The President’s Son

 by: Miguel Sanchez

© 2009-2013 by the author


The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 59

The next day started off nice and quietly. After breakfast, I was waiting for a call from Ware because I knew Lawson would be getting out of jail today, provided he paid his fines. I headed down to my office in the West Wing so I could think. I hoped what I was doing wasn’t making Ware an agent of the police so the tape wouldn’t be refused on the grounds that we entrapped Lawson into making incriminating statements. It was just after 10am and I figured David would be in court. I decided to put a call to his bailiff, “Judge Wheeler’s courtroom.”


“Is Judge Wheeler free, this is Agent Mason?” I replied.


“If you will hold on, I will see.”


I was put on hold for a few minutes. “Hi Ace, what has you calling this morning?” David said when he answered his phone.


“Well Your Honor,” I started.


“Your Honor? Is this a formal call?” David asked.


“Well it could be,” I replied.


“Alright so what’s on your mind?”


“Well, yesterday we caught Phillip Ware back over by Cal and Judy’s place.”


“Tell me he hadn’t found his house.”


“No Sir, he was stopped in between your place and his.”


“Thank goodness.”


“When Agent Masters had stopped him, he started popping off and when he was searched, we found photos of Timmy and Billy in his pocket. He tried to come up with a story they were his cousin’s children but we knew better. Now, here is the kicker. He knows who is paying Lawson and his fees.”


“Who?” David asked.


“The Babcocks.” I replied.


“And you’re sure of this how?”


“He told us he had a check from Lawson he hadn’t gotten into the bank and in his back pocket; it was there from his business account.”


“Well, that is circumstantial. All that proves is Ware and Lawson are in bed together.” David replied.


I started but was at a loss at how to explain my predicament. “Now, here is where things might get a little dicey. I want to put a wire on him when he meets with Lawson.”


“What are you hoping for?” David asked.


“I’m hoping for a solid link that the Babcocks are behind trying to get the boys.”


“You need to be careful Ace.” David started. “That PI can’t do or say anything to entrap Lawson.”


“I’ll be careful David.” I said. “I don’t want this tossed.”


“IS there anything more I can do for you?” David asked.


“Thank you David, you’ve helped a lot.” I said then we ended the call.


The morning flew by and after lunch, I got a call from Ware. I set up a meeting with him then called Ed. “Yes Ace, what may I do for you?”


“Well, I need some equipment.”


“I’m all ears.”


“I have a meeting set up with a private investigator.”


“A private investigator,” Ed asked interrupting. “Why are you using a private individual?”


“I’m not really. This jerk was cruising up and down the street near Judge Matthew’s residence. To make a long story short, he was trying to find the Babcock boys.”


“Why?” Ed asked.


“From what I can gather, he’s working for a lawyer who is representing the Babcocks and the clients want the boys by any means necessary.”


“What is it you need?”


“I want to put a wire on him so we can record a meeting between the PI and the lawyer.”


“Alright, I’ll get a few things for you.” Ed replied then we ended the call.


I leaned back in my chair and thought. ‘I just hoped Ware doesn’t shoot his mouth off so everything we get is unusable.’ Johnny was upstairs with our guests. “Johnny,” I said.


“Yes Ace,” He replied.


“I have to go out for a while. How are things up there?”


“Nice and quiet.”


“Great, I’ll be back as soon as I can.”


I made a quick trip over to headquarters and picked up the equipment then signed for it. It took me about ten minutes to get over to where I was to meet Phillip Ware.


“It’s about time.” Ware snapped when I walked in.


“You know, I have things to do so I can’t just drop everything and run to you.” I snapped back.


“Fine, fine now let’s get this over with.”


I went over and sat down. Ware was wearing a sport shirt and jacket so the equipment I had would work perfectly. I had a button microphone and after putting it on him, no one could tell it wasn’t a real button. Out in the car, Adam was waiting with the receiver. I got up and went out to the car and turned the receiver on so Adam could hear what was going on inside. “If you lose the signal, let me know.”


Adam nodded then I went back inside. “What was that all about?”


“I just had to check out the receiver.”


“Is this thing working?” Ware asked.


I looked out at Adam and he gave me a wave up so I knew it was. I turned around and looked at Ware when his cell phone rang. “It’s Lawson,” He said.


“Well, answer it.”


“Yeah,” Ware said answering his phone.


“Where are you?” The person asked.


“Don’t worry where I’m at, where the hell are you and where have you been?”


I’m been tied up. Get your ass here pronto.”


“The usual place?”


“Yeah, now make it snappy.”


“I’ll be there in about fifteen minutes.” Ware answered then he closed his phone.


I looked at him. “Was that him?”


“Yeah, it was Lawson and he’s not happy.”


I guess he didn’t like his accommodations at the courthouse. “What does he want?” I asked.


“He wants to see me.” Ware answered.


“Where?” I asked.


“His place.”


Since everything was working I felt secure in letting him meet Lawson. “Alright, let’s go. I’ll be following you so don’t try anything funny.”


I saw his demeanor change. “I wouldn’t think of that.”


We got up and went outside. I’d managed to park behind Ware so I could stay right on him. It was a short drive over to Lawson’s house and I had to admit, he lived in a nice area. I parked a few houses down from Lawson’s then put an aluminum screen up to keep the sun from baking us and so Lawson couldn’t see us sitting in it. Ware walked to Lawson’s place then knocked on the door.


The door opened and a voice said. “Get in here.”


“What the fuck are you trying to do to me? Ware shouted.


“Where the hell are those kids? That old man and old lady will give me hell for not having them.”


“You idiot, you didn’t tell me those brats were under federal protection.”


“WHAT,” Lawson shouted. “They never told me that.”


“I damn near got arrested looking for them.”


“By who?” Lawson said.


“The Feds.” Ware growled. “Twice now, I’ve been stopped by them.”


“And you weren’t arrested?” Lawson asked.


“Nah, I just thought fast on my feet.”


“I’m glad you did. I don’t need you where I was.” Lawson replied.


