Officers' Boy
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2022 by the author)
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Chapter 19
After greeting me with a tight hug for several seconds, Rafael pushed me away and strolled the few feet to the driver’s side door, where Roger peered through the open window at us. Rafael leaned into the window (giving me an excellent view of his great butt) and spoke to my friends.
“Thank you both very much for helping us pull off this weekend. You’re amazing friends.”
“Hey,” Roger responded, “you’re quite welcome.”
“We’d do anything to help Eric,” Donovan said from the passenger side.
Rafael looked across the car to Donny. “I know that, Donovan. That’s why I think you guys are such amazing friends to Eric.”
“He deserves this weekend away from the tyrant,” Roger snickered.
Rafael smiled broadly at them. “I hope you guys have a spectacular time camping.”
“We will,” Donovan said.
“Don’t wear out the poor boy,” Roger added with a chuckle.
“We’ll treat him well,” Rafael promised.
“You’ll answer to me if you don’t!”
“Fair enough,” Rafael answered as he backed away from the car.
“Bye, guys!” I yelled.
“Bye, Eric!” they shouted in unison.
Roger put the car in reverse and they backed away from the garage, turned, and headed back along the seashell driveway toward River Road, leaving Rafael and me alone in the parking area.
Rafael kissed me long and hard after the car was gone. “I’m really glad you’re able to be here,” he said between kisses.
“Me … too,” I said.
He took my duffel bag and guided me under the bougainvillea to the front entrance of the house. As we walked, he said, “The others are all still at work. I took off at noon to be here when you arrived. They’ll get home between 5 and 5:30 most likely.”
Truthfully, I said, “I’m really looking forward to meeting them.”
Once we were inside, Rafael dropped my duffel bag in the foyer and then showed me around the house, pointing out the living areas and which of the bedrooms belonged to each roomie. The house, built in the 1950’s had been added to and remodeled several times including 3 years ago when Tuny bought the house after being transferred to MacDill Air Force Base.
The house was bigger than my family’s house by a third, I guessed, and had a simpler style to it with sleek, modern cabinets, spotlights hanging from the ceiling instead of fussy chandeliers, ceramic tile rather than carpet, hardwood, or oriental rugs, and Ikea-simple furniture paired with a lot of metal and glass tables as opposed to Mom’s Queen Anne and Victorian and French Provincial mish-mash of slightly prissy “old womanish” furniture. The house was beautiful – simple but elegant – and it embraced its environment with a lot of windows in the living area opening onto the huge patio and pool with the riverbend curving all the way across the back of the property. Rafael said the entire parcel of property was just under 4 acres.
you can see in this rough sketch of the floorplan, the central core of the house
contained the entryway from the front door through which we had entered, the
living spaces, and corridors connecting wings in each direction from the entry.
The hallway to the right took us to the 3-car-garage, a utility room, some
storage closets, a workshop, and a den with the largest flat-screen I’d ever
seen on one wall and a long black leather sectional facing the TV. The décor
here was “Modern Mancave,” I think and reeked of testosterone.
“Wow,” I said.
“We’re in here a lot and have some very good times in this room.”
I wondered if he was referring to good times watching football games or movies or if he might be referring to more, uhm, intimate good times. I considered asking what he meant but decided I could just answer my question later.
Off this room was a large bathroom featuring a urinal (I’d never seen one in a private home before), a toilet, a double sink, and a walk-in shower I judged to be 8 feet long and 4 feet deep with shower heads at each end. And, oh my, a small sauna! Immediately, the sexual possibilities raced through my mind.
“What do you think?” Rafael asked.
“Holy shit! This is erotic!”
Rafael laughed deeply.
A second door led us out of the bathroom into a room about 15 by 20 feet with a glass wall facing the pool. The room contained an impressive selection of gym equipment. “This is one of my favorite rooms. It’s so practical. Although we can work-out on base, we seldom do as our equipment is just about as extensive as the base gym has. And you can’t beat the convenience of this gym only a one-minute walk from your bed.”
From the gym we went back into the bathroom, where I enjoyed the use of the urinal before moving into the TV room/den/mancave. From the den we went back into the hallway connecting the garage, gym, and den with the entryway. When we got back to the foyer, Rafael retrieved my bag and we headed down the corridor leading to the left of the front door.
The corridor was wide with spacious bedrooms on each side until it ended at a set of double doors Rafael said was the master suite. From the entry, the bedrooms on the right belonged to Michael (aka Dancer) and Robert (aka Smoky). They shared a nice bathroom between them and had a full wall of windows facing the backyard and the river. On the left side, Rafael set my bag in the first room, which “could belong to you, Eric.” The second room on that side was his with a shared bath between the two rooms. These rooms looked onto the expansive front yard and were largely hidden from view by some rather thick foliage between the house and the street. The master suite at the end of the hallway belonged to Tony (aka Hailstorm) and was huge. It featured another giant-sized bathroom and monster closet at the front of the house and, on the back side of the house, lots of windows and some French doors opening onto a private patio and another bougainvillea-covered arbor which led to the main patio and pool area.
From the master suite, we backtracked to the entry where we turned to the left to pass through a short hallway containing a powder room and a study before opening onto an open and airy living room approximately 20 feet wide and 30 feet deep. The entire far side of the room was all windows along the pool. It was stunning with furnishings that were simple but quite nice – white leather sofas, love seats, and chairs with glass tables and exciting modern lamps, vases, and other stuff placed artfully around. A white baby grand piano set majestically along the wall on the right side of the room. On the wall to the right of the entrance was a long bar that seemed very well-stocked to this Baptist boy.
