Gary's Summer Interlude
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2018 by the author)
The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's
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Chapter 28
A Loving
At home
alone, Jody and Gary (pictured) got beers and shed their clothing. Gary made a
short call to Rossi’s to speak with Antonio. They talked very briefly since
Antonio was working, but it felt good to connect, even for a moment.
Then the cousins went to Jody’s room and closed the door, so they wouldn’t be disturbed when someone came home. Gary was very happy when they cuddled together in their nakedness. Jody took Gary’s hand. “I love you so much, honey,” Jody said, then kissed him lightly.
“I love you, too, babe,” Gary stated. Their kisses quickly got heavy as their passions erupted. Soon they were making out with tongues entwined and rubbing together. Their hands explored each other’s body as if they had never known each other before. Soon Gary was panting, every nerve hyper-sensitized by the mere presence of his beloved. Jody slid down his body and took his cock into his great throat. It was a rare treat for a guy to suck his cock and he took it as a sign of Jody’s love more than of his sexual need. Jody sucked him with determination, fondled his balls, and eventually began fingering his needy hole.
“Oh, yeah, baby!” Gary groaned. When Jody inserted his second finger and began massaging each side of Gary’s prostate, he quickly climbed the ladder to a shattering release. “Oh, baby, I’m gonna cum!” Jody sucked harder, massaging the male gland, and fondling Gary’s balls. “Aaaiya!” Gary screamed as his cock swelled. Jody gently pushed his balls up against his body until they almost disappeared into his groin. “Ay! Ay! Ay!” Gary cried as his spunk shot onto the back of Jody’s tongue. He came and came until Jody had to swallow to keep from spilling the precious nectar. Jody continued to lick the spent dick until it had softened.
Jody pulled off Gary’s cock and crawled up his body to his face. He kissed his lover with passion as he pushed a wad of cum onto Gary’s tongue. Gary took it eagerly as a sign of the love Jody had just given him. They kissed for several minutes, cuddling gently in Gary’s afterglow moment. But Gary knew Jody had not cum and deserved some loving attention, so he pushed Jody off him and onto his back so the sailor’s humpy body was more available to him. Gary tongued this magnificent body from the neck all the way down to the pubes and then he took the hard cock waiting there. Soon Jody was writhing and moaning as Gary’s tongue circled while his throat squeezed and swallowed powerfully.
When Jody was midway on the journey to orgasm, Gary pulled off his cock, looked over the firm mounds of Jody’s pecs into his blue eyes, and asked, “Would you prefer to cum in my mouth or my ass?”
Jody grinned. “Both, but let’s start with your mouth.”
“Cool,” Gary grinned and dove back onto Jody’s dick, taking it all the way to the root. A few more plunges and throat squeezes produced that batch of cum from the lieutenant’s balls. Jody’s ejaculation was long, powerful, and very juicy. Gary loved every pulsing moment as he swallowed each salvo of love juices.
When his orgasm had subsided, Jody pulled his young cousin over his own torso until they were again lip-to-lip. Gary shared a taste of the cum he had just received and they relaxed into a long, slow kiss that gradually became less passionate.
“You give the best head,” Jody whispered.
“I had a great teacher,” Gary responded with a smile. “In fact, you’ve taught me everything I know about pleasing a man and receiving my own pleasure in the process.”
“Thanks for acknowledging that,” Jody smiled. “Nothing I’ve ever done has been as satisfying as opening the possibilities up to you.”
“Without you, these past couple of years, I don’t think I would understand or even like myself at all right about now. You’ve helped me understand my own body and heart. You’ve helped me understand my needs.”
“You, more than most guys, needed to really understand your own needs and to learn how to let them make your life better instead of controlling and hurting you.”
“You’ve accomplished that goal well, my friend, my dearest cousin, my favorite lover.”
“Hmm.” Jody kissed him slowly and gently.
“Even though you’ve accomplished that goal, I still need you in my life. Maybe more than ever.”
“Why do you think you need me more?”
“Because I always fall more in love with you whenever I’m with you.”
“Me, too, hon.” Jody stroked his back and looked deeply into his eyes. “A year ago, I think we had an adolescent fling going on, but since Thanksgiving, it has felt much more grown up to me.”
