The Homeroom Bunch

 by: Miguel Sanchez

© 2005-2008 by the author


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Mark said, “Thanks Roger. I’m going to go and try to find him. I’ll be right back.”

Mark gave his brother a hug and went over to the door. Shawn handed him a piece of paper with his phone number on it. Mark opened the door and was just about to step out when he came face to face with his parents. Mark stopped dead in his tracks and with wide eyes promptly fainted.


Chapter 10

Roger jumped out of bed and ran over to his little brother. Roger picked him up and laid him on his bed. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly came in and Mrs. Kelly started yelling and hollering. Mrs. Maxwell rounded up her gang and stepped outside while Roger and the Kellys sorted things out inside.

Inside Mrs. Kelly was screaming at the top of her lungs. “Take you gay fag hands off him. You want him to be like you? Huh?”

One of Roger’s regular nurses heard the commotion and came into the room. She saw Mark unconscious on the bed and a maniac woman screaming at the top of her lungs. The nurse said, “Lady if you don’t lower your voice this instant I will have security escort you from the hospital.”

The nurse picked up the phone and called for a stretcher. Mrs. Kelly was so livid when the nurse told her who would be escorted out of the hospital she stormed out of the room. Roger was looking concerned, as his brother was not waking up. The door opened and Roger’s doctor came in when he heard the noise. He said, “Hi, I’m Dr. Kramer. I’m Roger’s doctor. Can you tell me what happened here?

While Roger was telling the doctor what happened Mark started to stir and regain consciousness. Roger turned to his brother and said, “Mark are you alright?”

Mark looked up and he saw his father standing there and he got scared again. His father took his son’s hand and said, “Hey champ, just lay there. Everything is going to be fine.”

“Dad,” Mark said. “I’m sorry. I just had to see him. I’m not going to get AIDS. I can’t get it from just seeing and talking with him.”

Dr. Kramer looked at Mark. He checked him out thoroughly and said, “He has a small lump on his head when he fainted. I checked his neurological signs and they all seem fine. I’d like to watch him here for another hour or so then he’ll be free to go home. Oh, I’d like to talk with your family. I have an idea that everyone might like. Well, I do know two people will like it. Can you come down to my office in about an hour?”

Mr. Kelly thanked the doctor for helping Mark. He informed him everyone would be there. Dr. Kramer left the room and then there was a knock on the door. Roger went over to see who it was. Mrs. Maxwell and the kids were standing there.

Mrs. Maxwell looked over at Mark. With a smile on her face she asks him, “How is your head son. I’m sorry this happened.”

Mark looked at everyone and said, “It’s not your fault. I guess that maybe coming here wasn’t such a good idea after all. I really went and messed things up this time. I heard what Mom said to Roger. I don’t agree with it though. Roger is my brother. I love him just as he is. Roger didn’t choose to be gay, no one does. It’s the way we’re born.” Mark reached for his Dad’s hand and said, “Dad, I have something to tell you. I know you’re not going to like it and I’m sorry. I’m gay Dad just like Roger. Mom is going to kill me so that’s why I told you first.”

Mr. Kelly looked at both his boys and said, “First Mark, I’m not angry. I saw you stand up for your friends last week and I am very proud of you for doing that. I don’t understand why you and Roger are the way you are and as of this moment I don’t care. You are my sons and I love you both very much. I would like to thank you kids for being Mark’s friends. He hasn’t had many and I know we haven’t made it easy for him either. Mark, I want to apologize to you and your brother. I know I don’t have the right to ask, but can you find it in your heart to forgive an old fool?”

Roger walked over to his Dad and cried on his shoulder. After he composed himself Roger said, “I’m sorry for starting with drugs Dad. I live everyday with a reminder of what I did to myself and why it wasn’t smart to start messing around with them in the beginning.”

Things got back to normal and everyone was enjoying themselves when Mrs. Kelly walked into the room. She went over to Mark and reached for his hand and said, “Let’s go Mark. We have to go now.”

