Officers' Boy
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2022 by the author)
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Chapter 10
“Fuck!” There it was again. Slowly I became conscious that Rafael’s tongue was, holy shit, licking my hole. The feelings were incredible, slightly like his finger had felt hours ago in the shower, but a quantum leap more intense, too. I wasn’t sure if I’d shot off then or not. He pulled his tongue back and blew air across my wet rosebud. It was like a tickle on the bottom of my foot but magnified at least a thousand times. I shivered from the little breath of air on my over-sensitized hole. “Shit!” He didn’t let up. His tongue darted out to hit me like a lightning bolt one more time. “Oh!” My dick throbbed out more goo onto my belly. Involuntarily I reached for it. Just one quick stroke, I thought.
Rafael saw the move or felt it or sensed it. I don’t know which, but he moved his hand from one thigh to grab my hand while he pulled away from my hole long enough to say very firmly, “No, Eric!” I pulled my hand back like I had touched a hot stove without ever touching my aching, drooling, twitching, throbbing, surging dick.
For the next few minutes, Rafael sucked, licked, probed, and kissed at my anus until I was incapable of a complete thought. Maybe I moaned and gasped continually, but I don’t know for sure, being out of my head with anxious sexual tension and highly intense feelings. Finally, he raised himself up from my ass, leaned back on his heels, and pulled my legs back down to the mattress on either side of himself.
When I could open my eyes and take in my surroundings rationally, his face appeared above mine with a broad, beautiful smile.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
“Yeah. No. I’ve gotta come. Please!”
Smiling even wider, he shook his head. “All in good time,” he intoned.
I was beginning to understand the true depth of his cruelty. That was the only explanation.
He grasped my hands in his, holding them out to our sides while he kissed me several times. Then, he said, “Look at the nightstand.” He tilted his head to one side.
I looked where he’d indicated. There, beside the candle, lay a white hand towel with a tube on top. Where had they come from? “Get the lube,” he said, releasing my hand.
I stretched out my arm and took the towel and tube off the nightstand. I held them out and he took them, dropping them immediately on the bed near our waistlines. He grinned, kissed me quickly, and moved back down my body until he was on his knees between my legs. He squeezed the tube to get a dollop of lube onto his fingers. He dropped the tube somewhere between my legs, picked up one knee, and pushed it back. He spread the cold grease onto my rosebud and then began circling his finger around in the lube. “Oh!” I wailed from the extreme pleasure. After a moment he began pressing his finger into the center of my rosebud and, at last, my defenses gave way and his amazing finger slipped inside. Soon his fingers were fucking my ass just as they had done in the shower, only this time the sensations were even stronger. He seemed to be inserting the fingers and then pulling them apart when they were inside me.
“Oh!” I cried. “Let me come!”
“Not yet,” he mumbled. “Not until I’m inside you.”
“Oh, Rafe, please. Put it in me. Now.”
“Are you sure, baby?” His fingers pumped my hole.
“Oh, fuck! Yes, I’m sure.” I’m not sure exactly how I knew, but somehow I did know that I absolutely had to get fucked. Right then!
His fingers slowly withdrew and he lifted my legs back until my knees were against my sides. He leaned down, kissing me passionately. After a few seconds, I felt what could only be his cock against my hole. It pressed against me lightly. He broke the kiss. I opened my eyes to look into his dark eyes only inches above me. “Now, honey, press down like you’re trying to push out a turd.”
Huh? “What?”
“Push, like you’re taking a difficult crap. You’ll open up that way.”
I couldn’t understand why pushing against his cock would open my hole, but I reasoned he was much more experienced so I should follow his directions. I pushed. Did his cock come forward a millimeter or two?
“A little harder,” he encouraged.
I pushed harder and I felt (or heard) a little pop and, by damn, his cock came into my hole part of an inch. I felt stretched as though I had sat down on a doorknob.
The pain was strong, but not unbearable. “Ow! Ow!” I cried.
“Try to relax, babe,” he said. “The worst is past. Just keep pushing and you’ll be fine in just a few seconds.”
Oh, the pain! I barely heard or understood Rafe, but I pushed as hard as I could. In a moment or two, it didn’t seem so intense and then, unbelievably, the pain vanished. At about the same time, Rafael’s gigantic cock seemed to push deeper into me, making me feel stretched all the way through my sphincter and into the softer part of my ass.
“That’s it, Eric, you’re doing so good!” Rafe said sweetly.
“Damn, babe,” I panted, “you’re huge!”
He grinned. “Thanks. But you can take it. Feels better now, right?”
It did. “Uh-huh,” I nodded.
“I’m going to put more in. Just keep pushing and relaxing.”
I felt some more of his amazing pecker come into me. It must be almost all in now because it felt so deep.
“Are you almost there?”
He looked down at the part of his cock still visible outside me. He looked at me and grinned some more. “I’m almost half in.”
“Half?” I yelped. I couldn’t imagine that much more inside.
“You can take it,” he repeated. “Here’s some more.”
Another foot or so of cock invaded my tiny hole. I felt as if the walls of my ass would just split at the seams like an overcooked Ballpark wienie. Does my ass have seams? I guess I would soon know because if it does, they’re bound to split out.
“Oh, God!” I wailed. More came into me. Irrationally, perhaps, I worried about splitting open. But it was starting to feel rather good. It was so unlike anything I’d ever felt before that I was mesmerized just to experience all these intense sensations. Was this the pleasure I had heard about? Was this the pleasures of the flesh the Bible condemned? I wasn’t sure this pleasure was worth going to hell but it was getting pretty awesome. More came into me. I became aware of how hot his cock felt. Not uncomfortable or painful hot, but a bit warmer than warm, I thought.
