said. "Nothing like that," he added, nodding to the screen. "Have you?" he asked.
"Kinda the same; nothing like that," he said.
Coach wanted to hear more but he didn't want to keep asking questions and appear too interested in the boy's sex life.
"You never did, but did you ever want to?" Scott asked.
Shit, where was this coming from? Where was he headed with it?
"No, it never crossed my mind," Coach lied again.
"What about now? Is anything crossing your mind now?"
"I would like to try it sometime," Scott said.
Coach found himself breaking out in a sweat. "You're getting some bad ideas; I think we'd better turn this off," he said, leaning up to punch the button. The room was plunged into a soft darkness and a quietness that was almost haunting. He lay back with one arm crooked under his head.
Scott turned his back to him, facing the wall.
"Sorry, Coach, I guess I was out of line," the boy said quietly after awhile.
Coach didn't say anything for a moment. He didn't know what to say. Scott had perhaps been trying to open up to him, lay his soul open, and he had cut him off. It was probably the first time he'd been so close like this with another male and found the courage to open up. He felt guilty that he had lied to the boy about himself. He couldn't let it end this way. He owed the boy better than that; if not the truth about himself, at least to lend an understanding ear.
"I didn't mean to cut you off like that, Scott," he said.
"That's okay. I can see how it's not something a guy should be talking about with his coach."
"No, if you can't talk to me, about anything, then I'm not a very good coach. But when you said you would like to try what those men were doing...well, it took me by surprise, and I didn't know how to respond to that."
"It's okay. I understand where you're coming from... your position and all...but you're a great coach."
Coach took in a deep, quiet breath, to suck up his courage. "No, I...I lied to you, Scott," he said.
"About what?" Scott asked, turning back over to face him.
"When I said I'd never done anything...with another guy."
"That's okay, you said you did, with your friends, when you were...."
"No, not that," Coach cut in. "There was another time... times...with other guys...when I was in the navy."
"Oh, wow! Tell me about it," Scott said excitedly.
"It's not something I should be talking about with you, but I wanted you to know I'm not perfect," Coach said.
"You've always said we could come and talk to you about anything.
Seems like you ought to be able to do the same," Scott said. "I already opened the can of worms, Coach, when I asked if you'd ever done it. I had no right to ask that. And I told you about me."
"It's okay, Scott, you didn't open a can of worms."
"Tell me, Coach. Please. If I hear it from you...well, maybe I can ...well, it might be easier for me... to open up, you know what I mean?"
"Have you got something you want to open up to me about?" Coach asked.
"Yeah...yeah, and that's as close as I've ever come to talking about it with anybody," Scott said.
"Then go ahead," Coach said.
"No, I want to hear your story first. That'll level the playing field and I'll feel more like I can open up then."
Coach paused as he gathered the thoughts that had been buried for so long and pulled them out of his subconscious.
"Scott, you can't breath a word of this to anybody. I'm trusting you on that," Coach said.
"I know. You said you were in the Navy? Was it with another sailor, on your ship?" Scott asked anxiously.
"We were on shore leave on an island in the Mediterranean while our ship took on supplies and made minor repairs. There was a marine detachment stationed at the base and that's how I met this marine."
"Oh, a Marine. Do you remember his name?" Scott asked.
Coach didn't have to think to remember the name but he paused.
"Gunner was all I knew him by."
"Gunner. That's a studly name," Scott said.
"Yes. I don't think it was his real name, but he was like that."
"So what happened?"
"Without going into all the details, we had a few drinks in the bar where I met him and ended up back at my hotel room."
"Aw, come on, Coach, that was too easy," Scott said. "I asked what happened."
"Well, it was the first time anything like that had ever happened with me, and he said it was his first time, too, so neither of us knew what the hell we were doing. But we fumbled through it..."
"You're skimming over again," Scott said.
"Well, if you must know, he went down on me, I went down on him,"
Coach said. "Later...after we slept awhile, I woke up with him wrapped around me and his...well, the story better end there."
"No! You were just getting to the good part. Tell, me, Coach.
What else happened?"
"Well, his...he was wrapped around me with his cock against my backside and the next thing I know, he's shoving it in me."
