Role of a Lifetime
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2021 by the author)
The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's
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Chapter 29
When he
came over to swim the next day, Brant was quite well dressed for a swim date.
When I opened the front door, he looked like a summertime icee to me in his
light-weight seersucker jacket.
I smiled and said in a sultry voice, “You look good enough to eat, babe!”
He laughed. “Umm,” he said thoughtfully. With a twinkle in his dark eyes, he said, “Okay.”
“Come on inside then.”
He stepped into my body for a hug and a kiss. Damn, that felt really good!
I took his jacket and hung it in the coat closet, then we went into the den to chat.
“Coffee? Soda? Beer?”
“I’m good right now, thanks. Sit with me.”
I sat down while he reached into a small satchel he had brought and pulled out a couple of folded sheets of yellow paper probably from a pad which he handed to me.
As I glanced at the page, I realized he had brought with him a list of the scripts he’d received from his agent Freddy. There were 9 in all, one having come first thing that morning. Freddy had summarized the roles Brant was being solicited to read for:
1. The Prince of Chiffon from Pink Triangle Films: Prince Lanny (lead), mid-20’s gay prince
2. Stronger Than Ever from Inverted Films: Gerald Lancet (lead), 26-yr-old gay artist just escaped from aversion therapy
3. Home to Hunter’s Village from 4 Artists and a Beautician Films (lead): Drake/Bob Grant, 25-yr-old exotic dancer and escort (bisexual} who returns to small hometown in Texas when father is diagnosed with cancer
4. The Seminary Scandals from Irreverant Films (second lead): Lorenzo Bianco, gorgeous 23-yr-old seminary student (gayish) who is molested by his mentoring priest
5. La Casa de los Caballeros by La Cinema de Argentina Films (second lead): Ty Hurley, 25-yr-old American spending the summer working as a cowboy in the Argentine Pampas, dates daughter of the ranch owner, who will not tolerate him – not gay
6. My Days in Kabul by Homeland Films (second lead): Lt. Howard Hewlett, mid-20’s, Marine serving in Iraq from 2005 to 2007 – apparently not gay
7. South Beach Shenanigans from Beachfront Films (lead): Fernando Herrera, 25-yr-old lifeguard and pansexual
8. Manhunt on the Moon from Stellar Productions (lead): Lt. Commander Oscar de Oliviera, 25-yr-old Brazilian Lt. Commander at Moonbase where the Commander is murdered – no sexual identity mentioned
9. The Murder of Miss Melody Morrison from Agatha Films (second lead): DCI Norm Bryson, 25-yr-old assistant to the chief inspector of a murder on the English moors – no sexual identify mentioned
“Well,” I said, “it’s certainly eclectic, isn’t it?”
He laughed. “Indeed. There are princes and starmen, English detectives and gay guys.”
“And some that are Hispanic and others that don’t seem to be.”
He nodded. “The main common threads I see are that they are all guys in their mid-20’s and none are romantic leads who are straight. I’ve received several scripts for those straight romantic roles in the past year, so that seems a change.”
“Oh, I see. How do you feel about that?”
“A little disappointed. It smacks of a ‘wait-and-see’ attitude on the part of casting directors.”
I nodded. “Which ones are you considering?”
“I’ll read them all and try to stay open to the possibility of any of them. But I am most drawn to Manhunt on the Moon because it would be fun to go back to space and the title suggests an interesting plot, The Seminary Scandals and Stronger Than Ever because both of them sound like roles requiring some deep emotions so they would build me as an actor. And My Days in Kabul since it would be my first soldier and build fans’ view of my masculinity. Of course, it depends on quality of the script, who else is cast, when it would film, and how good the offer would be.”
“I’ll be interested to see what you think when you actually read the scripts.”
“Me, too,” he chuckled.
“If you want my opinion on any of them, I’d be happy to read them.”
“Changing the subject, did you bring a swimsuit?”
“Uhm, no, I understood it was a suit-free zone.”
“Normally it is, but something happened Saturday that has temporarily altered our norms.” I told him about the drone hoovering above me while I was sunning in the pool.
“Shit, babe,” he said with a suppressed snarl. “That really sucks.”