“Where was that?”


“I was in jail.” Lawson said almost spitting the words out.


“What the hell were you doing in there?”


“I ended up on the wrong side of a judge.”


“Man, you better learn to cool it.” Ware said.


“Who you giving lessons to?” Lawson growled.


“You because you’re not one to bite your tongue.”


“When I’m working with a bunch of asshole incompetents I have to do something to keep you all in line.”


Now I thought Lawson just did it. “What’s that supposed to mean?”


“You, you idiot. Where the fuck are those kids I’m paying you to find?”


“Watch it fuck nut.” Ware threw back.


“Watch it my ass.” Lawson almost shouted.


This raised my eyebrows when I heard the tone in Lawson’s voice. I undid my seatbelt in case I needed to run on a moment’s notice. “Listen, my neck is out a mile and I can’t go back to that area or I’ll be arrested on the spot.”


“Your neck out a mile?” Lawson shouted. “Listen, my whole career is. I have a Navy captain and his bitch of a wife paying me to get those kids by any means necessary.”


“By ANY means necessary?” Ware asked.


“That’s right. I don’t care what you have to do or who you have to go through, I want those two boys here.”


I looked at Adam. “Have you heard enough?” I asked.


He nodded his head. Now I had to hope Ware got his ass out of there fast.


“Hey, you still owe me another five grand.” Ware said.


“For nothing?” Lawson screamed.


“Hay, it’s not my fault.” Ware hollered.


“Not from where I’m standing.” Lawson fired back.


“If you’d give me a decent location I might be able to get my hands on them.”


“I’m giving you all I have.”


“Which is a whole lot of nothing.”


“What’s that supposed to mean?” Lawson fired.


“Just what I said.” Ware recounted. “I go out to where you claim they are and nothing. No sign of them anywhere then I get the feds on my ass.”


“That’s not my problem.” Lawson said.


“You better hope I can find them.” Ware shot out.


“How about I find someone else who’s not afraid to get their hands dirty?”


“IF that’s what you want.” Ware answered. “I’m not killing anyone, it’s not worth it.”


“If you get these kids, I’ll make it worth your while.”


“Oh?” was said.


“That’s right. How does five hundred grand sound to you?”


“That’s bullshit, where you gonna come up with that kinda money.”


“Don’t you worry about it,” Lawson started. “You do what I ask and I’ll see to it you get the dough.”


The wire seemed to go dead. I was getting worried that something happened and it stopped working. I was about to get out of the car when I heard, “Alright, you have a deal. If I’m going to be doing this and nothing else, I’m going to need an advance.”


“How much?” Lawson asked.


The line was silent. “Ten grand.” Ware answered.


“Fine, you have it. I’ll write you a check.”


A few minutes later, Lawson returned. “This thing won’t bounce, will it?” Ware asked.


“Has a check ever bounced?”


“Nah,” Ware started. “They’ve always been good, that’s what I like about you. Well, I better get outta here. If you can get a better location on those kids, let me know.”


“Don’t you worry about that,” Lawson said then I saw the door open and Ware came out.


Adam and I shut the recording gear down then I followed Ware back to where we met earlier. He parked his car and I was right behind him. Once inside he looked at me. “I really had to bite my tongue to keep from telling him off or punching him in the mouth.”


I couldn’t disagree and I was glad he didn’t bait Lawson to the point where he could get the recording tossed. Adam and I would have to listen to it again to make sure a judge wouldn’t grant a suppression motion.


I took the button mic off Ware then gave him a warning. “Look, if I get word that you are or have been back out looking for those boys, I’ll bury you under the jail. Do we understand each other?”


Ware meekly nodded his head. “I understand but what about Lawson?”


“Tell him you have a new client.” I shot.


“Oh come on, he’ll see through that. He knows he’s my only client.”


“You heard me. If you’re seen out there you’re going to jail.”


“OK, I get the message. But he’s obsessed with getting those kids.”


“He’ll have to do it himself, you’re off the case.”


I got into my car then Adam and I went to his office. We took the recording equipment so we could listen to everything. “At least Ware didn’t shoot off his mouth.” I said as we set the equipment down on Adam’s desk.


“I thought he was going to lose it at one point.” Adam added.


“I know but for our sake, he didn’t. Do you think we’ll be able to get a warrant for Lawson and add additional charges on the Babcocks?”


Adam stopped and stood there lost in thought. “I think we have plenty to get one for Lawson. The Babcocks might be a little harder.”


“Why?” I asked.


“Lawson gave them up, we have that on tape.” I said.


“I know but Lawson is going to fight tooth and nail to get that excluded. He’ll swear we put Ware up to trying to coerce Lawson to incriminate himself.”


“That’s bullshit Adam.” I almost shouted.


“I know that Ace and I’m hoping the judge will see that too.”


“Is there enough to get a warrant?” I asked.


Adam thought for a moment. “I think so. We have Lawson trying to hire Ware to get the boys at all costs.”


“Didn’t Ware accept the deal and take an advance?”


This brought Adam back. “You’re right. Damn him, this might not be admissible.”


“Why not?” I asked fearing all this work was about to go down the crapper.


“Lawson would swear we put him up to that.” Adam replied.


“That’s bull Adam.” I countered. “Lawson dangled a fat payment and Ware took it.”


“Yes, he did.” Adam answered. “Now we’re going to have to arrest Ware.


“Even after the deal we made with him?” I asked knowing Adam was right.


“I’m afraid so.” Adam answered. “Lawson dangled a carrot in front of him and he bit. He knew what he was doing.”


“Yeah, that greedy bastard.” I answered totally disgusted. “Who are you going to try to get a warrant from?”


I saw him thinking. “I can’t go to Judge Wheeler or Judge Matthews so that only leaves Judge Stein.”


“Oh man, we better have everything in perfect order.”


“You’re right.” Adam replied as he started typing at his computer.


It was getting late and I still had to fight the traffic to return to the residence. “Alright buddy, let me know when you get that warrant. I’d like nothing better than to slap the cuffs on that lawyer. Will this be enough evidence to add additional charges against the Babcocks?”


