Three Texas Swimmers
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2021 by the author)
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Chapter 5
Back Home
I tried to reach Melody again when I got home, but still went to voicemail. “Hey, Melody, uhm, I’m home now. I’ll call you tomorrow afternoon.” I clicked off and checked the time. 9:54. Where the hell is she? I wondered.
I stripped off and was just heading into the shower when my phone buzzed. Thinking it would be Melody, I grabbed it from the bed, but it was Randy instead.
RANDY: Hey dude.
ME: Hey back.
RANDY: Can’t get an answer from Gretch. Mom says at movies with Melody.
ME: Can’t get Mel. Didn’t know why.
RANDY: Whaddaya think about Saturday?
So far I had succeeded in not thinking about Mike’s crazy plans at all. So, Randy wants to know. What I think is I don’t know what I think.
ME: Donno. U?
Why am I playing with my nuts?
RANDY: After our first night in Austin, I’m curious about other things. U know?
ME: Yep
RANDY: You are 2. I know. Admit it.
Fuck, he’s totally right. I almost can’t think of anything except how sexy certain guys look, like Coach, Jim Byerman, the random guy in the motel pool, and Mike and Randy. I’m getting a chubby just thinking about it. Shit.
ME: Just curious.
RANDY: It will all be good.
ME: Promise?
RANDY: Of course!
ME: See ya Monday
RANDY: First Period. No early swim.
ME: 😊
RANDY: I’m gonna miss sleeping with you tonight! 😉
ME: Shut up! G’Night!
RANDY: Nighty Night
Moments later, I headed in to shower. With warm water gently massaging my body, I tried to just relax. I was soon enjoying an unhurried stroke of my very horny penis. It had been 3 days since I’d gotten off with the guys in the motel room, after all. That’s an eternity to an 18-year-old. After a minute or two, I stopped myself. I wanted to take more time than a quickie in the shower. I soaped and rinsed and got out, toweling myself dry.
I dropped the towel at the side of the bed, whipped the covers back to get to the sheets, and flopped onto my back. I rubbed both hands across my pecs, tweaked my nipples to get them excited, and drew my fingertips down the sides of my abdomen, then rubbed the hard blocks of muscle in my belly. Finding my drippy cock was not at all difficult. I was still mostly hard from the shower and erotic thoughts I’d been having all day. My mind wandered into Fantasyland.
At first I was making out with Melody and even pulling her blouse off to feel her 34’s (or whatever). I was doing well with my breathing getting a little labored and my balls starting to churn in preparation for a big dump … when, all of a sudden, a guy’s voice calls out for Melody. She quits kissing me and looks toward the voice. I do, too, and it’s fucking Jim Byerman. I feel my hard-on start to fade. Melody looks at me, smiles, and moves away, taking Jim’s hand and starting to walk away with him.
I stop stroking in shock and frustration.
“It’s okay, stud, I’m here.” I look up and Mike walks into the room in his red Aussie Bum bikinis, looking like a fucking model. His smile is fabulous and he reaches me in a second. He reaches out and my hand around my dick becomes his hand with its thick fingers grasping my aching dick. While Mike is giving my dick the handjob of a lifetime, Randy appears kneeling on the bed beside me. He points his beautiful dick toward me and I cannot refrain from taking it in my hand and treating it as well as Mike is treating my big throbber.
Only about a minute goes by before I feel my balls snap up to my torso and the burning fluid starts to race through my dick. We all cry out as the cum blasts out of my dick at the same moment Randy’s dick starts erupting, too. His hot cum hits my face and my chest in a bunch of heavy splats and then we stop shooting.
I have a minute of brain shut-down as my hand falls away from Randy’s beautiful dick and Mike lets go of my dick. I don’t know how much time passes before I become conscious again. When I do, I realize the cool cum on my face and chest is mine, not Randy’s. It was only my hand on my dick the whole time. No other hands or dicks were present during my fantasy.
I grabbed my towel off the floor where I had left it and wiped up a phenomenal load. I tossed it back to the floor and rolled over. As my arms went around a pillow and my brain began to shut down, the face of Coach Lane materialized and, in a most snarky voice, he whispered, “So, you will celebrate with Randy and Mike.”
Shit, shit, shit!
I spent the bulk of Sunday studying to make up for being out of town for 4 days. I called Melody as I had promised, but she only talked for a couple of minutes because she was helping her mother give her grandmother a permanent. Sigh.
Back at Coronado
was a great day at school. Even as losers, we were still treated as conquering
heroes just because we went to State. They had a big banner across the wall in
the cafeteria proclaiming, “Mustang Champion Swimmers, 2015.” My back was
clapped a thousand times by guys and I got a hug from every girl I saw. Even
Mrs. Langley hugged me as I went into World History class. It was like falling
head-first into a waterbed. Eww!
Melody seemed glad to see me when I caught up with her between 1st and 2nd periods.
“Oh, the school hero!” she said with a chuckle. I couldn’t help but wonder if she was just teasing or if there was a hint of sarcasm in her voice.
“Just a returning warrior,” I said, ignoring my discomfort.
“Congratulations!” she said, smiling. She pulled my head down and gave me a quick peck on the lips, which calmed my nerves a little. “Gotta run,” she said. “I have to talk with Lila before Civics.”
“Okay,” I mumbled to her back.
I had Calculus and Physics and then, finally, lunch. As I came through the chow line, Mike spotted me. He had already cleared the cashier with his tray, but came up behind me in the line. “Hey, Rick.”
“Hey, Mike.”
“Bring your lunch to the patio.”
One of Mike’s invitations that are delivered as a statement.
I found Mike and Randy sitting at a table on the edge of the patio enjoying the warmth of the midday sun.