"Oh, Mann! You got your ass fucked by a marine?"
"Then toward morning, I fucked him. It was mutual all the way."
"Did you meet up with him again?" Scott asked.
"No, my ship left the next morning."
"Did you ever see him again after that?"
"No, but...." He caught himself and let his voice trail off.
"But what? What else, Coach?" Scott prodded him.
"Well, he woke something up in me...he let the genie out of the bottle and I was never able to get it back in and keep it there."
"Oh, so there were more times after that," Scott guessed.
"Yeah. Yeah, a lot more times, more than I care to remember,"
Coach admitted. "Pretty quick, it became a way of life. Which, I guess, is why I'm telling you this, Scott. I don't want you to ruin your life with one foolish, irresponsible decision."
"How long have you been coaching?" Scott asked.
"Four years."
"Did you ever want to try anything with any of your players?"
"I did, very much, but I was always able to control's just too dangerous with high school boys."
"I think you were about to say something else, Coach," Scott said.
"No," Coach said. "It's been put to rest and that's where it has to stay."
"It's not put to rest if you almost said it," the boy pointed out. "Tell me, Coach. You did make it with one of your players, didn't you?"
"Yes, but...
"You did?! Who? Do I know him?"
"He wasn't from this school," Coach said sternly. "Nothing's ever happened with anybody from this school," he said. "Actually, the boy wasn't in school at the time. He had graduated and came back to get some stuff out of his locker."
"But, no shit, you made it with a jock?"
"Yeah. It was the most irresponsible thing I've ever done, and it still haunts me. I try not to think about it, but it tears me up, what I might have done to that boy's life."
"If he's like me or any guys I know, you probably didn't do anything more than get his rocks off for him," Scott said.
"I hope it was that simple for him." He paused then asked, "Now, enough about me; what about you? What's going on in the back of your mind that you need to get out?"
"Well...nothing's ever happened but....I've had these feelings for quite awhile now....a couple of years; feelings that I keep thinking I want to explore. There are certain guys that I think about all the Braden, and Sean and teammates. I think that's why I love wrestling, coach; the physical contact, feeling another guy's muscles bulging and straining against me."
"I'm not sure that's so unusual," Coach said. "A boy your age has certain awakenings. And that's pretty common among wrestlers."
"There's something inside me that wants to be awakened, that's for sure, Coach," Scott said. "I've actually laid awake and dreamed up ways that I could make it know, with Braden or one of the least try it. I've got a hundred plans in my head but they all lack the one ingredient I don't have. Guts."
"That's not all bad," Coach said. "Your lack of guts has probably kept you out of trouble. I don't know what Braden's reaction might be if you tried anything with him. Or Sean, or Cody, for that matter."
"Of the three of them, I think I would be more okay with Cody,"
Scott said.
"Only because he couldn't tear you into little pieces like Sean or Braden could?"
"No, I just think he would be more okay with it then the other two guys."
"You never know. Just be careful," Coach told him.
"C-can I...see y-your cock?" Scott asked timidly. He let his knee down to reveal his own bulging briefs.
"I don't think that would be an appropriate thing to do," Coach said. "I've let things go too far already."
"Nothing's gotten out of hand. We haven't done anything," Scott said.
"And we want to keep it that way."
"Speak for yourself, Coach," the boy said smartly. "Don't you ever have those feelings anymore, like you did before, with that Marine? Like maybe when you see us guys naked in the locker room? Don't those feelings come back just a little bit, once in awhile?"
"Having them isn't the issue. Keeping them under control is what's important," Coach said.
"You've seen me naked hundreds of times, and nothing like that has ever crept into your mind?" Scott asked.
"Seeing you guys naked in the looker room is in the natural course of things," Coach said. Unthinking, he brought his knee down, revealing his bulging shorts. Before he could raise his knee back up, Scott leaned up over his middle.
"Wow! You sure fill out your shorts, Coach," he said. "Can I touch it?"
Coach Colby was so taken aback he couldn't reply. The boy was pushing to far. He had to get a handle on things before it was too late. Bu the hesitated and it was too late. Scott reached down and laid his hand gingerly over the big bulge.
