Brothers in Isolation
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2020 by the author)
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Chapter 2
Oh, my God! What do you say when your little brother tells you he’s schlepping the musclebound married man down the street? Regularly, it sounds like. I thought about my response for a minute or so.
you like that, Blake?” I tried really hard to make my voice sound concerned
about his welfare without sounding judgmental about his actions.
“Yes, Curt, I really do.”
“Doesn’t it hurt a lot?”
“The first time it did, I guess. But Brent takes it slow and easy right at first and then it gets comfortable and then, in a minute, it’s the most amazing feeling I could ever imagine.”
Unfortunately, I really couldn’t imagine.
“What about disease? Aren’t you afraid of getting AIDS, dude?”
“No. He actually talked with me about it before we did more than blow jobs, which are considered low risk. He got a test before we ever, you know, fucked, and I had only been with Mason. We got new tests right after New Year’s because he wants to protect me. We’ve both always tested negative.”
“Well, that’s a relief. And there isn’t anyone else?”
“Not for me. Of course, Brent and his wife still have sex, but otherwise he’s not with anyone else either.”
While I was trying to decide what to say to that, both our phones buzzed a text message alert.
MOM: Boys, time to get back. You need to shower and be in bed in 45 minutes.
“We’d better get back or we’ll be in trouble.”
Our walk back was more relaxed, which allowed me to consider a plethora of emotions. I was sad that my brother would have to deal with the oppression of society in the future. I was worried about how he would do with all this. I was scandalized that he seemed to have so much sexual experience and knowledge at such a young age. I was seriously jealous that he had managed to get so much experience while I was still learning to fondle the occasional sweater-encased breast. And I was monumentally turned on at the idea of Blake and Brent doing the nasty. I knew I was going to enjoy jacking my junk in the shower as soon as I could get there.
The Next Day
We left Jamaica Beach about 7:15 the next morning with Dad at the wheel and Mom riding shotgun. Cindy and Mindy had the middle seat and Blake and I were stuck in the third row. Our early start was apparently not early enough as we got into a massive traffic jam going through Houston and didn’t get to the other side of town until after 9:30. Dad was a bit frazzled by then. Throughout the long, boring drive on I-45 through East Texas toward Dallas, the girls and Mom chatted mostly non-stop. Blake and I shared the earbuds for his phone so we could listen to some good tunes as we watched Texas pass by the windows. After a while, Blake swirled around and laid down on our seat with his head in my lap and his legs bent at the knees to fit into the narrow seat. This wasn’t outside the boundaries of acceptable brotherly physicality but, can I just say, in light of his big announcement from the night before, I did find it a little provocative. Hell, at the touch of his cranium against my crotch, I felt an unexpected tingle. When he wiggled his head around, I started throwing a boner, so help me. I think he felt it because he grinned up at me with a lecherous look in his eyes. I shoved him over a bit so his head was between my knees and not in contact with my share of the family jewels. He giggled, but didn’t fight me about it.
A little before noon, after Cindy claimed she was dying of hunger, we stopped at a Dairy Queen along the highway in Corsicana. During lunch a little incident happened that gave me a glimmer of insight into Blake’s world
saw three dudes get out of a Mustang, cross the parking lot, and come in
together, laughing and punching each other good-naturedly. They all wore Baylor
University sweatshirts and they were cute. One was quite tall and handsome with
light brown hair cut very short on the sides and wavy on top. One was our
height (about 6 feet) with a wide, happy-looking smile showing off deep dimples
and carrying a large sausage in his sweats. (Shit! Why did I notice that?)
The third guy was in-between in height but with a lot bigger muscles than his
friends. He was also darkly handsome with a close-cropped beard similar to
Brent’s. His jeans were as tight as they could be, showing another impressive
bulge. (Fuck! Am I turning queer now?)
When I finally looked at Blake next to me in the booth, I could see he was mesmerized by the guys. Oh dear, his mouth was partially open and I feared he would drool or lose a bite of his burger. I dropped a hand to his leg just above the knee and squeezed hard enough for him to look at me. I gave him a severe evil eye that undoubtedly told him to knock it off. Luckily the college dudes took their food and left the restaurant. Of course, the body builder in the very tight jeans snagged Blake’s attention as they left. Okay, truth be told, I also thought his denim-covered ass was beautifully round and intriguing. I even caught myself wondering how it would feel to be bouncing my hips against those plush buns. (Shit! I need to get my thoughts under control.)
When we got back on the road, I thought a lot about what had transpired in the restaurant. Not so much how Blake acted, but, more critically, how I responded to the cute collegians. At first, I decided it was simply that, now that I know Blake’s interest in guys, I was just noticing what he was probably seeing, empathizing with his point of view. I mean, I would’ve noticed them before Blake’s revelation, but I would have been interested in how these college guys were interacting with each other. I’d have been observing to see what I might learn about how to make friends after I go to college in the fall. I would not have noticed their sexual potential. Would I?
A few miles down the road, I realized that imagining what Blake was seeing in the three guys might explain my initial noticing how handsome, cute and sexy they were, but it would not explain noticing their bulges or the one guy’s hot ass. It certainly wouldn’t account for me imagining bumping my hips against his naked buttocks. Damn, I couldn’t be made gay just because my little brother told me about fucking the hot personal trainer from down the street. Could I?
During the middle of my internal dialogue, Blake swiveled around on the seat and put his head in my lap again. I was staring out the window at the blandness of East Texas at the moment so I didn’t realize what he was doing until his cheek slapped up against my (shit!) raging boner.
