Officers' Boy
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2022 by the author)
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Chapter 17
The weeks of my summer confinement passed much more quickly than I had expected at the beginning of my incarceration. Gradually, I was given slightly more privileges and in mid-July my cell phone was returned to me. I could only use it when I was away from home for an “approved reason” such as to go to work or to go to the gym. (Cell phones were not allowed at Church since they would interfere with my concentration on “things of the Lord.”)
I scheduled myself to USF’s Freshman Orientation one Saturday toward the end of July. I was able to work 3 hours at Starbuck’s before leaving to drive the 7 miles or so to campus. I was allowed to use Mom’s CTS for the day, which made me a little uncomfortable since it seemed very pretentious for an incoming Freshman to drive up in such an expensive set of wheels. Luckily, I could dump it in a parking garage before anyone saw me in it.
The day went very well as I toured the campus and spent some time in the College of Engineering. Meeting a couple of additional professors, some graduate teaching assistants, and other incoming students was exciting and made the idea of going to school there much more real than it had been.
It was impressive to see some of the labs I will eventually be working in and to hear students talking about their projects and such. One girl introduced herself as Marisa from Cartagena, Colombia, said she was a Senior in Biomed Engineering. She showed us her project involving the artificial cleaning of blood that was drawn from the body and then returned after cleaning. I didn’t understand much more than that.
was a little more interested in the teaching assistant introduced as Greg from
St. Petersburg who showed us his design for a computer monitoring system for
electronic impulses through the nervous system. Perhaps my interest level in
the project had to do with my interest level in the presenter. Ya think?
I found the staff and other prospective students to be very friendly and open to conversation. “I’m going to like it here,” I thought.
I felt a rush of freedom when August 1 finally arrived and my prison sentence ended. Since that was a Friday, I went out for pizza with Roger, Donovan, and several others from my class at Hillsborough High. The pizza was incredible and the company was spectacular.
I knew my activities were still being scrutinized closely by my folks, so I arranged to go to Pass-A-Grille Beach with Roger and Donovan after my shift at Starbuck’s the next day. Rafael made the effort to come to the same beach to spend some time with me and also to meet my friends. Roger and Donovan were both quite animated about meeting the “Air Force stud who captured Eric’s heart and smashed his cherry.”
My friends and I arrived at the beach a few minutes after 3 p.m. and found Rafael a few minutes later. Donovan actually spotted my hunky boyfriend before I did. He gasped and grabbed my arm. “Oh, shit, is that him over there by the water?”
When I saw him, my heart raced and I nodded, squeaking out the word “Yes” breathlessly.
“Holy fuck!” Donovan said.
Finally seeing who we were looking at, Roger merely stared, saying under his breath, “Jeez Louise!”
Slowly and seductively, Rafael stood, smiled widely, and jogged over to us.
“Fuck,” Donovan breathed as he watched.
“Oh, babe!” Rafael said as he walked right into me, embracing me tightly. The feel of his naked chest against mine almost overwhelmed me. He hugged me for maybe a dozen seconds while Roger and Donovan stood awkwardly beside us and a few other people on the beach began to notice.
When he released me, Rafael stepped back a few inches and said, “Who are these fine young men?”
As I introduced my friends, Rafael greeted each with a firm, lingering handshake as he said, “So good to finally meet you!” He seemed completely sincere in what he said.
While Donovan was so overcome, presumably with lust, that he could only nod slack-jawed, Roger, presumably not overcome with lust, was much more articulate.
“Wonderful to meet you, too, Rafael. I’m glad to know the guy who has taken my best friend’s cherry.”
While Rafael exploded in laughter, my face became instantly hot as a firecracker. Donovan muttered, “You can’t say that, Roger.”
“Just did,” my buddy responded lightly.
Thankfully Rafael made no comment beyond a few more snickers.
He led us to his beach towel and we spread our towels beside his, mine on Rafael’s right and Donovan’s on his left with Roger beside Donovan.
Rafael turned toward my friends and said, “Please don’t think us rude, but I would like to chat with Eric for a few minutes before we all talk.”
“No biggie,” Donovan said.
“Donovan and I were just heading into the surf for a swim,” Roger said. Bless him!
