Three Texas Swimmers
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2021 by the author)
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Chapter 4
State Championship Finals
The finals started early on Saturday morning. My family and Randy’s mother and father were there to cheer us on, as were John Wells’ parents and grandparents and Kelly Rodriguez’ widowed mother, who had ridden from Lubbock with the Wells. All the swimmers were so tense, they just wanted the event to be over so they could go back to being kids. That was me, too. As everybody was warming up, I became aware of all the Speedo’s in the Natatorium. Damn! I’d never noticed before how much young, tight, shapely, youthful flesh was there for all to see at a high school swim meet. ‘Oh, no, you don’t,’ I silently scolded my wayward penis. ‘You will not get hard in front of the whole state!’
Randy’s event was early in the program and he got a bronze medal, being only 8-hundredths behind the winner from Tyler, who set a new record at 43.95 seconds. The silver went to a rather cute kid from Frisco Centennial, who was only 5-hundredths behind the winner. It was a true photo-finish and we all held our breaths until the results were announced. It was a heart-breaking loss for Randy, but the Head Coach from UT offered him a scholarship on the spot, so he didn’t feel too bad. He had a big smile on his handsome face when I saw him later.
relay race was not quite as exciting as Randy’s race, but for John, Kelly,
Alfred, and me (top lane in Mike’s photo), it was the pinnacle of our high
school swimming careers. John got us off to a great start with his time of
46.23 and Kelly gave us a 46.77. Alfred brought in a 46.42, which might have
been his best time of the season. I finished us with my all-time best of 46.11,
to give us a 3:05.53. We placed fourth after Dallas Highland Park set a new
record at 3:05.09. College Station and Corpus Christi Ray placed second and
third respectively. Our time was our best of the season by over 4-tenths, so we
were pleased with our performance in a very competitive race.
Coach Lane gave us congratulatory hugs with tears in his eyes, repeatedly saying, “I’m so proud!”
I was very pleased with his obvious pleasure at our performance while at the same time I was mortified that I felt a solid dick-throb when his arms pulled my nearly naked body into his for what was to me a very sexy hug. Shit, Rick!
We went to a great Mexican restaurant called Papasito’s to pig out for lunch before checking out of the motel and driving back to Lubbock. Even though our parents might have driven down to cheer us on, we guys chose to ride back in the school van. It seemed like an important part of our group bonding experience. We all felt good after our time competing with the best the “Great State of Texas” has to offer in high school swimming. Coach Lane tried to put our achievement in perspective by saying this was the first year since the 1990’s that Coronado has sent three individuals and a relay team to state.
On the Road
In the third row at the back of the van, Mike whispered to me, “He must think he’s getting a big raise thanks to you guys!”
I laughed at Mike’s irreverence and whispered back, “You’re here, too, so you probably earned him 100 bucks a year!”
Mike laughed at that. Damn, he really is cute when he laughs!
When we stopped at a Wendy’s in Abilene for a quick supper, Mike pulled Randy and me aside. “Since we’re going home tonight,” he said, “we can’t celebrate your success at State. So, you two are spending the night at my house next Saturday. Then we can have our own private celebration.”
It wasn’t exactly an invitation. It was just stated as a fact. I’m a complete perv, I know, because my heart skipped a beat when I realized what he was suggesting. I’m not sure about this, I thought, but my dick throbbed anyhow.
Randy looked at me, a bit stunned, I think. Then a rather evil smile formed as he wiggled his eyebrows. He turned to Mike and said in a low, sultry voice, “I’m in if Rick is.”
Mike looked intensely at me. “You are, right?”
I knew I would catch hell from them if I said no, but I didn’t really want to open Pandora’s box of sexual confusion. Both guys stared at me while Bad Rick and Good Rick struggled for control.
After a few seconds, Randy asked, “Well?”
I took a deep breath as my heartbeat ramped up and my dick twitched.
“I’m … in.”
Mike and Randy high-fived as Mike said, “Hot dog!”
“Come on, guys, let’s get on the highway,” Coach called out from beside the van. He was looking like the definition of tall, dark, and handsome in those tight khakis and his also-tight yellow Polo shirt,
Other than Mike sitting beside me looking appealing and tapping me on the thigh as we talked or putting an arm around my shoulder, the ride home from Abilene was as boring as it seemed endless. Mike didn’t touch me in a sexual or inappropriate way or a way he hadn’t touched me before, but it seemed like electricity was leaking out of his fingers every time he touched me and, let me just say quickly, I kept having to think of Mrs. Langley, our obese history teacher, to keep my dick in a controlled state.
