Role of a Lifetime
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2021 by the author)
The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's
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Chapter 30
Dinner with Mom, Dad, and Brant was fun and enlightening as we talked about the status of work after 6 months of Hollywood shutdown.
Mom’s show, Beauty Pageant, was anticipating a return to production in early September. They’d altered some scripts for the first few episodes in order to allow them to film without large groups, as you tend to have at a beauty pageant, of course. It was all somewhat tentative, but the producers assured cast and crew they would be ready to go as soon as restrictions were lifted if that happened earlier.
Lunar Base 1, Dad’s main current role, was going to try to film 12 episodes in a sort of block, beginning with scenes in which only one cast member would appear and those in which social distancing was easy in the framework of the action. Then, when restrictions lifted they would fill in the scenes that required cast members working closely together. They had discussed the possibility of using a self-quarantining similar to our method and then shooting sequentially all the scenes with just certain cast members. That would allow Dad and his co-star Hillary Grayson, who plays the doctor the commander is boffing, to shoot all their intimate scenes and a few others over a period of a couple of weeks before the other cast returns. The studio had already expanded their contracts with the CG companies as they planned to rely on CG wherever possible to eliminate scenes with a lot of actors.
I suggested to Mom that they ought to CG all the pageant scenes.
“It would be as animated as a lot of those actresses usually are,” she responded drolly.
We spent some time talking about the various scripts Brant had received. Dad was particularly interested in Murder on the Moon since it obviously would create a similar moon habitat to Lunar Base 1. Dad had been approached to take a role in that but the Lunar Base 1 producers felt it would be a conflict. Dad agreed but said he knew some of the producers and thought it would be a well-done project.
As they usually do, Mom and Dad excused themselves to go to bed a little after 9, so Brant and I went back up to my room, eager to renew our private time.
When we were naked and lying in bed, Brant said, “Earlier…in the shower…I can’t believe I was like that.”
I anticipated his thoughts, but wanted him to express them so I would be sure and also so he would hear his own feelings.
I turned on my side to face him, putting my hand on his abdominals. Gently I asked, “Like what?”
“So eager to, you know, bottom for you.”
“I’ll admit I wasn’t expecting it, but I was very happy about it. I’m also glad you wanted to do it a second time. You liked it, didn’t you?”
He rolled over to face me so we were only a few inches apart. “Oh, Lord! I can’t believe how good it felt and how much I enjoyed it, uhm, emotionally.”
“That’s really great, honey!”
“And, uhm, sexually. Fuck, Sky, I have never been that turned on. All the other times we’ve been together are already at the top of my list of best sexual experiences. And when you fucked me on set, it was, shit, it blew my mind! I had no idea how that would feel. How little pain there would be and how much pleasure.”
“That’s a pretty common misconception among straight guys, I think. You know, terrible pain and all that.”
He nodded. “But today I did have an idea how good it would feel and it still exceeded my expectatons ten-fold. I don’t know if you noticed, but you became more, uhm, well, dominant with me.”
I grinned and tapped his cute nose with my finger. “I did that on purpose.”
“I thought it would add a little spice to the experience for you. There’s something very erotic about giving up control to another guy. That’s why some guys like to be tied up or restrained in some way. When you give up control, you don’t know what will happen next because you’re not making the decisions. That unknown makes everything a little unexpected and, therefore, sexier.”
“Makes sense. That probably explains why my excitement level went so high. And then, well, it was also the hardest and biggest climax I’ve ever had.”
“That’s exactly what I was hoping for.”
“You know when you pulled me upright that last time while you were pounding my ass?”
“I’ll remember that for a very long time,”
We both chuckled.
“Well, in that position, after everything you had already done to me, every stroke into me was like an electric shock to my system. I could feel my orgasm getting closer and closer. I actually think I might have shot without any stroking if you’d not stopped when you did. It was so weird – good weird.”
“Do you remember that I had a hands-free orgasm that first time, on the balcony?”
“Oh, yeah, now that you mention it.”
“They’re pretty rare and I think they usually only happen with experienced bottoms. But it can happen just from getting fucked and, when it does, it’s powerful. I’m a little surprised you came that close to a spontaneous orgasm, but clearly you were very close because you came quickly once I starting jacking you. I think perhaps that’s something we can look forward to one day.”
He grinned. “Fuckin-A, man!”
We started kssing and fondling and soon, we were 69-ing. Eventually I abandoned his cock and balls and went for his rosebud. It tasted a little like Pantene and also like, uhm, me! He moaned when I first licked him and after a while, he quit sucking me. Then he licked my back door! Electric charges zapped through my gonads and radiated into the rest of my body. I moaned and spread my legs wider in hopes of encouraging him. I transferred my attentions back to his spectacular dick, engulfing it to the root in one motion. Thankfully, Brant stayed on my hole, spreading it gently with his tongue and massaging my sphincter lovingly.
After a while, I said, “Oh, baby, I need you to give me something a lot bigger and harder than your tongue. Will you fuck me with this wonderful cock?”