“Morning,” Randy smiled as he chewed his soybean steak.
“Hi,” I returned his smile. He was looking good in a royal blue Polo shirt that clung to his pecs. Without thinking, I blurted out, “That color really brings out your eyes.”
Mike tittered, Randy blushed, and I blushed more. “Thanks,” he muttered. “My mom loves me in this color.”
We talked about stupid stuff until we were done eating. Then Mike leaned into the center of the table like he was about to share the secrets of the universe. Randy and I leaned in, too. “Be at my house Saturday at 3:00.”
“Why so early?” Randy wondered.
“We’re going to work out, swim, and then take some pictures.”
“What kind of pictures?” I asked skeptically.
“Uhm, sexy ones.”
“I don’t know,” I said.
“Not nasty ones. Just, you know, shirtless and in our underwear.”
Randy grinned. “That sounds interesting. What are you going to do with these pictures?”
“Just share them with you.”
“No posting on the internet!” I demanded, my voice a bit louder.
“Oh, no. Wouldn’t want to mess up your political career.” He and Randy giggled.
“Just checking. They aren’t for the yearbook either.”
“Nah. Ms. Burford would have a cow if something this sexy appeared in the yearbook. I need her recommendation for journalism school, so no messing with the yearbook. Promise.”
Randy and I must have still looked as if we needed convincing. “Look guys, I just need a little photography practice and I thought it would be fun. After all, you guys are two of the hottest guys at Coronado, so we ought to document it before you grow old and ugly.”
Randy laughed. “We can’t help growing old, but I’m sure as hell not growing ugly!”
Looking across the table at my friend, I certainly believed he would never grow ugly.
“So, work out as much as you can this week. Bring several of your sexy briefs and your smallest swim trunks. And be there at 3.”
“Okay,” Randy said.
They looked at me. Peer pressure, anyone? “Sure,” I said, wondering how I would work it out with Melody.
Tuesday evening, I took Melody out to BJ’s Brewhouse for dinner, which was quite pleasant. I asked her about going to a movie on Friday night. We checked Fandango on my phone to see what our options were. I wanted most to see Kingsman: The Secret Service, which looked like a decent action flick. She wanted to see the romantic comedy Accidental Love with James Marsden and Jessica Biel. I think she really wanted to see James Marsden, but that was okay since I would get to see Jessica Biel. Laughingly, I suggested Fifty Shades of Grey, noting it is both romantic and action. She said she had no interest in that kind of action. So, we compromised on Accidental Love.
When I took Melody home, we had our usual make-out session in the car lasting between five and ten minutes. The kissing was nice, but limited in the front seat of Mom’s Honda Accord. Still, it was pleasant to have the closeness with another human being, something I didn’t seem to get a lot of in my normal life.
I worked out as hard as I could and tried to avoid high-calorie foods all week so I wouldn’t be embarrassed by Mike’s photos. With the swimming season finished, I used the early mornings as a good time in the gym. I could actually tell some difference by the end of the week.
I like Melody and I like how she treats me, but I’m realizing more and more that some sort of spark is missing. She’s been rather tight-lipped about last weekend’s Valentine’s Day dance. I asked her who she danced with and she said, “Oh, the girls.”
“No boys? All evening?”
“Well, a couple, I guess.”
Was she hiding something from me? “Like …?”
“Nobody important.” Stonewalling me for sure!
Finally, I asked Mike if his spies had divulged any information about who she hung out with at the dance.
“Uhm, yeah,” he said. “My sister Marianne remembered Melody talking to Alan Draper for a while. They even danced a little.”
“Shit! I hope they didn’t dance too close.”
Mike laughed. “Relax, Buddy. Dancing with Alan didn’t mean anything, did it?” Not waiting for an answer, Mike continued, “Aaron also mentioned Alan and he said Melody and Gretchen were dancing in a sort of blur with Jim Byerman and Peter Halston.”
“Fuck!” Jim Byerman! That beautiful asshole!
“Don’t get your panties in a twist, Rick! She left with Gretchen and Lila.”
“But did she meet up with Jim later?”
“I don’t think so. Several of my sources say he and Peter and a couple of other football jocks wound up out at the lake with Crystal and a sexy good time was had by all.”
“I hope they sprayed her twat with Lysol before they got busy,” I snarked.
Mike laughed so hard at that I thought he might throw his back out of joint.
So, when we went to see Accidental Love on Friday night, I was still a little pissed at Melody for being with Alan and Jim and Peter and God knows who else at the dance. As I’d expected, Melody was enamored with James Marsden. As I had not expected, I was much more interested in watching James Marsden than Jessica Biel onscreen. He certainly looked quite handsome throughout. That realization had me a little distracted, but I tried to ignore it as much as possible. I found it challenging to keep a good conversation going without making some snide remark about how much fun she had the previous Saturday. I knew she was not having a great time right then with me, but, then, I wasn’t either.
Later, over malts, I found out Lila had organized 7 girls to see Fifty Shades of Grey on Saturday night. Perfect, I thought. The group was Gretchen (no surprise since Randy would be with Mike and me), Lila, Brenda Cormack, Coco Dennis, Teresa Marquez, and Tallie Jefferson as well as Melody. I didn’t say anything, but I did think it a little hypocritical that she would see that movie with her girlfriends, but not with me.
As we said good-night at her door (without our typical make-out session), I told her I would call the next day. We didn’t dawdle at the door. I think we were both ready to be done with this particular date.
Relationships with girls are so complicated. I wonder if a relationship with a boy would be easier?
As I was driving home, I realized I was at least ten times more excited about whatever Mike had planned for Randy and me than I had been about the movie date with Melody. I decided not to try to figure out what that meant.
To be continued...
Posted: 04/16/2021