“We all figure it was a paparazzi and we’ll soon see my junk in the rack at the check-out stand.”
“Fuck, I’m afraid I have to agree.”
“We knew there wouldn’t be much privacy with all the buzz we generated on Hollywood Weekly. I just wasn’t expecting it on my first day at home. How did they know I was even here?”
“We’d told the HW audience we thought we would be done about this time. He probably just intended to get some photos of your backyard to show you are not a struggling actor. Can you imagine how he would have reacted when he realized the potential of what he had?”
“Shit, man, I know our stuff will be all over the internet once the movie drops, but I think we’ll be proud of how we look in those shots. But I was sort of napping until I became aware of the buzzing sound and looked up. If I had been expecting a photo like that, I would have been sure I was, you know, uhm, a little bit plump.”
For a moment Brant looked puzzled, but then he started laughing with a deep gut-laugh.
“Junior was being quite shy at that moment, I’m afraid.”
“Oh, no!” Brant screamed, “once that picture…” He harrumped. “…is published somewhere, no one…” He trumpeted like an elephant. “no one will buy a ticket to see it.” He dissolved into a laughing fit I thought was going to take him wet himself.
“You prick!” I grabbed him and shook him playfully, but it had no effect since he was already shaking with hilarity. “Stop!”
With obvious effort, his body became rigid and his face became a mask of seriousness for about one and a half seconds before a hurricane burst forth from his mouth. He screamed, cried, and spat before I could react.
I was conflicted, seeing the humor in the situation but at the same time feeling vulnerable and not particularly supported by my beau.
“It’s a…gay…man’s…” He screamed, dropped forward off the sofa into a half squat and slapped his leg just above his knee before he spit out: “worst nightmare!” He guffawed and sank slowly to the floor as he was racked like he’d swallowed that hurricane back down. He lay at my feet, holding his belly, mouth open as he alternately gasped for breath and exhaled a huge, noisy cackle worthy of the Wicked Witch of the West.
I fell on him like I was trying to protect the President from a hand grenade, tried to corral his flailing hands and pressed my full weight against him to hold him flat on the floor. He lay crying and wriggling underneath me for a couple of minutes while I tried to hold on. Finally, the tremors tapered off and he became still except for gulping breaths.
I raised up so we could look at each other. “Are you finished?” I couldn’t help but let a hint of sarcasm and irritation fill my voice.
He nodded. “I can tell Junior’s not feeling shy right now!”
Oh, gawd! All his squirming underneath my groin had given me a raging boner.
“Aaaaiiieeee!” he screamed and was off again for a couple of minutes. I’ll admit I loosened up at last and joined him in his mirth this time. Finally, I rolled off him and sprawled on the floor beside him as we both laughed hilariously.
Just then Mom raced in from the hallway. “Are you two all right?” she demanded.
Of course, this just fueled the ridiculous giggling. Unable to speak, I nodded vigorously.
She sort of glared at us, but I could tell she was fighting her own need to laugh. She nodded back at me and whirled around to hurry out the door.
A couple of minutes later, we were lying peacefully on the floor. I felt Brant’s hand groping along my arm. When he located my bicep, he gripped firmly and said softly, “Can I borrow a Speedo?”
It struck me as funny, but I swallowed my giggles. “Uh-huh. Come up and see your choices.”
We struggled to our feet and he retrieved his Dopp kit from the hall table and his satchel from the sofa. We went up to my room where I closed the door and grabbed him, “Damn, babe, I’ve missed you!”
He grinned and kissed me tenderly. “Me, too. It’s been awful.”
After we changed, Brant asked if I minded if he took a few pictures.
“As long as they don’t appear in the National Enquirer next week.”
We detoured through the kitchen to abscond with a couple of cherry cokes and went down to the pool, which was lovely and peaceful. Hopefully it will stay that way, I thought. We swam for a few minutes and then got out to enjoy the great afternoon. Brant took a few photos of the backyard pool area and several of me. Him wanting photos of me was very flattering and a sort of boyfriendy thing to do. Later he showed me this picture:
We chatted some more about what we had seen online about us, laughing that we seem to be the latest couple fans are “shipping” about. We’d both seen numerous references to “Bransky” which we agreed was better than “Skyant.”
