Three Texas Swimmers
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2021 by the author)
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Chapter 16
Our Spring Break
The morning after we all lost our virginity to each other, we woke up exceedingly horny, but with sore asses. We opted for quick BJ’s all around and then half an hour in the hot tub before breakfast. The hot tub decreased my residual pain from about a 5 to a 2. We ate cold cereal at the breakfast bar standing up and enjoyed the hot coffee chasers.
Over a second cup of coffee, Mike enquired, “So, how are you guys feeling about last night?”
Randy and I looked quizzically at each other and I sensed he wanted me to go first.
“I’m very, very surprised at, uhm, how much I loved ‘doing’ both of you. It was amazing and I think it made me love you both a lot more.” I smiled at my friends. “I’m even more shocked – completely blown away – that I also really enjoyed, uhm, bottoming for you guys. I never expected to like that. No way! There was pain as I expected, but it was the amazing pleasure after the pain dissipated that shocks me. Oh, my god!”
Randy nodded along with me. “I feel exactly the same,” he added. “I could never quite understand the big fuss everyone makes of having sex, any kind of sex. You know, the feeling you get by masturbating is wonderful, but not quite as spectacular, at least to me, as how guys make sex sound. Ever since we started with our fooling around, but especially the blowjobs, I’ve found being with you guys and sharing that, uh, intimacy has been wonderful. But fucking makes BJ’s kind of second rate to me.”
Mike laughed. “Thank God! I was praying you would both like it. I honestly don’t see how anyone wouldn’t like it, but what do I know?”
“I hear you!” I said.
“So,” Mike spoke very seriously, “I take it you’re both willing to continue fucking?”
“Oh, yes!” I said enthusiastically.
“Sure,” Randy said in more subdues tones. “But I do think we need to pace ourselves so our asses don’t get too sore or, uh, how to say it? Too stretched out?”
Taking note of my sore hole, which seemed back up to pain level 3, I agreed with Randy. “Yeah, I wouldn’t want to do it again today. I don’t know about tomorrow because I don’t know how long this burning sensation will last.”
“Yeah,” Mike nodded. “We’ll just see when we’re ready again. I’ll bet it will be less painful next time.”
“That would be nice,” I said.
“You know,” Mike went on, “I’m wondering about my sexuality now.”
“How so?” Randy asked.
“I’ve been attracted to guys for years already. This experience sort of confirms that this is a natural sexual outlet for me. I’m sure I’m either bisexual or gay.”
“Maybe we all are,” Randy said.
I nodded in agreement. “I can’t imagine living with another guy for the rest of my life. I still sort of see myself with a wife and a couple of kids, but,” I shook my head, “I don’t think I could pretend this wasn’t so exciting and comfortable. Being with you guys, I mean.”
Mike patted my shoulder. “Let’s just go with ‘bi’ for now. That leaves all the possibilities on the table.”
“See how it plays out,” I added.
“I, for one, am glad we allowed ourselves this opportunity to experiment.” Randy hugged us both.
He and I went home a little later, but returned the next afternoon. We worked out in Mike’s home gym, showered (always sexy fun with these two!), took some sexy photos, polished off a chicken casserole Randy’s mom made for us, and sat in the hot tub again. I still had a bit of residual pain (about a 1.5) and Mike said he did, too.
When I look at either the blond beauty of Randy or the darker sultriness of Mike, I find my whole body seems to respond. I get hot inside, my stomach flips, my breathing gets rapid, and my palms sweat. But it overwhelms my senses and I cannot stop it. The good news is they seem to look at me the same way.
I’m not sure exactly what we’ve created for ourselves, but it’s completely involving even if it might be a bit dangerous. I don’t think any of us could stop it right now if we tried to do so. I have to admit I’m glad we all seem to be on the same page here.
After dinner, we watched a couple of episodes of Teen Wolf, with its bevy of young male beauty from Scott (Tyler Posey), Jackson (Colton Haynes), Theo (Cody Christian) to the slightly older Deputy Parrish (Ryan Kelley) and Derek (Tyler Hoechlin). Of course, we especially enjoyed the relationship between Ethan (played by the gorgeous gay twin Charlie Carver) and the super-buff and sexy Danny (played by Keahu Kahuanui).
a couple of hours of ogling those gorgeous boys, we were all stirred up and
enjoyed an especially long and loving series of blowjobs in which we all tasted
each other’s love nectar a couple of times.