“Yes,” he mumbled while he completed a few more licks. We disentangled and I flipped onto my back and hoisted my legs over me. I tossed him the lube and he greased my ass and his dick.
He entered me carefully but was soon pounding me into nirvana. After our shower scene a few hours earlier, we were a bit slower this time, but eventually through the combination of his thrusts, my ass-clenches, and friction, he began to empty into my bowels. I took my cock and finished myself off in less than a minute while enjoying the quiet fullness of his cock inside me. My orgasm was strong and shots of cum passed above me to land on my headboard and the sheets near my head. I cried out each time I shot while Brant gasped with each of my bodily contractions as each shot triggered a compensating strong clenching in my gut, much to Brant’s surprise and delight.
After a few minutes of afterglow, we rinsed in the shower, changed the sheets, and cuddled up again to get some sleep. Once in the night, I awoke to Brant’s hard-on pushing slowly into my ass as if he was trying not to wake me. For a while he rocked gently into and out of my accommodating interior. Neither of us came and he finally stopped but did not withdraw. I liked that a lot! By dawn, he had fallen out somehow but we had another round with me face down on the mattress and him lying across my back. This time we did go all the way to climax. He fell asleep right after depositing another load inside me, again not withdrawing. Somehow in our position, he managed to stay inside even after his cock softened.
When I awoke, the his weight held me against the mattress and I had to
essentially push him out and off so I could get up to empty my bladder. He
joined me at the commode and peed across my stream into the bowl. We showered
again, cuddled for a moment, kissed some, and then began to dress. I might have
been completely satiated, but I still enjoyed immensely the view of Brant
looking out my window to check the weather.
It was after 9 by the time we were dressed and we were both starved, so we went to breakfast which was on the rear porch as it often is. Mom and Dad were reading the papers and sipping their coffee.
“Good morning, guys!” Dad said cheerily.
We mumbled back and sat down while Katrina brought our coffee and juice. A few minutes later we each had a sausage and egg omelet with crisp hash browns, an English muffin, and a slice of cantaloupe. We didn’t talk much as we scarfed down the food.
We were enjoying our second cup when Katrina came out of the house with a small box. She sat it on the table beside me and said, “From your agent.”
I thanked her and tore into the box, pulling out 6 manila envelopes. Everyone turned their attention to me as I opened them to check the contents. It turned out to be 5 manuscripts and a folded copy of the Hollywood Celebrity News. On the front was a post-it note with the single entry: “P 6 top.”
“Uh-oh,” Brant groaned.
Hastily, I opened the paper to page 6, where I saw a stunning photo and article, reprinted below.
Brant Kimber’s New Boyfriend, Lover, or Merely Co-Star?
First View of Sky Ford, Actor, currently linked with rising film star Brant Kimber, Conquering Heaven and Royal Sex Wars
Sky Ford, 20, of the Hollywood Hills and Brant Kimber, 23, of Brentwood are all the talk in Hollywood this week having appeared together on Hollywood Weekly in a Zoom-based interview with anchor Juanita Montez two weeks ago. The interview contained several bombshells concerning the apparently quite racy gay romance movie they have been shooting at an undisclosed Northern California setting. Without exactly coming out of the closet, Kimber openly admitted to loving his co-star, Ford, and hinted that the on-screen sex was full of nudity and realism.
After the Hollywood Weekly episode ended, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook all lit up with fans immediately coining the name Bransky, a term useful to refer to the couple by those who appreciate this pairing of two very hot young actors.
One glance at this photo will show that Kimber would have many good reasons to love the handsome and sexy blonde Adonis. We showed the photo to several of our female staffers, who were all enthralled. One copy girl said, “This might be the sexiest picture I’ve ever seen!” Another commented, “Handsome as hell, lean body just covered in muscles. What a dreamboat. Is he really gay?”
Ford answered her question himself to Juanita Montez by stating directly that he is a gay man. Ford is reputed to be an acting student at UCLA with only a few small credits to date. He gains his superb looks quite honestly as he is the son of hunky Brodie Ford, star of Lunar Base 1 and the Queen of Beauty herself, Rachel Harris, star of Beauty Pageant.
A gay male staffer who saw the Hollywood Weekly segment, commented, “All my friends are very excited to actually get to see Bransky on-screen. Their film is likely to break box-office records for gay movies when it opens. Look at that photo: Face, chest, abs, arms, legs, and no doubt butt and junk. Every part gorgeous. Only Sky Ford would be able to seduce the very straight Brant Kimber into a gay relationship.”
Kimber and Ford are co-stars in a movie under production at Periphery Studios and helmed by acclaimed director David Dawson. Other cast members have not been publicly identified. The movie, bearing the suggestive title Laying Low, is expected to premier at Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah in January.
Kimber and Ford are expected to return to Hollywood Weekly within the next few weeks, according to the show’s producers. You can bet we’ll be watching!
There was stunned silence around the table when I finished reading.
“Thank God they added that star to the picture,” Mother commented.
“You’re right about that, Mom.”
Brant took my hand. “How do you feel about it, Sky?”
