Role of a Lifetime
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2021 by the author)
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Chapter 31
The next several weeks involved a lot of reading and serious thought about the various possibilities opening up to me. I felt they were all due to my appearance on Hollywood Weekly, since Laying Low was not yet being promoted and, well, I’d never received batches of scripts like this in the past. Most of the first auditions were being conducted either via a Zoom meeting or through the submittal of a video in which you were taped reading a scene. The ones that initiated with a Zoom meeting all wanted a video afterward.
Our amazing director loaned us a camera from the studio usually reserved for stationary shots. Kenny brought it to Brant’s apartment and set it up against a blank wall in the living room. Everything was simple enough for us to operate the system ourselves to generate the required videos.
Every couple of days, I would go to his apartment and we would rehearse scenes for each other and then film the readings. We could usually get 3 done each day. I would stay over and we would film again the next day. It was a great pattern and I was sad when it ended after a couple of weeks.
I received 3 additional scripts during this time and Brant received 7 or 8.
In the end I submitted filmed auditions for:
The Seminary Scandals,
Lorenzo Bianco (gayish), movie (competing against Brant)
2. Silver Lake High, Sven Anderrsen which needs a Swedish accent (bisexual), TV-series
3. B-School Confidential, Pickering J. Morley (sexuality not mentioned), college sleuth, movie (my audition shown here.)
4. Stronger Than Ever, Gerald Lancet (gay), movie (competing against Brant)
5. Christmas Amongst the Cacti, Jerry Harrison (gay), TV movie
6. Lunar Base 1, Shane Roberts (Dad’s illegitimate son)(sexuality not mentioned), TV series 3-ep arc
7. LA Loves Everyone, series of 3 commercials for L.A. Visitors Bureau
8. Cody Comes Out, Cody Benton (gay), high school swimming champ and his journey to come out without giving up his sport, 8-part series for Netflix
Brant submitted filmed auditions for:
The Seminary Scandals,
Lorenzo Bianco (gayish), movie (competing against me)
2. Home to Hunter’s Village, Drake/Bob Grant (gay), movie
3. Stronger Than Ever, Gerald Lancet (gay), movie (competing against me)
4. My Days in Kabul, Lt. Howard Hewlett (not gay), movie
5. South Beach Shenanigans, Fernando Herrera (pansexual), movie (his audition shown here)
6. Manhunt on the Moon, Lt. Commander Oscar de Oliviera (not gay), movie
7. Mariel to Miami, Raul Fernandez (not gay), Cuban refugee fleeing in a rowboat with 3 other men on a treacherous journey during the Mariel crisis of 1980, 10-part series for Netflix.
We found it a wonderful experience and a very productive way to handle these early auditions. The hardest part was filming us doing the same scene for the two where we were in competition. In both cases, I read first and then Brant read about a week later so he wouldn’t base his reading on anything I had done in mine.
I got the chance for a second, in-person audition for all of mine except Silver Lake High, Christmas Amongst the Cacti, and LA Loves Everyone. I was very happy. Mom, Dad, and Brant all said that was a very high ratio of second auditions so I should be proud, which I was. The second auditions were all handled in face-to-face meetings where safety protocols and social distancing were strictly enforced. These occurred during late August and the first couple of weeks in September.
Brant was given second auditions for all but Home to Hunter’s Village and Stronger Than Ever, which, curiously, were the gayest roles on his list. Ultimately he was offered The Seminary Scandals, My Days in Kabul, South Beach Shenanigans, Manhunt on the Moon, and Mariel to Miami. The Seminary Scandals was scheduled to film from October 1 to November 25 and South Beach Shenanigans was set for January 15 through March 1, 2021. He was asked to begin working with a personal trainer assigned by the studio as soon as possible to be in extraordinary condition by January (though how he could look better than he did then was quite beyond my imagination!).
Manhunt on the Moon was tentatively set for filming from April through September 2021 to allow time for crews to develop the Moon-based sets. My Days in Kabul was set for August through October 2021 with Mariel to Miami set for Fall 2021. Producers from these 3 movies were asked to coordinate shooting to accommodate Brant’s schedule and it was not clear which of those movies he could actually shoot.
After hearing about his results, Dad told him, “Brant, you are officially A-list with that set of offers and studios working together to schedule jointly so they can all have you. That’s really excellent!”
I was very impressed with the results of his auditions, too. As could be expected, my hiring rate was much more modest, but I was pleased because it represented a definite heating up of my career. I was offered Lunar Base 1 to film in October, Stronger Than Ever to be filmed October 15 through February 1, and B-School Confidential to be filmed April 1 through July 31, 2021. Stronger Than Ever would be my first lead role in a film, in anything other than a commercial actually. I was pumped! We all found it interesting that only one of those was a gay role.