"Feels like you've got a lot of cock in there, Coach," he said.
Coach Colby grasped his wrist but Scott resisted him and in that weak moment, he let go. Without further hesitation he shoved his hand down inside Coach's briefs and found his bare cock.
"Ohhh, Scott! Don't!" Coach gasped.
"Dam, Coach!" Scott gasped as he tugged on Coach's shorts.
"Scott, that's...m-more than a feel," Coach moaned.
"Yeah, let's get these off," the boy said excitedly, pulling on his shorts.
Against his own will, Coach raised up and peeled his shorts off himself and tossed them aside. If the boy wanted to see... His cock stood up over his stomach to his navel.
"Dam, Coach!" Scott said again as he wrapped his hand around the warm, thick meat. "I can't get my hand around it. And it', it's gotta be eight or nine inches long!"
Coach abandoned all his scruples and closed his eyes and freely let himself enjoy the feel of the boy's hand on his cock. If only it were his mouth! Scott boldly moved his hand up and down the tall, thick shaft, not jacking him off, but more like he was feeling the texture, exploring another man's manhood for the first time.
"You got a real nice cock," he said.
"Y-you've g-got a nice hand," Coach whispered.
"Better than your own hand, Coach?" Scott joked.
"Yeah, better than my hand," Coach said. "If that was a sneaky way of asking if I jack off...yeah, I do."
"You do!"
"Don't you?"
"Well, yeah...yeah, but I never thought you...the coach..."
"Being your coach doesn't make me not human?"
"Aw, you're human, Coach," he said, squeezing his cock. "You're the most human guy I know. My dad wouldn't dream of having this conversation with me, or letting me do this to him."
"It's gone past a conversation," Coach said. He wanted to touch Scott's cock. He could see the blanket tented something awful with the boy's hardon but he didn't want to interrupt the moment.
"Coach, I want...I...I'll do anything you want....everything those guys were doing in the video...if you want me to....," Scott said huskily.
Coach Colby was overwhelmed with emotion. He slid his arm under Scott's waist and pulled him close. "Oh, son, this is so wrong, but anything you want to do."
"All right, but I've never done anything like this before, and if I don't do it right, or if there's something else you want me to'll tell me."
"Sure, Scott, I'll tell you."
"I'm gonna suck you, then," he said as he raised up. "Or I'm gonna try. I don't know if I can even get my mouth around it, but I'm sure gonna try."
"You can," Coach said. He trembled with anticipation. He felt the boy's hot breath then the touch of his soft, warm lips touching the head of his cock, his tongue swirling out to taste his pre-come.
"Mmmm, that tastes good," Scott said. He paused to wet his lips then slid them down over the head, past the rim and took about half of the shaft in his mouth.
Coach choked on his own gasp of pleasure. It had been so long since he'd had virgin lips around his cock that he'd forgotten the exquisite excitement. The boy pressed downward but the blunt cockhead was blocked by the tight constriction of his throat muscles. He raised back up.
Then he went back down to try again. He tried a couple more times and soon he had a rhythm and he was sucking him.
"OHhh, Goddd...Awww, Scott....," Coach moaned softly. He wanted to reciprocate. His mouth watered for want of the boy's big, tender, virginal cock but he would wait, give the boy time to find his way on this new path of sexuality. He lay in wonderful, trembling agony as the boy awkwardly sucked his cock, till he raised up again.
"Am I doing okay, Coach?" he asked.
"You're doing awesome!" Coach said.
Scott smiled, as he might have if Coach had told him he did well in taking a man down on the mats.
The boy went back down on him again, trying hard to take more and more of his coach's cock, but it was too thick for his inexperienced throat. Coach couldn't stand it any longer. He laid his hand on Scott's shoulder.
The boy raised up. "You want me to stop?"
"No....but....well, yeah....for a minute."
Confused, Scott lay back on the arm that Coach put out for him.
"I guess I've got a lot to learn," Scott said.
