Role of a Lifetime II
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2023 by the author)
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Chapter 8
Brant had only been back in LA for a few days when we held our first callback for actors hoping to become our next lover. Our first candidate was handsome 27-year-old Caucasian actor Joel Pendergrass. He had submitted this photo as part of his application package. His resumé was rather light and he had a very strong Southern drawl, but he performed well on his video submission and in his read for us.
casting director, Anita Jordy, asked him if he was comfortable doing a lot of
nudity on film.
“I’ve done quite a bit of swimsuit modeling,” he drawled. “And I’m proud of my body.”
“So,” Anita fished, “does that mean you are fine with a lot of nudity?”
“I reckon I am.”
David Dawson spoke up. “You realize we are talking about full frontal nudity, right?”
Joel looked a little unsure of himself. “Yes,” he nodded. “I watched Lying Low.”
“Good,” David smiled, “and you would be comfortable working with Brant and Sky in similar scenes in this movie?”
Joel cut his eyes over to where Brant and I sat on a sofa. He appraised us for a moment before turning back to face the panel. “They’re two of the best-looking men I’ve ever seen. Of course, I would be thrilled to have sex with them any day.”
“Thank you,” David said.
After some more questions, Anita thanked him for his interest and told him it would be a couple of weeks before a decision was made and that he would be informed either way. We all shook hands and he left the room.
In the post-mortem, we reached the conclusion that we think Joel has good potential and might be good as Ricky, but we had reservations. He was a complete unknown, which was fine, but that was because he had only had a little experience, so this roll would be much more involving than anything he had done to date. The Southern drawl was perhaps workable but didn’t feel too natural for this roll. Being Caucasian, he adds nothing to the diversity of the cast. But he wouldn’t be rejected at this point.
The next audition was by a beautiful Hispanic actor named Antonio Lopez. His photo shows a few of his obvious attributes. His video presentation was excellent and he nailed the scene he was given in the audition. Being 28 he had a good resumé of rolls from Mexican television, including some 350 episodes of a popular telenovela called Muchachas y Muchachos de Mazatlán. Antonio was very well-known in Mexico and among Hispanic audiences in the U.S. but he was looking for a way to break into English-language productions and was hoping this might be that opportunity.
He indicated he was very comfortable with nudity, including full frontal.
“Have you seen Laying Low?” Anita asked.
“Um, yes, I have.”
“And would you be comfortable in similar sexual scenes with Brant and Sky?”
“Well,” he started, “I’m a professional and I have been in a lot of sex scenes with beautiful actresses.” He paused. “However, I’ve never been in a sex scene with a man before.”
“Is that going to be difficult for you?” Anita inquired.
“Uhm, I’ll treat it with professionalism.”
I don’t think any of us were quite convinced.
Brant stood up from the sofa. “Maybe we could just sort of do a test run to see if you can be comfortable with it.”
“A test run?” Antonio asked with a bit of trepidation, it seemed to me.
“Yeah,” Brant replied. “Come here, Sky.”
I stood hesitantly. Brant indicated with a wave of his hand that I step closer, which I did.
“Now, Antonio,” Brant said, “I’m going to embrace you on one side and Sky will on the other side. If you feel okay, we’ll do a little more, but if you want us to stop, just say so. Okay?”
“Uhm, okay.”
Brant hugged him on his left side and I went around to his right and stepped in. I thought his body was somewhat rigid and unbending.
“Is this okay?” Brant asked.
“Uh-huh,” Antonio responded.
Brant released him and stepped back. “Okay, let’s try the same thing with no shirts on.”
Antonio looked a little uncomfortable as we all took off our shirts.
When we were all ready, Brant smiled at Antonio and commented, “You do have a spectacular body, Antonio. In that way you’re perfect for this part.”
That ego stroke did seem to relax the beautiful Latino somewhat and he smiled a bit.
Brant looked over at me, tilted his head toward Antonio, and we both stepped into him. His big pec felt firm and cool against my pec as we embraced. Soon I could tell Brant was caressing Antonio’s back, so I followed suit. Brant tenderly kissed the side of Antonio’s neck and I felt the big man stiffen his shoulders a bit. I followed Brant’s lead and noticed Brant’s lips moving higher on Antonio’s cheek. Now Brant was rubbing Antonio’s back, rubbing his abs and pecs, and kissing his face. Antonio’s breathing quickened and his skin seemed to flush. Brant’s arm slipped down Antonio’s back until it rested across his waistline. I realized Brant was moving but it took a moment for me to understand that he was humping Antonio’s leg. Brant’s other hand slid up Antonio’s cheek forcing me away as Brant turned Antonio’s face toward him. They locked eyes for a moment before Brant moved in to kiss Antonio’s wide mouth. Antonio’s back went rigid and I thought he would pull away from Brant, but within 10 seconds or so Antonio began to relax. Brant pulled away from him and whispered, “Sky.”