Mr. Kelly said, “You are not taking him any where. We have an appointment with Dr. Kramer in ten minutes and we WILL be there. I don’t want to hear another unkind word out of your mouth towards either of our children. If you can’t learn to speak nicely to them, some changes may need to be made at home. Now, do I make myself clear?”

A look of total shock and surprise came across Mrs. Kelly’s face when she heard what her husband said. She looked at her husband and said, “Well I believe I do have something to say about this if you don’t mind?”

Mr. Kelly looked back to his wife and said, “As a matter of fact I do mind and the only thing I expect you to say is yes dear your right. Now let’s go to Dr. Kramer’s office, he is waiting for us.”

Mr. and Mrs. Kelly left the room to meet with their son’s doctor. Mrs. Kelly went to speak. She said, “I hope you aren’t condoning what Mark did today? He lied to us and he deceived us.”

Mr. Kelly looked at his wife and said, “Oh and what we’ve done for the past five years hasn’t been us deceiving him? We both filled his head with lies. He was miserable in school. He was getting into fights because he was being eaten up inside with guilt and lies. It took a teacher to get through to Mark that Roger was not being punished by God or any one for being gay. He’s got AIDS from his IV drug use not from being gay.”

The Kelly’s got to Dr. Kramer’s office and knocked. A nurse opened the door and led them into the doctor’s office. The doctor was going over Roger’s chart along with his latest lab reports. When they had been seated Dr. Kramer spoke. “I’ve been going over your son’s latest blood tests and I am pleased with the way he’s responding to this new medication. His counts are all up and he hasn’t had any set backs in six months. There is something I would like you to consider. I think that as long as he continues to do well on these medications, I see no reason he needs to be in the hospital.”

Mr. Kelly looked at the doctor and said, “He can come home? Is he strong enough?”

Dr. Kramer chuckled when he heard that question. “Well, if what I saw today in any indication of his strength, he’s plenty strong enough. I will want to see him monthly for a while and if he continues to do well we can then spread them out even longer. If there should be any problems, get him back and we will address them but I think he is going to do very well. I know he has quite a support group and that is important.”

Mrs. Kelly asked, “Is there anything special we need to know about or need to do for him? What kind of food can he eat?”

Dr. Kramer said, “He is on a regular diet here. He can have all his favorite foods. Since he has started to respond to the mew medications he has gained 16 pounds. This was what I was hoping for. I am really pleased and I am hoping that he will put on another 15 pounds. That should have him at about 165 pounds. This is a good weight for him. Do either of you have any questions?”

The Kellys looked at each other and Mr. Kelly asked, “When can he come home doctor?

Dr. Kramer said, “I’m dictating his discharge orders now. I will put an order into the pharmacy so he can get his medications. All you need to do is come here once a month and we will refill them for you at no charge. Do not hesitate to call me if something seems a miss or if he’s not feeling well. Why don’t you go and give him and his friends the good news.

When the Kellys got back to Roger’s room everyone was quietly talking. Roger was telling Mark more about Andy Cowan. The door opened and Mark’s eyes got wide. Andy came in and he was in khaki shorts and a button down shirt and the top three buttons he left open.

Mark got up and gave Andy a hug and whispered, “Did you call your mom yet?”

Andy smiled and nodded his head and said, “Roger do you remember me telling you about Randy, my brother who is in college? He is picking me up today and I told him to meet me here.”

Ray was sitting on Lance’s lap when he said, “Man Mark, you better keep a tight grip on him. He’s a hunk.”

Everyone broke up and Andy turned a few shades of red then the Kellys came back into the room. All of a sudden the room got silent. Roger and Mark looked at each other then their parents. The boys couldn’t seem to read their parent’s faces. Finally Roger spoke saying, “Dad is anything wrong?”

Mr. Kelly went and sat on the edge of the bed so he could be near both his sons. He looked at Roger and said, “Son everything is perfect right now. Your mother and I just left Dr. Kramer’s office with some wonderful news. You are doing so well on the new medications that you can come home and live.”

