Three Texas Swimmers
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2021 by the author)
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Chapter 18
The Prom Afterparty
Mr. and Mrs. Williams agreed to host a party for Melody and her
friends, so I was obviously invited to that afterparty. After some discussions
and back-and-forth and a “no thanks” from two couples, the guest list evolved
into six couples:
· Melody Williams (band majorette) and Rick Griffith (me, you guys!)
· Gretchen Anderson (band majorette) and Randy Hammonds (swimmer hunk/stud/ my sex partner)
· Cathy Bellamy (cheer squad) and Mike Carpenter (Greek god in a Speedo – see picture Chapter 6 – and my other sex partner)
· Lila Morrow (cheerleader) and Alfred Thompson (hottie from the swimming relay team), pictured here
· Brenda Cormack (band member) and Alan Draper (hunky football defensive back)
· Coco Dennis (band majorette) and Paul Miller (football stud tight end – uh-huh!)
Having Gretchen and Randy, along with Coco and Paul, gave our afterparty “A” status, which we all thought was pretty cool. I like to think Melody and I added to the A-value, too. Joining Mr. and Mrs. Williams as chaperones were Mr. and Mrs. Anderson. I’d seen them before, but hadn’t been around them since I’d discovered the joy of dick. Handsome Mr. Anderson was about 6’3” of lean, blonde stud dressed in snug khaki Dockers that made him look like he had legs a mile long. Those legs were blessed with substantial thighs and attached to a beautiful “perky” bottom and a basket full of eggs and sausage! Fuck!
When Randy saw me fixate on Mr. Anderson’s hot body, he slithered over to me and whispered, “Down, boy!”
After some photos were made, the girls were sent to Melody’s room to change from their prom gowns while the guys were sent to the basement TV room to change out of our tuxes. Changing with Randy, Mike, Alfred, Alan, and Paul was fun and more than a little titillating, I must say. Randy, Mike, Alfred, and I had shared changing spaces many times before and had showered together after swimming practices and meets, but Alan and Paul were unknowns in that way since swimmers and football players generally didn’t cross paths in the locker room. Alan stood about my height, but outweighed me by 50 or 60 pounds, I guess. He didn’t have abs like the swimmers, but his leg muscles and arm muscles and chest were really impressive. Unfortunately, he didn’t change his underwear (white Calvin’s) so we could only get an approximate reading on his endowment, which didn’t seem overly impressive. Paul, on the other hand, was probably 6’3” and weighed in at 210 maybe. He had strong thighs, a delicious firm ass, good abs, firm pecs, and well-proportioned arms. And he was an uber-masculine brunette with piercing blue eyes. I cannot imagine anyone not finding him attractive. He was wearing yellow low-rise Jockey’s that presented a heavy set of cojones and a thick enchilada, even in its flaccid state. Paul was one yummy dude!
I managed to keep from outing myself while lusting after all the boys and in about 20 minutes we emerged from the underground sanctuary into the Williams’ den, where Mr. Williams and Mr. Anderson were watching an Australian football game on ESPN while the missuses were fixing non-alcoholic punch and setting out snacks. Mr. Williams is a very nice man who treats me pretty much like one of the family. Of course, I’ve been his daughter’s beau since 8th grade so we have spent a lot of time together over the years. He seems to like me, but even better, he actually trusts me with his daughter. And, good Baptist Sunday School teacher that he is, I think that is a pretty good testament to my character – or maybe to how well I cover up my faults? Anyhow, if he wasn’t 25 pounds overweight with thinning brown hair, he’d be kind of hot. But not like Mr. Anderson – hot damn!
The Gen-Z crowd joined the Gen-X men to watch the Aussies while we awaited our female companions, who, oddly enough, took another 20 minutes to join us. When they finally did, they all still looked beautiful in their special hairdos and stage makeup. They were all dressed in snug jeans with frilly tops carefully selected to bring out their eyes or hair color or accentuate their bosoms or small waists. It did almost look like Blake Lively, Leighton Meester, and their ‘bitches’ had waltzed into the room of one of their New York penthouses.