“Are you all in now?”
“Um,” he mumbled as he looked down. “There are about 3 inches yet to go.”
Shit, it felt like 3 feet had already been shoved into me.
“Oh!” I wailed, not in pain, not in pleasure. Why was I wailing?
More slid in, a lot more. I knew I would explode any minute! I felt something against my butt cheeks. It felt like a bunch of pins against my skin. What the fuck?
“That’s all, Eric! You’ve taken it all!” He smiled at me. “I knew you could!”
“Oh, fuck, Rafe. You’re long and fat!”
“All the better to give you pleasure, sweetheart.” He leaned down to kiss me.
Damn, it felt good to have his tongue in my mouth and his cock in my ass, too. Unbelievable!
After a few seconds, Rafael broke the kiss. “It’s feels so amazing to be inside you, babe. It’s the best!” Still motionless, he kissed me again. “Are you in pain?”
Mentally, I assessed the damage. “I don’t think so,” I said tentatively.
“Good. I’m going to pull out partway and then come back in. Okay?”
The giant cock pulled out, leaving a good part of my stretched hole empty now. We locked eyes and smiled at each other. After a second’s pause, he closed his eyes and bit his lower lip as the cock slid back to my depths in one stroke. It felt good. Again, he pulled back, this time further. He slid back in faster. Oh, damn! The next time he pulled out until only the head remained to keep my sphincter from closing. He paused and then pushed in with more power. The head had hardly started its journey back into my depths when a sort of sensation-bomb seemed to go off in my asshole. My dick surged and precum oozed out onto my belly.
“Oh, fuck!” I yelped with surprise at the intense feeling. It was like great pleasure mixed with a bit of pain.
Rafael pulled back until only the head remained. He slammed forward with even more power. I got an even stronger jolt of sensations and I felt my gonads sucking in a bunch of energy from around my body. Rafael pulled back and slammed into me very quickly. I got another jolt. I felt my balls snap to my body. He pulled back and without a pause slammed me again, sending me an even stronger jolt. This time the sensations were everywhere in my ass, my balls, my dick, my skin.
I screamed. “Aaaiiehh!” Rafael slammed my ass again. My dick burst into flames as the well-cooked jizz shot out my slit, raced across my belly and chest like a nuclear hydroplane, and smashed the underside of my jaw, which I was sure would leave a burn scar.
Rafe’s cock slammed against the deepest part of my hole and another red-hot volley of cum hit my pecs. For what seemed like two minutes he kept slamming into me and I kept emptying large volumes of cum onto my torso. With each blast I screamed again followed by a massive intake of air.
My dick finally stopped spewing and lay there twitching in an ocean of jizz on my belly. Fuck, it was so intense!
When I came to my senses, I looked up at Rafael, above me. He had a sort of told-you-so grin on his face, so I grinned at him. I could feel that his cock was still rock hard and all the way up my butthole.
“Oh, my God!” I panted.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
I nodded and grinned.
“Want some more?” he asked with a twinkle in his eye.
“Um,” I hesitated. This was so sexy. There was no pain. Why not? “Sure!”
leaned down, stretching so he could kiss me. Then he raised back up and began
to withdraw again. After a couple of tentative thrusts, he set up a regular
pounding of my devirginized hole, driving his cock repeatedly past my cum
button, enough to send some modest jolts into me and make my cock rock hard
again. Now that I had come, I could just lay back and enjoy the erotic intimacy
of his cock moving back and forth through my guts, giving me jolts of pleasure
along with the overall thrill of each and every slide through my entire
asshole. Rafael’s moans and grunts became a little louder and my own cries of
pleasure increased, too. As I lay there beneath this incredible man who was
pounding the daylights out of me, I knew I would never forget this moment with
him and that I would always prefer a big dick in my ass to anything else.
I think Rafael pounded my ass for another ten minutes or so before his face got red and he began a continuous shout of “Oh oh oh oh oh” before slamming home and screaming, “I’m coming, Eric!” It seemed as if he got suddenly bigger within me and I thought I could feel the spurting of his semen into me, too. I wasn’t sure about that, but I was sure that he was filling my asshole with his white cream.
When he seemed to be finished, he sank onto my chest, his body holding my legs back even more than before. My hole felt warm, wet, a little tired, but very, very happy. Oh, and still full because Rafe had not withdrawn. We lay there panting for a couple of minutes during which my full feeling declined a little but did not go away.
Finally, he pushed up from me and smiled into my face. “Damn, baby, you were spectacular.”
I grinned at him. “Heck, Rafe, you did all the work.”
“No, uh-uh. You worked hard to relax and let me in. You accepted every inch of my cock.”
I grinned. “I did, huh?” I was proud that I had taken such a wonderful big cock on my first try.
“Yes, you did. Almost like a pro.” He kissed me gently.
I grinned.
He began to rise off me and I felt the blood flowing back into my legs after they had been constricted for a while. They got tingly and a little painful.
“I’ll throw on some shorts and go get us a beer. But before I go, I’ll get the water hot so you can sit in the tub for a few minutes. It’ll make you feel good.”
As he rolled away from me, I touched his hip. He looked back at me. “I don’t think anything could make me feel better, baby.”
“There’s my sweet Eric, again,” he smiled. He stood for a moment beside the bed before stepping into the bathroom to turn on the water. Coming back out, he said, “It’ll be hot in just a minute.” He stepped into his shorts and flip-flops, threw on a tee shirt, grabbed his wallet and keys, and headed out the door.
In a moment I was sitting in a nice hot bath. I could feel it soothing my ass as well as the rest of my body as I lay there waiting for my beautiful, sexy-as-hell, hot, hot boyfriend to return.
To be continued...
Posted: 06/03/2022