Role of a Lifetime II
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2023 by the author)
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Chapter 10
When Brant interrupted our dinner with Juanita Montez and Hector Uvalde by slapping his own forehead and asking to speak to me privately, I had no idea what he wanted to discuss. I followed him into the living room where he was standing at the mantel. I stopped before him and asked, “What’s wrong, babe?” I caressed his shoulder as he looked up at me as if he was in shock.
“I can’t believe I didn’t see it before now,” he muttered.
“The perfect person to play Ricky.”
“Yes?” I said. “Who?”
“Right before our eyes.” Brant tilted his head in the direction of the breakfast room where Juanita and Hector sat. Hector.
“Yes,” he nodded with excitement.
I thought about it for a moment before responding.
“He’s fucking gorgeous.” Brant held up a single finger. I nodded.
“He’s Hispanic and contributes to diversity,” I offered. Brant held up two fingers.
“He’s a very good actor.” Brant held up three fingers. I nodded.
“He’s the right age to play Ricky,” I said. Brant held up four fingers.
Softly, Brant added, “He’s comfortable with physical affection with men.” He flipped his thumb out to show five fingers.
“Comfortable enough?” I queried. Brant retracted his thumb.
“His decision, I guess.” Brant opened his thumb again.
“Do you want to have sex with him?” I asked.
Brant thought for a moment, nodded slowly, grinned, and said, “Hell, yes!”
I was taken aback by this much enthusiasm. “Oh, really?”
“Well, if I have to have sex with anyone besides you.”
Giggling, I stabbed him in the chest with my index finger. “Good answer.”
“What do you think it would do to our friendship?” Brant asked, a note of concern in his voice.
“Let’s sit down,” I said as I moved to the sofa. When we were seated, I took his hand, just holding it quietly for a moment.
“I mean, we’re comfortable together which would probably make the filming easier,” Brant said.
“Yes, but what if he is really turned off to sex with men, becomes too embarrassed to hang out with us anymore?”
We sat silently for a minute as we both thought about it.
“What if he likes it?” Brant asked.
“What would that do to Juanita?” I wondered. “Could they even be together while he’s filming this?”
“Or after it’s released and the public knows?”
“Are those not questions they would have to answer rather than us?” I asked.
“I guess so,” Brant nodded.
“So, do we just present it to them and see how they respond?”
“That seems like the adult thing to do, right, Sky?”
“Yep. I’d say we suggest Hector consider the role and tell him why we think he’d be perfect and that we would be fine with the sexual part, just for the making of a movie. Then they can decide. I don’t think it will hurt our friendships if we are open and transparent about it.”
“Okay, babe, let’s do it.”
We stood from the sofa, kissed quickly, and returned to the breakfast room.
As we came back into the room, Juanita and Hector were eating their burgers in silence.
“Finally!” Juanita cried. “We were wondering if everything is okay.”
“Is everything okay?” Hector inquired.
“Yes,” I said as we sat down in our places. “Brant has an idea.”
They looked from me to Brant, who looked at me with a slightly severe expression as though I had thrown him under the bus.
He looked at Juanita and Hector. “Well,” he started slowly as he carefully constructed his sentences. “I’ll cut right to the chase. We think you would be perfect for the role of Ricky, Hector.”
For a beat or two, silence prevailed as each of them processed this information.
Hector looked at Juanita, probably trying to gauge how she was reacting. “Really?” he said. “Why?”
“Because, my friend, you’re a great actor who needs a big break.” Brant held up one finger. “You add diversity to our production.” Two fingers. “You are terribly handsome and sexy as hell.” Three fingers, then four. “And, Sky and I would both be comfortable doing those intimate scenes with you.” A five-finger spread.
Juanita nodded along in apparent agreement with each of Brant’s points. Hector’s expression was a strange combination of a satisfied smile from the flattery and a terrified smirk from the subject matter, I presumed. I tried to memorize it so I could use this expression if ever presented with such a situation.
“Uhm, uh,” Hector stuttered. “This character is, uh, intimate with both of you?”
“Yes,” I said, “individually and together.”
“A three-way?”
Brant and I nodded. Hector sat quietly as he contemplated what this meant.
“And the sex would not be simulated,” I added.
“One of the things that makes Laying Low so compelling is that we filmed us actually having sex,” Brant stated. “We want to keep that level of realism in Living Large, too. It’s kind of our trademark, we think.”
Hector and Juanita both sat silently.
“We think you would be spectacular in the role, Hector. But we do have concerns,” I said. “One, we think the sex scenes would be a challenge for you.” Brant held up one finger. “We think the exposure you would get would really boost your career, but we don’t want you to become embarrassed or awkward around us.” Two fingers. “We do not want to harm our friendship as we love being friends with both of you.” Three fingers. “We do not want to cause strife between the two of you.” Four fingers. “So, we only want you to do this if both of you feel it is in your best interests and that it will not harm your relationship.”
