Brothers in Isolation
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2020 by the author)
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Chapter 5
Alone for the Last Time
That night I slept in my room, my bed, alone for the last time for a while. I made good use of my privacy by watching a bit of PornHub. Curious about guy-on-guy sex, I went to the gay pages and watched some very hot sex between guys. Damn! My first orgasm was over something called Sketchy Sex in which about a dozen college guys sucked and fucked in a place that looked like a trashed suburban living room. Two guys were taking the other guys’ dicks one after another. Their moans, groans, and cries were hard to decipher whether they were crying out from pain or ecstasy. The guys who were fucked seemed very passive about it, just letting anybody shove it in when they wanted to do so. Nevertheless, I stroked myself slowly with a lot of pauses to prolong my orgasm before I couldn’t hold off anymore. Holy shit, did I cum a bucket load!
When I turned off the computer and doused the lights, I found I couldn’t fall asleep as I had visions of Jeff Castle, Gary Harrison, and Andy Valerio running through my brain. I didn’t even see Lenore or any other girls, just guys this time. In spite of the major orgasm I had just enjoyed, my dick responded to my friends’ beautiful faces, big pecs and biceps, tight abs, firm butts, strong legs, and massive (in my mind, anyway) hard-ons. The three studs walked into the locker room where they wasted no time stripping each other. Soon I was stroking hard and fast as Andy slid his dick between Jeff’s firm tennis-hardened buns and Gary shoved his dick all the way into Jeff’s mouth. After a few minutes, Andy came in Jeff’s ass, Gary shot down Jeff’s throat, Jeff’s dick erupted onto the bench, and I exploded all over myself. Damn!
My exhaustion from all that self-love sent me to sleepy land quickly and it was light outside when I finally awoke. A glance at the clock told me it was going on 8:00, so I jumped into the shower to wash the dried cum off my pecs and abs and dick. I dressed quickly and dashed out of my room above the garage and went through the backyard to the patio where I found Dad and Mom having breakfast. I got a plate of food from the kitchen and joined them just as Blake and the girls came outside.
Moving Day
I spent an hour consolidating my clothes in the closet and my chest of drawers to make room for Blake’s things. He and I moved my desk over a bit so there would be room for his desk, then we schlepped it out of his room and up the stairs to my room. We spent all morning getting his stuff brought up to my room, which I guess is now “our” room. After lunch, we got everything situated. We were finished about 2:30.
As Blake was getting the last of his clothes arranged, I trekked down to the kitchen to get a couple of cold Pepsis and a bag of potato chips. (Remember Dad works for Frito-Lay, so we’re a Pepsi family.)
When I returned, Blake had stripped down to his red Calvin Klein briefs and was lying on the bed, still rumpled from my quick exit this morning.
“You certainly look at home,” I commented as I closed the door behind me.
“Hey, dude, we have a lot of privacy here, you know.”
“I’m aware of that.”
“No Mom or little girls popping in unannounced.”
“Nope. No Dad either.”
“So, I propose we get comfortable. No clothes in here.”
What the hell. I handed him his Pepsi and the chips, set mine on the nightstand, and whipped my tank-top over my head, tossing in onto my desk chair. I stepped out of my flip-flops and dropped my sweat shorts onto my feet, which left me naked except for my purple Jockeys. I kicked my shorts onto the desk chair, picked up my Pepsi and joined my brother on the bed.
Blake had watched my strip show with intensity and I was somehow excited by it. My dick had plumped up a bit.
“You’re very handsome, Curt,” he said as he turned on his side to face me.
I turned on my side to face him. “You’re very handsome, too, Blake.”
He watched me as he sipped his Pepsi. “Your body is amazing, too, Curt.”
“Thank you, buddy. Yours is also amazing, especially for a 15-year-old kid.”
Blake smiled. “I’ll be 16 in two weeks.”
“So you will. Sweet sixteen.” I sipped my soda.
Our blue eyes locked in a deep union. “I think you’ll soon know how very sweet I can be, bro.”
My dick, already excited, throbbed as a slug of blood pumped into it. I glanced down and saw that Blake was nearly hard, too.
