Officers' Boy
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2022 by the author)
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Chapter 9
Because it turned out the resort had only very casual bar food, Rafael took me to a sports pub located about a block south on 34th Street. It had a typical sporty-type menu, but Rafael suggested we avoid the really heavy foods like steaks or burgers. “Eating light is good preparation for a night of passionate love-making,” he said with a glint in his eye.
I didn’t have a big appetite anyhow since my stomach seemed to be home to a flock of butterflies this evening. To accompany some light appetizers and summer salads, we had iced tea. I kept losing myself in his eyes as we talked across the table.
conversation was light for a while, but at one point, Rafael asked me who my
closest friends were.
For a minute, I chewed my salad as I thought about my answer. Having organized my thoughts, I started with Roger. “My best friend has been Roger Harrison since we were in elementary school, 4th grade, I think. He’s my tennis partner and we swim together, so we hang out a lot. But we’ve been through everything together.”
“Spending time together is how you build friendships it seems to me.”
“Yeah,” I nodded. “He’s a really kind person and has always been there for me. He sympathizes with me about my hard-core dad.”
“Who wouldn’t?”
“Good point,” I chuckled. “Anyhow, Roger also has a sort of irreverent sense of humor that often cracks me up. That makes it fun to be with him.”
“I see why you like him. What does he think about you being gay?”
“I never told him until this week.”
“Wow! He’d been your best friend for, what, 8 years, but didn’t know this very basic and important fact about who you are?”
“Put that way, it sounds insane, doesn’t it?”
“Maybe not insane, but not very healthy, right?”
“I expect so.”
“But you told him this week?”
“Uhm-hmm. On Monday when we went to the beach.” I told him about the two gay guys who were near us and how that opened the door for the conversation.
“So, how did he react?”
“Perfectly. He was just like himself. He said, ‘I don’t want to suck your wienie, but I do love you.’”
“I like him already,” Rafael chuckled.
“I showed him your pictures.”
“He thinks you’re very handsome. And sexy.”
“Now I know I like him.”
I laughed. “He thinks you could be a porn star.”
He laughed. “I think I have a better career going than that.”
“He’s worried about me.”
“He doesn’t want me to get my heart broken.”
Rafael was quiet for a moment. “By me?”
I nodded.
“If you really understand and accept that I’m going to eventually be with a woman and how that will limit our relationship, I think you’ll be fine.”
“Yes. I do understand.”
“But, having said that, the last thing in the world I want to do is to hurt such a good, innocent young man by leading him on or something.”
“No, no. I do get the facts about your bisexuality. I’m okay with that.”
We ate a few bites.
“I have a couple of other friends at school, too. Donovan Cooper is a good friend. We hang out some at school and both swim, too. He’s going away to a college in North Carolina this fall.”
“Are you out to him?”
“No. I wasn’t out to anybody at school. Now that we graduated and the right moment came up, I’m only out to Roger. Oh, and Sylvia.”
“Yes. She’d my supervisor, but also a good friend. I’ve been out to her for a while.”
“So, she’s the only one you were out to until you told Roger?”
“Yes.” I paused for effect. “And you.”
He grinned. “You didn’t need to come out to me.”
“I know. I couldn’t hide how attracted I was to you.”
“I’ll admit it was a little obvious.”
I blushed. “My most embarrassing moment.”
He laughed. “Nothing to be embarrassed about. I was flattered. And, as you know, I immediately started flirting with you.”
“I thought so, but wasn’t sure. Sylvia caught on before I did.”
“She’s good, huh?”
“She’s been the best friend this year. I might have gone nuts without her.”
“I’m glad you had someone. Discovering you’re different sexually is not something you should have to keep all to yourself.”
“I agree.” After a bite of salad, I asked, “Are you out?”
“A little,” he answered without hesitation. “My family doesn’t know. They’re far away and I just don’t see the point in messing with their nerves, especially my mother, who would immediately go all Catholic on me.” He rolled his eyes. “I think it’s less of an issue when you’re bi. I mean, I still date women from time to time and eventually will probably marry and have kids. The gay side of me is more recreational, I guess, than it is for completely gay guys.”
“Like me.”
He nodded. “Being gay will be a very big factor in your life, I would imagine. When you do settle down with someone, it’ll be a guy and you’ll be a sort of obvious gay couple to your friends and family, at least. But that’s not the case for me.” He took a bite of salad. “Of course, I’m out to my housemates and a few other guys on base. That’s really about it.”
“And now me.”
He laughed. “That’s true.”
We finished our meal shortly afterwards and soon left the restaurant.
After dinner we walked to a section just behind the resort where a canal had been dug in from the bay. It was twilight by this time, and we enjoyed the night breeze off the water, the pelicans feeding on hapless fish that got too near the surface, and the sailboats bobbing in the gentle waves. We spent perhaps half an hour walking and talking before we headed back to the hotel for “the main event,” as I thought of it.
When he had closed and locked the door to our room, Rafael turned to me. “Help me light some candles,” he said as he walked to his duffel bag. He unzipped it and pulled 4 white candles about 2” tall from it. He handed me a lighter and put one candle on each nightstand and one on each end of the dresser that faced the bed. While I lit them, I could smell a very nice spicy odor.
“What’s that scent?” I asked.
“It’s just French Vanilla,” he responded. “I think there’s something sexy about that scent.”
“It’s very nice,” I said as I made a mental note that he thinks French Vanilla candles are sexy.
He turned off the overhead light and began removing his shirt. By the time I had the candles all going, he had his shoes and socks off and was just lowering his jeans to show his red spandex boxer briefs.
For a moment I just stared at his gorgeous skin in the candlelight. “You’re so beautiful,” I said softly.
He smiled at me. “Let me undress you,” he said as he walked toward me.