“Or our friendship,” Brant added.
“Thanks,” Hector said. “I’ll think about it and we’ll talk it over.”
“How soon do you need an answer?” Juanita asked.
“We have a few more auditions tomorrow, but I think they could make room for you on Friday. Could you let us know by noon Wednesday?”
“Yes,” Hector said.
We finished the meal, moved into the living room for a dish of sherbet, and talked about everything except sex and this opportunity. By an unspoken mutual agreement, we ended the evening early, a few minutes before 10:00.
The next morning, Tuesday, Brant and I
were back at Periphery Studios for more auditions for the role of Ricky. First
up was the sexy 21-year-old Mexican actor Reynaldo Nuñez. Reynaldo has some
Mexican telenovela experience (two dozen episodes), a couple of small roles in
Mexican movies, and some modeling and acting in commercials. He came to LA last
summer to try to build a U.S. career.
Reynaldo was well-mannered, polite, and stunning. He read his audition scene quite well and was impressive in his power as well as in his sensitivity.
When he was finished, Anita Jordy thanked him for coming in and asked if he was comfortable to appear totally nude.
“Yes, ma’am,” he nodded. “I want to be a successful actor and I think sometimes nudity really helps the actor portray the character in a realistic way.” He paused, then grinned. “And I’m not shy. I sort of like the idea.”
“Great,” Anita said.
“The role of Ricky includes seven rather explicit sex scenes with Brant and Sky here,” David Dawson said. “Would you be comfortable playing scenes like are in Laying Low?”
“I loved Laying Low,” Reynaldo said. “I wanted to be in this sequel because I loved the original so much. I would be honored to film love-making with such wonderful stars as Brant Kimber and Sky Ford.” He smiled at us and we returned his smile.
“Now, I apologize for the personal nature of this next question,” David said, “but we think it’s necessary.”
“Anything,” Reynaldo said.
“How do you feel about homosexuality?”
Reynaldo took a moment to develop his answer. “My uncle lives with his husband in Mexico City and two of my high school team-mates became gay at the university. I love them all.”
David smiled and nodded. “What about yourself? Can you imagine being sexual with a man? Could you do it?”
Reynaldo thought for a moment before speaking. “I’ve had, excuse me, ma’am, oral sex with both of my gay team-mates and with the make-up guy on the telenovela a few times. Mostly I get a blowjob, but I have given it a couple of times. It’s okay, not too bad. I can do that with Brant and Sky.”
“Thank you,” David said. “Now one last question that might be even more personal.” He waited while Reynaldo nodded. “What about anal?”
“I have been the topper of one of my team-mates a few times and it, uhm, feels good.”
“You have not bottomed before?” Anita asked.
“Bottomed? Oh, received the cock.” Reynaldo looked a bit uncomfortable. “Uhm, no, I have not before.”
“Would you do that for the movie?” Anita probed.
Glancing at us and back to the panel, Reynaldo seemed embarrassed. Finally, he stared right at Anita as he answered, “Yes, I would. I very much want this role and I will do whatever the role requires.”
“Thank you,” she said. “Are there other questions?”
“I have one,” I said. When everyone was looking at me, I said, “How do you feel about the viewers of our movie thinking you must be gay? Can you handle the teasing from your friends and maybe some hostility from certain people?”
“Hmm,” he said as he thought. “If I want to be gay or bisexual in my life, it is no one’s business but mine. I don’t much care what others think if they buy tickets to my movies. I think my family and my friends would tease me but they would not harm me or shun me if they thought I love men. If they did such things, are they worth my own love and friendship? I don’t think so.”
David thanked his for his openness and honesty. Anita explained the timing for feedback and Mark escorted him out of the room.
“Very impressive,” David said. “I like him a lot. Tammy, make a note of him in your files. I want to use him in another role because he is just a little too young for Ricky. Do you all agree?”
We all did with a little sadness.
“David,” Harold said, “why don’t we add a small role of an intern at the architecture firm? I could write him into several scenes. It wouldn’t be sex scenes, but we could hire him and hopefully help his career.”
“The gay audience would love seeing him even a little bit,” I interjected. “Perhaps he can be dressed in tight shirts and jeans even if we never get to see his fabulous body.”
“Wait,” said Brant. “Isn’t there a pool party at the end?”
“Yes!” Harold exclaimed. “Where the threesome comes out into the open.”
“Then a suggestive swimsuit would be appropriate, huh?” I asked.
“We’ll work out the details and make him an offer,” David said.
“Yea!” I said with a fist-pull.
To be continued...
Posted: 04/07/2023