Role of a Lifetime II
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2023 by the author)
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Chapter 11
Our next hopeful was soon brought into the room. He was old enough, Hispanic, stunning, and looked a little familiar.
The stud was introduced as Ricardo Ortíz from Buenos Aires, Argentina. The name
didn’t ring any bells for me, but I still felt I had met him somewhere before.
But, where?
Ricardo had some Southern California stage work (gay plays like Love! Compassion! Valour! and Torch Song Trilogy), a couple of local commercials in the Long Beach area, and 3 very small TV roles that were basic walk-on parts. He would not have been brought in for an audition except he had submitted a strong audition tape and definitely looked right for the role of Ricky Moreno.
Ricardo was half-way through his audition when I finally remembered how I knew him. It had been difficult to place him since I’d never seen him wearing clothes. He was famous gay porn star Diablo Hernando. Without revealing any personal proclivities, I will admit to you, dear readers, that I drool a lot over this man, especially when his thick 9 inches are invading another guy’s throat or asshole or when his hole is being used and abused. He is also the world’s best deep-throater, hands down. He is incendiary hot, I promise!
Diablo, er Ricardo, did a nice job with his audition and answered all the questions about his comfort level with nudity and gay sex a bit more restrained than I would have guessed but did not shy away from letting everyone know he is an out gay man and would be comfortable having sex with Brant and me on screen. I got a woody just at the suggestion because I could actually imagine such a very hot scene.
When Mark had escorted Ricardo out, David asked us what we thought.
Anita answered first. “Given the paucity of his experience, he is a strong actor and could probably do a good job in the role if the chemistry is right with Brant and Sky.”
Brant said, “He looks good for the role, I’d say. And, well, I think I could feel some chemistry with him.”
Several chuckled at Brant’s mild embarrassment after his statement.
“I would agree except,” I paused for effect, “he is a very well-known gay porn star.”
“Oh, really?” Brant gasped.
Everyone else was silent for a moment as they took in this information.
“I knew I recognized him!” Mark exclaimed.
Simultaneously, Harold said, “Oh, that’s right! He starred in Rio Studs.”
“Among other major productions,” I laughed.
“Oh, my god,” Brant muttered.
“That explains the rather light resumé for a 38-year-old,” Anita commented.
“Does he use the same name in porn?” David asked.
“No,” I said. “It’s something like Diablo Hernando, I think.”
I noticed Anita hurriedly scribbling in her notes.
“You know, guys, I’m not comfortable having a porn star share your sex scenes. I feel it would cheapen the whole production and hurt your careers. That much intimacy with him would just not help you out.”
“I’m afraid I have to agree,” Anita nodded.
There was a moment of silence before David said, “Well, I guess we can’t cast him.”
“Not as Ricky anyhow,” Harold pointed out.
“Yes?” David said with a puzzled expression.
“What if we put him in as a boyfriend for Chrystal?” Harold suggested.
“Who?” Brant asked.
“Rachel’s character,” I whispered.
“I think he might do well in that role,” Harold continued.
“It would certainly help his legitimate career,” Anita said.
“Maybe so,” David answered. “I’ll talk with Legal about it.”
“Oh, God,” I said, “that would be such a great inside joke for gay men. To see him romancing ‘The Beauty Queen’ when we all know he is into fantastic sex with men.”
“That has potential,” said David, chuckling. “But, for now, we need to clear our heads and go on to our next audition.”
After gay porn star Diablo Hernando (AKA Ricardo Ortíz) had departed, we had one more audition. He was another superb-looking young actor named Jeff Lindsay who was too young for this role and didn’t add any diversity credits either. The audition was interesting to me because I actually knew Jeff. He recognized me and we exchanged greetings, prompting Anita Jordy to ask how we knew each other. We told her we’d been in UCLA classes and productions together.
I thought Jeff’s photo was very erotic with the open zipper and the very tight
legs on his jeans. In person, he wore tan Levi’s that were not quite as tight
but that still showed off his figure nicely. He wore a skin-tight button-up
silk shirt in an electric turquoise color that really set off his eyes. He was
mesmerizing! This lad certainly had a good stylist!
