Gary's Summer Interlude
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2018 by the author)
The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's
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Chapter 29
Good Good-byes
When Ryan got back to the lieutenants’ apartment half an hour later, he found Gary and Jody asleep in each other’s arms, chest-to-chest, heads on shoulders, legs in a tangle. He smiled as it looked so free and relaxed. He hoped Gary could handle the separation about to happen. He went to Mike’s room and took off his clothes before going into the bathroom to douche and shower before their last night with the officers.
Gary woke to the sound of the front door closing as someone came home. Quickly there were heavy steps on the stairs and he saw Brandon peer in at them. Gary looked over Jody’s body to smile at Brandon, waving at him with a hand on Jody’s back. Brandon smiled back and quickly disappeared. Moments later he heard the shower running. Gary let Jody sleep until Scott got home, too. Then he kissed him awake and they got up to get their douches and showers in preparation for a big night.
They grilled steaks and baked potatoes and made a big salad. They ate on the patio even though it was a bit humid that night. Gary noticed that everyone was friendly, but the mood was different than it had been all week. For a while he didn’t understand until Scott said, “It’s gonna be really dull around here without you two.” That made him realize that everyone was feeling a little down about the end of this spectacular time of togetherness. Yes, Gary thought, the impending separation has each one of us in a slightly melancholy mood.
After dinner, there was no move to rush to the playroom for a sexual marathon. Tonight was not so much about sex as it was about connection. The five men wanted to talk, to share, to soak up each other’s presence, to bask in their comfort with each other. They just wanted to enjoy loving and being loved. It was another beautiful time Gary put into his memory bank, hoping he could pull it out later when he was feeling lonely. A couple of tears rolled down his cheeks.
Brandon took his hand and squeezed it. Gary smiled at him, but neither spoke. Brandon just understood without any words.
They said good-night early and Brandon took Gary upstairs to his room. Scott, Jody, and Ryan shared themselves in a complex array of love-making in the playroom before they finally split up, Scott to his room and Ryan to share with Jody.
There was no more need for sex between the lieutenant and the mountain boy, but they lay together talking for a couple of hours, sometimes laughing, sometimes crying, sometimes cuddling, and sometimes kissing.
“I can’t thank you enough for the precious gift of time alone with Gary this afternoon,” Jody said.
“You’re welcome,” Ryan nodded. “I know it was important for each of you to have that time. I’d been trying to figure out how to disappear for a while, so when you asked me directly, I was relieved and happy to do so.” He went on to share a bit about his time at the movie, his walk on the beach, and flirting with the girls at the yogurt shop.
“I’m glad you had a good afternoon,” Jody said.
“Yep, I did. In fact, I had a terrific week, Jody.”
“I enjoyed everything we did all week,” Ryan smiled. “And the men are incredible! I’ve never been with so many hot older guys in my life! Wow!”
“They all think you’re incredible, too! I haven’t seen anything sexier than you on your back on the bench with those manly tops plowing away at you. Lordy!” Jody laughed.
“I can’t say how it looked, but it sure felt awesome! And even being in the pillory was a lot of sexy fun.”
“And also quite hot to see!”
“Cool,” Ryan nodded. “The guys were incredibly good to us, too. I just loved them all!”
“Well, I don’t think anyone will forget how great this cruise was, at least not for a long time.”
They kissed lightly for a few minutes, enjoying just being together.
“Ryan,” Jody asked quietly. “Can I ask a really big favor of you?”
Ryan detected a seriousness to Jody’s tone. “Of course you can.”
“Thanks. I just, well, I worry a bit about Gary. He makes himself so vulnerable to others that I just want to keep him in my sight all the time so I can protect him from getting hurt. I know that life will eventually bring him some hurt, but I guess I want to delay that as long as possible. But I’m about to go thousands of miles away, so I can’t really watch over him anymore.” He paused.
Ryan knew where Jody was going with this, so he spoke up before Jody got to stating the favor. “I’ll watch over him the best I can, Jody. I promise.”
Jody’s wide smile showed his relief. “I knew I could count on you.”
“I love him, too, you know.”
“I know. That’s the main reason I thought I could ask you.”
“The truth is that I would die if anything happened to Gary. The truth is also that I’m not going to be at UNCA with him, so how much I can be with him remains to be seen.”
“I understand,” Jody said. “I know Carlos may be closer, but I want as many trusted friends to keep an eye on Gary as possible.”
Ryan chuckled. “I agree one thousand percent.”
Brandon (pictured) and Gary spent a long time holding each other and talking
quietly after they went into Brandon’s room. Gary shared how important their
private walk on the beach had been. Gary said it was a fantastic week, but if
he was disappointed in anything it was not having more time alone with Brandon.
“You know that I love you a great deal, don’t you, Gary?”
Gary smiled. “I do. You show me very well.”
“If I ever turn completely gay, you’ll be the one I will call.”