Randy’s stares. Mike’s touches. Coach Lane’s extreme sexiness. Good Rick, Bad Rick. They were all driving me insane.
At last, I took out my cell to call Melody, just to break the downward spiral of my reaction to Mike’s proximity. My call went to voicemail. “Uh, hi, Melody. It’s me. I just thought I’d check on you. I think we’re about an hour and a half from Lubbock. It’ll be nice to get home. Call you later.” I looked at the time on the phone: 7:33. What was she doing? I wondered. Maybe she’s just watching TV with her sisters. Was she out with some boy she connected with at the dance? Jim Byerman? He wouldn’t hesitate to cut in if he thought he stood a chance. Nah, she doesn’t like him. Or, maybe she just said that so I wouldn’t be jealous. All the girls seem to like Jim. Why wouldn’t Melody? He’s a handsome dude. Everybody says so. And he’s got all those muscles from weight-lifting and wrestling. And when he’s wearing his singlet, fuck, you can tell he’s not been slighted in the dick department, in spite of a circumcision. Shit! How stupid does Melody think I am? Claiming she doesn’t like Jim? Hell, anybody would do him! Fuck, what am I saying? I meant any girl would do him. Fuck, I’ve got a damn boner!
“Thinking about Saturday night, stud?” It was Mike.
He leaned into my ear so that the warm air from his words tickled my insides. “Judging from your erection, I’m guessing you’re thinking about our celebration on Saturday.” He snickered.
I turned deep red, I’m sure, as I felt the heat on my face. God, his whispers in my ear were making me get a tingle in the middle of my back, low, just above my butt cheeks. What the fuck!?
I hadn’t been thinking about Saturday, but thinking about Jim Byerman that way was just as bad. I wracked my brain for an answer. “No, doofus, if you must know, I was, ah, thinking about, ah, Melody.”
Mike laughed. “At least you don’t seem mad at her for cheating on you last night.” He really has a great smile.
I glared at him. “She didn’t cheat on me.”
“As far as you know.” Damn, his pheromones are overpowering my brain!
“Shit, she just went to the dance with some girls,” I protested lamely.
“A great cover-story.”
how smooth his skin is. Those cheek bones. That incredible hair. I had a
memory flash of his butt as he lay naked on the bed last night. And another
flash of his thick dick as it shot cum halfway to the ceiling. “Fuck you!”
“Listen, buddy.” He put his hand on my thigh, just below my straining erection. I never noticed before how thick his fingers are. “I’ll do you a favor and check around with my spies this week to see who she danced with and who she left with.” He was fucking rubbing my thigh! My damned traitorous dick was throbbing!
I looked into his mysterious dark eyes. Shit, Mike is a beautiful guy. I couldn’t think of a retort because I could only think about what it might feel like to put our lips together. He was so close.
I must’ve had a weird look on my face because he suddenly cocked his head to one side like a dog trying to figure out what you mean. His lips parted and in the half-dark of the West Texas twilight he ran his tongue over his lower lip. I couldn’t look away. His lips elongated into a brilliant smile and he leaned in until he was only inches away from me. I wondered if he was going to kiss me.
While he held my gaze and I felt his breath against my mouth, smelling the onions from his burger at Wendy’s, his hand moved on my thigh. With no warning, he squeezed my dick! Without any thought, I moaned as a blob of precum wet my boxer briefs. I moaned a second time and he released my dick. He pulled back a few inches from my face but still held my gaze.
“Not here. Not now. Saturday.”
I fucking moaned! God, I was mortified. I turned my back to Mike and looked out the window as I heard him chuckle.
Mike leaned forward, tapping Alfred on the shoulder.
“What’s up?” Alfred asked as he turned to look back at Mike.
“Rick here is all nervous about Melody going home with some guy last night…”
“I am not!”
Mike ignored me. “So, I was wondering if Lila told you who Melody was flirting with at the dance.”
“Nah,” Albert laughed, “I haven’t talked to her since Friday after school. I think I might need to worry about Lila getting with someone else more than Rick needs to worry about Melody.”
“Just looking out for my buddy here,” Mike said as he squeezed my leg just above the knee.
“Mike,” I said with an unexpected whine in my voice, “just leave it. I’m going to catch a nap.”
“Okay,” he patted my leg. “We’ll be here when you wake up.”
I turned my face toward the window and slouched down into the seat, my thigh pressed against Mike because there was no other way to recline in the seat. The touch of his leg against mine kept my heart rate up and I never slept or entirely lost my erection, but I pretended just the same. Finally we came into Lubbock, so I called Dad to meet me at school.
To be continued...
Posted: 04/09/2021