With all eyes glued to me, I slowly nodded. “Actually, pretty good, I guess. I’m grateful for the star and the copy was actually pretty positive, wasn’t it?”
“It seems so to me,” Dad said.
“So,” Brant said with a hint of excitement, “what scripts do you have there?”
The one on top of the stack turned out to be familiar. I chuckled and announced, “The Seminary Scandals from Irreverant Films. They’re inviting me to read for Lorenzo Bianco, gorgeous 23-yr-old seminary student. If I’m not mistaken that is one of the ones sent to you, Brant.”
“It is and it’s the same part.”
“No need in my auditioning for that one if you’re in the mix.”
“Nonsense,” Brant said.
“He’s right, Sky,” Dad chided me. “Although Brant has the bigger box office draw at present, his fee would also be a lot higher. They could decide blonde fits better than brunette or that your own personality fits better than his.”
“Yes, babe,” Brant added. “We may often be in consideration for the same part, but we cannot let that stand in our way of trying to maximize our careers.”
I looked at this generous man with a burst of love in my heartspace. “I see now. Thanks.”
The next envelope yielded a television series called Silver Lake High. The cover letter said it will be 12 episodes, will film from November 1 until March 1 locally and the part I’m asked to consider is Sven Anderssen, a junior foreign exchange student from Stockholm who shocks fellow students with his openness concerning sexual boundaries. There is a note that brief nudity and sexual scenes with males and females will be required.
“Am I not too old to play a junior in high school?”
“No. You’ll be quite believable with proper grooming and wardrobe,” Mom said.
“That sounds pretty good,” Brant said. “You’d get a lot of exposure on television with that one.”
“At least the character seems to be bisexual instead of gay. That is a bit less stereotyping for me.”
Next was the script for a movie called B-School Confidential, where I am considered for the part of Pickering J. Morely, freshman business student who becomes embroiled in the investigation of the murder of his roommate’s best friend along with several other students. This one would film in summer 2021 in L.A.
“Sounds cheesy, but might be worth it if it’s not a B-grade production,” Dad commented.
The next envelope yielded Stronger Than Ever, where I was asked to read for Gerald Lancet, lead.
“Here’s another direct competition,” I said to Brant, handing him the script. To Mom and Dad, I said, “A gay guy who has escaped from one of those Christian aversion therapy programs.”
“Hmm,” Mom said. “That sounds like it would build your creds with serious drama.”
“Yeah,” Brant said. “You have to go for it.”
The final envelope yielded a made-for-TV movie called Christmas Amongst the Cacti, a Hallmark movie to be shot in February near Phoenix. The part would be Jerry Harrison, gay best friend and assistant to an events planner who decamps to Arizona to plan a Christmas celebration for the President. She falls for an advance planner while a closeted secret service officer falls for Jerry.
“That sounds like a fun, quick shoot,” Dad said.
“They don’t pay well, but they are quick and build recognition with the audience,” Mom said.
My cell chirped.
“It’s Joan,” I said as I clicked the Answer button. Everyone at the table was quiet, looking at scripts and the article while I talked.
She asked if I had the scripts and the article from Hollywood Celebrity News. She said she wanted me to read them before we discuss them. Then she said she had just received an inquiry to see if I might be interested in a 3-episode arc on a major television series.
“Sure, I guess. What show?”
She chuckled, “Lunar Base 1.”
“You’re kidding,” I laughed. I looked over at Dad who was glancing through a script. “I’m here with Mom and Dad and Brant. Is it okay if I put you on speaker?”
“This ought to be funny,” she said. “Please do.”
As I pulled the phone down to punch the speaker icon, I said to the group assembled, “Joan has received an inquiry about a role on a TV show. I’ll let her explain.”
“Okay, Joan, go ahead.”
“Hi everyone! I just got a call to see if Sky would consider a 3-episode arc on this show, which will be filming this fall.” She paused, for effect, I thought. “The show is Lunar Base 1.”
We all reacted with a bit of surprise and a few chuckles.
“Did you know about this, Dad?”
“Not really. Months ago one of the producers asked me if I would object to you or Rachel having a guest spot on the show. I said that would be fine and it’s the last I heard about it until now.”
“What’s the part, Joan?” Mom asked.
“A mysterious young recruit who arrives at the Base and who turns out to be the Commander’s illegitimate son from a college fling.”
“So, I’d be playing Dad’s son?”
We all laughed.
“Are you sure you’re okay with that, Dad?”
“Yeah, sure,” he said and then I saw a gleam come into his eye. “I think it will be easier to play your father than your detective.”
It was a private joke meant only for Brant and me. Brant broke up laughing and I could feel the blush rising through my face. “Da-ad!”
I turned back to the phone. “Okay, Joan, let’s pursue it.”
“Great! I’ll call them. By the way, welcome home you guys.”
She clicked off.
Brant stood up. “I need to get rolling,” he said. “I’ll call you tonight.”
He said good-bye to the ‘rents and I walked him out.
The kiss at the door was warm but a bit rushed. We both had a lot to do and I had a lot to think about.
To be continued...
Posted: 11/12/2020