“How about that nap?” he said.
A few minutes later, I introduced him to my walk-in shower and we enjoyed a lengthy warm-water scrub of each other. Of course, no shower with your lover would be complete without short blowjobs, which we generously applied to each other’s manhood. While I was on my knees, I spun him around to face the wall and began rimming him gently and then more insistently. He announced his pleasure with a series of gasps and whimpers that turned me on like crazy. His body was most responsive with wiggles and shakes and an easy relaxation of his sphincter. My tongue was practically pulled in as he pushed back into my face. His whimpers gradually transformed into wails that reverberated off the tiles in the bathroom and elevated the erotic ambience significantly. My tongue probed and caressed within his clean, hot hole. Fuck! This is so hot! I thought.
We combined our efforts, me probing and him pushing back until I knew his orifice was ready to breach. I considered asking his permission, but decided to take control and mount him because I knew he needed it even more than I.
I stood and moved against his curvy rump, guiding my cock into his crack where I thrust against him in a simulation of penetration that would have given me an orgasm in only a minute or two. I reached around his body, putting my arms across his torso in each direction. Gently I pulled him up from his leaning position against the tiles. Pulling his back to my chest made his lower back arch in a very sexy pose that gave my hips the full cushion of his buns while encasing my thrusting cock in the firm flesh of his butt.
I put my mouth against his ear and whispered, “I love you, honey.”
He gasped. “Please,” he croaked, “give me your love.”
I leaned away from his back as I made another couple of thrusts along his crevice while I reached for the shampoo to use as lube.
He turned halfway so he could face me and commanded, “Put it inside!” He
dead-eyed me in the sexiest glare I’d ever seen while I made a show of pouring
shampoo into my palm. Seeing that, he smiled, turned back to face the wall, put
his hands firmly on the tiles, and pushed his butt back at me with such force
that I had no choice but to take a step backward.
That space allowed me room to rub shampoo along my turgid 8-incher and quickly permit a single finger to circle the inside surface of his sphincter. His natural bodily resistance to penetration was quickly overcome with the pressure I exerted and the push he gave. My cock pushed through the tight sphincter into the softer clingy flesh of his rectum as we both cried out in gratitude.
I took about 3 seconds to slowly take possession of his interior before holding still when my pubic region was pressed firmly against his wonderful butt cheeks.
“Oh, Sky, please. I need it.”
“You’re mine,” I growled, still imbedded to the max.
“Oh!” he wailed.
Slowly I pulled all the way out, only to pause with my cockhead now kissing his twitching hole. I waited for a count of 2 and then entered him again to begin a slow but powerful pummeling of his amazing ass. Throughout our 10-minute coitus, he moaned and whimpered, often punctuating my thrusts with a wailed “Oh” or a responsive “Ooof.” Twice I raised his torso so I was pumping with more direct power against his prostate.
My need for ejaculation developed quickly but I managed to delay it by slowing my thrusts or stopping altogether for a few seconds. When I knew I was closing in on the inevitable end of this great coupling, I reaching down and grasped his steely erection. He cried out the instant I touched it and a large blob of precum covered my fingers. Quickly I spread his natural lube down over his 7½ firm inches and began a synchronized pumping into him while stroking off his dick.
After less than a dozen strokes, his moaning began to increase in volume and I knew he was about to blow. I increased the tempo to fuck him as fast, as deep, and as strongly as I could, knowing that would bring us both off quickly. I also jacked him rapidly in time with my fuck-strokes. After several seconds at this pace, he screamed into the shower. The velvet walls of his interior closed around my straining cock so tight I almost couldn’t retreat for another thrust. That one huge clench on my cock flipped my switch. His body convulsed and he screamed again as his cum blasted the tile walls of my shower. I think he got 2 shots off, maybe 3, before I began filling him with my seed, adding my screams to the cacophony of sound.
We got our 30 seconds of blissful release as our balls emptied themselves with great fanfare.
The next 2 hours gave us a chance to sleep in each other’s arms until the alarm woke us to dress for dinner with Brodie and Rachel.
To be continued...
Posted: 11/12/2020