Gary's Summer Interlude
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2018 by the author)
The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's
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Chapter 30
Last Days of
Gary was grateful to find Ryan in the driver’s seat after his final good-bye with Jody because he was a little too emotional to want to drive. He climbed into the passenger seat as Ryan started the engine. Ryan smiled at Jody on the steps and put the car in gear. As they pulled away, Gary followed Jody with his eyes until he disappeared from view. Then Gary’s tears fell harder and faster.
Ryan took his hand and held it without saying a word. He knew there was nothing to say. As they drove through Norfolk towards the highway, Gary cried. He dabbed at his eyes and felt like a child because he couldn’t stop. Finally, after 15 minutes or so, he calmed down and his tears dried up.
When Gary could speak, he looked at Ryan and squeezed his hand. “You have turned into such a wonderful friend, Ryan. Thank you!”
Ryan smiled as he glanced at Gary. “That’s mutual, my dear boy. I have fallen in love with you just like all the other guys.”
Gary laughed. “I’m such a slut!”
“I guess some people would say that. To me, you’re just a guy who loves to give to others. And you freely give two very precious gifts: your beautiful body and your beautiful heart.”
“Oh,” Gary sobbed. “What a wonderful thing to say!”
“I mean it. You’re incredible and I feel so fortunate to have managed
to enter into this sort of weird and wonderful friendship with you.”
“It is weird and wonderful, isn’t it?”
By this time they were heading out of Plymouth on U.S. 58 towards Suffolk and Franklin. They stopped at a 7-11 for gas and coffee and continued on through southeastern Virginia into northeastern North Carolina. For the most part the roads were two-lane blacktops that meandered through small towns, bypassing the metropolis of Raleigh and into Durham, where they had lunch at a diner they found along the way.
The waitress and a couple of customers took note of the fabulous young men in their short cutoffs and tight tee-shirts as they found a table by the front window. By this time, both were becoming accustomed to the slightly startled looks they received from strangers who clearly were attracted to them. Over lunch Gary thanked Ryan for driving but committed to driving the next leg of the trip.
When they left the diner, they passed through Durham and Gary noted that Duke University was there. “I wonder if I’ll be back in Durham this fall to see Lauren,” he said to Ryan.
“That’s an interesting question. Do you want to visit her?”
Gary smiled. “That’s another interesting question. I like Lauren a lot and respect her greatly. We’ve had some pretty good times together and the sex is not bad. But I don’t know if there’s a true chemistry between us.”
“With her plans to become a doctor, she’ll be highly focused on school for a long time, I guess,” Ryan observed.
“Yeah. Maybe we could be good, casual dates for each other at holidays or something.”
“Like so much in our lives, I guess you just have to play it out and see what feels right as you go.”
Gary glanced at Ryan. “You know, dear, you are almost as smart as you are sexy.”
Ryan laughed. “That’s great, as long as sexy is my number one trait!”
“Trust me. It is! There are dozens of guys who would heartily agree with me.”
“Oh, so now you’re calling me a slut!”
“I’m only saying that in the fullness of my Christian love for you,” Gary snickered.
“You realize if I’m a slut, it’s mostly your fault, don’t you?”
Gary paused for a moment. “I reckon it is.”
Ryan leaned across the console and kissed Gary on the cheek. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
They both laughed. Ryan was glad to hear Gary’s genuine mirth after the somber, teary start of their drive. They fell quiet for a few miles.
As they drove through the early afternoon en route to Greensboro, Gary suddenly asked, “Ryan, truthfully, how do you feel after this wild week in Norfolk?”
Gary nodded.
“I think I’m shocked at how much I enjoyed it. I’m surprised at how much I’ve come to love a hard cock in my butt. I never imagined taking on a bunch of guys one after another would feel good and make me feel good about myself. But I do feel good about myself. I feel like I gave a lot of pleasure to some really great guys this week.”
“They are a fantastic bunch, aren’t they?”
“Absolutely! To be honest, I think I fell in love with several of them, especially Jody and Scott and Brandon.” He paused. “And Miguel.”
“They all fell in love with you, too. Jody even told me as we were leaving that he fell in love with you. And, well, Scott was really obvious. That hot guy can’t get enough of you!”
“That feeling is mutual, too. I mean, I love bottoming for him better than for anyone. I’m not sure exactly why, but I do. And I love topping him, too. In that sense, we seem to be a perfect match. We could probably be happy stranded on a desert island together.”
Gary chuckled. “Until you ran out of lube.”
Ryan playfully punched him in the arm. “Very funny.” He paused. “But very true!”
“I also have difficulty believing I liked being pilloried,” Gary confided.
“Yeah. That actually surprised me a lot, too.”
“I think it was very erotic. And yet we knew no one would harm us and they would take us out if we asked, so we didn’t really feel threatened.”
“Yeah. It was the best situation to be restrained in, I think.”