“Oh yeah, my only question is why.” Adam replied as I got ready to leave.


I started thinking. “That is a good question,” I answered. “I’ll talk with a few people and see if we can come up with an answer.”


I gathered the equipment and headed down to my car then left to return to the residence. On the way back, I was thinking about why the Babcocks would want the boys to the point of facing kidnapping charges but I drew a blank. It took about twenty minutes to get through the traffic and make it back. On the way, I made a quick stop at Headquarters and returned the wire to Ed. When I walked into the west wing, I saw Dusty and JR in the office so I decided to talk with them. I explained all I had to them then Dusty’s eyes got big. “I bet I know Ace.”


“OK man, I’m all ears.”


“Well, I bet it’s for the oldest reason there is.”


I thought for a minute but drew a blank. “And that is?” I asked.


“How about pure greed.” Dusty answered. “The boys would be the beneficiaries of their father’s life insurance and that could leave the grandparents out in the cold.”


“How much are we talking?” I asked.


Dusty thought for a moment. “At least $250,000.”


“That’s not a lot to stick your neck out for.” I answered.


“That all depends,” JR added. “He could have as much as a million dollars going to them.”


“You’re kidding,” I said.


“No I’m not Ace,” JR continued. “He would have to pay the premiums but yes, he could have that much insurance.”


“Would there be any way we can find out?” I asked.


“I’d have to make a phone call.” Dusty spoke up. “Since I’m not with NCIS I don’t have access to his personnel file.”


“Alright man, do what you have to but I need to see that file. Now I better get upstairs.”


Dusty picked up the phone then I left the office and hurried to the residence. When I walked in, I saw Ben and Brenda in the living room chatting but I didn’t see Bennie or Chris. I had an idea where they were so I knocked on the door before sticking my head inside. They were sitting together in bed with Bennie’s laptop. Whatever they were watching had their attention because they never looked up until I sat down beside Bennie. “Oh shit Ace, you should knock.”


“I did love but you guys were lost in this.” I said as I looked at the screen and saw they were playing a video game.


Chris turned red. “Sorry Ace, we’ll have to pay closer attention.”


“Ace, can we keep Chris company tonight? Dad has a meeting that will go until late.”


The last time this happened, the room got rather heated. “What did you have in mind?” I asked as I started changing so I could wash for dinner.


“Oh, I don’t know.” Bennie replied giving me one of his cheeky grins.


“I’m sure you two will think of something.” I said then went into the bathroom.


I started washing then I had Chris standing beside me. “I’m not going to interfere with anything, am I?”


I stopped and rinsed my hands then hugged him. “No son, you’re not.”


He looked at me. “Are you sure?”


I gave him a quick kiss. “I’m positive, now you better get cleaned up.”


Chris started stripping then so I went back to getting clean. When I was finished, I looked and saw Bennie’s hand moving under the covers. When I came in, Bennie quickly removed his hand but the evidence was still present in the form of the covers being tented. I winked at him then motioned for him to get cleaned. He did some wiggling under the covers but he couldn’t hide the erection in his pants as I came over and kissed him. “Are you trying to start something?” Bennie asked as he tried to fix his dick.


“I don’t need to,” I answered as I gave his dick a little squeeze.


He gave me a coy look then got a clean shirt. As soon as he went into the bathroom Chris made a comment. “My god Bennie, what were you thinking about?”


Chris had his shirt off then Bennie ran his fingers over his friend’s sexy nipples. “I didn’t think about anything.”


Chris gasped then moved back. “I know what’s on your mind.”


“What?” Bennie retorted.


“Me,” Chris replied then started drying his chest.


“And is that such a bad thing?”


“That all depends.”


I finished changing then headed out to the dining room. “Don’t take too long guys.”


I saw Ben at the table enjoying a cup of coffee. “Good evening Sir.


“Good evening Ace. Can you and Bennie keep Chris occupied this evening?” Ben started. “I hate not being able to spend enough time with him.”


“Why Ben?” A voice was heard asking.


He turned his head and saw Chris standing there then he held his arms to his lover. “I wanted you here so I could spend some quality time with you.”


Chris planted a kiss on his love. “You have darling but you’re the sitting President so I know that has to come first.”


Ben returned the kiss then pulled him into a tight embrace. “I know baby but I’d hoped things would be quiet so we could have time together.”


“We do baby,” Chris said with a sexy grin.


“I know we do but I wanted more than just quiet bed time.”


“You’d rather have someone banging on the door when you’re screwing me silly?”


Ben playfully popped Chris on the butt. “You know better and if that ever happened, it better be a matter of national security.”


“Love, I have an idea.” Chris started. “What would you say to a trip to a water park?”


Ben liked the idea but knew logistics would be a nightmare. “I’d love to but it would really put a crimp into everyone’s day with all of the secret service agents surrounding us.”


Chris sighed. “Man I wish we could have a normal life like everyone else.”


Ben planted a kiss on Chris’s lips. “We will baby, I promise.”


“You mean we’ll be able to come and go as we please without a security detail aging along?”


Ben’s face changed and Chris saw it. “I’m afraid not love, they’ll always be a part of our lives. After we get married, you’ll have a detail too.”


“Love, how can I see patients with a Secret Service agent breathing down my neck?”


“Well, you can work things out with them when the time comes. Once they know the area is secured and no one is out to try to hurt you, you’ll be able to do your job.”


“How about I ask Bennie to be my guard?” Chris asked.


“I don’t know love, Bennie wants to work with the counterfeit team.”


“Damn, this isn’t going to be easy.” Chris said sitting at the table.


“It can be buddy,” I said. “Once you and the agent build a rapport, life can be smooth sailing.”


“Alright but I don’t want them giving me funny looks when I have to do an examination.”


“Well, then the agent should excuse himself so the patient can have his privacy respected.”


“Alright, I guess it will work out.”