During all this activity, I was spending about every fourth night at Brant’s apartment and on occasion, he would come to our house, usually for dinner with Rachel and Brodie and some wild sex. I had never been so grateful the floor plan of our house had a very good separation between my bedroom and my parents.
Brant was developing into a stellar top and I almost always wound up with a couple of his loads in my rectum and one in my stomach. Each time I went to his apartment, I would take a Fleet enema with me so I could take my precautions after we quit filming for the day while he prepared dinner. That part of our pattern became routine, but what happened after dinner never got routine. Usually we watched a movie on Netflix until I convinced him we should watch the Spanish series Toy Boy so he could learn about male strippers for the role in Home to Hunter’s Village, in case he was cast. While I was very attracted to the lead in the movie and his best friend (Spanish actors Jesús Mosquera and Jose de la Torré), Brant didn’t seem to respond to them so much as individuals, but seemed very turned on by the dancing bodies. We had a little extra oomph in the bedroom each night after a couple of episodes of Toy Boy. Thank you, Netflix!
One evening I stayed over at Brant’s after filming auditions. I decided it was time he had a new experience, so did a lot of planning for the event. I told him I would provide dinner and brought all the provisions for a very nice chef salad with sliced chicken breast. I wanted the meal to be tasty but light. At the end of our work day, I reached into my duffle bag while leering at him.
“I have a special treat for you,” I said.
He looked at me with a guarded curiosity and said, “That sounds nice.”
I pulled out a Fleet enema and extended it toward him.
“For me?”
I nodded and he continued to look puzzled while I simply stared with as much suggestiveness as I could muster. I guess my acting chops are getting stronger because it only took about 3 seconds for him to understand that my surprise involved him bottoming.
His eyes got wide, then his lips parted into a slight grin before slowly widening to a full (dare I say ‘joyous’?) smile. “Okay,” he said in a lower register than normal.
As he turned to go into the bedroom, I called out, “Don’t forget the second rinse and the shower.”
“Yes, dear.”
He re-appeared about an hour later wearing only a golden silk robe. With damp hair slicked back and an expectant countenance, he was abnormally alluring. I stared transfixed and sang a couple of lines from an old Joe Cocker song. “You are so beautiful. You are so beautiful, to me.”
I handed him a glass of a nice white wine I’d swiped from Mom’s wine cellar (with her permission) called Les Perles from Vigné-Lourac Vinyards in France and we went onto the balcony to enjoy the view of the Hollywood Hills as the setting sun altered them moment by moment. Earlier I had set up my laptop to play my Pandora channel of love songs, so I punched it to life and started the play with Adele singing “Hello.”
I was intentional in treating him as though I was his protector. You know, arm around his shoulders protectively, kissing his ear, telling him how gorgeous he is and how much I love him. He leaned into me as if trying to meld with my body. Slowly we sipped our wine, mostly silent except for the occasional appreciative comment about the beauty of the hills or about the evening. Once in a while I would caress his back through the silky robe, dropping a little lower each time until I was gently rubbing his rounded buns with my palm. I cupped his butt cheek and squeezed, which prompted him to turn his head toward me. I gave me a gentle kiss and he said, “Honey, I look forward to taking you deep into me later.”
“Umm,” I mumbled. “We’ll never forget tonight.” And I allowed my hand to drift into the narrow crevice between his buttocks, running my middle finger down, down until I could just tap his sphincter through the silky robe.
He drew in a deep breath and whimpered. I tapped gently a few times, then slowly raised my hand across his back until it found his shoulder again.
When our wine glasses were empty, I ushered him to the little table where we usually ate, held his chair for him while he sat down, and lit 3 tea candles I’d put on a plate in the middle of the table. I refilled our glasses, then excused myself to collect our salads from the refrigerator. When I had served the salad plates and sat across from him, Brant leaned forward and held his hands toward me. I reached out to take his, squeezing them and holding them for a moment.
“This is very nice, babe,” he said.
I looked at him in the twilight, lit somewhat by the candles on the table, overcome once again by his staggering masculine beauty. “I want you to feel my love tonight, all over, inside and outside, through and through. This is for you, my dear Brant.”
Momentarily he closed his eyes as if he needed to hold the message inside himself. He squeezed my hands again and said in a croaky voice, “I can’t quite believe how good you are to me.”
I smiled and whispered, “That’s the idea.” I blew him a kiss. “Now, let’s eat!”