Immediately Blake rolled onto my knees as he snickered quietly. “Bro!”
I looked down at him as I felt my face burn with embarrassment. “Shut up!”
“We need to talk when we get home,” he said.
I rested my palm on his abdomen and whispered. “I think it’s talking with you that’s causing me all this trouble.”
His grin broadened and then faded as he started looking a bit puzzled. He looked up at me from my lap, reaching a hand to my bicep which he rubbed gently. “I love you, Curt,” he whispered. Then he kissed the only part of me he could conveniently reach: my erection!
Immediately I felt a throb in my dick that threatened to soak my briefs. I managed to swallow the moan that came from somewhere deep inside without any thought on my part. I slid my hand up to his cheek and gently pushed his face away. “No,” I said softly.
“Okay,” he said as he put the earbud back in place. He offered the other to me which I accepted, hoping that I could stop the torturous thoughts by getting into the music.
A little while later, Dad took an exit and pulled into a QT station to fill up the gas tank. We all piled out of the car to stretch our legs and hit the restroom before the final hour and a half to get home. I spotted Blake checking out a father and son duo on the way to the men’s room. It occurred to me that I didn’t know if he was interested in the handsome daddy or the very cute 13-year-old son. Then I realized that I thought they were both hot. Shit!
By the time we had reached the south side of Dallas, I had come to the conclusion that I needn’t worry about my brother. Being gay would create some issues for him, but he was a strong kid growing into a strong man, no doubt. I wasn’t sure how Mom and Dad would react when they found out but I didn’t anticipate some horrendous scene or him being banished from the family. I didn’t think they would like to know he was giving his ass up to the 30-something Brent. Just the gay thing would probably shock them like it did me, but they’d handle it. I needed to remind Blake not to ever let them know about Brent because he could be arrested if they wanted to get back at him.
When I got over my panic about noticing the sexiness of the three guys from Baylor, I found a deeper understanding that a guy like Blake could maybe appreciate a male body in almost exactly the way my friends and I appreciate a female body. It wasn’t so hard to understand. Straight guys can appreciate a particularly handsome dude like the guys on Teen Wolf or Thirteen Reasons Why or that Spanish high school murder mystery Elite. Young guys like us aren’t offended by kisses or sex scenes between gay guys on TV. Hell, the most romantic moments of some of those shows were between the gay guys. I could imagine Blake dating some of those dudes. Wouldn’t he and that Polo guy from Elite be a gorgeous couple? A picture of the two of them dancing popped into my head, the dark beauty of Polo’s head on my brother’s shoulder and Blake’s blonde awesomeness on Polo’s shoulder. Their bodies clinging to each other. Suddenly my filthy mind had them naked, clutching each other on a bed, hard-ons dueling between their torsos. Slowly Blake turned over on the mattress and Polo rolled on top of him, sinking his hard cock into the soft ass of my brother.
What the hell? I felt my boned-up dick leaking a big slug of precum into my Jockeys. I have to stop this kind of thinking!
Dad pulled the Sequoia into our driveway around 2:45 and we were all very glad to have the drive behind us. We quickly began unloading the car and hauling various suitcases, bags, and boxes into the house. I was grateful for my accommodations in the old apartment above the garage.
As I started toward the outside stairs, Mom called up to me. “Dinner at 6:00, Curt!”
“Okay,” I nodded and kept walking.
Two minutes after getting into my room, I was naked, sprawled across my bed with my hand all over my dick as I started to whip out the load that had been building all day, thanks to my wicked imagination. I started off thinking about my girlfriend Lenore, but before I could get anywhere with that, Blake pushed her aside and began wagging his naked ass at me. His cheeks looked so smooth and white with the tan-line of his Speedos! I wanted to feel the texture of his firm butt. In the background the gigantic dark figure of Brent suddenly materialized and stepped into Blake, taking Blake’s attention away from me. Could Brent’s cock really be as big as it looked to me then? Holy Mother! Blake was kissing Brent and they turned to the side so I could see every detail, such as their massive dicks smashed between their bodies. Brent’s big hands found Blake’s luscious butt cheeks and grasped them.
Oh, damn! My dick was so very hard! Whipping it felt incredible!
Blake dropped down onto his knees in front of Brent and swallowed that immense prick. I was shocked. Could he really take such a gigantic cock? I heard a low moan, but I wasn’t sure if it came from Brent or Blake. Or me. Electric sensations were accumulating in my loins as Blake stood up and turned around to present his ass to Brent. Damn, little brother, if he sticks that thing in you, you’ll bust wide open!
There was that moan again. My dick was on fire! My balls tingled and churned. “Oh, fuck,” I said aloud.
Now Blake was bent over the side of a bed while Brent pushed a finger into his ass. Blake wiggled around and moaned along with me. Brent smiled as he jacked his monster slowly. We all moaned.
My dick felt almost as big in my hands as Brent’s appeared in my mind’s eye. I was breathing so fast, I thought I might hyperventilate. The moaning was so loud!
Brent put the head of his gigantic cock against my brother’s impossibly tiny hole. I wanted to warn him that this was going to kill him or at least kill his asshole, but I couldn’t get enough air to speak. Brent pushed forward and his cock split Blake in half as it disappeared into him in one long drive. Someone screamed.
Hot blasts of my boycream shot through my dick, rising into the air above me, arching across my body, and blasting down onto my pillow, my forehead, my neck, and finally my abs. The screaming continued until I was drained.
Blake and Brent had vanished during my orgasm.
Damn! What kind of a mess am I?
To be continued...
Posted: 10/23/2020