Three Texas Swimmers
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2021 by the author)
The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's
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Chapter 6
I spent Saturday morning doing my calculus and physics homework so I didn’t have to worry about it over the rest of the weekend. I got everything done except some reading for English lit that I planned to do Sunday evening. I called Melody after lunch to try to keep communications open with her. Frankly, our date the previous evening had been okay, but I had felt slightly distracted as had been rather common ever since the trip to Austin and, frankly, a bit irritated when I found out about the movie choice the girls had made, especially since it came on the heels of the dance she went to without me. I tried to be light, entertaining, and exciting, like a good boyfriend ought to be. I knew our relationship would end with graduation but wanted to make our last few months at Coronado as special as I could. After all, there was prom coming up in mid-April and all the parties and stuff around graduation. Now was not the time to let a good dating relationship collapse out of, what, boredom?
Melody and I were able to have a fun conversation for about half an hour until she announced she had to get ready to go shopping with Lila before they collected everyone for girls’ night at the movies. I told her I hoped Fifty Shades was really good and rang off.
After that I napped for a little over an hour, then packed my duffel for the overnight at Mike’s. I took my toothbrush and deodorant, my tightest khaki shorts, an old Taylor Swift tour tee, a pair of fresh tennis socks, my Speedo, and 5 pairs of my sexy underwear, as instructed by my host. I put on a jock since we were supposed to work out, topped it with my blue compression shorts and a loose white tank. The day was gorgeous and sunny with unusually high temperatures for late February in the Panhandle.
Celebrating with my Buds
At 2:45, I hopped into the Accord to drive to the Hammonds’ to pick up Randy and head over to the Carpenters’ house for our celebration, whatever it turned out to be.
I hadn’t beat off since Wednesday night. I wasn’t sure exactly why. I was nervous as I turned onto Nashville Avenue to find Randy’s house. Who knew what tonight would bring?
I picked up Randy with his similar duffel and we arrived a few minutes later at the Carpenter house on 83rd Street. The house is a typical upper middle class, early 2000’s brick ranch with a 3-car garage and xeriscaping in the front. The trees are obviously only about as old as we are.
Mike’s mother answered the doorbell and ushered us inside. She is a beautiful woman who makes me think Italian or Spanish, but I could be completely wrong. She sent us into the basement to change into our swimsuits because Mike was out by the pool. Randy and I quickly changed, grabbed towels, and climbed the back stairs. Following Randy in his lime green trunks reminded me of how much I admire this man’s body. Shit, I couldn’t look anywhere but at his firm, flexing ass as we took the stairs.
came into the kitchen and started across the room to go out the sliders onto the
patio but Mrs. Carpenter stopped us long enough to hand us each a cold canned
Coke as we passed.
Mike greeted us with a smile and a handshake. Shit, he looked awesome in his itsy bitsy pale blue swimsuit that showed even more than our regulation school Speedo’s. Is that the shadow of his pubes I can see at the top of the suit? Holy moly, this guy is hot! Zac Efron, Ryan Reynolds, Tim Daley, or the guys from Teen Wolf have nothing on our boy Mike!
“You’ve been working out, dude!” I said, betraying my wandering eye, no doubt.
Mike wiggled his eyebrows at me. “Thanks for noticing, handsome! You’re looking hot as blazes yourself.”
“Before you guys start sucking each other’s dicks,” Randy smirked, “don’t forget Mrs. Carpenter can see us.”
Mike smiled his sexiest smile. “We’ve got all night without any parental eyes.”
No! My dick did not just twitch! Fuck! It did.
Getting a bit more serious, Mike said, “The pool is way too cool, only 71o today, but the hot tub will be wonderful a little later. We can catch a few rays before we go downstairs and shower.”
“Sure,” Randy agreed.
“Pull up a chaise,” Mike invited.
The three of us spent the next hour working on a late-winter tan that felt awesome in the 75o sunshine. We didn’t talk much, just enjoyed being lazy after weeks of long hours in classrooms and pools. Of course, as he is prone to do, Mike snapped a few photos of Randy and me and Randy snapped that one of him looking luscious. Rather suddenly the sun went below the top of the block wall separating the Carpenters from their next-door neighbors.
“I guess that’s about it for sunbathing today,” Randy observed.
We gathered up and went inside, where we were met by Mrs. Carpenter in the kitchen and a wonderful aroma coming from the general vicinity of the stove. “I hope you all like spaghetti,” she smiled, “as I am making a big pot.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Randy nodded. “I love spaghetti.”
“Me, too,” I added truthfully.
“Dinner at 7, then,” she said. “Maybe you can shower and put on some more clothes by then, Mike?”
He grinned. “Of course, Ma. We’re going to work out for a bit first.”
Mike has a decent gym in the basement, where he also sleeps and hangs out a lot. Like most homes in Lubbock, the basement is mostly intended as a tornado shelter, but serves other purposes generally. It’s a cool space and will certainly give us privacy from the parents and his sister for whatever celebration activities Mike envisions.
When we changed into workout clothes, there was no coyness or going into the bathroom to hide our nakedness from each other. After all, we’d shared a room for 3 days in Austin and even had a circle jerk together. Why do you need to hide your soft dick from someone who has seen you hard, stroking, and shooting?
We worked out hard for about an hour, occasionally spotting one another or helping with stretches. We’d worked out a little together at the school gym, but we did have a lot of fun coordinating and talking as we stretched our muscles to their limits.