“Oh, me, too!”
“I don’t know if it was the fact that you’ve grown so much more mature or the fact that we initiated a new level of sexual connection or your much stronger experience with men, but something surely has changed the depth of our bond.”
“Yeah. My life is full of great guys, Jody. I love Antonio so much! And Brandon and Scott and Carlos and Ryan, too. There are so many great guys in my life and I’m very happy with that. But I miss you a lot when we’re apart. As much spectacular sex as I had this weekend, some of the best moments of the cruise were the ones when I was just with you, feeling your amazing love and nurture.”
“Thanks, babe! We had a great time with the others and with each other. I love that!”
Gary chuckled. “I can’t believe how much love has come to me in the past few months. I mean, Mom and Grandma have always let me know they love me and I appreciate that a lot. But, of course, the sperm donor has gone out of his way to show me that he doesn’t care. Even the car didn’t change that. He hasn’t contacted me once since the day I got the car, three months ago.”
Jody rubbed his back soothingly.
“The only others who have always loved me are Carlos and…you!”
“You’ve been special to me since the first time I met you when you were just a couple of weeks old.”
“How sweet!” For a moment they shared a warm kiss before Gary pulled away. Looking his cousin deeply in his eyes, Gary continued, “I’ve finally understood that loving Carlos and Antonio so much does not affect my love for you. Carlos is my best buddy and we share some awesome sex. Antonio is my boyfriend, even if he is straight. He’s my boyfriend at the moment, but I know it isn’t going to be forever. Ryan is my new best buddy and we are getting closer very fast since our graduation party but he, like Antonio, is not available to be my long-term love because he, like Antonio, is straight, or at least mostly so.”
“I’m glad you recognize the reality of all your relationships,” Jody said.
“Me, too,” Gary nodded. “But it’s harder for me to define the relationship you and I have together.”
“Why is that?”
“I don’t know,” Gary mused. “Maybe because we sort of have several relationships. I mean, we’re cousins. There aren’t any other cousins. You’re a lot like a brother to me. You’re more like a father to me than he is.” Gary’s mouth turned down in disgust at the thought of the one who had sired him and then ignored him. “But you are also my first big love. You’re the one I gave my virginity to. You are the one who has taught me about sex and intimacy. As long as I live, as many men as I might love, and no matter who loves me, no one can ever replace what you have been for me.”
“I’ll always cherish the memory of teaching you the beauty of your own body and the special joys of two bodies enjoying intimacy together.” Jody smiled and pecked Gary on the lips.
Gary put his head down on Jody’s shoulder, overcome with so much emotion. Putting his lips to Jody’s ear, he whispered, “I love you forever, babe.” Jody’s arms tightened around his back. Gary tried to will their bodies to merge into one, but he failed.
As he lay within Jody’s arms, Gary sensed a sudden change in Jody’s mood. Looking closely at Jody he asked, “Jody, what are you thinking?”
A shadow passed over Jody’s countenance. “I’m really going to miss you, kid!”
Gary pursed his lips in sadness. “I don’t know if I can bear it,” he said in a flat voice.
“You have to. Just as I have to. We don’t have a choice.”
“When will you come home?”
“As soon as there’s a good opportunity, but probably not for a year. I think I get a 30-day furlough after a year and I will want to spend a lot of that time with you.”
“Next summer, then?”
“Yeah. Maybe we’ll run away together for a week, just us.”
A tear appeared in Gary’s eye. He could barely speak. “That would be so wonderful!”
“We’ll make it happen.” They kissed excitedly in anticipation of their summer vacation.
“Jody, honey?”
“Yes, baby?”
“Would you make love to me now?” Gary dropped his eyes demurely, uncharacteristically embarrassed by his openness.
“It would be my honor,” Jody said before kissing his teenaged lover.
Jody (pictured) rolled Gary onto his stomach, spread his legs apart, and knelt
between his thighs. Jody kissed his rosebud, licked around his sphincter, and
penetrated his anus with a muscular tongue. He gave Gary a slow, loving tongue
bath followed by an arousing prostate massage that relaxed Gary completely.
