Officers' Boy
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2022 by the author)
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Chapter 18
By the time Roger, Donovan, and I got home from Pass-A-Grille Beach that evening, we had a plan. It centered on a guys-only camping trip for the three of us during the Labor Day weekend. Of course, they would go camping and I would go to the officers’ house. We agreed not to mention it to our parents until Rafael said it was a good weekend for them.
Before we got home, I texted Rafael to set the stage.
Me: How would Labor Day weekend work?
Rafael: Great for me. I’ll check the others.
Me: Text me Monday when I’m at work.
Rafael: Sure
Me: Thank you for today.
Rafael: Enjoyed it immensely.
Me: Me 2 Rog and Dono love U
Rafael: Awww 😊
Rafael: U have GR8 friends
Me: Yep
Me: Nearly home – gotta go
Rafael: G’Night
Me: Night!
Labor Day was several weeks in the future but that gave me time to psyche myself up, as well as it would give me an extra day compared to a regular weekend.
Sylvia instantly gave me the weekend off while expressing concern that my new “pussy” would be up to the task of taking on 4 studs. That was, naturally, my biggest concern.
Sylvia, bless her fine Christian soul, offered to come over to the “sex den” to take on the overload of all these horny bi-sexuals. I laughed and said I would think about getting her a date with one of them after I got tired of him.
One afternoon when Donovan and I played tennis at the park, I mentioned my big concern to him as we walked around the park to cool off after our match, which I won 6-4.
“I can understand your concern, dude,” he said with a shaking head and a thoughtful expression. “You are awfully new at this, so it seems almost impossible to take so much cock, doesn’t it?”
“Indubitably,” I responded.
know I’m so manly that you can’t really envision me on my back with legs in the
air and a cock in my ass.”
“I don’t think manliness and a penchant for butt-fucking are mutually exclusive,” I laughed.
“So perceptive!” he exclaimed. “Anyhow, in spite of any previous ideas you’ve had about me, I do readily admit to you, but not everyone, that I do like to get plowed by my well-endowed brothers, dad, cousins, uncles, etcetera.”
“Fuck!” I muttered.
“Greatest family in the world,” he said.
“So,” he continued, “I know some things about taking big dicks and living to sit again.”
“Anything you can tell me?”
“Of course, dumpling,” he chuckled. “First, always douche before you’re expecting to get plowed.”
“Actually, Rafael already explained that to me.”
“Hmm. Knowledgeable bi guy. That’s good.” He paused thoughtfully. “Second, be sure they’re using a lot of lube. If they do, then the first penetration is not too difficult and, after that one, your hole gets stretched enough that you can take a lot of fucking without much pain. Of course, eventually, your hole from sphincter to the depths inside can get sore from all the friction. So, I’d say at first try to only take a couple in a row. Unless they don’t take long to get off. Think of it. One guy can sometimes go 20 or 30 minutes. Or, four guys can go 5 each and you get the same amount of pounding but you’ve satisfied the whole bunch.”
“You make math so much more interesting than the teachers at Hillsborough High.”
We laughed at the educators’ expense.
“I am being serious, though, Eric.”
“I know, Donny.”
We were quiet for a minute before he spoke again.
“Do you know if the plan is for you to spend all night with a different guy each night? Or, is it to have a sort of orgy every night where all of them do you in front of each other?”
“I actually have no idea. Rafael and I have never discussed details like that. Does it make a difference?”
“I’m not sure. But one thing is certain. If they are all in the room with you going at it one after another, it will take less time for each one to get off because he’ll be more excited by the situation – by his friends doing you, too. Bottom line: If you can take Rafael twice in one night, as I believe you said you did the very first time, then I expect you can handle this without much problem.”
“Thanks, man. You’ve given me a lot more confidence.”
“One more suggestion. If you guys can arrange it, get Rafael to shag you as much as possible before Labor Day. That way, your hole won’t be so tight and you’ll understand better how to relax quickly and thoroughly.”
“Oh, I don’t know if we can find the opportunity.”
“Well, try. If not, it doesn’t mean you won’t be able to handle the weekend. It just means it will be a little more of a challenge at first.”
Monday night, I closed Starbuck’s, so I put my cell on speaker phone and chatted with Rafael as I mopped the floors before going home.
When he told me the guys were all glad to have me come over for the Labor Day weekend, I was thrilled and a little anxious.
“Smoky and Dancer both expect to have some other obligations part of the time, but they’ll be at home for the weekend and will spend as much time with you as they can. Tony and I will probably be there all weekend.”
“Great! I think.”
“Why wouldn’t it be great?”
“Just a lot of time for sex, I guess.”
“Relax. It won’t just be sex. We’ll swim and maybe go out somewhere. The point is for you to get to know the other guys and for them to get to know you. It’ll be a lot more than sex. Trust me.”
“Okay. That sounds good.”