To the left of the living room, next to the wall of windows was a formal but casual dining room with a long oval table that could seat four on each side plus one on each end. Further from the living room was a smaller room I’d call a breakfast nook holding a smaller table with six chairs around it. Back to the left again was an enormous kitchen with beautiful white cabinets, acres of granite that was white with gold and silver flecks, and gleaming stainless-steel appliances. Lighted by several skylights, it was bright and inviting. A center island had five barstools along the edge for quick meals, I surmised. Built into one wall was a refrigerator and freezer that was approximately twice as wide as typical fridges.
“Wow!” I exclaimed. I was trying to control my thinking, but I couldn’t stop myself from realizing what a spectacular place this would be to live.
Rafael opened one side of the refrigerator unit and withdrew a couple of Miller lights. Handing me one, he said, “Let’s go back to my room.”
I grinned. “Oh yeah!”
When we got to his room, he kicked his flip-flops into the area in front of his closet. I toed off my sneakers leaving them beside his clogs. He slipped his shorts off, dropped them to the floor, and climbed stark naked into the middle of his queen-sized bed, leaned against the headboard, and patted the bed beside him, grinning up at me seductively. “You can leave your clothes on that chair, if you like,” he said indicating a comfortable looking Lazy Boy in the corner.
I set my beer on a coaster on the little table beside the chair, quickly pulled my tee-shirt over my head, and shucked my shorts off.
“Nice undies,” Rafael complimented me on my black Calvin’s. “The guys and I will appreciate you wearing some sexy underwear and swimsuits around the house so we can easily enjoy your gorgeous body.”
“Uhm, okay,” I said with a slight throb in my dick. I struck a pose as I tried to get into the exhibitionistic frame of mind he seemed to be asking me to adopt.
chuckled. “That’s perfect, babe. I hope you can try to be your true sexy self
as much as possible around here. Remember that we all see you as a sexually
alluring guy we’ll want to be with.”
“I’ll try, Rafe, but I have to admit I don’t think of myself as particularly alluring.”
“When you see how the guys drool over you, maybe you can get a more realistic view of your own beauty.” He smiled big. “Okay, off with the briefs now.”
I dead-eyed him as I slowly dropped my hands to my abdomen and then my hips. I undulated just a bit as I lowered my Calvin’s until they dropped to my feet. I kicked them from the floor onto the chair, causing my half-hard dick to swing from side to side.
“Now, get over here beside me.” He patted the bed again as he swigged his beer.
When I climbed in next to him, he pulled me against his side and slipped his arm around my shoulders. We sat like this for a few minutes as we sipped our beers.
“I wanted us to have some private time together before the others get home. Once they’re here, the action might get a little busy without much chance of us being focused on each other.”
“I’m really glad, Rafe, because I’m nervous about all the others.”
“I know. I promise you will enjoy yourself all weekend and that you’ll like all of them. Maybe not as much as you like me, of course,” he chuckled.
“I think you can count on that.”
“Great,” he said. “Have you been with anyone else since we first got together?”
I was a little shocked and dismayed that he thought that a possibility. “No, babe. No. I have no interest in anyone else.”
“Just checking,” he grinned as he caressed my shoulder. “The four of us had HIV tests on Tuesday just to be on the safe side,” he said. “We all tested negative and committed to each other not to be sexual with anyone until after your visit. We wanted to be able to come to you knowing we’re clean and disease-free.”
“Wow, that’s really thoughtful.” I was strangely honored they were being celibate for me, even if it was only for a few days.
“Are you comfortable if no one uses a condom this weekend?”
“Uhm, yeah. No one can pass HIV along, right?”
“Then sure. That’s great!”
“I just wanted to be sure we’re all on the same page.”
I’d only finished about half my beer when Rafe took it away from me so he could set the bottles on his nightstand. He turned back to me while drawing us both down until we could lay flat on the mattress. He kissed me deeply, which soon gave each of us very solid stiffies. Soon I moved down his body until I could get to his all-day sucker. Oh, it felt so good to have it back in my mouth and throat.
I got completely into blowing him for a while until he put both hands under my armpits and drew me back up his body, forcing his cock from my mouth. He pulled me into a kiss while both his hands went to my butt cheeks. He fondled them, slowly allowing his fingers to drift to the middle. I dropped my legs over his so that I was straddling him at the groin with my knees beside his hips and my ass open and ready for whatever he had in store for it.
For a few minutes he just tickled and caressed, but soon he grabbed the lotion from the nightstand and began applying it to my tender spot. After rubbing the outside for a while, he flipped us over so that I was on my back with him above me, my legs sprawled on either side of us and his between mine. His big, thick manhood moved sensuously against my dick for a moment. Then he rose from my body and pushed my legs back until I grabbed them behind my knees. He took more lubricant on his fingers and slowly, lovingly entered me one finger at a time, moving around to coat and relax my sphincter as he also began thrusting into my welcoming ass. After only a few minutes he had three fingers buried to the last knuckle inside me, doing unspeakably wonderful things to my asshole until I was begging him to fuck me.
I felt mild discomfort when he slipped his bare cock into me. I couldn’t call it pain because I was so relaxed and needy for cock by the time he pushed through my gate. For the next half hour, he fucked me gently, deeply, and thoroughly in the missionary position, face down into the mattress, doggie-style, and then flat again. When I reached for my dick as it swung below me, Rafe pulled my hand away and muttered, “Let it come naturally, babe. Don’t stroke it.”
Eventually, he increased the tempo and power of his thrusts for a couple of minutes as I howled with pleasure and a little frustration because I needed a release of my own. I felt his cock swell within me and then he let out a series of yelps as he seemed to thrust as hard as he could while blasting my center with his lovely spermwads. “Fuck, babe, you ‘re so awesome!” he yelled before dissolving into unintelligible shouts of ecstasy.
To be continued...
Posted: 08/05/2022