Roger and Mark were both stunned when they heard that. They looked at each other and at their father. The boys went to their Dad and said, “Thank you.”

Then Roger said, “Dad, I have hoped and prayed for this day for a long time.” Roger composed himself and looking at his mother said, “Mother, I don’t know what your problem has been ever since you learned I was gay. If you think that is going to change because I’m coming home you are sadly mistaken. You do realize that I am an adult and therefore do not have to live under your roof. Mother, I’m gay. Get used to it. Mark is too. Dad has accepted us for who we are now it’s your turn. If you don’t, you will lose the three people you love the most.”

Mrs. Kelly had to compose herself. She didn’t expect her son to be so blunt and matter of fact towards her. Everything he had said to her was true. She was brought up to believe that homosexuality was wrong. When she learned Roger was gay, she did everything to shield her youngest son from that fact. There was something about Roger now that gave him the confidence to say what was on his mind. For some reason, she believed him when he said she would lose them and her husband. She took a deep breath and said, “Roger I don’t want to lose any one. I do love you and this is going to take some time, but I do believe that this is something we can work out. I want you home with us. You are our son and believe this or not, we have missed you. I’m sorry I called you those nasty names. I promise never to do that again. I would just like to have my oldest son back again.”

Roger realized that was the hardest thing his mother ever did in her life. He took a few moments to think carefully about what he was going to say in reply to his mother’s startling revelation. He said, “All right Mom I will give this a chance to work. I love my brother and I want to try to make up for all the time that was taken from us. I realize that there may be some tense moments and that is understandable. There is one thing I am going to be up front with from the very beginning. I have the chance to have a boyfriend. What will become of this relationship, I have no idea but I will not tolerate any interfering from you. Do I make myself clear on this point? Oh, and by the way. Mark has the chance for some happiness too so the same goes for him. We will respect your house so there will be some things we will not do there but as far as hugging and giving quick kisses, get used to it. Is this fair enough?”

Mr. Kelly thought about it for a moment, as did his wife. Mrs. Kelly said, “Well son, I do remember how your father and I acted when we were dating. I suppose that would be acceptable to us.”

Mr. Kelly then said, “I don’t think I need to have the safe sex talk, do I?”

“DAD,” Roger said as he turned several shades of red.

Everyone in the room busted out laughing when Roger said that. Ray looked up and said, “Hey mate, welcome to the club. I got that question tossed out to me by my Dad last week. Oh guys, I forgot to tell you, I told my Dad and he is real cool with it. He told me he’s known about Lance and me for a long time but he’s been waiting for me to come and talk to him. Now I bloody well wish I had. I’ll never figure grown-ups out. Just when you think you have them figured out, they go and show you just how much they really do care.”

There was a knock on the door. Roger said, “I’m going to need a bigger room if I keep getting visitors.”

Andy was the closest one to the door so he opened it and in walked his 19 year-old brother Randy. Mark looked at him and gasped saying, “God bro, he’s gorgeous. Better keep him on a short leash.”

Roger playfully punched his brother in the shoulder and said, “Hands off Mark, you’re already spoken for. Isn’t that right Andy?”

Andy came around and took Mark’s hand then leaned down and kissed him gently on the lips and said, “Yeah Roger, he’s definitely spoken for.”

Dr. Kramer came into the room and was surprised at the number of people in with Roger. He said, “Why don’t the Kelly’s and I go to the conference room so I can go over the discharge plans? Roger you can get your clothes and personal items packed, if you have room to walk in here?”

Mrs. Maxwell thought it best to take charge. She said, “Roger, why don’t you have Randy help you get your things ready for you to go home and the rest of us will wait in the lounge.”

Shawn said, “Awe Mom, we can help Roger. Can’t we?”

Mrs. Maxwell looked at her son and said, “He barely has room to breath much less room to move and pack. Now scoot young man.”

