Brothers in Isolation
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2020 by the author)
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Chapter 4
For the next week, every time I would jack it, I would purposely imagine Lenore. Usually I couldn’t actually come while thinking of Lenore. When I got close, it was always images of Blake that brought me off. Sometimes it was Blake giving me a handjob or blowing me. Sometimes it was Brent fucking Blake. Sometimes it was me fucking Blake. Those were the strongest orgasms of all and, of course, the most disconcerting.
One day I was surprised when another girl from school joined Lenore in my nasty thoughts. It was the slutty blonde Crystal Montgomery and her 38 C’s, who actually pulled Lenore’s sweater over her head so I could see her boobs. They were sort of indistinct in my mind’s eye, probably since I had never actually seen them before. Crystal’s boobs were more distinct and had gigantic nipples. Both girls looked at me lustfully and reached out for me. And morphed into Blake and Brent grabbing for my dick. I screamed and unloaded a big mess onto my headboard, face, torso, and sheets.
the end of the week, I had become sexually super-charged. I would walk down the
hall at school behind Jeff Castle or Donnie Hawkins or Gary Harrison and find my
gaze fixated on their asses and my dick hardening with each step. I’d look at
Miranda Collins and her beautiful face, luscious auburn hair, and superb body
and think how hot she looked. Then I would find my eyes shifting to Andy
Valerio, who would inevitably be walking hand-in-hand with her. I’d catch
myself noticing how his flowing dark hair sways erotically as he walks, how sexy
his deep dark eyes are, how cut his jaw line is, how full his lips are, how
flawless his olive skin is, how strong his shoulders are, how his nipples show
through his skin-tight tee-shirt, how ripped his abs are as seen through the
same shirt, how small his waist is, and … oh, god … how his awesomely big bulge
shifts in his white jeans with every step. (This is how Andy would often appear
in my fantasies, shirtless, of course. I had seen him in the locker room so had
a good concept of his exceptional body.)
I could hardly wait to get home from school to whip out another massive load with all these hot girls and guys teasing me in my fantasies.
Okay. That last sentence is a lie. In truth, I wore my dick out every day to the images of the guys in the showers or Gary in his Speedo by the pool or Andy walking in the hall or Jeff, shirtless, on the tennis court opposite me. Or my brother and Brent. I had become a fucking mess.
National News and Local Changes
For several weeks, more and more people were talking about the Chinese virus, which we now called Coronavirus and the disease it caused, which we now called COVID-19. Frankly, it had seemed like a far-away bad dream to me and not something to concern myself about. You know, like a famine in Africa or the overthrow of the government of a Latin American country. But a few cases of Coronavirus had come up in Texas, even in Dallas just a few miles away.
One night, Mom and Dad attended a special PTA meeting and came home talking about what would happen if they did close West Plano High and the twins’ elementary school. That finally got my attention like nothing had so far because this was stuff that would actually affect our lives. Sure enough, about two days later, we had an all-school announcement over the central PA system from Mr. Young, the Principal, in which he told us we would close temporarily the following day after sixth period. Of course, that was all we students talked about the rest of the day. Lenore told me that her mother was very concerned about this new thing called social distancing and that she wasn’t sure she could see me after the school closed.
“What about the Prom?” everyone asked. “What about graduation?” every senior asked. “What about baseball season?” the athletes asked. No one had any answer except, “We’ll have to see how things go.” Everyone seemed to be upset except for a couple of the teachers and a wimpy kid who got bullied a lot.
Family Meeting
That night at home, we had a family pow-wow after dinner. It was almost two hours of planning how we would make it through the unexpected quarantine. Dad, who is the Human Resources manager at Frito-Lay headquarters, treated us all with great respect as he presided over the meeting like it was a major HQ strategy meeting.
“You’ve all heard about the Coronavirus and how easily someone can become infected, right?” Dad started.
We all nodded. “Yes, Daddy,” Cindy said. She was the natural spokesperson for the twins.
He nodded seriously. “We don’t know how long the state will require people to isolate at home when possible. We don’t know when your schools will reopen, but the administrators don’t think it will be before next fall,” he said ominously.
“We need to plan out how we as a family will handle the situation,” he added. “You kids will be home from school, doing your classes online and studying. I’ll be working from home part of the time, so I will need quiet in my office. Mom will also be working from home most of the time. She’ll use our bedroom for an office, so we’ll need to keep it quiet in that part of the house, too. I don’t think that will be too difficult for us, do you?”
Being the oldest, I felt compelled to answer his question. “No, Dad, we’ll manage. But each of us will need a computer to keep up with classes, won’t we?”
“Hmm,” he grunted. “You’re right about that, I think, Curt. Yours is good, right?”
I nodded, “Yes.”
“Blake,” he turned toward my brother, “is your computer okay?”
“Yes, sir.”
He looked at our sisters, who were huddled on the end of the couch together. “Girls?”
They exchanged a look and Cindy spoke, “We share our laptop.”
“Okay,” Dad said. “I’ll order another one tonight. Do you think there is anything else you will need?”
We all looked around and shrugged our shoulders.
“I guess your teachers will tell you if you need something unusual. Be sure you get all the details about anything you will need and let me know that evening. Okay?”
We all nodded.
“Now, there is one other thing that will have an impact on us. Mom and I have decided to invite your Grandma to come and stay with us during this quarantine time. She’s all alone and shouldn’t stay by herself when people can’t visit. She has agreed, so I’m going to drive to Texarkana tomorrow to pick her up.”
“Oh, goody!” Cindy said.
“Yes, it will be fun to have her here,” Mom added.