“If it doesn’t let Ben know and he’ll get the matter sorted.” I said trying to get Chris to relax.


After dinner, Ben and Chris disappeared for a few minutes then they returned. Ben looked at me. “Ace, I won’t be back until after 11 so go ahead and lock up. I can use my key to get in.”


I escorted Ben to the oval office then returned to the residence. When I walked in, Chris and Bennie were on Bennie’s laptop totally engrossed in something. Chris looked up when the chimes rang as the door closed. “When will Ben be back, Ace?”


I went over and sat down beside him. “He said he wouldn’t be back until after 11.”


Chris’s face changed. “Darn.”


I wrapped my arm around his shoulders then drew him into a little hug. “Cheer up, I don’t think he’s busy the rest of the week so you two should have some good quality time together.”


“I hope so.” Chris started. “I’m not complaining Ace but I wish we could be able to come and go like normal people do.”


I kissed him on top of the head. “I know buddy, but when you get out of medical school and get working, your life will be the hospitals.”


“Yeah, I know getting called out at all hours of the day and night but that’s what I want to do.”


“Yes it is,” Bennie added. “This is what Dad wanted to do when he ran for President.”


“How do you do it Bennie?” Chris asked.


“At first it really sucked but now I’m used to it and I have Ace. When you’re in college, you’ll be so busy studying and stuff you won’t have time to think about anything else.”


“No I won’t,” Chris said shaking his head. “I thought about Ben all the time when I was home. I didn’t miss him as much because I had school work to do.”


“Well, that’ll be the same when you’re in college.” I added but the work in college will be much more challenging.”


“I expect that and I’ve already taken some of my mandatory courses.” Chris said.


“You did that already?” Bennie asked not believing what he just heard. “Ace, I should have done that.”


I hadn’t given that a lot of thought but he was right. “Baby, we had a lot happening here and I didn’t think of it.”


“Will that put me behind others?” He asked.


I shook my head. “No love it won’t. I think what Chris did was knock out his English and Math courses.”


Chris was nodding his head. “That I did. They’re two of my easier subjects so I got those out of the way.”


“How did you do that?” Bennie asked.


“On line,” Chris answered.


“Ace, could I start mine now?”


“Yeah, if you want to give up your free time,” I said.


Bennie’s expression changed when I said that. “I don’t think so. I like having my summer free.”


“Have you got your schedule for next year?” I asked.


“How will I get that?” Bennie asked.


“You might want to check your email.” I answered. “You’ll need to print that out and keep it with you.”


Bennie grabbed his laptop and quickly checked his mail. “Man, this thing is crammed full.”


“When was the last time you checked it?” I asked.


“Aw, come on baby, I’m on vacation.” Bennie answered then Chris slapped him playfully on the back of the head.


“What was that for?”


“Bennie, your in box doesn’t have unlimited space. Once it gets full, other mail will bounce back to the sender.”


Bennie shook his head. “Man, how could I have been so dumb?


He started going through the list of emails and found one from Georgetown. He opened it and there was his schedule. “Here it is.”


Bennie hit the print button. “Ace, it’s getting printed.”


I went over to my room and looked at the paper. After reading it, I returned to Bennie’s room. “Here you go baby,” I said handing him the paper. How many emails were important?”


“Not many, there was one from James offering me a standing invitation to visit the school anytime I wanted to. I think I’ll take him up on it.”


“Do you see time for it?” I asked knowing his schedule was pretty full.”


“Holy crap, I barely have time for lunch.”


He handed me the paper back and I looked at it closely. “Sure you do. There is a two hour break between 11 and 1.


“Will we have time to come home?”


I had to think. “I don’t think so. It looks like you’ll be eating in the cafeteria.”


“You’ll be with me, won’t you?”


“Of course, where else would I be?” I answered.


“Do you think I’ll get much grief?”


“I don’t think so. The university is good at keeping important student’s identities safe and professors are informed when they have those students in their classes.”


That’s good, I don’t need or want hassles like I had before.”


“Well, just be yourself.” I said smiling.


Before we knew it, the evening had flown by. Bennie heard a knock on his door then Ben poked his head inside. “Are you guys still up?”


“Hi Dad, you’re back early.” Bennie said unaware of the time.


Ben started to giggle causing Bennie to look at him like he’d lost it. “Son, it is 11:15. What have you guys been up to?”


“Nothing Sir,” I answered. “We did a whole lot of nothing.”


I could tell Ben was really tired and Chris saw it too so he took Ben by the hand and bid us good night.


Bennie had shut his computer down and had fallen asleep. I got undressed and took a leak then joined him in bed.


I was awakened the next morning by my cell phone ringing. “Ugh, Mason.”


“Ace, did I wake you?” A voice said.


I looked at the clock and it was 7:30. “Nah, I didn’t have to get up for another thirty minutes. What’s up?”


Judge Levin issued the warrants and accepted the recording we got off Ware.”


I sat up when I heard this. “Great, who did he issue warrants for?”


“We have warrants for the lawyer, his clients and Phillip Ware.”


“Ware?” I asked.


“Yeah, he stuck his foot in it when he took the $10,000.00 advance from Lawson.”


“Damn that idiot.” I said basically kicking myself for not paying better attention to what he’d done. When do we want to round these fools up?”


“How about after you’ve had breakfast and several cups of coffee?” Adam asked.


“That works for me. What time do you get into your office?”


“Oh man, I’m here around 7 every day.”


“Are you trying to make me look bad?


“No way buddy, it’s a schedule I’m used to.”


“Ok but don’t let word get out or it’ll be expected of me. Bennie gives me enough grief now when I have to work late at night.”


I heard Adam giggling. “I wouldn’t think of it. I’ll see you about 9.”


I ended the call then hurried to the bathroom. After doing my business, I got the shower going. “Who was that love?”


“That was Adam. I have to go out after breakfast, now get up.”


“Ohh, I’m on vacation.” Bennie moaned.


“OK, I’ll let Gloria know.” I said then got some clean underwear.