“You’d better!” Gary laughed. “If you don’t, I’ll, uh, well…”
Brandon laughed. “You’ll what?”
“I was going to say ‘I’ll kill you’, but then I thought, ‘What a ridiculous thing to say. I wouldn’t do that. I couldn’t do that. I guess I would just cry a lot!”
“It’s all a moot point because I would call you.” Brandon was quiet for a moment. “You know, Gary, I don’t think I’ll ever find a woman to love as deeply as I love you, and Jody, too.”
“Hell, babe, it’s not a question of who you love deeper or more or better or anything,” Gary stated. “It’s who will fit into your life the best. I get that and I agree with you that a woman to be your wife and the mother of your kids fits better than I do.”
Now Brandon wiped a tear and wrapped his arms tightly around the smaller man. “How did you become so wise so young?”
Gary snickered. “I hang out with a bunch of wizened old men!”
Brandon laughed out loud. “Yes, you do. But I’m not so sure any of them are as wise as what you just said. I love you for understanding why I cannot ask you to spend your life with me.”
“I love you for that awesome dick you carry around, the one that has not fucked me since early this morning.”
“Well, that awesome dick, as you call it, loves you, too, especially your awesome bubble butt that is easily the most talented ass in the world. That’s what makes your tee-shirt so funny.”
“What’s funny about my ‘World’s Best Bottom’ tee-shirt?” Gary asked playfully.
“It’s hysterical because it’s so true! Every guy who’s been with you agrees. You really are phenomenal, my love.”
“Shouldn’t we give awesome dick and awesome bubble butt some more time to make beautiful music together?”
Brandon rolled onto Gary. “Um-hmm!” He kissed his teenaged lover passionately.
They also made slow, deep, powerful love that evening. It was the most intimate and all-consuming sex they had had in their many times together. When Brandon finally came for the second time inside of Gary, they lay exhausted, overcome by incredible bliss.
They slept through the night, but awoke early so they managed a speedy pump-and-pop before Brandon had to get ready for work and Gary had to begin packing to go home.
Everyone was up early. Scott took a moment with Gary to say good-bye and to let
him know that he wanted to stay connected and get together if possible even
while Jody was away. They had a sweet kiss and then Scott spent about 10
minutes cuddling and talking quietly with Ryan before leaving for the base.
Brandon came next, spending a couple of minutes with Ryan before coming to
Gary. They had essentially said good-bye for hours the night before and earlier
so it was only a two-minute hug and kiss. Both of them were crying when Brandon
pulled away and went out the door. They had pledged to stay in touch and
Brandon had promised to visit Asheville when he could get away.
Quickly, Gary and Ryan threw their clothes together and tossed the luggage into the Mustang. Ryan said a rather quick good-bye to Jody since they had already had their main good-bye in bed. He went to the car and told Gary to take as long as he needed.
With a quivery voice, Gary said, “I’ll always love you, Jody.” He fell into the lieutenant’s strong arms and held him tightly.
“Hey, little cousin, we’ll always have a very special bond. No matter where we go or what happens to either of us. Someday we might each find a girl we want to marry. We might have a bunch of kids. We might live far apart. None of that will affect our love and respect for each other. I’ll be your number one supporter as long as I live.”
“I know, baby.” His voice cracked a little. “I just love being with you so much I’m not sure I can stand it with you in Europe.”
“Sure you can. Who knows, maybe you can come visit me next summer, huh?”
Gary leaned back so he could look at Jody. “You think so?” he asked, the excitement obvious in his voice and in his face.
“We’ll make it happen, okay?”
“Oh, Jody!” He kissed Jody warmly.
After a moment Jody pushed him back. “We could stand here saying good-bye all day, but you need to head for Sylva.”
“I know.”
“Look, you’re about to start college. It’s one of the most exciting things you’ll ever do. You’ll learn so much about the world and you’ll meet so many new people. You’re going to have so many gorgeous men after you all the time. It’ll be awesome!”
“I know. But none of them will ever replace you.”
“Of course not. Each one will be unique. Some will just be fun fucks. Some will be acquaintances. Some will turn out to be true friends for life. A few will actually warrant your love. And I will always be your number one, just as you will always be my number one.”
“Now, go on into your exciting future. Write to me once in a while.”
“I’ll write every week.”
“Don’t promise that. You’ll get very busy when school begins. I
don’t want it to feel like a chore or a duty. Write me when you can. I’ll know
you love me even if it’s a long while between letters. And knowing you love me
is really the important thing.”
“Okay.” He hugged Jody again. “Thanks for this week. Thanks for making Ryan feel so welcome.”
“I fell in love with him, too, you know. He’s an awesome guy. And hot as blazes!”
They laughed and hugged. Jody kissed him and pushed him away.
“Good-bye for now, baby!”
Gary’s face fell as he realized this was really good-bye. He knew he would cry if he tried to speak so he just nodded, threw his cousin a special kiss, waved, and turned around to walk out the door.
To be continued...
Posted: 08/30/2021