“Honestly, buddy,” I shared, “I’m not sure I’m ready to know how sweet you can be.”
He smiled, showing me his beautiful teeth and lips. “We’ll take it at your pace, dear brother, but we will take it, I assure you.”
I was fully erect by then. A glance showed Blake was, too. He rolled over and set his Pepsi bottle on the nightstand, pushed his tight briefs down his legs to free his substantial dick, and rolled back to face me. I followed his lead to dispose of my bottle and bikinis in the same way. When I rolled back to face him, we were less than a foot apart, our erections only a few inches apart as they strained upwards toward our faces. He reached out to run his fingers down my arm from my shoulder to my hand. He grasped my hand like a lover. Using my arm like a rope, he pulled me toward him as he moved toward me. When only inches separated our pectorals, our erections met and kissed.
We both groaned as our dicks leaped and each of us oozed a dollop of precum. Before I had regained my composure, his lips gently met mine. Those lips were so firm and inviting that I moaned again as his hand cradled the back of my head. Almost imperceptibly I felt the brush of his tongue along my lower lip. His lips spread apart, taking my lips with them, and soon I felt his tongue slip between my lips to touch my tongue. Somehow, he drew my tongue into his mouth and I began exploring his sexy mouth with abandon.
Our chests came together and I put my hand behind his head so he could not pull away. Lenore had never aroused such wild passion in me. I had to know my brother’s body as well as I knew my own, beginning with his mouth. My tongue ravaged him, licking his teeth and the insides of his cheeks, circling his tongue which simultaneously circled mine. I withdrew and plunged back in a facsimile of fucking while he tightened his cheeks to hold me inside him with suction. Our dicks throbbed and burped out more precum as our moaning increased. He rolled onto his back pulling me onto his hot body without breaking our lip-lock. I slid my knees to the mattress on either side of him and felt his dick hard against the side of my own. As my tongue invaded his mouth, I thrust against his abdomen and our dicks slid against each other. More precum added to the wetness between us. His arms held me around the back and his hands drifted to my butt cheeks where they rubbed sensuously in a way I had never experienced before. As I thrust against him, he squeezed my flexing glutes, separating them and driving me crazy. I grasped the sides of his head, caressing his ears, his temple, his hair, his cheeks. I was caught up in desire beyond anything I had ever experienced, no longer consciously in control of my actions but responding from some deep animal instinct. My hips were in rapid motion now. My glutes flexing hard as fast as they could. Blake’s hips were matching my movements so that we pulled apart simultaneously and slammed together simultaneously. Each of us was sweating profusely as our bodies created a furnace of heat between us. At the same time, he was practically eating my tongue; there was no breaking this kiss. My need for release had grown to the point that it had taken control of my body. My hips and butt drove my dick almost into his abdomen, but he still met me stroke for stroke. I was running low on oxygen but still I wouldn’t, couldn’t, stop or even slow down. There was so much wetness between us, a combination of a lake of precum and an ocean of sweat, that our bodies were sliding against each other like a well-oiled machine. Of course, this could not go on for long.
I erupted in massive ejaculations of boiling cum that flooded our torsos on its first volley. By my second volley, I became distantly aware that Blake was erupting right along with me. Finally, we stopped kissing so we could both scream out our ecstasy and find some oxygen. By the time we’d each shot 6 to 8 wads between our bodies, I felt like we were swimming in a sea of cum.
We lay in silence for a minute or so as our deep breathing gradually replenished the oxygen in our blood.
Blake began to giggle like a schoolgirl who happened to have a baritone voice.
“What’s so funny?”
“You are,” he chuckled even louder.
“Me? Why?”
“You were so damned easy.” He rolled onto his side and put his hand into the puddle of semen on my belly. “I thought it would take a whole bunch of planning and small steps to get into your pants. Boy was I wrong. Once I kissed you, hell, I couldn’t have stopped you if I had tried.”
He was right. Who was I kidding about not being ready for sex with the hottest guy I know? I laughed along with him. “You’re right, I guess. The truth is that I decided we could either spend the quarantine in a sort of tug-of-war about doing it or I could just relent at the beginning and avoid all the conflict.”