Bennie sprang out of bed. “WAIT, she’ll come in here and drag me out by the ear.”


I was envisioning watching Gloria leading Bennie by the ear and I started laughing. “I’d love to see that.”


“You’re not funny.” He quipped.


I had to sit down. “I thought so.”


I saw his arm start to move so I quickly stood up out of his reach. “I’ll remember that then next time you have blue balls.”


“You’ll only be hurting yourself.” I replied sticking my tongue out at him as I went into the bathroom. “Come on, the shower is ready.”


He just sat there so I went in and quickly washed my body. I shut the water off and started getting dried when Bennie decided to finally join me. “Hey, you didn’t wait for me.”


“I told you it was time to get up and you know how to tell time.” I said as I gave him a quick kiss.


While Bennie got his shower, I got dressed then headed out to the dining room. I saw Chris and Ben having their morning coffee so I went and fixed myself a cup and sat down. “Morning guys.” I said in a chipper voice.


Chris looked up and reached his arms out. I set my coffee on the table then gave him a hug. “Where’s Bennie?” He asked.


“In the shower, he should be out here soon.” I answered then sipped my coffee.


After breakfast, I called Johnny and he came up to stay with Bennie and our guests while I went with Adam to serve the warrants. Our first stop was to Lawson’s place. When we arrived, I went up and knocked on the door. I had my credentials hanging on my jacket so he knew who I was. “Yeah, what do you want?”


I handed him the warrant. “You’re under arrest. Turn around and put your hands behind your back.”


“What’s the meaning of this? Do you know who I am?” Lawson shouted.


“I know who you are, now do as you were told unless you’d like additional charges.”


“I’ll have your badge for this.” He screamed.


“Yeah, yeah, I’ve heard it before.” I said as I put the cuffs on him.


I led him out to the car then delivered him to the Marshalls at the jail. He didn’t go in quietly but the Marshalls were able to handle him. Our next stop didn’t go quite as planned. Ware wasn’t home so we had to try and track him down. I called Dylan Masters and all was quiet over by Judge Matthew’s place. I then called Metro PD and had them put a BOLO out on Phillip Ware and his vehicle.


After we had done all we could, Adam and I headed back to the jail so the Babcocks could be served with the new charges. On the way, I got a call. “Mason.”


“Hi Ace, I finally got the personnel records on William Babcock.”


“That’s great, what did you find?” I asked.


“Well, it was just as JR suspected. They’re after his insurance.”


“How much are we talking about?”


“His SGLI insurance was for one million dollars.” Dusty answered.


“I’d say that was a pretty substantial amount,” I replied.


“Yeah and with the boys out of the way, they’d be in line to inherit that cash.”


“The only thing they’re going to get is a long prison sentence.”


“Let’s hope so,” I said then ended the call.


As soon as I’d ended that call, my phone rang again. “Mason.”


“Ace, it’s Dylan.”


“Tell me you’ve found Ware.” I said as my heart started beating faster.


“Well, sort of.” He answered. “I’ve found his car but he’s not in it.”


“Get over to Judge Matthew’s place.”


“Relax; I’ve got men there already.”


“Alright, get up there too, please.”


“I’m on my way.” Dylan replied. “I’ll keep you informed.”


“Thanks buddy,” I said ending the call.


“Is Ware at the Judge’s place?” Adam asked.


“I don’t know.” I answered. “Dylan has men there and he’s going there too.”


“Where was he?”


“I can only guess they were where they found Ware before.”


“Alright, why don’t we head over to the jail? I want to see the looks on the Babcock’s faces when I hand them the arrest warrants.”


“Especially since they think their lawyer is doing their bidding.” I replied laughing. “Did you ever get a look at their financial records?”


“No but I can apply for a subpoena.” Adam answered.


“Alright, can you do that? I’m anxious to see how they’re paying Lawson.”


A few moments later, I was pulling into the parking lot of the jail. As Adam and I were walking to the front door, I saw one of Bob’s men cruising through the lot. “Agent Mason, where’s your Hummer?” the officer stopped and asked.


“It’s at the residence. It’s nice but I prefer driving the Charger.” I replied. “Did you get the BOLO?”


“We all did and the Lieutenant is out looking for him.”


“Good, have him let me know if he finds him, please.”


“I will.”


The officer went back to his duties then Adam and I climbed the steps leading to the door. After securing my weapon and magazines, we made our way to the 6th floor. As soon as we stepped off the elevator, we were met by a Marshall. “May I help you gentlemen?”


“Yes, we need to see the Babcocks.”


“They’re with their attorney.”


“Perfect,” I said smiling at Adam.


We were led to the conference cell and there they were. As soon as the Marshall put his key into the lock, Lawson turned around and saw us. “This is a private meeting.”


“Stand up and move away from the door.” I said.


“Who are you to give orders?” He spat.


“Move back,” the Marshall said.


“Why?” Lawson asked.


Adam pulled the papers out of his jacket pocket and looked for the right one. “Maurice Lawson, you’re under arrest.”


“WHAT?” He screamed. “What are the charges?”


“If you’ll shut up, you’ll hear them.” Adam shot back. “The charges are conspiracy to commit kidnapping.”


“What the hell are you talking about?”


Adam read the others. William and Rachel Babcock, you’re under arrest also. The charges are conspiracy to commit kidnapping.”


“You’ve lost your minds. They’ve been in here ever since their arrest.” Lawson countered.


“Yes they have but nonetheless the charges stand.” Adam replied.


“We’ll see about this. I’ll have your jobs by the time I’m through with you. I’ll also have the government tied up in litigation for years when I’m finished filing law suits.”


“Provided you still have a license to practice law,” I tossed in.


“You better start explaining and fast.” Lawson ordered.


Adam handed the warrants to Lawson. “It’s all in the warrants. Marshall, can you book Mr. Lawson please?”


“I’ll see to it right away.”


The Marshall opened the gate and went to reach for Lawson then he decided to try and make a break for it by head butting the Marshall. I stepped into the open door and Lawson decided to be brave and challenge me. “What are you going to do Mason?”