Slowly, Antonio turned his head towards me. I leaned in and felt the soft firmness of his lips for the first time. After a couple of seconds, I began parting my lips and Antonio followed my lead. Soon we were open to each other and I felt he was relaxing into me. I licked his lower lip and he sucked my tongue into his mouth. We mashed together as his muscular tongue found mine and began to caress it. Oh, man, this was exciting!
My leg was against Antonio’s crotch, allowing me to detect the growing firmness in his groin as our mouths ground together and Brant rubbed his erection against Antonio’s other leg. Antonio dropped his arm so that his hand brushed the top of my buns before he gripped my butt cheek. He was really starting to get into it. And I was certainly into him.
Suddenly, he moved his head back practically spitting my tongue out. He went rigid all over, not just his now prodigious dick. He stepped back out of our embrace.
“No!” he cried. “I can’t. I can’t do this. No.” He grabbed his shirt from the sofa, cried, “I’m sorry!” and rushed out of the room, letting the door slap behind him.
Everyone was taken aback by Antonio Lopez’s unexpected and hasty departure from his audition. After a moment in which we all stared at the closed door to the room, Anita Jordy turned to her assistant, Mark Powell, and said, “Note that he declined the role.”
“Thanks for forcing the issue with him, Brant,” David Dawson said. “It’s good for us, and for him, to find out early in the process that he just wouldn’t be comfortable in the role.”
“Too bad,” Harold Gillespie said as he shook his head. “He would have been perfect for the part.”
“He is stunning,” I lamented.
anyone need a break?” Anita asked.
Everyone said no so she said, “Who’s next, Mark?”
Mark looked at his notes before announcing, “John Claston.”
Brant and I returned to our sofa where we picked up the folder with applications in it. I looked at John’s photo and whispered to my husband, “Wow! Incredible body, huh?”
By this time Mark was ushering John Claston into the room. He introduced us all before handing John the audition scene.
John has been a main character on All My Children for about 4 years, a total of over 700 episodes to his credit. We all knew John by reputation and, as we predicted, he nailed the scene for us. John is 32 and has quite a following.
“What interests you in this role, John?” Anita asked.
“I’ve seen Laying Low and was impressed by the quality of the writing, directing, and acting. To join such a professional group would be both a pleasure and an opportunity to turn in a performance that would get me noticed in Hollywood. I hope it would ease my transition from the small screen to the big screen.”
“I think you’re right about that, John,” David said. “The exposure, pardon my pun, certainly has brought a lot of attention to both Brant and Sky. But you do understand this role would require full frontal nudity and a lot of general nudity?”
“I do. I’m good with that. Nothing to be ashamed of here.” He chuckled as he threw his arms out to display his body. Even in a pair of tight creamy slacks with a green vee-neck sweater, we could easily see he was right not to have any shame about his body.
“I can see that,” David nodded. “The role of Ricky also requires a lot of intimacy with Brant and Sky. Playing this part will bring you to the attention of the gay community and will likely cause a lot of people to question your sexuality.”
John smiled. “I’m sure that’s true. In fact, I recently decided to come out as Bisexual and I believe this would be a very good way to do that.”
David smiled. “Congratulations on reaching that decision. This would certainly be an unusual and effective way to come out.”
“Not unlike my own experience,” Brant reminded us.
“Exactly,” John nodded. “You’re my role model in this.”
Anita asked John some other questions regarding his availability, how he could fit the filming into his schedule, and a few other points. Then she thanked him for coming and told him we would be in touch in about two weeks.
Everyone shook hands with the sexy stud, but he deliberately hugged Brant and then me. “Looking forward to working with you,” he whispered to me.
We discussed his current popularity and how that might affect our audience’s acceptance of him in this role. We loved John and wanted to play such a big role in his coming out as Bi, but we were concerned that he was too well known and, frankly, too white. But he was still a good candidate at this stage.
To be continued...
Posted: 03/24/2023