Officers' Boy
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2022 by the author)
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Chapter 11
Rafael was only out of the room 5 minutes, but it was long enough for me to push out a lot of his cum into the toilet. I felt a little sacrilegious to treat it as a waste product but didn’t know what else to do since I was dripping all over the place. He’d filled the tub with hot water and I was just stepping over the rim of the tub when I heard him come in. He came directly into the bathroom to set four bottles of Heineken on the vanity.
He smiled at me. “No bubbles?” he inquired.
“I don’t have anything,” I answered.
He picked up one of those hotel-size bottles of shampoo, unscrewed the cap, and emptied it into the tub. “There,” he said. “Get in. I’ll join you in a second.”
I climbed into the tub, noticing bubbles forming as I sloshed the water. It was quite hot, but I could stand it, so I sat down, allowing the very hot water to shock my skin and soothe my hole. Rafael giggled and tossed a rubber ducky into the water between my legs.
look so cute!” he chuckled.
“I was going more for sexy,” I said, “but I guess I’ll settle for cute.”
“Cute and sexy,” he grinned.
“Be right back,” he said.
Then he took two of the beers into the bedroom and put them in the little fridge. When he was back, he was deliciously naked. He opened the remaining beers, handed me one, and climbed into the tub, sinking into the water between my legs and facing me. As he settled into the water, the level rose almost to the rim of the tub, so he opened the drain for a few seconds until enough had flowed out to give us a comfortable level. As we moved around, the bubbles multiplied and covered the surface of the water. We smiled at each other as our legs and feet intertwined. He held one of my feet, gently rubbing and caressing it.
After a minute or so, Rafael asked how I felt.
I grinned very broadly and gushed, “Fabulous! I can’t believe how amazing it all felt.”
“So, you aren’t sore?”
“I was a little sore before I got in the tub, but right now I feel wonderful. My ass isn’t sore, but it feels, uhm. How do I describe it?” I thought for a moment to try to put into words what I was feeling. Finally, it hit me. “I know. It feels. That’s it. I can feel my asshole all the way into me, like I’ve never felt it before. It’s almost like it was dead and now it’s alive.”
“It’s a miracle!” Rafael quipped.
I chuckled. “It is. You resurrected my asshole from the dead!”
We both laughed loudly at that. Lovingly, he squeezed my toes.
“Be careful, babe. I’m not sure how God would feel about you using the word ‘resurrected’ in that context.”
I giggled. “I think God might agree with me!”
“Are you glad to have given up your virginity?”
“Oh, fuck yeah!” I cried. “Virginity is vastly over-rated!”
“Just like innocence!” he laughed before adding, “I’m glad you feel good.”
As we sat sipping our beers, Rafael asked if I would like to know more about his housemates.
“You should know,” I smiled, “at this point there is no subject more fascinating to me than you. I am interested in all things Rafe.”
He laughed. “Good answer,” he said. “As I told you before, I have three housemates, all Air Force pilots. Michael is gay and Bob and Tony are both bi, I guess.”
“And you consider yourself bi, too, right?”
“Yes, I do. I love both men and women and usually enjoy sex with either gender. I tend to see my future with a wife and kids and probably a man or two on the side. I don’t think I would be very satisfied to give up men completely to be with a woman. I also don’t think I would be satisfied to give up women to be with a man. I’m pretty sure I need both to be happy.”
I couldn’t help but be a little disappointed in this, even though he had told me the same thing before. “And your housemates are like you?”
“Pretty much. Bob and Tony are a little older than me and have both been married; Tony has a couple of kids. I think they both plan to get married again someday. Michael is gay, so I guess he’ll eventually settle down with a man. He had a boyfriend for about 6 months or so, but they broke up a couple of months back.”
“Basically, the guy was doing other guys behind Michael’s back and when Michael found out, he dumped him.”
“It happens a lot.” We drank in silence for a moment. “But, actually, I wanted to tell you about the boyfriend.”
I thought it odd that he would want to tell me about Michael’s slutty boyfriend. “Okay.”
“Michael knew his boyfriend, Aaron was his name, liked a lot of sex. To be clear, he liked to bottom a lot. When Michael decided he wanted to move Aaron into the house, he brought him over to meet the rest of the guys. I was still in the Persian Gulf, so didn’t live there yet. Anyhow, they all liked each other and, I guess, they wound up in a foursome by the pool.”
“Wow!” That brought some interesting pictures to my mind.