"No, Scott....Godd, it was wonderful." He didn't know himself why he'd made him stop. He looked into the boy's dark eyes, still gleaming with innocence, even in the darkness, and he got butterflies in his stomach. He curled his arm up, pulling Scott tighter against him and in those moments, the world became a far off place, leaving them in this tiny space of the universe, away from prying eyes, to be who they were.
Scott's eyes never wavered from the Coach's gaze. Innocence masked his confusion, his doubts, his fears.
"Scott, there's so much I want to show you," Coach said huskily.
"Show me, then," Scott said.
His sweet breath came into Coach's nostrils like an aphrodisiac, and he wanted more of it. He leaned in closer....closer, till their noses were inches apart and there was no sign of understanding in Scott's eyes.
He doesn't know how desirable he is; what I want to do, Coach thought. His innocence was there till their noses touched then Coach's lips brushed against his, and it was lost forever. Scott moaned as he kissed him back, and turned onto his side to meld his body tightly against him, and laid his arm across Coach's chest. Coach flicked his tongue out and found Scott's lips open. He drove his tongue in his mouth and found his tongue receptive, tentative at first, then lashing back. It was a long, passionate kiss that left them moaning and gasping and helpless with their emotions when it was over.
"My Goddd," Coach whispered.
Scott smiled and there was only a trace of innocence at the corner of his mouth now. His eyes were questioning, as if he were waiting for instructions of what to do next.
"There's so much I want to show you, Scott."
"Was that one of them?"
"Yes. No...not really...that just happened."
"I'm glad it happened."
Coach's passion was still raging. He raised up, pulling his arm from under Scott's head, and maneuvered down on the bed between the boy's legs.
"Aw, Coach, you're gonna do me, now?" the boy asked with surprise. He pushed his cock up straight, no doubt thinking that he was going to go down on him, but instead, Coach cupped the boy's firm, bubble butt in his hands and tilted his hips up off the bed.
"Hold your legs against your chest," he told him.
Scott pulled his legs up and held them tightly against his chest, tilting his butt perfectly in Coach's face. "W-what're you gonna do, Coach?" he asked.
Coach lowered his face to the boy's spread butt, licking the crevice with the tiny, clenching hole that was the entrance to a manhood that the boy never knew he possessed "Aww, Coach!" he cried softly.
He was smooth, almost as if he had shaved. The smell of fresh sweat from his wrestling match mixed with deodorant permeated the space around Coach's head, driving him nearly mad.
"Ohh....Ohhh, Godd, you taste so good!" he whispered. He punched the flexible muscle with his stiffened tongue and it began to relax then give way and push out, making it easier for him to shove his tongue inside him. He pulled the young buns apart, stretching the hole wide open, and drove his tongue deeper inside him.
"AAawwhhhhh!" Scott muffled his cry with the pillow over his face.
Coach wanted to tell him it was okay to cry out, nobody would mind in this place, but he didn't want to take the chance of one of the older boys happening by to hear him. He wasn't na?ve enough to believe that Braden, and maybe Sean, weren't exploring the place. He sucked the boy's asshole around his tongue till he was loose enough that he could feel the palpitations of his inner-rectal muscles. He loved eating ass almost as much as sucking cock, and this young, tender butt was the most delectable he had ever had. So young, so was awesome that his tongue was the first to ever penetrate the sacred hole. The boy's first cries from being tongue-fucked were music to his ears. Suddenly Scott began thrashing his butt around and clawing at the sheets and Coach's head.
"Oh, Godd, Coach...OHhhhh, Coacchhh...Ohhhh...Ohhhh, you're gonna! I'm gonna come, Coach....Ohhhh...Aww...OHHHHH... OHHHHHHHHHH!"
As much as he wanted to capture the boy's load in his mouth, he had to finish him this way and show him the sheer pleasure of his ass. Scott's asshole loosened then flexed around his tongue with the spasms of his climax. Coach felt the powerful surge with his nose against the boy's cock-root and a split second later he was shooting and choking on his gasping moans. The moments that followed would be critical ones, Coach knew. With his youthful lust cooled and his desires satisfied, he didn't know how Scott might react to what he had done. As the boy's body began to calm down from its tremors, Coach licked his asshole gently and lovingly and let his butt down in the mattress and his legs fell over Coach's shoulders. He gently eased out from under them and crawled up to lie beside him again. He could see the streaks and pools of come on his stomach and chest and his neck. He wanted badly to lap it up but he couldn't take the chance of spooking him, especially in the aftermath.