“Will she be cooking?” Blake asked.
“I’m sure she will,” Mom smiled, “some of the time.”
“She’ll need a place to sleep,” Dad said with a hint of a question in his eyes.
We were all quiet for a moment.
“She could have my room,” Blake volunteered. “I could sleep with Curt.”
Before his big confession, I would have liked that idea, but I wasn’t quite so sure now. A whole flock of butterflies descended on my tummy as my dick twitched.
“Splendid!” Dad smiled proudly at his younger son. “Thanks, Blake, for your generosity.” Then he looked at me. “Are you good with that arrangement, Curt?”
Even though I felt anxious and unsure, I couldn’t very well banish my brother to sleeping on the couch for God knows how long. I’ll just deal with whatever I need to deal with, I thought. “Of course,” I said enthusiastically. “It’ll be like a long camp-out.”
Blake beamed at me as did both Mom and Dad. How to win friends and influence people, I guess.
“Super,” Dad nodded. “Can the two of you get all Blake’s clothes and other things moved to your room tomorrow so his room will be ready for Grandma on Sunday?”
I nodded and Blake said, “Sure, Dad.”
“Thank you, boys.” Dad took a deep breath and continued. “There is one other point I need to make. You all know Grandma has serious asthma. That means that she is probably more susceptible to the virus than most people. If she caught the virus, it could be very bad. She’s older and with lung problems already, the virus could kill her.”
“Oh!” Mindy cried out.
“No, Daddy!” Cindy said.
“Unfortunately, that’s true. So, that means we will have to be certain that none of us get exposed to the virus and maybe bring it home where she might get it.”
Mindy looked horrified. “Oh, no, Daddy.”
“Right, sweetheart,” Dad said and smiled at Mindy. “So,” he announced as he looked at Blake and me, “to keep Grandma safe we will stick to our quarantine religiously for as long as it takes. Here’s what that means, kids. You will not be able to see your friends in person at all. You cannot go out anywhere without clearing it with Mom or me first.”
“Curt, I know you and Lenore have been spending a lot of time together, but you will have to make do with phone calls, texts, and Facetime. Will you commit to that, son?”
This quarantine stuff was a lot worse than I expected, but Lenore’s parents were saying basically the same thing. “Yes, sir.”
“I need both you boys to be adults about this. Your commitment will be difficult, but it is extremely important. If you break this commitment, well, imagine how you would feel if Grandma got sick. Very sick. Because of your irresponsibility.”
“No, Dad, that will not happen. I promise.”
“Thanks, Curtis.”
“The same restriction goes for you, Blake,” Dad looked intently at him. “No getting together with friends. Any friends. Any time. For any reason. Can you commit to that?”
Blake looked a bit stricken and I could imagine he was thinking of Brent. Giving up Brent would be quite a sacrifice, I was sure.
After a moment’s hesitation, he nodded slowly, “Of course, Dad.”
“Thanks, Blake.” Looking at us a bit sternly, he added, “I want the two of you to be together all the time. You can’t fight, so learn to be gentle and loving with each other. Keep each other from breaking this extremely important commitment. If one of you breaks it, you will both be severely punished. Is that crystal clear?”
“Yes, sir,” I said.
“Yes, sir,” Blake said.
“Good. I don’t mean to be harsh and authoritarian, but someone’s life may depend on your actions, so you cannot for a moment let down your guard.”
Slightly shocked at his seriousness, Blake and I both nodded.
Dad turned to the twins. “Okay, girls, do you understand what I’m asking you to promise?”
Both cute little blondes nodded. “That we will not see anybody or go anywhere unless you say we can,” Cindy said quietly.
With a very serious look, Dad nodded, “That’s right.”
“That’s okay, Daddy,” Mindy said, “cause we’re with our best friend here all the time.”
Cindy smiled and hugged her twin.
“That’s right, Mindy,” Mom said. “All the time.”
I was thinking about how much I would miss tennis when I had an idea.
“Yes, Curt.”
“Could Blake and I play tennis by ourselves?”
“Maybe,” Dad said thoughtfully. “We’ll have to find a court you could use without being around others.”
“I’ll bet the high school might let us use the court.”
“I’ll check with them and, if not, see if I can find another court for you. That’s a good idea, Curt.”
“We can still swim, can’t we?” Cindy asked.
“In our pool,” Dad answered.
After the meeting, Blake asked me to come to his room. He closed the door behind us and sat glumly on the bed.
“How are you going to deal with not seeing Lenore?” he asked.
I thought for a moment. “I’ll be okay. I knew we wouldn’t be together after high school. She’s admitted to Stanford in California and I’ll be staying here to go to SMU. This just means we’re sort of ending now. We’ll talk on Facetime, I guess, but we’re mostly just friends anyhow.” I was surprised by my own words because they made it clear that my relationship with Lenore was not a very passionate connection.
“I see,” Blake nodded still looking sad.
I sat beside him on his bed. Gently I said, “You’re thinking about Brent, aren’t you?”
He nodded. “It’s not like I see him all the time. But, never?”
I put my hand over his and squeezed. “You’ll get through it. I’ll be with you all the time, it sounds like.”
Blake turned to look at me. His eyes were watery like he was beginning to cry, but his smile was broad and genuine. “I’m going to like that, bro.”
Spontaneously we came together in a warm hug.
“Me, too, buddy. Me, too.” I knew that was a very true statement. This quarantine would be so much better because we were in it together. I sensed more than felt a gentle, lingering kiss on my neck. My damned dick twitched.
To be continued...
Posted: 11/06/2020