“When Aaron moved in, they naturally began a regular pattern of sex that included Aaron. Mostly the guys topped Aaron whenever they wanted. Michael was fine with it since he and Bob and Tony had already been having oral sex a few times a week, sometimes in pairs and sometimes all together. It was not much different to include Aaron. I guess all of them really liked that arrangement and it probably would have gone on a long time, but Michael found out Aaron was going to adult bookstores and getting fucked by strangers several times a week. That was a tremendous betrayal and Michael could not trust him after that. Besides, it put the whole house at risk for HIV and other STD’s, so he immediately tossed Aaron out. Everyone got tested and, thankfully, all were negative.”
“I’m glad about that!”
“Of course. They dodged a bullet, I guess. Anyhow, I moved in shortly after. We’ve gone back to having a lot of oral sex in the house to meet our needs. We have an agreement that we don’t have sex with other guys. Our deal is we can have sex with women, but not other men.”
So, how did I fit in? I wondered. “Umm?” I said as I held my palms out and looked quizzical.
Rafael grinned. “What about you?”
“I talked with them about you right after we met. After I’d gotten to know you, I told them you are, excuse me, were a virgin. I showed them the photos we took at Seminole Gardens.”
“Oh, that’s why you wanted photos.”
“One reason. I also wanted photos because you were like the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen and I wanted to be able to look at you again in the future.”
“You certainly know how to sweet-talk me!”
“And, well, Michael, Bob, and Tony all think you’re quite hot, too. And they like that you haven’t been with other men.”
I didn’t know whether to be flattered or a little offended that they’d had all these conversations about me without my knowledge or permission. “Oh,” I said.
Rafael looked deeply at me and said, “Please don’t be mad about that. Let me finish my explanation and I think you’ll understand.”
“They were at Streetcar Charlie’s that night we had dinner there.”
Oh. The military guys. Of course. I nodded. “The three guys who looked at us.”
“Yes. They wanted to see if they liked you.” I stared at him. “And they do. Very much.”
“Okay …”
“So, I have special permission to be with you.”
That seemed quite strange to me. I considered being insulted that he had to get permission to have sex with me but, in a moment, I realized it showed his commitment to his friends and his consideration for them and for me. After all, he was choosing right now to fill me in on all this.
“Are you mad?” His eyes showed a lot of concern.
I smiled. “No. Frankly, it seems weird for a grown man to have to get permission to have sex with someone else, but I’m not mad.”
“I guess it is weird,” he acknowledged, “but it’s only because I have an ongoing relationship with them. It’s to protect them. You’re not at risk for HIV and we want to also protect ourselves from the possibility.”
“I understand that. I’m not sure how I feel about you having sex with them, however. Would it be okay if I feel a little jealous?”
He chuckled. “Of course, it would. In fact, I might be disappointed if you weren’t feeling that a little bit. You don’t have to decide now, but if you’re interested, I would introduce you to them.”
Unexpectedly, my dick surged at the idea. What’s up with that? I thought. Did I want to be with three other men?
“I don’t know,” I said. “They’re all very handsome and sexy, but I’m not sure about that.”
“No problem. It’s just an option.”
“Certainly something to think about.”
I looked across the length of the tub at him. He seemed oddly uncertain and maybe a little ill at ease now. I wondered if we were winding down the night or if this was a break before another round of love-making, er, sex.
“Are you alright?”
“I’m afraid I just upset you.”
“No. Not really. I just feel a little exposed that you discussed me with your housemates and even got their permission to be with me. I just don’t quite understand it.”
He nodded solemnly. He took a long drink. “They are so interested in you for a good reason, Eric.”
“I guess that’s what I don’t get. Why?”
“Because they think it might be perfect for all of us, including you, to sort of bring you into our circle.”
At first, I was shocked, but then I remembered the story about Michael’s slutty boyfriend. Oh, my God. It made sense finally.
“Because they all want to fuck me?”
“It’s much more than that. But, yes, that’s a possibility.”
“I see.” I must have misunderstood when I thought Rafael actually cared about me. I started to stand up, but Rafael held my foot firmly.
“No. Don’t get up. We need to finish this conversation.”
I felt completely separate from this man I had felt so united with a few minutes earlier.
“What’s left to say? Tonight was just to see if I’m any good as a bottom.”
see if I’m so slutty that I’ll let any guy fuck me.” A tear rolled down my
face. I felt used, humiliated.