"You okay, Scott?" he asked after a couple of minutes.
"I don't know....I don't even know what happened," he replied breathlessly.
"Well, from the looks of things, you pretty much emptied your balls," Coach said, laughing softly.
"Yeah, it felt like they were going to get turned inside out," he said. "I never had such a powerful climax. It felt like I was shooting come from a big reservoir and it wouldn't stop. And I wasn't even touching my cock. I never touched my cock the whole time."
Thankfully, he didn't sound upset; just awed.
"I had no idea you were going to do that when you crawled down between my legs. I thought you were going to go down on me," Scott said.
"I'll do that when you're ready again," Coach said. He held his breath for the boy's response.
"I'm ready, Coach," he said, pushing his cock upright. "Look, it didn't even go down."
"Well, maybe that's because its mad that it never got the attention it deserved. Don't worry, I'll give it all the attention it wants," Coach said.
"Unless you want me to take a shower and clean up first," the boy offered.
"No, you're fine just like this," Coach said as laid his hand on Scott's stomach, in the streaks of come. He moved his hand in circles, applying the warm come over his muscle like lotion. "Feels like somebody dumped a reservoir of cum-lotion on you," he said. He edged Scott's hand out of the way and took his cock in his own hand.
"Dam, this is a canon," he said as he moved his hand up and down the come-slick shaft.
"I don't know why it's still hard," Scott said.
"It doesn't matter; I'll take care of it," Coach said. "When I do....when I suck you, I want to do something else at the same time."
"Well, you obviously have a very sensitive butt..."
"Yeah, I didn't even know a guy had feelings in his ass," Scott said.
"I want to use my finger in place of my tongue."
Scott hesitated barely seconds before he nodded with deeply trusting eyes. "Okay. It won't hurt, will it?"
"Did my tongue hurt?"
"Gosh, no!"
"It'll feel different, but I won't hurt you. I can go in deeper with my finger, and make you feel really wonderful." Coach said. He raised up and bent over the boy's middle, his mouth hovering over his cock. He blew hot air over it, causing it to quiver violently, then lowered his lips around the head.
"OOohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Scott moaned softly. "Ohhh, Coach....Ohhh, I never felt anything so awesome!"
You will, Coach thought; you will. He went down the tall tower of meat well past the three-quarter point, with the head pressing seriously against the opening of his throat. He worked his jaws and throat and took a breath and gradually forced his mouth all the way down to the boy's pubes. The big cock bore into his throat like a drill, stretching his throat unmercifully. It didn't fit the curve of his throat; it was so hard that it straightened the passageway. He heard Scott choke on his groan, as if he couldn't get it out. He held him there for a long moment then moved his head up and down, careful to keep the big cock in his throat, giving the boy an oral pussy to fuck.
"Ohhh....OHhhhh....OHHH...Awwwhhhhhh," he moaned again and again as he began clawing at Coach's shoulders and hair and thrusting his loins up at him.
Coach eased up so he had the head in his mouth and let the thick spit run down the shaft and over his balls and used it to lube the boy's asshole. He could feel the tiny, smooth aperture pushing out as before, welcoming his finger as it had his tongue. He pushed it in to the first knuckle, causing Scott let out a little gasp but with barely a wince. Coach took his time. He worked the tip of his finger gently around inside the boy's ass till he was squirming for more, then he eased in to the second knuckle.
"Aww, coach....Awww, that feels good, just like you said," Scott said, surprised. "You can give me all of it, Coach. You can use your whole finger."
He shoved his finger in all the way, all the while, moving his mouth up and down on his cock. Scott gasped and whimpered with pleasure.
