Brothers in Isolation
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2020 by the author)
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Chapter 3
Chick Flick
I managed to avoid having that conversation with Blake for a long time. The day after our drive back from the beach was our last day of the holidays, so I called Lenore shortly after 9 to see if she was free to do something. She was, so I hung out at her house until time for the afternoon matinee showing of Little Women, which was not as boring as I thought it would be. It had some cute girls in it – love Saoirse Ronan’s pale blue eyes! Florence Pugh and Eliza Scanlen aren’t hard to look at either. So, I was sort of entertained on one level while Lenore sunk deep into the plot.
At some point my attention unexpectedly shifted from the girls to Timothee Chalamet. If you live in the world, of course, you know he had played a gay kid loving Armie Hammer’s big boner in that stupidly named movie about names. In Little Women he wasn’t supposed to be gay, but he seemed a little fem to me. My mind went off to a scene I had accidentally discovered on YouTube a few months earlier in which he and Armie were making out and lolling about half naked. I could understand why the feminine little boy was so wild about the studly Armie. Even I might…. I coughed and drank some Coke to stop my crazy mind.
“Shh!” Lenore hissed.
I looked back at the screen to draw myself back into the story. Thank God Timmy was not in the current scene. After that, every time Timmy appeared, I could not stop seeing him making out with Armie. Was that how Blake and Brent made out? I wondered. I had to admit, it looked very passionate and hot.
Finally, the end credits started to roll and we made for the exit. We were both hungry, which led us to a Pizza Hut for dinner. Over a half veggie – half meat lover’s supreme (you can probably guess who ate which half), we talked about the movie. Lenore was all dissecting the plot and why this March girl was attracted to this guy and how each guy was a little sub-par in some way. I thought that seemed a little overly feministic, but didn’t want to pick an argument, so I concentrated on my pizza.
When we were done eating, we went back to her house since it was too cold to go parking somewhere. Her parents were surprisingly cool about us spending time alone in her bedroom with the door closed, so that’s where we went. I borrowed some of her Listermint and we set about making out on her bed. It was very pleasant to hold her and kiss her after being apart for almost 2 weeks. She was warm and pliable in my arms and her delicate femininity was a pleasure after thinking about guys so much the past couple of days. I was a bit more aggressive with her mouth than I’d been before and maybe my touch was a little less gentle. I don’t know. Mid-kiss I got another disconcerting vision of Armie ramming his tongue down Timmy’s throat while the kid swooned in his arms. I tried to press on with a willing Lenore, but Armie and Timmy wouldn’t leave me alone, so I finally surfaced for a deep breath and some conversation to distract me from the unwelcome images in my head.
“Whew,” Lenore said breathlessly. “You’re a tiger tonight.”
I grinned at her. I couldn’t exactly explain what was going on in my head and didn’t really understand it anyhow. So, I just said, “I missed you while I was away.”
“I missed you, too,” she smiled and pulled me down for some more kissing. She’s an excellent kisser and I had become pretty good, too, thanks to all the practice we’d had since we started dating last summer.
I was finally able to relax and really get into the intimacy with my very special and beautiful girlfriend. This was nice and I was starting to tingle in my groin. Great heterosexual fun!
“You don’t know how awesome homosexual fun is,” Blake whispered in my ear. My tongue froze. My mouth, which had been soupy with our combined production of saliva, was suddenly as dry as the West Texas plains in July.
Lenore pulled away from me, leaving my tongue hanging in the air in front of my mouth. I quickly retracted it as her forehead crinkled up. “What’s the matter, Curt?”
How could I explain that I was suddenly out of the mood for making out?
“Uhm, well…” My mind raced around to find an excuse. “I think the spices in my pizza were a bit much. All of a sudden, I’m not feeling so hot.” I hated myself for being a lying sack of shit, but I couldn’t exactly admit the truth.
“Oh, baby,” she cooed. She pushed me away and pressed against my chest to hold me back. “Let me get you some Pepto Bismol. That’ll help you.”
