Role of a Lifetime II
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2023 by the author)
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Chapter 9
“Who’s next?” Anita asked.
“Renato Oberón,” Mark said.
We checked our file to see this photo of the studly Brazilian actor.
“Holy cow, he’s hung!” Brant exclaimed.
“He certainly gets points for his equipment,” Anita laughed.
“And he meets the diversity goal,” Harold pointed out.
“Let’s see what he can do,” David said.
In a couple of minutes, Mark brought Renato in and introduced him to all of us. His audition tape had been strong and he has a lot of good experience in Brazilian television including 4 years on a big show called Copacabana. He does look hot in his Speedo. Even with so much on his resumé, he is completely unknown in the U.S. He also brings some interesting diversity to the table.
He read his audition scene well except for some English pronunciation issues, which I could see made David flinch. It was the questioning that ruined his chances at being selected.
Anita thanked Renato before asking, “How do you feel about working in the nude?”
Renato puffed out his chest to an impressive degree, stretching the white tee-shirt he wore until I feared for the safety of its seams.
“I’m proud of my body. All the ladies like me.”
Anita took a moment to respond. “I’m sure they do,” she finally said. “How would you feel about playing this role as a gay man?”
“I can do it. Just to be clear, I’m no fag. But I’m a good actor.”
David cut in. “Mr. Oberón, I appreciate you coming in today, but I want to be clear about something. All of us here and on the cast and crew for this movie are dedicated to the idea that being gay does not make a person less worthy or important than a straight person. I’m sure you can find a good role in a production in which you would be more comfortable than this one. Mark, please show Mr. Oberón out.”
As Mark stood up, Renato stared at David, stunned by his dismissal. “But, I’m good…”
Mark took him by the shoulder and escorted him into the hallway. Brant and I exchanged a look and then glanced at David. Brant stood from the sofa and applauded. In a moment, I joined him.
“Thank you, David,” Brant said with feeling.
David bowed his head. “We don’t need some narcissistic homophobe on this production in any capacity, but especially not in the role of Ricky.”
“Amen!” cried Harold. “It would be a disaster.”
“His agent will hear about this,” Anita noted. “He should not have been sent to this audition.”
Mark returned to the room. “He was mad, but I told him he’d best not make any waves because he will likely hurt his opportunities in the U.S. if he does. He stormed off.”
“Thanks, Mark,” Anita said. “Sorry you had to do that.”
Mark grinned. “Actually, it was a pleasure. The little prick!”
Everybody laughed and the tension was broken.
“Who else is out there?” Anita asked.
“Only one. Randy Jefferson.”
Brant and I turned in our file folder to check his photo.
“He certainly has a body and a beautiful face,” Brant whispered.
“Bring him in,” Anita said.
While Mark was out to get Randy, we all stretched for a moment.
“Let’s forget the previous guy and give Randy our full attention,” David instructed.
Just then, the door opened and Mark appeared with the young actor Randy Jefferson. Randy had chosen a tight red tank top over skinny jeans that were purposely ripped at the knees. He also sported tall red and black trainers, perhaps to make up for his fairly short stature, which I guessed to be about 5’7”. His dark roots under blonde tips added to the young metrosexual vibe I picked up as Randy pranced into the room. As you can see, he was truly beautiful as a high-fashion model, which he was. His muscles rippled through the tank top and his butt was perky. The lump in his jeans attested to the validity of the full pouch in this unusual photo.
Randy read his lines in the audition scene with a lot of feeling but in a softer, less masculine way than his predecessors in the auditions. He was clearly in touch with his feminine side in spite of his uber-masculine body. He brought a decidedly different characterization to the role than had Antonio, Renato, John, or Joel.
When he had concluded his scene, Anita asked if he was comfortable with performing in the nude.
“I’m accustomed to performing in very few clothes, especially when I’m modeling. I also dance as a go-go boy in a club in West Hollywood sometimes.”
“So, frontal nudity and sexual scenes with Brant and Sky would not be a problem?”
Randy looked at us, smiled with surprising shyness, and nodded his head. Turning back to the panel, he gushed, “No problem at all. I look forward to that.” Then he blushed.
“Wonderful,” she said and asked if anyone else had any questions. When no one did, Anita gave him some information about the schedule for the shooting before she said, “I guess that’s all for now, Randy. We’ll be in touch within two weeks. Thank you!”
Brant and I enjoyed the view of Randy’s firm butt as he walked out of the room.
“His resumé is quite light,” David noted. “Just a couple of local commercials, roles in college productions, and bit parts in a couple of TV episodes.”
“His youth really doesn’t fit the role of Ricky, who should be about 30,” Harold noted.
“He doesn’t add diversity,” Anita noted.
“But I do like the softer, gentler persona he has,” David remarked. “What if we consider him for a smaller role?”
“He could be Aaron’s friend from the university,” I said.
“Yes, Sky,” David nodded. “What do the rest of you think about that?”