Almost instantly, the football game was history and a DVD of High School Musical was fired up for our enjoyment. We paired off to watch the movie as the adults yielded the sofas and handed out bowls of popcorn to each couple along with Cokes or glasses of punch. Melody and I took two barstools set up behind the sofa while Alfred and Lila took the other two. Everyone had seen the movie at least a couple of times in the almost ten years since it debuted, so we didn’t have to worry about the plot. That was nice because then we could just rag on the out-of-style clothing choices or the stupid and naïve things the kids would do or say. Of course, we were also free to exercise the more animalistic parts of our brain.
The girls all acted jealous of Gabriella (Vanessa Hudgens), Sharpay (Ashley Tisdale), and Taylor (Monique Coleman), while most of the guys were secretly undressing them in their perverted minds. I found myself quite drawn the trashy-looking Sharpay until I realized she reminded me of Chrystal Montgomery, which reminded me of Asshole Jim Byerman and spoiled my fun for a minute or so. I couldn’t stay bummed out for long because I found Troy (Zac Efron) so hot. (I know, how cliché, right? Every gay guy and every straight girl in America would do him in a heartbeat. I never claimed to be above the norm in my attractions.) Just to be equalitarian, I also found Chad (Corbin Bleu), the token Black guy, could set my juices flowing. And Ryan (Lucas Grabeel) helped keep me chubbified, too. Luckily, I had the popcorn bowl to hide beneath.
By the time the movie ended, it was nearly 2:30 in the morning. Mr. Williams was lightly snoring in his lounge chair, but Mr. Anderson had been grooving to the music during the movie, also distracting me on occasion. Frankly, everyone was exhausted, so the couples sort of wandered off for a few minutes of good-night kissing that was severely limited in both duration and passion thanks to the watchful eyes of Gen X. Within 15 or 20 minutes, the girls were all headed back upstairs to Melody’s room and the guys were all headed back downstairs (with Mr. Anderson and Mr. Williams) to our sleeping bags in the rec room. Mike, Randy, and I managed to score a corner section of the room just large enough for our 3 sleeping bags stretched out with about 6” between them. I giggled when I realized our dicks could reach across that little divide. No dick action on this night, but the 3 of us did manage chaste little good-night kisses after Mr. Williams killed the lights in the room.
The next morning started very late as we began waking up a little after 10. We smelled coffee, so Paul and I pulled on our clothes and went upstairs to see if we could score some hot java. Bless Mrs. Williams as she quickly sent us downstairs with 8 steaming mugs plus sugar and cream. That put all the testosterone-laden dudes in a much happier state. Guys cycled through the bathroom to pee. I did get a quick glimpse of Albert’s woody through his Calvin’s as he sprinted from his sleeping bag to the pissoir. That was rather exciting.
Eventually we emerged from our dungeon looking a little haggard, but mostly relaxed and in a good mood. Melody appeared for a quick good-morning-hug and a tray of coffee and then disappeared back upstairs. Mrs. Williams had the men-folk sit at the dining room table and she and Mrs. Anderson served us a hearty breakfast of bacon, sausage, cheesy scrambled eggs, hash browns, and waffles. Wow – what a spread! Best noon-time breakfast I ever ate! We stuffed ourselves until everyone was reared back in their chairs holding their stomachs in agony.
the huge meal, I had the chance to observe Mr. Anderson since we were on
opposite sides of the table. He looked fresh as a daisy after our late night.
Damn, I could really go for him. I think you can see why. I can’t imagine he
is over 30, but he must be nearly 40 to have a daughter the age of Gretchen. I
made a mental note to ask Randy if this gorgeous dude is really her biological
father, although they sure look a lot alike. I hope I hold up half as well as I
It was over an hour before the girls finally made an appearance, looking a bit tired with fancy hairdos gone to pot and only minimal makeup at this hour. As young gentlemen, we all gave up our seats at the table and served breakfast to our ladies. Even Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Williams joined the girls while Mr. Williams organized the guys to begin cleaning up the kitchen, which I am proud to say went pretty well.
After brunch the guys and gals started heading for home. Mr. Carpenter drove over to pick up Mike and Cathy along with Albert and Lila since they’d been delivered by the limo, just like Randy and Gretchen and Melody and I. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson ferried me home before dropping Randy off. I took one last look at Mr. Anderson as they drove away. I decided he could be Randy’s older brother. That idea planted a little incestuous fantasy in my mind, forcing me to go to my room “to take a nap,” I told Mom. I did do that, but only after doing something rare for me these days: I whipped out a big load in the shower as I imagined Mr. Anderson fucking Randy and then me. Whoa, that was a hot hot image!