At about 6:30 we stopped our workout so we could get showered and dressed for dinner. I could smell Mrs. Carpenter’s spaghetti sauce all the way down into the basement and it was making my stomach growl menacingly.
Mike’s walk-in shower was big enough for all of us, although it only had one spigot, so we rotated around into and out of the water spray as we soaped up and rinsed off. Generally, we all focused on our own bodies, except for washing each other’s backs. I flinched a bit when Randy started soaping my butt, but then I must admit I really enjoyed fondling, I mean washing, Mike’s firm ass melons. He giggled at me and acknowledged my touch with a butt-wiggle and a soft moan. Luckily, I was able to finish and get out of the shower before my little chubby became an out-of-control big chubby. I was grateful to notice that all the dicks were a little larger when we finished than they were when we started our showers. At least no one can criticize anyone else.
We threw our clothes on and trooped up the stairs into the kitchen just before 7:00. Mrs. Carpenter was still working in the kitchen, so Mr. Carpenter hauled us into the den where he made us Club sodas on ice while he had a Scotch and soda on the rocks. He talked with us about how proud they all are for how well the swim team had done this year and asked about our plans for after graduation.
Randy mentioned that he was planning on either Biology or Microbiology at UT as a prelude to med school later. That seemed to really impress Mr. Carpenter, who is head of the pharmacy at the Texas Tech Med School. The two of them talked for a few minutes about the quality of that school and Mr. Carpenter assured Randy he would help him get into Tech if he wanted when the time came for med school. When he asked why Randy was going to UT, Randy mentioned the swimming scholarship he had been awarded at the State meet, which also impressed Mr. Carpenter.
Finally, Mike’s father turned to me and asked about my plans. When I shared that I’m planning on entering Tech in the fall to pursue Public Relations, he mentioned that he thought there would be a high demand for that field in the future with so many tough issues hitting the press and bringing down important people. “You’ll need to learn how to defuse a scandal for your client, I guess.”
“He’ll have to learn to lie well,” Mike observed.
We all chuckled just as Mrs. Carpenter called us to dinner.
Dinner was yummy and the conversation was enjoyable. Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter are very nice adults and are always fun to be around. We talked a bit about current affairs and world affairs and I realized there are layers to many issues and connections between issues that are not always obvious.
We talked about school activities such as the Prom, scheduled for mid-April. Mrs. Carpenter wanted to know all about who we were taking and was not surprised that Randy would take Gretchen and I would take Melody. Randy asked Mike who he would take and he told us he’d be taking Cathy Bellamy, a pretty sophomore cheerleader. They had not been dating but he had taken her to the movies the previous night as their first date. His mother smiled broadly and said Cathy goes to the same Methodist church they attend. Obviously, she approved.
After a while, dinner was finished and we helped clear the table and get the dishes into the dishwasher while Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter went upstairs to freshen up before going out for the evening. They came down again before we had finished tidying up in the kitchen.
“Mike!” Mr. Carpenter called out from the den.
“We’re leaving now. Don’t disturb the neighbors,” he teased.
“Yes, sir.” Mike chuckled.
“Don’t forget your dessert in the fridge,” Mrs. Carpenter called out.
“Thanks, Mom!”
“We’ll see you at breakfast,” she added.
“Have fun!” Mike called.
“Goodnight, boys,” Mr. Carpenter said.
A chorus of goodnights ended with the closing of the front door.
Mile turned back to us and said, “They play pinochle a lot with the Clarks a couple of doors down.”
“Where’s your sister tonight?” I asked.
“A slumber party that couldn’t have been timed better,” Mike answered.
We completed our K.P. duties and headed downstairs. My anxiety increased with each step down into the basement as I wondered what was going to transpire over the next few hours.
“Okay, dudes,” Mike said as if making a big announcement, “we’re going to have a very special celebration of your success at State.”
“Wait,” Randy interrupted. “You were successful, too.”
“Yeah,” I chimed in. “Just getting to State is a big success.”
Mike smiled at us. “You’re right.” He bowed his head slightly. “We’ll celebrate all our success this season.”
“Uhm, how?” I wondered aloud.
“Oh, several fun ways,” Mike answered mysteriously. “Just relax and go with the flow. I promise you’ll be glad you did. Okay?”
“Well…” I mumbled.
“You do trust me, don’t you?” Mike asked as he locked eyes with me.
“We do,” Randy affirmed and I looked at him. “Don’t we, Rick?”
I looked between Randy and Mike for a moment. “Yeah.” I took a deep breath as I realized I might be committing to something I wasn’t sure I was ready for. “But, look, guys, I don’t want to get a reputation for something based on a one-time thing, you know?”
“Of course!” Mike nodded.
“Look,” Randy said. “A vow. Everything that happens here is forever locked in our minds.” He held his right hand out, palm down.
“Absolutely!” Mike nodded, placing his palm over the back of Randy’s hand. Both of my friends looked questioningly at me.
“If one of us tells others, what happens?” I asked.
They looked at each other. Randy spoke. “The other two unite and deny everything while pointing the finger at the one who talked.”
“Yeah,” Mike added with a twinkle in his eye. “We say he gave us blowjobs without wanting anything in return.”
This comment put sex on the table, so to speak, and made me nervous and excited while also helping me feel a little more secure in whatever we might do.
“Deal.” I put my hand atop Mike’s and we did that three shakes and break the grip thing.
When we backed apart a step, Mike grinned and ordered, “Strip! I want to see your underwear!”
To be continued...
Posted: 04/16/2021