Coach moved his finger ever-so-gently against the hot, soft ass lining till Scott was squirming harder, then he began to probe, in search of his love nut. If his asshole was so sensitive, his young, virginal prostate was going to be like a firecracker. He found it, the firm-rubber texture of Play-Dough, but he barely touched it. He wanted to work into it gradually, gently. He wanted Scott to realize the newborn pleasure like an awakening. He played him like a fine violin, brushing his fingertip past the now-swollen love nut, causing Scott to gasp with surprised pleasure. He touched it gently and Scott's mouth flew open, even more surprised at the sudden, new pleasure he was feeling.
"Ohh, Coach....I d-don't know w-what you're doing in there but it feels like I have to come again, already. The feeling's there, like it's not going to go away till I do come."
Coach raised up from sucking his cock. "Let me make it even better, then you can come again whenever you want," he told him as he probed the nut again.
"Ohhhhh...Ohhhh....if you make it feel any better, Coach, I'm gonna go nuts."
"Do you want to go nuts, Scott? Do you want me to drive you crazy?"
"I have a feeling you're going to," Scott said nervously.
"Yes, I just want you to be ready. You'd better have the pillow handy. I'm going to start massaging that spot and I'm not going to stop till you beg me to. Maybe not even then." He started to go back down on the boy's cock but Scott stopped him.
"When I shoot again....are you gonna....k-keep my cock in your mouth?"
"Yes, I'm going to keep your cock in my mouth. I want this to be something you'll remember forever. I want you to come in my mouth," Coach said.
"Okay...Godd, Coach, that's something guys only dream about, shooting off in a girl's mouth, only its even better, having your coach do it."
Coach wrapped his smile around the bulging cock head and slipped his lips down the hard shaft. At the same time he began moving his mouth up and down he began fingering the boy's ass again. He went through the same preliminary routine as before, but without pause. He would bring him to his absolute peak of pleasure this time. He alternated his motions; he rubbed the spongy nut with his fingertip for a moment then shoved his finger in and out of his ass, probing it hard. Scott cried out into the pillow. Coach massaged, then fucked him with his finger, then massaged again. Then he added a second finger. Scott gasped with surprise but he didn't protest. His asshole welcomed the second finger. He jerked the pillow away long enough to say, "Godd, it feels like you're fucking me, coach."
That day would come, soon enough, coach thought. He fluttered his fingertips against the boy's prostate, causing him to scream into the pillow again. Without letup, he began massaging it, then prodding it with a two-finger fucking motion. He alternated from one motion to the other, without let up. Scott didn't go off as quickly as he thought he would and he suddenly realized that he was probably unable to. The pleasure was so intense that it wouldn't break and let loose.
"Coach! Coach, I can't come!" he gasped through the pillow. "I wanta come so bad....but I can't!" He sounded a little frightened.
"I'll make you come," Coach said. He maneuvered himself down between Scott's legs again, without letting go of his cock with his mouth, and with his fingers still in his ass; he didn't want to loose the momentum he had gained. Between the boy's legs, he pushed his butt up to the eating position and relinquished his cock and his finger to eat his ass again. It was just to force the flood-gates to open up. Once the boy let go, he would serve him the mind-shattering pleasure of his mouth and fingers again to cause the dam to explode.
"Ohh, that's gonna do it, Coach, just like before," Scott moaned.
"Tell me when you're getting close," Coach said. He played it carefully, bringing him to the brink with his tongue, then when Scott choked out that he was getting close, Coach got back on his cock and shoved his fingers back into his ass. He easily found the boy's love nut again and tapped it like a drum, then probed it gently with his stiff fingers, then massaged it between his fingers.
He heard Scott screaming in the pillow, begging him to stop, begging him not to, begging him to make him come before he went out of his mind. Coach began counting the seconds till the explosion, a little fearful that he'd taken the boy too far, into something he maybe couldn't handle. But suddenly, it happened. Cursing like a sailor, Scott jerked the pillow away and clasped his hands around Coach's head and pushed him down hard, forcing him to swallow his whole cock. Coach had never heard any of his boys curse like that, and it was somehow erotic to hear the words come out of the boy's mouth. His cock bolted deep in his throat and his asshole quivered violently around his fingers. His prostate palpitated under the touch of his fingers then pulsated like a violent heartbeat that sent the quivering quakes up through his cock along with a gushing stream of come.