Our Last Weeks at Coronado High School
After the Prom, an aura of seriousness descended over the kids at school. Those who were on the academic edge realized they could procrastinate no longer and began studying with a fiendish determination to pass. Those who were more dedicated students all the time still felt the need to double-down on their efforts so they could boost their GPA through brilliant performance on their major projects, term papers, and final exams.
Nevertheless, my boys and I kept up our late afternoon swimming and workout sessions followed by BJs or outstanding locker room fucks. One afternoon a couple of weeks before finals, Mike was kneeling on all fours on a bench in the back of the locker room with him feeding on my turgid cock while Randy plowed his ass. In the middle of our ecstatic moaning, I noticed a shadow move across the room at the end of the row of lockers. Immediately I glanced up into the rapt face of none other than Coach Lane, who had supposedly left the building a half hour earlier. I wasn’t frightened by his unexpected presence, so I did not alert my buddies to the intrusion in our privacy. Coach was fondling himself through his coach’s shorts and thoroughly fixated on Randy’s flexing buttocks as he pounded our buddy. I wondered if he might join us, so I watched him closely to see what he would do. After a couple of minutes, he noticed me watching him. At first, he looked embarrassed to be caught, but then he smiled at me, nodded his head, and turned away. A few moments later, I heard the faint click of the outside door as he pulled it closed behind him.
When Randy had seeded Mike’s posterior, Mike had shot onto his chest and abs, and I had added my contribution to Mike’s squishy ass, I decided to tell them what I’d seen. As we dressed, I related the sudden appearance and disappearance of the beautiful Coach Lane.
“Really?” Mike asked.
“No joke,” I assured them. “He wasn’t surprised or upset. In fact, he was obviously turned on by Randy’s butt, but who isn’t, right, Mike?”
“Amen to that!” Mike laughed.
The following afternoon, we were going through our routines in the school’s workout room when the last bell rang. About 10 minutes later, Coach Lane stuck his head into the room just as he always did.
“I’m headed home, guys. See you tomorrow.”
“Coach?” Mike set down his barbell and faced the beautiful man.
“Yes, Mike?” He stepped into the room and allowed the door to self-close behind him.
“Uhm, Rick told us he saw you yesterday.”
Coach didn’t seem threatened by that statement. “Yeah?”
“We just want you to know we would all like it if you choose to join us.”
I knew Mike was the more forward of us. After all, he is largely responsible for getting us all involved in this wonderful new world we have. However, this directness with Coach surprised me.
While Coach hesitated, Randy spoke up. “Mike’s right, sir. We all think you’re hot!”
Jiminy! Randy is getting quite out there, too! Suddenly I realized I ought to say something.
“Yes, Coach,” I added, “we hope you will join us.”
Unconsciously, his hand dropped to his crotch and touched his now expanding cock. He gave it a slight tug and looked to be in deep thought. He didn’t seem offended or angry, just concentrating on his thoughts. Everyone was silent while he decided how to respond to our group assertiveness.
Finally, he looked each of us directly in the eye for a second or two. “Gentlemen, I am quite flattered by this very intriguing invitation. I would be lying if I said I am not interested. You are three superb specimens of youthful manhood and I like you all, too.” He paused to breathe. “But it would not be appropriate for me to, uhm, enter into such a relationship with you.”
“We’re all over 18,” Mike pointed out.
Coach grinned. I think he was starting to relax and get into the situation a bit more. “That would prevent some legal problems, no doubt. But, as long as you are students at Coronado, it would be highly unethical for us to be … intimate.”
“We graduate soon,” I said almost without thinking. Fuck, now I was getting aggressive.
He laughed. In fact, we all did. It seemed to break the tension that had slowly built during the conversation.
For a few seconds, Coach stared at us with affection in his eyes, I thought. Then he smiled warmly. “Good night, gentlemen. Be sure the door is locked when you leave.”
With that, he turned, opened the door and walked out as we called out our goodbyes.
We had spectacular orgasms in the shower a few minutes later!
To be continued...
Posted: 05/28/2021