With the boys gone, Rafael turned onto his side so we were facing each other. He placed his fingers on my cheek gifting me with his amazing smile. “I’ve missed you a lot, Eric,” he said.
For some reason I felt tears in my eyes. “I’ve missed you more than I’ve ever missed anyone,” I responded.
He pursed his lips and nodded understandingly. “A lot has happened this summer, babe, but you have a wonderful new experience ahead at USF.”
I nodded. We chatted for a while about what lay ahead for me after school starts in a few weeks.
“Can we get together again soon?” I asked.
“Whatever works for you, Eric.”
“I can’t understand why you’ve stayed with me these past two months,” I said.
He smiled. “Because I like you, babe. And I understand the constraints you’re living with. I still hope you might come to live with us, but I’ll be glad to have any time with you that I can.”
“Oh, that sounds so cool!”
“Have you thought any more about moving in with me and the guys?”
“Yes,” I said truthfully. “I’ve had a lot of time to think,” I grinned. “I’d go for it in a heartbeat except for two things.”
“First, I’m not sure I can pay for college without my parents help. What if I cut my ties with them and then can’t get enough scholarships? How can I pay for rent and food along with tuition and books?”
“That’s all understandable. But you are forgetting one thing. If you live with us, you will not need to pay for any rent or food. You’d just have to pay for your school expenses and, if there is a problem with that, I think the guys and I could help you out.”
“Which brings me to my second fear. What if they don’t like me?”
“I can give you good assurance they will like you very much.”
“What if I’m not up for all the sex they expect from me?”
He grinned widely. “Hell, Eric, you’re 18 years old. You’re at your peak sexually. You’re up to the needs of a few older guys.”
“Do you really think so?”
“Let me ask you a couple of questions.”
“Do you like blowing me?”
I blushed and grinned. “Oh, you bet. I love it,” I gushed, “and when you come in my mouth, oh wow, I can’t get enough.”
“Do you wish we could do more?”
“Of course. Every day. Twice a day!”
“And did you like it when I was inside you?”
“It was the best thing I’ve ever experienced,” I said honestly.
“Would you like to do that regularly? Frequently?”
The thought of having him inside me a lot was mind-blowing. I could hardly imagine how wonderful that would be.
“Oh, Rafe,” I said before I had to pause because of the lump in my throat. “That’s my idea of perfection.”
He stroked my cheek and I became aware that I was erect in my Speedo.
“I would love that more than anything,” I added.
“Baby,” he cooed, “I’m convinced you could handle our expectations and have a marvelous time doing it. We’re busy guys who are gone sometimes and often tired when we get home. We’re not unreasonable and demanding. But you would have all the sex you ever wanted and I expect we would, too.”
I let my mind drift to the idea of always having four hot men ready to be sucked or to plow my ass any time I desired it. My dick throbbed out a hefty dollop of precum in response.
“It sounds too good to be true, Rafe,” I said.
He grinned. “It might sound like that but I honestly think it would be quite true.”
“How could I know for sure?”
He thought for a couple of minutes. “We need to figure out a way for you to come to my house for a weekend. Do you think that might be possible?”
“I don’t know. It won’t be easy. My parents are watching me pretty close.”
“Just think about it and we’ll work it out. Okay?”
“Sure,” I said as I noticed Roger and Donovan walking up from the water toward us.
After the guys had flopped onto their towels, Rafael turned his back to me so he could face them. I had the pleasure of a good close-up look at his naked back and his luscious butt in the black Speedos while he got to know my two closest friends. I lay facing Rafe’s back going over our conversation and the possibility of orchestrating a weekend at his house.
As they talked, Donovan shared some details about his relationship with his brothers that were new details to both Roger and me. It seemed that his family believed in training their sons in sexual matters as soon as they hit puberty. His brothers, being older than Donovan, participated in his training from the time he was 14.
“How old are your brothers?” Rafael inquired.
“Duke is 23 and Drake is 21.”
“So they were, uhm, 19 and 17 when they introduced you to sex?”
“Yeah. Well, actually my dad introduced me.”
“You’re kidding!” Rafael responded.
“Oh my god!” Roger exclaimed.