“Uh-huh,” Gary agreed.
“Damn, I hope I get to see those guys again sometime,” Ryan remarked.
“I expect the feeling is mutual on that score. You’ll stay in touch with Scott, won’t you?”
“That’s the plan. He said maybe he and Brandon would come to see us sometime.”
“I hope they will. I don’t know how I’ll get away from the Deputy Boys, but I’m sure we can work something out.”
“Speaking of the Deputy Boys, are you excited about getting into that?”
“Of course. I expect every weekend will be a little like the cruise.”
“Holy fuck!”
Gary giggled. “I know. The cruise gives me confidence my butt can withstand all that pounding.”
“Yeah. You need to be careful with it, I guess.”
“Have you thought any more about Patrick’s offer?” Gary inquired.
“Patrick’s offer?”
“You know, to transfer to UNCA for the spring semester and join the Deputy Boys to replace Mel when he graduates.”
“Oh. I have thought about it a little. It’s quite intriguing, but I want to wait to see what you and Carlos have to say after you get in.”
“Probably a good idea. Still, transferring to UNCA might be a good idea anyhow. I would love to keep you close.”
“Me, too. You know you’re my best friend now.” Ryan lightly touched Gary’s arm.
“Wow!” Gary grinned. “And to think we weren’t very close all through high school.”
“Yep. What a difference a bottle of lube can make!”
Gary laughed heartily, which was music to Ryan’s ears. The Scandinavian teen seemed recovered from his earlier crying jag. Ryan thought that was good, even if it was temporary.
“I have a lot of fun with you,” Gary said.
“Me, too.”
Gary dropped Ryan at the Mitchell’s a few minutes before 6:00 and was home by 6:10. Harriet was glad to see him and they immediately went to Grandma’s for a meatloaf dinner and a review of Gary’s vacation. She wanted a report on Jody’s status and was pleased that he had been assigned to Italy instead of someplace like the Philippines or Korea. She hoped that he would not get a big leave before the transfer took place so everyone could visit with him before he has to go.
As soon as they got home, Gary called Rossi’s to let Antonio know he was back. Antonio wanted to know if he could come over to the restaurant and he said he would be a little late but would come.
Next Gary called his old friend Carlos for a quick report. He didn’t have the opportunity to give Carlos a blow by blow description of the week, but they made a date for the next day so Gary could relive the hot week through sharing the juicy (!) details with his friend.
As soon as he could, Gary grabbed a shower. When Harriet turned in, he snuck out to ride his bike over to the restaurant.
Antonio’s welcoming hug was strong and intimate. Gary melted into his lover’s
massive pecs and hard abs as huge biceps flexed around him. His hands explored
the bulging shoulders and even the firm mounds of his manly buttocks. Of
course, Antonio (pictured) immediately rubbed all around on Gary’s bubble butt
sending electric chills up his spine. They kissed deeply with great passion and
Gary was grateful that Antonio welcomed him so warmly all the while knowing he
had been sexual with a bunch of other men. He knew this degree of acceptance
was truly love on a high level.
Over a pitcher of margaritas, they shared details of their past week before getting out of their clothes and onto the day bed in the ladies’ room. They made love for almost an hour with Antonio blessing Gary with two large loads of love juice while Gary had two spontaneous orgasms which Antonio greedily licked off his belly and chest.
As he rode his bicycle back home, Gary understood that the conditions of his relationships with Antonio, Jody, Ryan, Carlos, and all the others were very clearly not restrictive. While he missed Jody and Brandon, he was glad to be with Antonio and looked forward to seeing Shannon tomorrow at the resort and Mario tomorrow night at Rossi’s. He knew this segment of his life was about to end and wanted to enjoy it to the max while it lasted.
The next three weeks were a blur of activity as Gary tried to spend extra time with Harriet and Grandma, go out with Lauren each weekend, keep up with two jobs, work out regularly, and keep his hyper-active sex life going. Antonio, Mario, Will, Shannon, Bob, Ryan, and David all expressed how much they cared for him and how much they would miss him when he moved to Asheville.
Sooner than Gary imagined or wanted, August 28 popped up on the calendar. He packed his car before 10:00 A.M. so he could join Harriet, Grandma, and Lauren for brunch at Grandma’s. It worked out well that Lauren was there with them because her presence dampened Harriet’s clingy-mother syndrome and the presence of his mother and grandmother when he said good-bye to Lauren allowed him to escape rather quickly and cleanly from that always challenging situation.
As he passed the last bit of Sylva on the Asheville Highway, he suddenly missed Antonio and Ryan very much. But he was also very excited about seeing Josh and Patrick in a bit over an hour. He was especially excited to meet the Deputy Boys pledge master and the other pledges and, of course, to begin rooming with Carlos. The orientation they would be having during the coming week was bound to be very exciting. Was that a twitch in his butthole?
The End.
Posted: 08/30/2021