Three Texas Swimmers
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2021 by the author)
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Chapter 17
Back to School Again
The end of spring break didn’t affect our booming sex life very much, except to change the venue. With the parental pair back at the Carpenter residence, we couldn’t carry on there with the degree of freedom we had enjoyed over the break, but we still had our afternoon swimming and workout times at school, lasting until Coach Lane locked us in after everyone else had left. He gave us knowing looks that had us all convinced he knew exactly what we were up to.
Usually on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, one of us bottomed on a towel-covered bench in the locker room and typically on Tuesday and Thursday, we swapped BJs in the showers. Knowing what would be happening after school kept us all throwing boners frequently all day. We had to make a special effort to hang around other students a lot between classes and during the lunch hour just so we could avoid getting too obvious in our interactions with each other.
Since Prom was looming on our calendar, we paid special attention to our girls: Melody, Gretchen, and Cathy, sharing a table each day at lunch. Often we had double or triple dates on Saturdays, which was usually a movie if the night was cold or miniature golf if the night was warm. Sometimes we met in someone’s home and enjoyed free movies and snacks and, of course, some alone time for each couple. As the spring weather heated up, we tended to do more outside stuff, including afternoon bicycle rides, walks in the park, and tennis matches. It was obvious the girls loved our tennis dates since we guys went shirtless the whole time. Of course, we loved it, too, but tried hard not to be caught lusting after each other.
Getting Out of Town
One Saturday in April, we piled into the Hammonds’ gigantic Chevy Suburban and drove about 40 miles east of Lubbock to a roadside park called Silver Falls. This park opens beyond the roadside into a gully along the White River, a rather narrow little river that cuts eastward across the panhandle until it joins the Salt Fork of the Brazos, which subsequently combines with other forks to become the Brazos River, one of Texas’ major rivers, which empties into the Gulf of Mexico at Freeport, south of Houston. Silver Falls is a small waterfall maybe 10 or 12 feet high that brings the White River down from the Caprock, a flat tabletop area on which Lubbock and Amarillo sit. The falls empty into a pretty riparian area that’s only 20-30 feet wide in most places but is home to a good covering of alamos (Texans’ name for cottonwood trees). The Civilian Conservation Corp (or was it the WPA?) built rock steps down into the gully, added some pathways and a rudimentary bridge, and finished the development with some rock and concrete picnic tables and fire pits. The place is a bit romantic, if you can ignore the highway bridge built directly over the falls and the sporadic clop-clop of tires running across spacer bars. It’s a definite change of scenery for us Lubbock natives.
We took the girls to Silver Falls for a hamburger cookout to be followed with some twilight makeout time on widely separated blankets. We guys had determined we needed to be out of sight and sound of each other once we moved into the affectionate stage of the evening so we wouldn’t be distracted by lusting after each other. I’m sure that was a good strategy as it ranked as one of our most popular outings of the year, as voted by the girls on the way home.
This rather romantic/sexy evening also allowed Mike, Randy, and me to guage our own hetero-ness to see if our labels were more bi or gay. After we took all the girls home, we had a sleepover at Randy’s house to debrief after our big date. (I deliberately chose the word ‘debrief’ here because it has two relevant meanings for you horny readers!)
After we debriefed each other of our sexy undies and showered, we climbed into Randy’s queen-size bed and began the second debriefing.
Randy asked the $64 question: “How did you guys feel with the big makeout session?”
“I enjoyed it quite a lot,” I started. “I had to hold back a little from the heavy, and may I say wonderful, way you guys kiss. So it felt a little delicate, maybe, but it was fun. We went just a little further than before. I actually fondled her breasts – well, from outside her bra, but under her shirt. That’s a first. We wallowed around on the blanket together and I did get a boner, so that’s good news, I guess.”
“So,” Mike interjected, “you feel you’re bi?”
“I think so, but, you know, until I actually do it with a girl, I don’t think I’ll be sure.”
“Mike?” Randy asked.
“Cathy and I only started dating a couple of months ago, you know, and she’s a ‘good Christian’ girl and is barely 16, so we don’t have much history of making out. Mostly we lay on the blanket and watched the stars come out. They were truly beautiful from that dark place.”
“We noticed that, too,” I agreed.
“Yeah,” Randy added.
“We held hands a lot and kissed a few times, but not probing kisses, just chaste little pecks and stuff like that.”
“So, you didn’t do more out of respect for her, uhm, values?” I wondered.
“Maybe a little. But mostly, I really didn’t want to do more. In fact, I’d have been perfectly content to just lay there and enjoy the gorgeous night.”
“So, no hard-on?” Randy asked pointedly.
Mike smiled. “I did imagine for a moment that it was the three of us on that blanket and I began to plump up. But when Cathy started talking about something, that ended my fantasy and my dick shrivelled.”
“Hmm,” Randy said, “so your conclusion about your sexuality?”
Mike pondered the question for a moment. “I don’t think it was a definitive test. I did find out I’m not interested in Cathy ‘that way’ but I know I’m interested in you two ‘that way.’”
We all chuckled and I said, “Thank God!”
We started kissing and fondling, but I pulled away and said, “Hang on, guys, we don’t have a report from Randy yet.”
They reluctantly separated and Mike said, “So, buddy, what happened with you and Gretchen?”
Randy took a deep breath and began, “A lot like what Rick described, I think. We did go a bit further, though, as she let me open her shirt and later she took off her bra.”
“I played with her breasts for a while and eventually began kissing them. I wound up sucking them and she really liked that. She rubbed my boner through my shorts but made no move to pull it out, so that’s pretty much where it stopped.”
“So, you did get hard,” Mike summarized.
“Did you want to do more?” I asked.