In a flash she was out the door like Dr. Grey and her interns headed to an arriving ambulance. Before I had time to figure out what else to say, she returned, beautiful brunette hair trailing out behind her like she was riding a horse. In her hands she had a bottle and a tablespoon. Soon she shoved a spoonful of the chalky pink stuff into my mouth as she said, “There you go, honey.”
Dutifully I swallowed. A second spoonful was quickly administered before she said, “Just lie back quietly for a few minutes. You’ll feel better soon.”
As she left the room, presumably to return the Pepto Bismol to the medicine cabinet, I felt my stomach churn in protest. Actually, the pizza had been perfectly satisfying, but this stuff mixed with it was not very appealing. She was back in a minute with a cool damp wash cloth which she applied to my brow. After a minute she took it away, placed it carefully on her nightstand, and resumed her position beside me on her bed. Gently she took my hand, but otherwise was quiet.
I awoke to Lenore gently shaking my shoulder. “How are you feeling now?”
“Did I fall asleep?”
She nodded. “You did.”
“I’m sorry.”
“That’s okay. Are you better?”
“Yes, thanks. I guess I needed the pink stuff and a little rest after yesterday’s long drive.”
“It’s after 11. I think you’d better go home.”
“Yeah. I should.”
As I drove the 5 minutes to my house, I was quite irritated with myself. I had been having a great time with my super-great girlfriend when those stupid gay thoughts started derailing me again. I knew this couldn’t continue.
Back to School
Life was pretty normal all week at West Plano High.
Tennis practice started, but for a couple of days the weather was too rainy to be outside, so we worked out in the gym. That was cool because it helped work off the stagnation of the holidays. Blake was impressive. He might be younger than me, but he is stronger. He could lift 20 pounds more than me.
“Now, why is your little brother bigger and stronger than you, Curt?” Noah Bryant asked me.
I looked over at Blake, muscles all pumped as he pressed the barbell over his head. Was it hanging out with Brent that gave him the edge? I felt my breath catch and noticed a tingle in my dick. Fuck!
I turned away from Blake to see Noah staring at me. Oh, yeah, I had to answer his question.
“I think it’s ‘cause he wants to be a body builder, but I want to just be a tennis player.”
“Makes sense,” Noah nodded. “He’s certainly on his way to having a big, hard body.”
Down inside my sweatpants I felt a throb. Damn! I turned around and went to the treadmill.
got to the outdoor courts on Thursday and hit balls around for a while as we
warmed up. Then Coach Allen had us play some doubles. Blake and I were teamed
up since Coach planned to have us compete as a team. He had our other doubles
team as our opponents. Jeff Castle and Pedro Garcia are a formidable team. I’d
never noticed before we got on the court that day, but they are like our
opposites in looks.
Jeff loves to play shirtless. I’m sure it’s to show off his amazing abs, although Blake and I are just about as well cut. But Jeff seems to rip his shirt off at every opportunity and who can blame him? The girls really can’t get enough of this eye candy and are sometimes following him around as if he’s a famous movie star like Zac Efron. On this particular day, I noticed that Blake had some trouble taking his eyes off Jeff, too.
I have to admit Jeff might be as appealing to those guy-loving guys as he seems to be to those regular gals. As we began hitting the ball around, I realized Blake’s beachside confession the other night has opened my eyes to men so that I seem to look at them a lot more consciously. Before they were like chairs to me, there but of no particular consequence visually. You know, they were taking up space and serving their functions, but their functions did not include being good to look at. Now, however, I’m seeing them as handsome, well-built, and fuck-it-all appealing. Shit! I missed an easy serve from Jeff. Get it together, Curt!
Blake looked at me quizzically. “Are you okay, Bro?”
“Yeah. Just distracted.”