Scott grabbed the pillow over his face again when he started coming. Coach got the first salvo deep in his throat, but when Scott let go of his head, he raised up so he could take the rest of it in his mouth. He wanted to feel the power behind the boy's come. He wanted to taste the sweet nectar of his manhood. It felt like the second time might be even more copious than the first. His mouth was soon filled with the stuff and running out the corner of his mouth till he swallowed it. The belching cock spewed out more come, filling his mouth again, and again. Coach wondered where it was all coming from, especially after the first time.
The boy did, indeed have a reservoir of come. Scott jerked the pillow off his face and reached down with his other hand to pulled Coach's hand away from his ass.
"I can't take anymore!" he gasped.
Coach gave his prostate a couple more gentle squeezes that caused the boy to choke on his screams, then gently removed his finger, massaging the soft, delicate lining of the boy's ass on the way out. At the same time he raised up off of his cock. It gave one last jolt and sent another spurt of come that hit his lips. Coach licked it off and crawled back up beside the boy. The moments that followed were long and quiet. Even unnerving. What was Scott thinking now, Coach wondered. Maybe he had taken things over the top. He should have waited, been satisfied to suck his cock and no more. Scott's eyes were closed, his breathing returning to normal, his great cock lying across one hip, still oozing come. Coach longed to lap it up, but he didn't dare. Not now. Not till he knew what was going on in the boy's head.
"Are you okay?" he asked finally.
"I don't know, coach," he replied. "I didn't know sex could be so intense."
"Are you okay?" Coach asked again.
"I will be, as soon as I come back down from wherever you took me."
"You're worrying me, Scott, it doesn't sound like you're okay with it."
He laughed softly. "I'm okay coach," he said. "I'm just lying here wondering what else you're going to show me."
"Nothing that you don't want me to," Coach said. He raised up with his head propped up and put his hand on Scott's abs. "I mean that, Scott. I'll show you anything you want; anything you'll let me....but only if you want it. You gotta promise me, you'll stop me if I try something you're afraid for me to do, of if you don't want me to do it."
"I promise," he said. After a moment, he said, "You, swallowed my come this time."
"Yes. Does that bother you?"
"No, it's something guys only dream about. I was just wondering....what does it tastes like?"
"Come on," Coach chided him, "don't tell me you never tasted your own come."
"Well...sure, the stuff that oozes out when you're jacking off," he admitted. "But not the real know, the thick stuff that shoots out. What's that taste like?"
"I can't describe it. I guess you could say it's an acquired taste," Coach said. "It doesn't all taste the same. Yours was not hard to take. It was tangy sweet, and tasted fresh."
"It was fresh, all right. I barely had time to work up the second load."
"If you'd had any more time, you would've drowned me with it,"
Coach said.
"Do you think I'll be able to do that, Coach?" Scott asked. "When I was trying to suck your cock, I wondered about know, if you came in my mouth, if I could handle it."
"First, I would never come in your mouth unless you wanted me to,"
Coach said. "And if you want to try it, fine, but if you don't like it, get off of it and spit it out. At least you'll know."
"Are you gay, Coach?" he asked, then, out of the blue.
The question jolted him and he didn't know how to answer for a moment.
"I'm sorry, maybe I was out of line..."
"No, that's okay. It's a valid question, especially after what we just did. I never put that label on myself, but to answer you truthfully, I guess I am. I don't know many straight men who would eat a boy's ass or suck his cock or take his load and swallow it."
"That is pretty gay stuff," Scott said.
"Scott, if you're worried about yourself....going down on me doesn't make you gay. And you liking what I did to you doesn't make you gay."
"What about if I wanted to do more....if I wanted to suck your cock again, and...and try taking your load."
"Let me put it this way. This may be an over-simplification but anything you do for the first time is nothing more than an experiment."
"What if I went after Braden, or Sean or some other guys in the locker room?"
"One time with Braden or Sean or anyone else, no, that's not going to make you gay. Boys often experiment around with other boys," Coach said. "If you go back for more, or with all of them, or with more guys....well, that would be something else. I can't give you the answers, Scott. Just know that I'm here for you, anytime, for anything you need."
To be continued...
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Posted: 05/23/08