“There will be a lot of sex, too. Don’t get me wrong. All of them are very excited about getting intimate with you. They all think you’re hot, so naturally they’re turned on to getting to know you that way.”
“To be honest, Rafe, I am a little frightened, but I’m also excited about getting to know them, too. I’m sure I’ll be okay.”
“I know you will.”
“There is something you could do that I think would make me less nervous.”
“Anything, babe. You know I’ll do anything to make this work for you.”
“Thank you, Rafe.” I paused as I screwed up my courage. “The truth is that I have only had the experience of, uhm, anal sex a few times and I’m nervous that my body is too new at this. So, uhm, it would make me feel more prepared if you and I could, uhm, you know, do it a few times before Labor Day.”
“Oh, Eric, of course. I do understand. And,” he chuckled, “I’d certainly enjoy that, too. You just have to tell me when you can have the time and we can have the privacy.”
As it turned out, we never could figure out a way to have the privacy without taking a chance on my parents finding out. So, we had to resort to using of the restrooms at the coffee shop on nights when I was closing. We did manage two such trysts that were really exciting and satisfying in spite of the somewhat less favorable conditions. I must admit, doing it in a public place, even if it was private at the time, gave our sex a flavor of sleaze and naughtiness it hadn’t had at the Flamingo. Frankly, I loved it!
Also helping me be more prepared for the weekend was a gift Rafael brought me soon after we had talked about my anxiety. He brought me a plastic dick, a “dildo,” which I began using about every other night before bed. It provided some extra oomph to my jack-off sessions. I noticed that after the first time or two, it actually seemed easier to take, which encouraged me.
My first week at the University of South Florida was the week before Labor Day, which helped me get my mind off the weekend while I met dozens of professors, teaching assistants, and classmates, found my way to all my classes, and generally got acquainted with the environment I’d be in for the next four years.
Before I knew it, Labor Day weekend was upon us!!
As we devious sons had conspired, I booked us a campsite at a state park called O’Leno State Park about 150 miles north of Tampa in the hilly central part of the state. It was a place my church had used for a youth retreat a couple of years before, so I could talk about the area if needed. I collected my tent, sleeping bag, and some other gear with Rog and Donny bringing some other supplies. Our mothers coordinated some food to send along and Roger teased me about missing out on Mom’s brownies topped with white cream cheese icing. Donovan pointed out to Roger that I would be getting plenty of creamy icing this weekend without the brownies. I was embarrassed but I loved it, too.
The park is about two and a half hours from Tampa, so we loaded up after lunch on Friday for the escapade.
Roger and Donovan agreed to text me some photos from O’Leno so I could share them with the ‘rents as my own. But how could we get me into some acceptable pictures?
Roger and I had scoped out an area along the Hillsborough River not far from our houses where the trees grew to the riverbank and were similar in type to those at O’Leno. So, when we were all in the car, we made a quick stop at that area, trooped down to the river, and snapped half a dozen photos on all our phones. We each took a change of tee-shirts so it would seem the photos were not all shot at once. Then we posed singularly and in various pairs and in a couple of selfies where we all crowded together. I was photographed alone more so that it would balance out when they took some of themselves at the actual park. When we were done, I changed my shorts and put on a different tee so they could spread out my clothes along with theirs in a couple of shots of the campsite.
I don’t think any of us had any particular sense of guilt about our subterfuge because it was all done to avoid ridiculous parental over-control and, of course, in the name of Love, or at least Lust. We actually got a little giddy about our elaborate plan to keep my ‘rents in the dark. Of course, both my friends thought my dad a pompous Christian hypocrite who didn’t really understand love of actual human people such as his son. So, foiling his control was a very exciting activity for them.
At last, the time came for me to go to Rafael’s house and the guys to head off to O’Leno.
We found the “group home” as Roger christened it was only about a mile from my house. It was on a street that ran somewhat along the river but far enough away for there to be a number of houses with several acres of yard backing up to the river. It had an odd country feeling in the middle of over 3 million people.
Their house was actually in a small bend of the river so that they had a large front yard with the house 75 yards or so off the street. A one-lane drive covered in crushed seashells meandered off the paved road in a curving direction toward the right side of the house where it entered a rather thick stand of sycamores and oaks before curving into a parking area bordered by Sable palms. The parking area was bounded by the end of the house where a 3-car garage stood and surrounded by a wooden railing on the other sides. A sidewalk beneath an arbor of gorgeous lavender bougainvillea ran from the side of the garages along the front of the house to the front entrance. The whole scene was really enchanting.
Roger stopped the car and I climbed out with my duffel bag. My anxiety was peaking and I almost got back into the car. But Donovan mumbled, “Hot damn!” as he stared at the walkway. I turned and saw Rafael, smiling widely. My heart melted and I knew I would be fine.
To be continued...
Posted: 07/29/2022