About 45 minutes later, I blew out the candles and we carted the used dishes and such into the kitchen. We opened another bottle of wine to refill our glasses and I led Brant into the bedroom like a lamb to the slaughter, except my hope was to kill any doubt that gay sex could be the very best. I pulled his robe off and lay him on the bed.
“Get comfortable and relax, baby. I’m going to take a fast rinse. Don’t touch your dick!” I stripped and dashed into the shower. I was back in 7 minutes based on a glance at the bedside clock.
My hair was damp, but I felt my skin tingling and I had a good beginning to a stiffy.
He was lying serenely in the middle of the bed, right where I left him but I noticed two changes: his wine glass was half empty and he had a full erection. I smiled down on him from the foot of the bed before crawling onto the bed and pushing his feet apart so I could move into place between them. Of course, to get close to his groin with my knees next to each other, I had to lift his legs. Instead of lifting his hairy legs above him, I pushed the back of his knees to the sides.
“Just so you understand what I’m going to do to you, babe, here’s the game plan. I’m going to work your ass like never before and eventually I will fuck you until you cum. And you will have the strongest, most out-of-this-world orgasm of your life.”
His eyes bugged slightly, his lips drew to the side flattening them, his face reddened, his breathing immediately became a bit ragged and gaspy, he whimpered like a puppy, and his dick drooled copiously onto his belly.
“So, here are the rules. First, you trust me completely. Can you do that?”
He nodded.
“Second, you allow me to do anything to your body I want to. I will not hurt you.”
He whimpered again.
“Third, if I tell you to do something, you comply as quickly and completely as you can. Fourth, you do not touch your dick no matter how much you need to cum. That’s very important. If you fail to comply, I will be forced to restrain you. Got that?”
For the first time, he looked a little frightened. He gasped but I noticed his dick bounced and produced a pearly drop of nectar which flowed into his belly button.
“Got it?”
“Good. And last, forget everything, even who you are and who I am. Concentrate on your body and the sensations you’re feeling. Some may be completely new for you, but don’t be afraid and don’t fight your sensations or your feelings. Let them flow through you freely. Savor them. Have a good time. Okay?”
I didn’t kiss him or caress him. This was not romance. This was sex of the highest order and didn’t need to be confused with love, although afterwards we’d make that connection.
Holding his legs out by pressing on his thighs, I leaned down, parted my lips, positioned my lips about an inch from him, and blew hotly on his rosebud. I did that for a couple of minutes to set a maddeningly slow pace. After a while, he started squirming and his whimpers became stronger. Eventually, his asshole winked at me, opening for me even if I was not asking it to do so – yet. Tentatively, I licked my target.
He shouted, “Aaaaaiiieeee!” As he cried out, he wriggled spasmically.
I moved into a serious tongue fucking that I clocked at 9 minutes. I wanted him to be a mass of jelly on the mattress. Continually throughout the rimming, he whimpered, groaned, gasped, and yelped while his dick drooled. Giving his sphincter a parting kiss, I slipped off the bed and pulled his thighs in to give his muscles a short break, saying quietly but firmly, “Get on your hands and knees.”
While he obediently rolled into position, I pulled my small duffle bag close to the side of the bed. I smiled in anticipation of the fun I was going to have tonight. I pulled several hand towels out and dropped them near his knee, put a large tube of lube on top of the towels, and pulled out a small leather whip that had about a dozen separate leather strips on the end. I laid the whip beside the towels and pulled out a lovely contraption I got on Amazon that week. It’s about 15” long and has a firm flat square of leather on one end for slapping and a small black feather duster on the other. I laid it beside the whip.
Brant was watching my preparations by looking beneath his body at me. He gasped when he saw the whip and again when he saw the slapper. Next I brought out 2 leather cuffs about 3” wide. The cuffs could be tightened with a leather string that tied onto a small ring which was on one side of the cuff. I withdrew two pieces of a black nylon cord about 4’ in length and place them beside the cuffs on the bed. Brant’s eyes bugged out at the sight of the restraints.
“Remember,” I growled, “don’t touch your dick!”
“Yes,” he said quietly. I leaned down to look under his body and into his eyes with severe intensity. “Sir,” he added. The 51st shade of Grey? I thought.
I reached into the bag and withdrew a small black dildo, which at 6.5” by 3.5” is considerably smaller than my cock. I laid it down, then retrieved one final item: a second dildo that is much more intimidating at 9” by 6”.
“Oh!” he exclaimed at the sight of the big dildo.
Leaving everything lined up beside him, I moved back into position behind his twitching ass and gave it another kiss and a probing lick.
To be continued...
Posted: 11/19/2021