“I see.” He rubbed my belly, then licked his fingers. “Uhm,” he murmured. “A mixture of Griffith flavors.”
I laughed. “Maybe we can try them separately and see how different they are.”
“Oh, you have good possibilities as an exciting lover, bro!”
“That’s nice to know.”
Still rubbing my belly, Blake became serious. “So, after your first encounter with a boy, how do you feel?”
I reached out to his belly and rubbed the cum that was dripping down onto the sheets. “I think the $5 word for how I feel is satiated.”
“Oh, now I see how you got a 1500 on your SATs.”
“Not quite,” I laughed. “But, truthfully, I feel great. That was the sexiest experience I’ve had yet.”
“I’m really glad, bro.” He rolled half onto me and stretched his neck to plant a chaste little kiss on my lips. “Just so you know, as wonderful as that was, it will pale in comparison to some of the first-time experiences you have ahead of you while we’re quarantined.”
I kissed him back with a bit of heat. “Damn, little brother. I can’t quite imagine it, but I actually believe you.”
“But that can all wait. Right now, I think we need a shower and maybe to make an appearance in the big house.”
The walk-in shower in our room (that sounds rather cool to me now) is an oversize shower about 6 feet long and 4 feet wide. To me, it’s always felt excessive, lonely even, but not anymore. We showered together in what I hoped was the first of many joint showers. We washed each other including enough washing of our dicks that we ended up with 2 impressive erections.
“You’re a lot bigger than me,” Blake observed.
“I’m almost 2 and a half years older, too. I have a feeling you’ll catch up with me and eventually be longer than me. Maybe thicker, too.”
“You’re as long as Brent,” he confided, “but he’s a little thicker.”
“Damn! I wanted to have the biggest dick on the block,” I joked. I was actually wondering how in the world my little brother could get a fatter dick than mine into his asshole and not rip it apart.
shut off the water and we stepped onto the bathmat. We dried each other and
dressed to go back to the main house to hang out a while before dinner.
Blake and I sat on the couch with one twin on each of our laps while we watched an animated movie called “The Princess and the Frog” on Netflix. The girls loved it and, frankly, I enjoyed the family closeness of the moment. I was conscious of Blake’s leg against mine, which threatened to give me a runaway hard-on right under Mindy’s leg. Thankfully I was able to remember some ugly teachers to keep control for a while. When that didn’t work, I made Mindy get up so I could call Lenore. Grabbing my phone, I went to the patio.
Lenore and I chatted for quite a while about the new quarantine situation. I told her about Grandma coming to live with us during the lockdown and that Dad had been very serious about strictly enforcing our social isolation. She said her mother, who is a dermatologist, was adamant about it, too.
“I guess we won’t get to see each other for a while,” I said. Surprisingly, I didn’t feel particularly bad about that. In fact, I felt a kernel of relief when I said it. I’d need to think about that later.
“All our dates will be on FaceTime, babe,” she answered.
She suggested I FaceTime her on Monday since Sunday would be busy with Grandma’s arrival.
When I hung up the phone, I strolled into the kitchen to help Mom with dinner. She asked how Lenore was doing and how I thought we would do during the quarantine. I explained that we knew we wouldn’t stay together once the summer ended, so it felt like it might just be ending a little earlier. I assured Mom I was okay with that.
Then Mom asked if Blake and I had gotten the room arranged and his clothes moved and I assured her everything was organized and that we would be happy to spend time together.
“I saw you boys holding the girls in the den just now,” she said. “It was so sweet. You know they adore you guys, right?”
I smiled. “Yes. We adore them, too.”
In a very serious voice, Mom said, “The next weeks or months are going to be difficult. We’ll all need some time alone and it will be hard to find. Be understanding of that. Maybe you and Blake can divide the twins and take them to separate corners when they start getting on each other’s nerves.”
“We’ll try.”
“And when you and Blake get snappy with each other, separate for a while, okay?”
I wondered if that would happen. “Sure, Mom.” At that moment I couldn’t imagine wanting time away from Blake. I wanted more time with him. With my tongue in his mouth. With our dicks out. With our hands on each other’s dick. Maybe with his mouth on mine. My dick throbbed.
To be continued...
Posted: 11/13/2020