All the kids got the message and pairs of kids began filing out the door. Maggie and Bill, Shawn and Colin, Ray and Lance and Mark and Andy walked hand in hand down to the patient lounge. Shawn looked at Mark and said, “I don’t think anyone would have expected this to happen in a million years, do you?”

Mark looked over at Andy then back to Shawn and said, “No I didn’t but I’m sure glad it did. I get my brother back and a boyfriend all in the same day. It looks like he’s finally going to have a shot at happiness. I am just so happy at the way the whole thing turned out.”

Dr. Kramer explained to the Kelly’s what Roger needed to do with his medications and his meals. His medications needed to be taken four times a day with his meals.

Mrs. Kelly said, “I can set it up so he can heat up a snack or something in the microwave.”

Dr. Kramer said, “That should be fine or he can have anything else he likes. It doesn’t have to be a hot meal.”

Mr. Kelly said, “I would like to have a welcome home celebration for him tonight, would that be alright?”

Dr. Kramer said, “I don’t see why not. He pretty much knows what his limitations are so when he gets tired, he will go and rest. I will have his medications sent up to the floor. He should be ready to go in about fifteen or twenty minutes.”

The Kelly’s shook the doctor’s hand and Mrs. Kelly said, “Thank you doctor for everything.” They went to talk with their sons about the plans for this evening but when they got to the lounge, everyone was in there instead of the room.

Mark and Andy were sitting next to each other when he saw his parents come into the lounge. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly saw one son but wondered where the other was. They turned around and saw Roger and Randy heading towards the lounge holding hands and talking like they were long lost friends. When they came in Mr. Kelly said, “Today is a very special day for us. We get our oldest son back and learn a lot in the process. I can see they have friends who care about them for who they are and that is what it’s all about. Tonight we are having a welcome home celebration for Roger. We are also celebrating the fact that he has found a partner who is willing to enter into a relationship with him knowing he has AIDS. I would like all of you to be there and then Mark, you and Andy may go back to Shawn’s and enjoy your camp out. Roger, you may have Randy spend the night with you if he wants to.”

Dr. Kramer came into the lounge and handed Roger a paper bag and said, “Good luck Roger. I wish you nothing but the best. Remember, we’re here if you need anything and I’ll see you back for a check up in one month”

The Kelly and Maxwell clan’s headed out of the hospital. The kids were all holding hands and chattering up a storm about what the party was going to be like. Mark and Andy and Roger and Randy decided to ride with his parents so everyone else could fit with Mrs. Maxwell. On the way home, the kids started calling their parents and telling them about what had happened and what was going on.

When the Kelly’s pulled into their driveway there was a sign across the front of the house that said WELCOME HOME ROGER. Since the kids had called their parents by the time everyone was home, the party was ready and waiting on the guest of honor. Roger and Randy, Mark and Andy, Mr. and Mrs. Kelly went around into the back yard where they heard music playing. When they saw all their new friends everyone cheered and came over to greet the guest of honor.

Mr. and Mrs. Kelly met the parents of all the other children. After Mr. Kelly met everyone he asked for quiet and said, "I can’t begin to express my sincere thanks for all our new friends. Your children are to be commended on their maturity and sense of loyalty. Each one of them stands beside their friend and it reflects on the way their parents have raised them. I am proud that they consider my two sons their friends. We would like to tell you that we feel the same for each of you here. If there is anything we can do for you, please don’t hesitate to ask. Thank you all for this wonderful celebration tonight.”

The adults and children alike laughed, danced, hugged and joked until around 11 PM. The six campers told their respective parents they were going to the tent and were calling it a night. Before they left they made sure to give Roger and Randy a hug and kiss good night and said they would all see them later.

The boys went into the tent and closed the flap. Each went to their respective boyfriend and helped them get undressed. Then they talked about how nice it is to have Roger home. They all agreed that he and Randy would make great big brothers. After a few minutes, they all started yawning. They crawled into their beds and cuddled tightly with their boyfriends. They all said their good nights and Shawn said, “This has been a spring break none of us will soon forget.”

The End

Posted: 07/04/08