Blake looked over at Jeff and grinned at me. “I know what you mean!” He chuckled and I missed Jeff’s next serve!
obviously has some roots from south of the border, but his family has been in
Texas since before the Revolution, I think. He’s as American as anyone and
can’t even speak Spanish very well. He’s not quite as sexy as Jeff, I guess,
but he’s very handsome and has no problem getting the girls. Apparently, he is
pretty studly, too, if you get my drift. Some of the guys tease him mercilessly
in the showers, suggesting he makes his girlfriends bow-legged and ruins them
for the rest of us. He just smiles and wags his big cock from side to side
while they laugh. I don’t know about hard, but soft Pedro is well over 5
inches, I think. It would certainly be a mouthful. (I can’t believe how
perverted my brain has gotten!)
A lot of people comment that when the four of us are playing, it’s the battle between the blondes and the brunettes. Although this is the first year for Blake and me to play together on varsity, I think we might be the better team. Time will answer that question, no doubt.
After practice that day, Blake drove Old Blue, my pastel blue 2005 Prius, home so he could practice for his driving test after his birthday. On the way, we finally had that talk he’d been wanting to have.
“So, what’s going on with you?” he asked.
“Same ole, same ole,” I answered, being purposefully vague.
He took a deep breath and glanced over at me.
“Eyes on the road,” I said, sounding remarkably like Dad.
“On the way back from Jamaica Beach,” he began.
Oh, here we go! I don’t want to have this discussion.
“I noticed that both times I put my head in your lap, you got … hard.”
“Shit!” I fought to control my irritation.
“What’s up with that? Pun intended.”
“I’m an 18-year-old guy. What do you expect? I get hard at random times throughout the day.”
“Hmmph,” Blake sneered sarcastically. “Random times, huh? I think you mean any time the hottest guy you know puts his face against your boner.”
In spite of myself, I grinned. “Hottest guy I know, huh?”
“Damn right!” he smiled and I have to admit he did look damn good.
“Seriously, Blake, are you trying to seduce me with all this gay talk?”
He laughed out loud. “Seduce you?”
“Are you?” I challenged.
“Nah,” he said. “When I try to seduce you, bro, I will succeed.”
“Don’t count on it!” I spat out.
“We’ll see,” he said as he turned into our driveway. “I know your big distraction during practice was Jeff.”
“I was just thinking about … Lenore,” I responded lamely.
He laughed. “Nope. It was definitely Jeff and his abs.”
“Shut up!” I took the car key from him and we got out. I went up to my room while he went into the main house.
As I settled down to do my Physics homework, I had a tough time concentrating. Was Blake actually planning to seduce me? The way he had talked and looked at me in the car made me wonder. Would he do such a thing? He did kiss my hard-on on the drive back from the beach. Granted it was through my shorts and was just a quick peck. Still, was he just making me aware that he knew I was erect or was there a deeper meaning? Does he want to kiss it for real?
Before I knew it, my Physics was abandoned and I was naked on the bed, hard-on in hand. I pinched my nipples, scratched then caressed my balls, and stroked my dick slowly. I closed my eyes and imagined that Lenore was close by and I reached for her boob (covered by her tangerine sweater). Before my hand struck pay dirt, she quickly receded from view and Blake was standing before me, naked and hard. My hand touched his erection instead of her boob. Why was he so much bigger than me?
“Yeah,” he moaned as he reached down to take my dick from me. Our hands pulled each other’s boner as our breathing got faster and deeper.
“Oh,” we moaned together.
“Shit, bro,” he moaned, “you feel so good.” Then he bent over, moved his hand away and took my dick into his hot, wet mouth. Oh, shit, oh, fuck, the warm, tight suction …
“Fuck, Blake!” I cried out as I exploded in a massive torso-drenching orgasm.
When my brain began functioning again, I realized I was alone. Thank God for that! I didn’t want to get caught beating off and screaming my brother’s name as I came. I found that whole thing rather disturbing anyhow.
I was beginning to feel a little unhinged, sexually speaking. What 18-year-old dude isn’t consumed with sexual thoughts? That wasn’t my problem. My problem was that I couldn’t stay focused. It’s like the blood that gave me an erection took all the blood out of my brain.
Why wouldn’t Blake stay the hell out of my fantasies???
To be continued...
Posted: 10/30/2020