At 21, Jeff was a graduating senior at UCLA Drama School and had performed in six campus productions and three local theater productions including the arch-typical blonde stud role of Curly in Oklahoma. He’d actually beaten me out for that role and turned in a great performance. Jeff had several credits in some TV commercials and had three very small roles on TV also. He had no movie experience.
He might have a rather short resumé, but Jeff is a very strong actor and really nailed the audition. He had given the best performance of any of the guys.
When asked about performing nude, he noted that he had not been asked to perform nude previously, but that he had been an “Aggie-boy” in a production of The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas at UCLA a couple of years ago. I had also been an “Aggie-boy” and had hung out with Jeff a bit during the rehearsals and run of the show.
“In that role, I was dancing around the stage wearing only briefs for about 5 minutes in one scene and then appeared naked but holding my pants in front of my junk in the scene when they raid the Chicken Ranch. I know this role contains more nudity, but I don’t think it’ll be a real problem for me.” He thought for a moment before adding, “I’ve been a nude model for art classes at a private art school for 3 years, so that’s a lot of time with people staring at my junk.”
When asked about having very intimate scenes with Brant and me, Jeff seemed a little shy. “I think they’re both hot guys and I’ve always thought Sky to be a kind person. I’m not exactly sure where my sexuality will wind up, but right now I consider myself sexually fluid. I’ve been intimate with several girlfriends and I have had some occasional experiences with male roommates and classmates at UCLA. And my best friend back home in Kansas. So, I actually think I would enjoy the sex scenes.” I think he blushed a bit then. It was cute.
When Jeff was escorted out, we quickly decided he was too young and white to be Ricky, but David really loved him. He wanted to consider Jeff for other parts in the movie but not for the key role of Ricky.
“Who else do we have on the list for Ricky?” asked David.
Anita shuffled a couple of papers and looked at Mark, who nodded. Turning toward David, Anita said, “That’s it unless someone else surfaces.”
David didn’t look pleased at that.
“We may have a strong candidate,” Brant said.
They all looked at him. “Oh?” Anita responded.
“One of the co-stars of Mariel to Miami fits the role perfectly.”
“Who?” Anita asked.
“Hector Uvalde. He’s fifth billed but has a good amount of screen time in the flotilla and also after we get to Miami. He’s a strong actor.”
“Looks? Age?” Anita asked.
“Gorgeous and hunky,” I said.
“31,” Brant said.
“You know him, too, Sky?” David asked.
“Yes. In addition to being in Mariel to Miami, Hector is Juanita Montez’ boyfriend. The four of us have become good friends since we were on Hollywood Weekly a few times.”
“Is Hector interested?” Anita asked.
Brant nodded. “We think he is but he’s still thinking it over.”
“What about his relationship with Juanita?” Anita asked.
“Well,” I said, “they’re considering it together. He’s supposed to let us know by noon tomorrow if he wants to audition.”
Tammy slid a laptop in front of David. “IMDB,” she said. David looked down and began scrolling a bit as Mark quickly found Hector’s IMDB page on his computer, too, and slid it in front of Anita.
“Handsome,” Anita gushed. “Yes, I would love to talk with him about the role. He certainly looks the part and his resumé isn’t bad. Mariel to Miami certainly enhances it, as Living Large would, too.”
“Call me when you hear from Hector,” Anita said. “We’ll schedule him tentatively for 10:00 on Thursday morning, if you are all available.”
We were, so the time was set and we all said good-night.
On the way home, Brant and I decided to text our friends.
BRANT to HECTOR: Casting Director interested.
HECTOR: Nice to know.
BRANT: Call me before noon Wednesday. Audition set for 10 Thursday if UR interested. I hope UR.
ME to JUANITA: They are interested in auditioning Hector for Living Large. I know it’s a big decision for you both. Brant and I would like it to be Hector, but above all, want to protect your relationship and our friendship.
HECTOR: Gracias. Will call tomorrow AM
JUANITA: We are home tonight to focus on the question. It’s a wonderful opp for him. I have 2 bottles of wine to get us through it.
ME: Yes GREAT opp. But we’re cool with anything yall decide. (Heart emoji) I hope 2 bottles is enough.
JUANITA: (Two wine glass emojis, two smiley faces, and two heart emojis)
To be continued...
Posted: 04/14/2023