“If you try to get past me, you’ll soon find out.”


Lawson felt brave so he tried to charge me and his head ran into my fist sending him flying backwards. I quickly got my cuffs and took him into custody. “You’ve just added an additional charge.” Adam said as I got Lawson to his feet.


“I’ll have this shit tossed.”


“I don’t think so smart ass.” I said picking him up.


Adam checked on the Marshall then he took charge of Lawson. “Let’s go and don’t try anything like that again.”


I took hold of Lawson’s arm and held it firm as we headed down to the booking room. In the elevator, Lawson was yelling and screaming to the point I was ready to gag him. As soon as the doors opened, there was a large Marshall standing there waiting, “Aww, what’s the problem, sweet cheeks?”


I had to fight to keep from outright laughing but I kept my professionalism. I gave Lawson a nudge in the back to get him walking but he decided to make another scene by falling on the ground screaming. “He assaulted me.”


The Marshall in the elevator reached down and grabbed him by the arm. “Stand up and shut it.”


“I’m injured, I can’t walk.” Lawson screamed.


“You can and you will, one way of another.” The big Marshall said taking his other arm. As he was being dragged out of the elevator, Lawson decided to put his feet under him and walk. He was led into a room where he would be searched then issued an orange jumpsuit. I removed my cuffs then stepped back. “Now, don’t try anything stupid again unless you want even more charges added.”


Lawson stood there and started rubbing his wrists. The big Marshall stepped over, “Strip, sweet cheeks.”


“There isn’t any way in hell I’ll strip.” Lawson shot back.


“Look ass wipe,” I started. “You can do this the easy way or you can do it the hard way and I can assure you, that you won’t like the latter.”


He turned around and glared at me. “What’s that supposed to mean?”


“Simple, either you take your clothes off or we will and if we have to do it, we won’t be gentle.”


“You wouldn’t.” He started.


“Oh, wouldn’t I?” I said smiling hold my cuffs out.


“Wait,” He stammered. “I’ll do it myself.”


“Then get to it,” I said firmly.


I never saw someone strip so fast before. When he was naked, the big Marshall came over putting on a pair of rubber gloves. “Turn around bend over and spread ‘em.”


“Not even when hell freezes over.” Lawson replied.


I stepped forward and took him by the arm and spun him around.


Lawson knew he was in a no win situation so he decided to get with the program. He bent over then the guard slapped him on his ass causing Lawson to stand up quickly. I threw his orange suit at him. “Get it on.”


“And if I don’t?”


“Suit yourself,” I replied. “We’ll take you to your cell just like this.”


He decided to get dressed then we led him to the booking room. He was photographed and finger printed then he was taken to his cell.


I had been at the jail for several hours and it was almost lunch time. “Adam, we better get going.”


Adam looked at the clock and nodded his head. “Yeah, let’s get going.”


I stopped and got my weapon and magazines then hurried out to the car. Lunch traffic was a nightmare but we managed to get to the residence before Gloria was due to serve lunch. Adam said his farewells then I hurried upstairs so I could wash up. I tossed my stuff on my bed then went into Bennie’s room. He and Chris were engrossed in something on Bennie’s laptop. “It’s almost lunch time baby.”


Chris reached up and closed the lid. I could see a prominent bulge in his shorts. “And what were you two watching?” I asked looking at his package.


He smiled, “Oh, a little of this and that.”


I reached down and patted the bulge. “I know what this was too.”


“Hey, we’re growing teens.” Chris laughed.


“If you keep growing, you’ll need a license for that snake.”


“It’s not that big.” Chris said as Bennie came in.


“What’s not that big?” Bennie asked as I reached down and patted his love tool causing Bennie glared at me. “I don’t hear you complain.”


I leaned down and kissed him. “You never will either, love.”


I hung up the towel then went out to the dining room. Gloria had just set a dish on the table when I entered. “I hope you’re hungry, Señor Ace.”


I smiled, “For you Gloria, always.”


“Well come and sit down,” she said as she returned to the kitchen then reappeared with a covered platter.


Gloria uncovered the platter then I heard two voices shout, “Tacos.”


“Hey, act like you have some manners.” I said admonishing Bennie and Chris.


“We do love,” Bennie answered as he kissed me on the cheek.


“What’s all the ruckus?” Ben asked as he came in and sat down.


“It seems our two chow hounds have forgotten their manners.” I replied giggling.


Ben picked up the platter then took a couple of tacos then passed it to me. I took the two that were left. “Ace, what about us?” Chris asked.


Gloria came in and set another platter down beside the boys. “Here you go, my mijos. I can’t have you going hungry now.”


They each took three tacos then started devouring them. To watch them eat, one would think they hadn’t eaten in days. “Slow down and chew.” Ben said.


Bennie quickly swallowed his mouthful. “I did Dad.”


I put a serious hurting on the tacos I had taken then went back for more. After we had eaten close to two dozen tacos, we finally decided we couldn’t eat any more. I had swallowed my last mouthful when my cell rang. “Mason.”


“Ace, it’s Dylan.”


“What’s up man?” I asked.


“I just got a call from Carl Matthews.”


My eyes shot open. “What’s going on?”


“He said there is a strange man walking around his place.”


“Get over there and find out who it is. I’m on my way.”


“I’m in front of his house now.”


“I’ll let you go.” I answered then ended the call.


Everyone was looking at me so I quickly filled them in as I went to my room. I grabbed my weapon then hurried downstairs with Tonka on my heels. We got into my car then made my way onto the street then turned on my lights and siren. When I got close to Cal’s place, I cut the siren. I saw Dylan’s car so I parked behind him and let Tonka out. “Seek boy.” I said.


“I let Dylan know I was here with Tonka then I heard Tonka sound off. “Hey, hey call it off.”


We made our way around back and saw a man against the fence with Tonka growing at him. “Heel,” I shouted then Tonka trotted over and sat beside me.


“What the hell are you doing here?” Dylan shouted as he went over to the man.