A second later he embraced me, pulling my thinner body into his awesome chest. He tilted my chin down and began to kiss me as his fingers went to work on the buttons of my Hawaiian print shirt. As his tongue entered my mouth to take possession of me, it completely distracted me from what his fingers were doing with my clothes. I moaned into him as his lips moved on mine and his tongue caressed every part of my mouth. Before I was aware of it, I was naked except for my black Calvin’s with my clothes around my feet and my erection smashed between our bodies.
Gently, Rafael laid me back onto the bed, staring at me for a moment before speaking in a soft sultry voice, almost to himself. “You are so fucking beautiful, baby.”
Before I could respond, Rafael was climbing above me, kissing me passionately. His hands started exploring my chest, abdomen, and sides, sometimes twisting a nipple, sometimes rubbing softly on the flesh of my belly. I moaned and wiggled beneath him. My mind was apoplectic because I wanted to kiss him, suck him, and feel him inside me all at once, right now. Obviously, that couldn’t happen. I also knew instinctively that he would make all the decisions for us, and I was okay with that. He knew what he was doing and I surely did not.
After a few minutes of this bliss, Rafael broke our kiss and raised himself above me so we could look into each other’s eyes. He grinned at me. “I want to make this the best experience of your life, Eric.”
“I think it already is.”
“You are the sweetest thing!” he said. “I do have a couple of rules for you, though.”
I was puzzled. I thought sex was about abandoning the rules and just doing what felt good.
“Like what?” I asked.
“First, I want you to trust me to know what will feel good. Just go with the flow of what happens between us.”
“Second, I want to take it slow and easy. If I do anything you’re not comfortable with or don’t understand, stop me immediately.” I was silent as I considered this rule. “I will not hurt you, but I also don’t want to confuse you or make you uncomfortable.”
“Sounds like a good rule.”
“Third, don’t touch your own cock.”
“What? Why?”
“Because I want to take our time before you come. I want it to be natural and as strong as it can be. I don’t want you to make it happen early. Okay?”
“I’m so turned on now, I feel like I could come in, like, 2 or 3 strokes.”
“That’s why I don’t want you to touch your own cock. I want to keep you building longer. Trust me on this one. Okay?”
“I trust you on everything, Rafe.”
“When we are all done, you won’t be sorry. I promise.”
“Okay, babe.”
With my agreement he went back to kissing me. After a while he rolled onto his back, pulling me over with him. “You can say hello to my cock, if you like.”
I wasn’t entirely sure what he meant, so I just stopped and look quizzically at him.
He smiled. “Kiss it, maybe?”
“Oh, yeah!” I almost yelled and began sliding down his torso until my face was directly above his big brown cock. The purple head was already peeking out from its hoodie and drooling some precum. Gently, I kissed the head for a couple of seconds, then opened my lips and let my mouth drop onto his rod. He gasped and I began circling the end of his cock with my tongue.
“Oh, yeah,” he breathed.
His cock was a work of art, a miracle of creation, a huge pacifier to help me overcome my anxieties. While it felt very strange to have something so large and warm and, oh God, living in my mouth, it also felt right and good and, uhm, natural. I loved it!
For a few minutes he allowed me to feast on his prodigious pole and I enjoyed myself like a 6-year-old on Christmas morn. A few times he even thrust up from the mattress, driving his dick all the way to the back of my throat, gaging me a couple of times. After a while, he reached under my arms and began to pull me up. Soon our cocks were side by side and our lips were glued together in that moving, pressing, opening I was quickly becoming addicted to.
Rafael rolled me onto my back and slipped down to lick and suck on my nipples. I felt a surge in my dick and a release of what felt like a big glob of precum. I was beginning to tingle all over. I heard myself moaning as though it were someone else lying beside me. My skin was hypersensitive everywhere and I felt my mind beginning to lose touch with reality as it was increasingly focused on the myriad of new feelings flooding my neural pathways. When Rafael had descended to my abs and then my belly button, I began anticipating that he might be about to take my dick into his mouth. Oh, I thought, would he really do that? I was afraid I would come just from the anticipation but in a few moments he had diverted his pathway to my right side where his gentle kisses moved across my hip and groin to eventually find my ballsac. He licked my testicles, sort of rolling them in his mouth. I’d never imagined the sensation of my balls being treated to such attention. Once more I was flooded with hitherto unknown and unimagined feelings. Oh, fuck! I thought as I groaned loudly. My dick was standing proudly up from my bush so it was out of his way as he canoodled my balls. His hands caressed my thighs on their way to my knees. I wiggled and twitched under his talented ministrations.
With no warning, Rafael put his hands behind my knees and lifted my legs off the bed without missing a beat sucking my balls. He folded my legs back to my sides, which had the unexpected effect of lifting my butt and lower back off the mattress. Rafe followed me up, never letting go of my balls until he had my knees back almost as far as they could go. Then he released my balls but kept his mouth there. His tongue wrapped around my balls and underneath them, which still felt unexpectedly sensuous.
Then his tongue found an area that I hardly knew even existed. (Later I learned this area between the scrotum and the anus is called the perineum.) His tongue bathed my perineum, waking it as though from a long slumber and sending a whole new set of stimuli to my brain. My dick, now lying on my abdomen from the changed angle of my legs, flopped about on my belly as it kept throbbing and surging from Rafael’s erotic touches. Quickly it was making a mess of sticky precum globs on my abdomen and acting like it was ready to shoot. I was becoming increasingly agitated with a level of sexual tension I had not previously experienced. I wanted to get off!
His tongue dropped a bit lower.
“OH!” I screamed from the intensity of a sensation emanating from the general area of my asshole. What was he doing?
To be continued...
Posted: 05/27/2022