When Jody’s cock entered him, Gary took it without pain or difficulty, raising
his butt and opening to accommodate Jody’s hardness. Jody loved him with slow,
languid, muscular lunges with a sure aim that firmly caressed his prostate every
time. He kept the pace moderate for a long time taking them both on a journey
together as one flesh unit, joined more deeply and totally than ever before.
Each time Jody’s cock reached its fullest insertion, Gary said, “I love you” in his heart as the strong ass muscles gave a major squeeze to the dickhead and shaft within him. They climbed the ladder of sexual desire but then stayed on a high level, maintained just below orgasm by Jody’s perfect pace. For over thirty minutes they stayed in that erotic love zone where past and future collapse into the present, where nothing matters in all the world but the movement of a shaft of love within a truly receptive love sheath. Gary was transported from the world he knew into a world that consisted only of himself and the man who was flowing into him repeatedly.
When Jody finally increased his pace, Gary followed, thrusting his amazing butt back onto the shaft Jody so lovingly drove forward into him. Jody accelerated quickly and in only a few moments Gary’s nuts crashed into his scrotum, releasing their contents. Gary’s prostate, testicles, urethra, dick-shaft, and a host of muscles coordinated seamlessly to produce a monumental series of 8 scathing blasts of Gary’s liquid love right onto Jody’s sheets. Gary’s ass clamped down on the rod within that was bringing such joy, sending an internal earthquake right into the rod so it triggered an explosion inside Jody as a part of Gary’s orgasm. The men’s hearts came together as their gonads came together, blast after blast.
“I…love…y-you!” Jody cried out as his body was wracked with an explosion. “Ohh!” he yelled with each cumshot.
Eventually the fireworks ended and the couple lay quietly, hearts near bursting as they gasped for breath. For a long time they lay united by dick and ass and cum. Jody’s dick was so sensitive he could not move. Even Gary’s rapid, deep breaths jiggled his asshole so much that huge sharp bursts of feelings raced from his dick to his brain almost constantly. He lay across Gary’s back in a complete collapse of muscles as his dick kept on receiving lightning bolts of sensations with every spasm of Gary’s ass.
Neither Gary nor Jody had the energy or the inclination for a second round. One spectacular bout of love-making had them completely satiated physically, mentally, and emotionally. Their unification was complete, though not exclusive. Gary knew he would never feel closer to another human being than he felt at that moment under Jody’s body and around Jody’s cock. He would always carry Jody with him, inextricably linked through a cosmic force as mighty as gravity or molecular bonding. They had transcended some type of barrier, though Gary had no idea just what it was.
After more than 5 minutes, Jody finally felt the return of a modicum of energy. He stirred and his flaccid dick slid out of Gary, dripping some cum and lube onto the bed. He rolled onto his back beside his beloved and his cock flopped on his belly like a sardine in its death throes. He groped for Gary’s hand and grasped it weakly when he found it. It took another 5 minutes before either could speak.
“Honey,” Gary said quietly. For an answer Jody squeezed his hand. “I don’t know exactly what happened just now, but it was phenomenal.”
“Yeah,” Jody managed to say.
“Whenever I think of you and miss you, I’m going to think of this moment. I couldn’t possibly feel closer to anyone.”
“I hear ya.”
Gary rolled onto his side facing Jody. He put his other hand on the massive chest that still seemed to be heaving just a bit. “This connection will always be with us no matter how far apart we might be or how long before we see each other. It’s…cosmic!”
Jody turned his head toward Gary and they looked deeply at each other. “I’m thinking,” he said seriously, “that what we felt was a connection deeper than physical, deeper than intellectual, deeper than emotional.”
“Yeah,” Gary smiled and wiped a tear from his eye.
“I think it was a, uh, spiritual connection.”
“I don’t know much about spiritual things, but I think you might be right. It feels like a connection right at the center of our beings.”
“Like a bonding between the cores of who we are.”
“Yeah!” Gary smiled with the clarity with which they had defined the connection.
Jody rolled onto his side facing Gary. He tapped the end of Gary’s nose with one finger. “Though lots of things may separate us physically, I don’t think anything can break that spiritual bond we have.”
Gary kissed Jody. “Thank you for this most amazing gift!”
To be continued...
Posted: 08/20/2021