“Look guys, I have a job to do.”


“And that includes trespassing?” I asked as I removed my cuffs. “Turn around and put your hands behind your back.”


He did as instructed then I put my cuffs on him. I handed Ware over to Dylan. “Put him in your car and get him out of here.”


“Where should I take him?” Dylan asked.


“Over to the city jail. Inform them he’s being charged with Federal Crimes and they’ll know where to put him,” I answered.


I stood and watched Ware’s being put into the back seat of Dylan’s car then they took off for the jail. As soon as they were out of sight, I went up and knocked on the front door. I watched the front door open a little then saw a pair of eyes look out through the crack. As soon as whoever it was saw me, he opened the door. “Ace, thank god you’re here.”


I went inside and Jake pulled me into a tight hug. “Is everyone alright? He didn’t try to get in, did he?”


Jake shook his head. “No, he didn’t but who was he and why was he snooping around here?”


I didn’t want to add to their fears so I told a little white lie. “Don’t worry son, we have it under control.”


“He’s been riding up and down the street for the last several days.”


“We know son and I’ve had agents out here watching your house.”


“Alright, so who was he?”


I took Jake aside so I could talk without little ears listening in. “Look, that clown was hired to get Timmy and Billy.”


“WHAT?” Jake almost shouted when I put my hand over his mouth.


“Don’t shout please son. It’s like I said; now he’s been arrested and will face charges for it.”


“Please tell me the grandparent’s aren’t behind this.”


I wasn’t going to go into details. “Don’t worry now, we have this under control. This is what we do, or have you forgotten?”


Jake smiled then blushed. “Yeah, I guess I did.”


“So have you and Carl had some quality time together?”


“As much as we could … considering.”


“Now you two shouldn’t be hold up in Carl’s room all day and forget about the boys.”


“Oh, we don’t but they’re in the minute Cal leaves for work wanting us to get up.”


I knew that feeling when they stayed at the residence. “Son, you have to remember, they’re little so they get up as soon as the sun rises.”


Jake rolled his eyes. “I hope I wasn’t like that.”


“I wouldn’t know son, only your dad can answer that. By the way, where are they?”


Jake went over to the staircase. “Carl, they can come down. Ace is here.”


I heard the thunder of little feet running towards the stairs. “Slow down and don’t run.” I said as Timmy and Billy quickly walked down the steps. It was a good thing I was watching them because they decided to launce themselves at me. “Hi Uncle Ace,” Timmy said kissing me on the cheek. “Who was that guy that was snooping around here?”


“He was no one of any importance son. He’s gone and he won’t be back.” I said quickly not to pique his little boy interest.


I gave everyone hugs and kisses then went back about my duties. On my way back to the residence, I called Adam and filled him in on Phillip Ware. “Ace, what made that idiot go onto the property?”


“I haven’t a clue Adam.” I replied.


“Well, he’s not getting a pass on this.”


“I would hope not. I have to give Jake and Carl a lot of credit; they kept the little ones occupied so they didn’t get spooked when Ware was snooping.”


“Jake,” Adam started.


“Yes, as in Jake Wheeler.” I answered.


Oh, alright. Adam replied.


We talked for a few more minutes and we then ended the call. I returned to the residence and headed to my room. I set my things on my desk then went to check on Bennie. I knocked on the door then went in where he and Chris were watching something on Bennie’s laptop. I cleared my throat then Bennie’s head snapped up. “Hi baby, are you back for good now?”


“As far as I know, I am.” I answered as I sat down beside my love then he put a devilish grin on his face. “What’s on your mind?”


He slid his laptop back and I saw a prominent bulge under the covers. He wiggled his eye brows at me. “Grandma wants to go off this afternoon.”


“Has she talked to your Dad?” I asked.


“I told her she should.” Bennie answered.


“Alright, so what is on your mind?”


I broke out into a sexy smile then looked at Chris. I had a feeling I just got my answer. “Are you sure love?” I mouthed to him.


He grinned and nodded his head so I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. “We’ll talk after lunch.”


Bennie planted one on me then started rubbing his tongue against my teeth. I eased back then he whispered to me, “What’s to talk about?”


I didn’t want to go into it then with Chris present so I just gave him a quick kiss. It was 11:45 so we had to get washed up. “Come on now, it’s almost lunch time.”


Chris closed the lid on Bennie’s laptop then got up and went into the bathroom. As soon as I came in, Chris closed the door. I didn’t know what was on his mind so I just washed my hands then dried them on the towel. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear these two are up to something. I hung the towel on the rack then returned to the bedroom. Chris washed his hand then went out to the dining room. I was about to follow him when Bennie got my attention. I went and sat beside him. “Um love, there is something I need to ask you.”


“I’m all ears baby.”


“Uh, how would you feel about a little fun with Chris?”


“What did you have in mind?”


“Well, I’d love to suck his dick.” Bennie replied.


“Is that all?” I asked.


“Have you seen it?” Bennie asked. “He’s hung and man I’d love to feel that in my ass.”


I had to fight the feelings of jealousy. “Love, you know I’m a one person man.”


Bennie wrapped his arms around me. “I know love and I love you too.”


“But you feel the need to have some fun with Chris?”


“Um well, yeah if you don’t mind.”


I didn’t know if I could watch Bennie getting screwed by someone other than me. “Can I think about it?”


“Why, what’s the problem?” Bennie asked.


“Well, I don’t know if I could watch you and Chris making love.”


Bennie smiled. “Baby, it would just be sex.”


“Could you watch if Chris was doing it to me?”


“Hell yeah, I’d probably want to join him.”


That thought made me shudder. “I don’t know if I could handle the two of you at the same time.”


“It might be something to try.”


I didn’t know if I wanted to try to get double fucked by those two or not. “Would you be willing to take him and me?”


Bennie’s eyes got big. “Oh god love, you fill me to the max now. I don’t think I could take you and Chris.”


“I didn’t think so. So now you know how I feel.”


“Yeah, I do love. So what is the verdict, would you like to have Chris join us?”