“No!” he almost shouted it, the sound echoing for an instant in the small bathroom. Rafael began to move, twisting his body, crawling through the cooling water, holding me down in the tub. In a moment he pushed in beside me, putting his arms around me, and pulling me tight against him. He held my back to his chest and embraced me with a tight grip around my abdomen.
“No, baby, you’re misunderstanding. I care about you. A lot.”
“So much that you want to pass me around to your friends,” I said sarcastically.
“No. Please, Eric, let me finish. The last thing in the world I want to do is to hurt you in any way: physically, sexually, emotionally. I’m so sorry if I’ve made you feel humiliated. Shit! That wasn’t my intention.”
He nuzzled the back of my neck, planting a couple of small kisses there. He took in a very deep breath and started to talk in a torrent of words. It was so quick, I had to pay very close attention to follow what he was saying.
“You should feel very flattered, not humiliated. Look, you captured my interest from the first moment I saw you. Oh, yes, I thought you were incredibly sexy. When you were obviously attracted to me, I took the chance to begin getting to know you. I worried you might be too young, but you aren’t. I almost backed off when you told me you were a virgin, but then you let me know you would like me to have the honor of changing that. Damn! You’re so beautiful, sweet, and innocent. You had no idea what an incredibly precious gift you were offering me. It was a gift I didn’t think I deserve, but you sort of insisted. I first talked about you to Tony, Bob, and Michael because I was excited about you, but we have this agreement about not being with others. I thought maybe they’d make an exception because you were a virgin and, therefore, not at risk for HIV. We talked about it because I wanted their opinions as to how I could be with you without taking advantage of you, because, you know, of my advanced age and vast experience.” He chuckled nervously before continuing. “Then, one night at dinner, Bob floated the idea of bringing you into our group. At first, I was resistant. You were innocent. How could we even think about putting you into that position with all of us? I said no. A couple of days later, Michael said, ‘Is it wrong to give him the option of meeting us? So he can decide if he wants to be with us?’ We know that you and I cannot be in a monogamous relationship because I’m just not that guy. Maybe if we are not in one even at the beginning, then you will not expect or want that.”
He took a breath finally.
“I don’t know what to say.”
“Don’t say anything yet. I’m not finished. You’re very special to me, Eric. I’m already falling for you as much as I can for a guy. I would never hurt you. Tony, Bob, and Mike are all really good men. They would treat you with respect. They would care for you, protect you, do anything for you. You will like them. Hell, you might even like them better than you like me.”
“I don’t think so.””
“The point is: If you want to join us, it would be a good situation for you. You’d have the benefit of four caring friends, partners.”
“I can’t, Rafael.”
He was silent for a long moment. “Can I ask why?” he said quietly.
I leaned back into him for the first time since he had embraced me. I brought my hands up to rub his arms, which still held me close around my abdomen.
“How could I explain that to my dad?”
“We’ll think of something.”
“I couldn’t risk it. If he cut me off, I couldn’t go to college.” I shuddered. “And anyway, I’m moving to Texas at the end of August.”
“Texas!” He was silent for a few seconds and then whispered, “College?”
“Baylor,” I answered. “Besides, I’m still processing this new world of sex you’ve opened to me. I can barely imagine being with you in the future, let alone your housemates, too.”
We sat in the tub each in his own thoughts. After a couple of minutes, I realized I was getting cold, even with Rafael’s warmth surrounding me. The water had cooled to almost room temperature.
“I’m cold, Rafe.”
“Of course, babe. Let’s get out.”
As we stood in the tub, Rafael suggested we rinse off in the shower. The hot shower warmed us up and removed the soapy feeling from our skin. Of course, we bumped together and touched as we maneuvered in the stream of water, but we did not have the sensual rubbing and caressing we had had earlier. I wondered if our discussion had ruined the beauty of the date.
We were silent as we dried off and I was sad and hurt that the mood had shifted so quickly and strongly during our talk. When we were dry, I leaned into his chest, placed a hand behind his head and kissed him on his hair above his ear.
“I care for you a lot, Rafe, and I don’t want to spoil it. This day has been very special to me and this evening – Wow! – it’s been unimaginable.”
“I’m sorry, Eric. I didn’t mean to hurt you or make you mad. And, now that I know you’re leaving in a few months, I’m really bummed.”
“Can we just enjoy being together while we can? I want to spend a lot of time with you and make a lot of memories with you.” My voice broke as I finished my thought.
“Me, too,” Rafael said. “Come back to bed. I want to show you some other positions if you aren’t tired or sore.”
To be continued...
Posted: 06/10/2022