“I was content with what we did but, yeah, if she had indicated a willingness, I might have done it.”
“So,” Mike said, “definitely bi?”
“Yeah, I think so. I mean, I like Gretchen a lot and can imagine spending my life with her, raising a family, you know?”
“Are you in love?”
“I’m not sure, Rick. Maybe. Probably. But it’s way too soon to do anything about that. I have to get my degree first.”
“Enough chat,” Mike said. “I need dick!”
Having stated his desire, Mike wasted no time in arranging Randy and me on our backs so he could alternate sucking our bisexual cocks until we each blasted a load into his mouth. Then, Randy and I took turns sucking him until he blew a couple of spurts in Randy’s mouth, one on my chin, and then the remainder in my mouth.
As we were falling asleep in each other’s arms, Mike in the middle, I thought this had been a really good day.
Senior Prom
Of course, the biggest event of the spring semester was Senior Prom, the first Saturday in May. For weeks before the big event there were numerous planning committees for the theme, decorations, music, blah-blah. Melody was on something like 3 committees, but as a true jock, I avoided it all. Everyone got involved in planning what they would wear which for my buds and me was just one trip to the tuxedo rental store. (How do you like my prom outfit?) We had long since determined who our dates would be so we didn’t have to go through any last-minute bullshit to score a date like some of the guys did.
had an unusual tradition that was a couple of decades old. Back near the end of
the previous century, there was a terrible accident after the prom for Monterrey
High School (another Lubbock school). The kids were drunk and the driver
managed to sail off an overpass and land 50 yards away against the side of a
Walmart. He and his date and the other guy were all killed. The lone survivor
was a girl who was rendered a quadriplegic. It was truly horrible, I’m sure,
and it resulted in Lubbock’s Mothers Against Drunk Driving becoming very big and
powerful in the city. Since that year, both Monterrey and Coronado families
have Prom Afterparties to keep us kids off the street. At Coronado, there are a
list of rules for the parents who host an afterparty. There can be no more than
12 kids at one house and there must be at least 4 adults there. The kids
surrender their car keys and cannot get them returned until 10:00 the next
morning. The parties are basically co-ed slumber parties with lots of
supervision. I think teen pregnancies are down as well as teen drinking, DUIs,
and car crashes, so it’s a good thing.
Mike and Randy and I were actually glad to have the afterparty because then there was no question about drinking and driving or about being in a situation where we were expected to “put out” for our dates.
You might remember that my penance for missing the Valentine’s Dance with Melody was to do something more romantic for her than the other guys did for their dates. The best I could come up with was a white stretch limo that included Randy and Gretchen, Mike and Cathy, Alfred and Lila, and, of course, us. The limo driver (a rakishly handsome 30-ish brunette with sexy stubble and tight pants showing off well-developed thighs and a provocative crotch calling himself Emil) took us to the Overton Hotel, where the Pecan Grill is one of the top restaurants in the city. Each of us guys spent around $100 for dinner, but they were excellent steak dinners with all the trimmings. It was fun and a little nerve-wracking to be acting like big city sophisticates in our tuxedos and evening gowns, but it’s a right-of-passage, I guess. Riding in the stretch limo allowed us to fantasize being rich like the Gossip Girl kids, although we weren’t drinking champagne from $50 flutes while we were chauffeured around. No way.
For the Prom dance, the cheer squad had really gone all-out to transform the school cafeteria into a passable version of an LA nightclub, complete with fake windows that had night views of city lights in them and a decent club band. One of the punch bowls got spiked, but otherwise the party was just kids dressed up and having fun. Of course, we danced to all the latest music except when we were sampling the punch or the girls were ‘powdering their noses’. Part of me enjoyed those 10-minute breaks from being Melody’s date more than the dancing. But part of me was happiest when we were ‘cutting a rug’, especially when Mike and Cathy or Randy and Gretchen were next to us. On multiple occasions, I found myself imagining that I was actually dancing with Randy while Melody was with Gretchen. That’s usually when I would sprout a bit of a chubby.
The Prom was every bit as wonderful as people’s fantasy except for one thing. Chrystal Montgomery (Coronado’s resident slut) and Jim Byerman (I mean, Asshole Jim Byerman) were named Prom Queen and King. I’m convinced she was elected because more of the guys had fucked her than, well, all the other girls combined, and A-hole won because he gets these impressive boners sometimes while wearing his singlet. It’s positively pornographic! How could decent kids like us compete against those ‘attributes’? Anyway, I managed to keep from losing my $40 steak and told Randy and Gretchen they were robbed.
They just smiled. Randy remarked, “In two months, no one will even remember.”
After the next dance, I sidled up to Randy and whispered in his ear, “Hey, buddy, I forgot. Who got Prom Queen?”
For my efforts at levity, I got a gigantic smile that set my heart aflutter. He blew me a kiss and turned around to Gretchen, who immediately wanted to know what I had said.
Officially, the Prom ended at midnight, so we had asked Emil to bring the limo back at 11:50. We found him third in line at the curb outside the cafeteria when we had collected everyone. Our short ride from Coronado to the Williams’ house took about 10 minutes during which we all seemed to be talking at once. But we had a great time.
At the Williams’ house, I walked Melody to the door, then returned to the limo while the others were getting out and trooping up the sidewalk. I gave Emil $200 as a tip for squiring us around, which he seemed quite pleased to receive. I wondered if I overtipped. Oh, well. I did enjoy the broad smile, slight nod, and vigorous handshake I received as a thank-you. He told me to be sure and ask for him if I needed a limo for graduation or another event. As I watched him drive away, I allowed myself a moment to fantasize thanking Emil in a more personal way. Then I turned and went into the chaos of the afterparty.
To be continued...
Posted: 05/28/2021