Two days later, we got together again. This time, we went for a long run at MacKenzie Park and watched the prairie dogs as we cooled down. We had brought the fixins for a wiener roast, which we enjoyed at the picnic area. When we got home, we were ready to shower and watch some more Teen Wolf. That show got us as hyped up as an hour on PornHub would’ve and we were ready for some serious sexy time after that. Everyone seemed in the mood for fucking but we decided we should not overdo it. We decided to rotate who bottoms so we could fuck more often instead of everyone bottoming the same night. The coin flip worked well to assign the beds at the state swim meet, so we flipped to make this decision. Odd man would be tonight’s bottom. So, our quarters were tossed and Randy got heads while Mike and I got tails.
When we realized the results, Randy whooped and cried, “I won!”
“It’s nice to have an enthusiastic bottom, huh, Rick?” Mike asked with a chuckle.
Randy took an enema while Mike and I lay in bed chatting and lightly playing with each other’s erections. We were learning how much we could do and still avoid any orgasms.
When Randy came to us, we spent a long time kissing each other, tonguing Randy’s hole, rubbing, caressing, tweaking, stroking, and fondling before Mike and I finally lubed up Randy’s spotless anus and my dick. We had agreed I would go first as I’m not as wide as Mike. That did seem to make the penetrations go easier. In fact, Randy seemed to have only a moment of pain when I opened his ass with my cock and only another moment when Mike’s monster stretched him even more.
I took my time and plowed Randy doggie style, then missionary style, and then flat on his belly with his bubble butt sticking up to meet me. I worked him well to the sounds of his pleasure moans and whimpers until I finally popped my nut and flooded his interior with my finest juice, accompanied by my shouts of excitement and ecstasy.
Mike wasted no time taking up the vacancy in Randy’s posterior love canal and fucking him gently and passionately for quite a while, first in the face-down position where I had left him, then by having Randy ride him, then doggie style, and finally with Randy on his back. When Mike was almost ready to shoot and Randy was wailing, leaking precum continuously, and shuddering, Mike told me to “suck him off.”
Of course, I was happy to oblige. I think the blond bottom boy lasted about 15 seconds in my throat before screaming, becoming stiff all over, and shooting thick jets of creamy spunk into my gullet. The internal squeezing Randy gave Mike’s pumping cock was enough to take him over the edge, too, and he was soon filling up Randy’s bowels with extra love juice. A few tugs on my hard-on brought me to the brink and I shot all over Randy’s face, getting a couple of shots into his welcoming mouth but spreading the rest of my gift on his chin, nose, forehead, and cheeks. When I was done, seeing my jizz dripping off his face almost got me going again.
Two nights later was my turn to bottom and I remembered why I had been so amazed the first time. My orgasm that night, after taking both Randy and Mike for a total of over 45 minutes, was so hard and long, I was certain it was the biggest load I’d ever shot. The sensations were the strongest I’d experienced yet. And the pain was only a third as bad as it had been my first time. I was liking this a lot – a whole lot!
Two nights later we finished our private Spring Break when the two blondes pounded the Greek god until he was incoherent and screaming “Yes” at the top of his voice as his massive cock spewed his seed all over his torso and Randy’s face.
What fun we were having! But, I had to admit to myself that it was a lot more than ‘fun.’ Our unexpected sexual connection had altered our lives tremendously. It had changed our friendships by adding a whole new dimension to them. I was beginning to have difficulty separating my friendship with Randy from my friendship with Mike. Instead of being three two-somes, we had become one three-some with a loving kindness, acceptance, and mutual excitement that included all of us at once. We were definitely more than friends now. We were lovers, all together in one relationship. But we were not partners since we had no strings on each other and no joint plans for the future, except that Mike and I had begun talking about being roommates when we became students at Tech. Unfortunately, Randy’s commitment to move to Austin to attend UT kept that plan from being a threesome.
To be continued...
Posted: 05/21/2021