I was just plain speechless with shock. I couldn’t help but remember Mr. Cooper at the pool one day in a decidedly sexy Speedo and the body to match. All things considered, I could think of a lot worse things than being his sex trainee.
“It’s the way the family works and, actually, I consider myself quite fortunate.” Donovan went on to describe being taught to suck, to take dick in the ass, and do a lot more. He shared about being with various cousins and uncles, too, and even his own grandfather. (“Eww,” I thought.) “Gramps is quite a stud, you guys. With decades of practice with all the guys in the family, he knows exactly how to give you the greatest pleasure while creating for himself the greatest pleasure, too.”
“Amazing,” Rafael said. “You know, I can understand this since I actually am attracted to both women and men. But, it is my experience that for the best pleasure you should have sex with men. Women are great for giving you a stable life with kids and all while your boyfriends offer the best sex.”
“That’s the belief in my family, too. Plus, most of the women prefer not having to serve their men so much as the men would want.”
“So,” Roger interjected, “Rafael, you are bi-sexual?”
“Pretty much.”
“So, how will you keep from breaking this wonderful boy’s heart?”
I stared across Rafael’s back and Donovan’s front to catch Roger’s smile. God, I love that guy!
Rafael took a deep breath. “First, I just want to compliment you for being a really good friend to care about Eric that way.”
“I love Eric a great deal,” Roger said unapologetically.
“I see that. But to answer your question, I have been and will continue to be completely honest with Eric about me and about my feelings for him. I will be kind to him and always treat him with respect and concern. I realize that makes it easier for him to fall in love with me but it’s also consistent with my personality and with what he deserves. I remind him occasionally that we’re not going to be together forever.” He turned over part-way so he could see me. “I adore you, babe.”
I was touched deeply by this declaration.
“However,” he said loud enough for Roger to hear him, “I will not say to Eric that I’m in love with him, because that is reserved for my future wife. That doesn’t mean I won’t always be good to him and help him move on in his life however I can.” He smiled back at me with a look I can only describe as loving. “In the end, no one else can prevent him from getting a broken heart.” Looking deeply in my eyes, he added, “Only you can do that, babe.”
Roger and Donovan were quiet for a moment before Roger said, “Well said, Rafael. So, I guess I won’t kill you as long as you treat Eric with respect and kindness.”
Rafael turned back toward the guys. “I promise,” he said solemnly.
We had supper at our favorite beachside restaurant, the Hurricane. Our conversation at dinner was lighter than at the beach as we focused on our expectations about college and Rafael’s life in the Air Force. Rafael insisted on picking up the tab for everyone even against our strong protests. We went back outside only a few minutes before the late sunset at around 8:15 p.m.
we walked back to the edge of the beach, Rafael took my hand in his, unconcerned
about what our companions or any bystanders might think of the gesture. I was
thrilled by this simple act of affection that I was not yet accustomed to.
I noticed that Donovan and Roger walked a discrete distance from us as we watched the orange orb extinguishing the day in the surf. It was beautiful and highly romantic. When darkness began descending on us, Rafael turned me toward him to plant a lingering, affectionate kiss on my lips.
“Thank you for a lovely day, Rafe.”
“Thank you, too, Eric. I like your friends a lot.”
“They like you a lot, too. I can tell.”
“I certainly hope so because I don’t ever want to come between you and your friends.”
“You won’t.”
“Think about how we can find a weekend to share. Please.”
“I will.”
Pulling me gently by the hand, Rafael took me to Roger and Donovan. “I loved meeting you guys,” he said. “I’m thrilled Eric has two great friends like you.”
“It was amazing to meet you, Rafael,” said Donovan. “You’re awesome,” he gushed like a fan at the stage door.
“I’ll try to live up to that,” Rafael bowed his head.
“You’d better, my friend,” Roger said.
“Good to know you, Roger,” Rafael responded.
“You, too.” Roger surprised us all by pushing Rafael’s hand away and walking into the hunky officer’s chest for a hug.
When they parted, Rafael turned back to me, planted a brief kiss on my lips, and said, “Keep in touch, babe.” Then he turned and walked further down the beach towards his Jeep, I presumed.
To be continued...
Posted: 07/22/2022