Everyone generally agreed and Randy Jefferson was tentatively cast as David, Aaron’s classmate. We were reminded that auditions would continue the next afternoon and we all said “Good night.”
It might be late-January, but
the Southern California sea breeze moderated the temperature enough that Brant
could brave the twilight temperatures (mid-50’s) that night to grill burgers
outside. We’d already invited Juanita and Hector to a simple hamburger supper
which we ate in our cozy breakfast room. We’d gotten together once before since
Hector and Brant had gotten home from Florida and we always enjoyed hanging out
with them.
In all the times I have seen these two, Juanita has always looked luscious and beautiful and Hector has always looked, well, luscious and beautiful. On this particular evening, I had to wonder if he had dressed with special care to be as provocative to the gay boys as he possibly could be for his shirt fit just so and his white jeans gripped his plush buns and expansive thighs tight enough so that little imagination was required to visualize his body without them. He is undeniably a fabulous Latin stud anyone would enjoy looking at, don’t you agree?
We settled around the table with our burgers and Trader Joe’s potato salad with some Amsdell Lites as we basked in the warmth of the friends around us.
“This is so nice,” Juanita said. “I get to spend the evening with my three favorite hombres guapos. I’m the envy of every woman in America!”
We all laughed at that. “Well, mi amiga,” I said, “You have enough beauty in your little finger to balance us out.”
Juanita, who was sitting opposite me at the table, sprang to her feet, danced behind Hector, and engulfed me in her arms and bosoms as she kissed my cheek. “You are so sweet!”
When Juanita had returned to her seat, Hector grasped my forearm, leaned close to me, grimaced, and said, “Way to show me up, my friend.”
I leaned closer to him. “You needn’t worry any, my friend. I don’t think I can hold a candle to you, especially in Juanita’s eyes.”
“Huh?” Hector looked perplexed.
“There are certain ways you will always out-perform me for Juanita’s affection,” I smirked.
Juanita pulled Hector away from me, turned his head toward her, and planted a gigantic smooch on his luscious lips. “That oughta show you how I feel, babe!” she giggled.
We all went back to our dinner for a few bites before the conversation turned to work.
Juanita was excited that she had booked Captain America himself, Chris Evans, for next week’s episode of Hollywood Weekly. Brant and I quickly volunteered to work hair, makeup, and wardrobe for Chris, but she pointedly turned us down.
Hector and Brant talked a little about a few shenanigans that took place during the shooting of Mariel to Miami. The best one was about Roberto Ureña and Pedro Lorenzo appearing onset in the swamps of the Everglades in full glamour-girl outfits, complete with stilettos. Of course, their roles in the movie required them to be dressed in shredded clothing with dirty, wet faces. Apparently, the director was not too pleased with the delay their antics caused, but the rest of the cast, seeing these two macho men dressed as ugly ladies, dissolved in laughter that would not stop for an hour or so.
“Today we met the first candidates for the new role in Living Large,” Brant said.
“How exciting!” Juanita exclaimed.
“How did it go?” Hector asked.
“I don’t think we found the right actor, but it was interesting,” I said.
“Who did you see at the audition?”
“Uhm, we had Antonio Lopez, a gorgeous Latino, who would have been great except that he was not able to deal with the level of gay stuff he would have to do,” I said.
“We had a successful Brazilian actor named Renato Oberón,” Brant said.
“He was so homophobic, David threw him out,” I added.
“Really?” Juanita asked, aghast.
“Wow!” Hector said.
Brant and I explained the exchanges that had happened as our guests gasped and shook their heads.
“What I don’t understand,” Juanita said, “is why he even bothered to audition if that’s his attitude about gay people.”
“Good question,” I nodded. “None of us understood why either.”
“We had a couple of nice and hot guys without much experience and we also had John Claston,” Brant said.
“All My Children?” Juanita said with surprise.
“Damn,” she grinned. “He’s hot.”
“We think he may be too well-known for this film, but he is interested.”
Juanita was thoughtful for a moment. “Is there more to the story here?”
Brant and I exchanged looks.
“Off the record?” I asked.
“If that’s how you can share.”
“He’s looking for the right way to come out as Bi.”
“Hmm. I think I’ll see if he would like to be on the show.”
“He might be a surprising guest, but you can’t ask THE question. That might indicate someone from our audition had talked.”
“I’d never do that unless he wants me to.”
“I know,” I grinned. “You’ve the most integrity of anyone in journalism today.”
“So,” Hector said, “you guys didn’t find the right person for the role, huh?”
“No,” I said. “We have some more auditions tomorrow.”
Suddenly Brant slapped himself on the forehead. “Oh, my god!” he yelped through a mouthful of potato salad.
Everyone turned to look at him, a bit surprised.
“What, hon?” I said.
“Pardon us,” Brant said to our guests. “Can I speak to you alone, Sky?”
To be continued...
Posted: 03/31/2023