“Well, has Chris mentioned this to your Dad?” I asked.


His eyes rolled up then he rubbed his chin. “Well, I think so.”


“You’re not sure?” I asked.


“We have talked about this so many times I would think he and Dad have talked about it.”


“Well, I think we should ask Chris this and see what he says. If he and your Dad have talked about it fine but if not, I really think they should. I don’t want your Dad to think Chris is going behind his back to fool around.”


“I see what you’re saying baby. We can ask him after lunch.”


Bennie got up and went to wash up then we headed out to the dining room. Ben and Chris were making eyes at each other so Bennie had to get in on it. “Oh, come on now, get a room.”


Ben’s head snapped around. “We have one, thank you very much.”


“Did Grandma talk to you about going out?” Bennie asked.


“Yes she did and I’ve already talked to Johnny, Dusty and JR.”


“Sir, just let me know where you’re going and when you’ll be back.”


Chris looked at me. “Are you his mommy now?”


“No wise guy but I have a job to protect The President so this is part of my job.”


“Oh, I didn’t realize what it all entailed.” Chris said softly.


I went around and gave him a hug to let him know everything was fine. I didn’t know if Ben would want Chris to go with him or not so that was something Bennie and I would have to play by ear.


After lunch, I got everyone together and had the limo brought up then formed the motorcade. Brenda noticed all the agents. “Benjamin, we don’t need all of these people here.”


“Brenda, they are needed.” Ben answered quickly.




I stepped in on that. “Ms. Schultz, I’ve told you this before. The Secret Service is assigned to protect the President at all times and this includes being with him whenever he leaves the residence. Now, if you don’t want the agents, then the trip into town will have to be cancelled.”


Her eyes got big when I said the trip had to be cancelled. “Alright, I’ll adjust.”


“Fine, now let’s get into the limo.”


The agents formed a circle around Ben and Brenda then Dusty opened the door. “Come on everyone.”


Brenda stopped and stared at Dusty then Ben gave her a nudge in the back to get her moving again. She started in on Ben as soon as he entered. Once everyone was inside, Dusty closed the door. I’m glad I wasn’t going because I had a feeling I would have told Brenda off. After they left, Bennie and I returned to his room. “So have you thought about it?”


I sat on the bed and held my arms out to my love. “Yes I have baby. I’m a one person man. I’ve had sex with several people at one time but it just didn’t seem right.”


“How come?” Bennie asked.


“I don’t know, I guess it was because when I had someone, I didn’t want to share him with anyone else.”


“You don’t want to share me?”


“No I don’t, you’re my one and only love. Do you understand what I’m trying to say?”


Bennie broke out into a smile when he heard that then he came over and wrapped his arms around me. “Yes I do my love. I don’t think I could share you if I wasn’t there.”


“I don’t think we should have three way with Chris without your Dad knowing.”


I could see the wheels turning in Bennie’s head. “Yeah, you’re right. Maybe I could talk with dad when they get back.”


“Just tread lightly love. Talking about someone’s love life can be a touchy subject.”


Bennie smiled. “I will baby.”


Bennie started to search for my tool as he kissed me passionately. “Are you trying to start something?”


“Is that a bad thing?” He responded as I shoved my hand inside Bennie’s shorts.


“No but I’d be careful going commando.” I replied as I stroked his tool.


“You better stop that or I’ll be needing to change my shorts.”


I gave him an evil look as I continued to stroke him. He opened his shorts then stood up so I couldn’t reach his dick. After removing them, he pushed me down on the bed then straddled me offering his dick as a prize. I couldn’t resist it so I took it into my mouth then ran my finger over his nether region. As soon as I touched his hole, he pushed back driving my finger inside him. As soon as I touched his love nut, I felt his dick start to expand. I knew what this meant so I was ready for his load. I didn’t have long to wait either. Bennie fired a huge load into my waiting mouth and I quickly drank it down. “Oh god Ace,” Bennie moaned as he fired several more loads.


I took each load and swallowed them until his balls were empty. I cleaned his dick then Bennie joined me and started kissing me. “Do you feel better now?”


“Oh yes love, I’ve needed that for some time.” Bennie replied as he cuddled next to me.


I started to doze off when I felt a hand begin to undo my pants. I opened my eyes and Bennie was busy trying to get my dick out of my pants. “Is someone still horny?”


“Yes, and I can tell someone else is too.”


I couldn’t deny that fact and as soon as I felt Bennie hand touch my dick, I almost exploded. “Easy love or I’ll blow now.”


He managed to get my tool out then I felt the warmth of his mouth around it. Bennie quickly stopped sucking it then rolled onto his back and lifted his legs. “Take me baby.”


I reached my hand down and felt his luscious ass. He’d managed to lube his hole for me so he was ready for me to enter him. I got into position and lined my tool up with his hole. Bennie reached behind me and tried to pull me into him. I was able to control myself so I let him pull me into his love chute. He wanted me to enter him quickly but I wasn’t about to hurt him so I took it slow. Bennie was very used to me in him so I slid in until I felt my balls against his ass cheeks. “How’s that baby?”


“Oh god,” He moaned. “Do me baby, do me good.”


His wish was my command as I started drilling his hole. I gave him all I had and then some but Bennie kept slapping my ass. “Faster baby, go faster.”


My hips were like a jackhammer as I rooted him. We were at this for I don’t know how long then finally I felt my balls start to churn. I slowed down then realized Bennie had a towel on the bed so I picked the pace up again. I felt the head of my dick expand then my nuts exploded deep into my lover’s ass. I lost track of the number of times I fired but when I finally stopped, my nuts were aching from the release.


I felt my tool start to soften so I reached down and took the towel and managed to get it in between Bennie’s legs. I felt Bennie start to caress my chest. “So, let me ask you this baby. Do you really want to share this with anyone else?”


He reached back and slapped my ass. “Oh hell no, you’re all mine.”


“Well, that good fuck solved our problem with Chris.


To be continued...

Posted: 08/16/13