Brothers in Isolation
Kenneth Kirk
(© 2020 by the author)
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Chapter 1
During Spring Break in 2020, my family didn’t pay a lot of attention to the news out of places like New York City that people were getting sick and dying from that strange new virus that came out of Wuhan. We were too busy enjoying a family gathering in a massive AirBnB rental at Jamaica Beach, which is not in the island nation of Jamaica, but on a barrier island on the Texas coast a few miles southwest of Galveston. Our maternal grandparents were there along with Aunt Jen and Uncle Bob and their two daughters Heather and Mandy, Aunt Karen and Uncle Dennis and their daughter Julie and sons Michael and Roger (who had recently begun answering to the nickname “Spike” because he likes to spike the ball in volleyball).
Of course, my family was there, too. That would be Mom (AKA Kathy) and Dad (AKA Glen), their oldest (me, AKA Curt), my brother Blake, and the twins, our 11-year-old sisters Cindy and Mindy. The vacation with everyone was a lot of fun and we teenagers really enjoyed the beach, some beach volleyball, and general hanging out. We met several cool kids also staying in Jamaica for a week or two. But that’s a nice story for a different website and a different audience.
For this website and this audience, I want to focus my tale on much more interesting events than our fun and games at Jamaica Beach that spring. Everyone except my family departed on one day, leaving the six of us rambling about this big mansion for our last night. After supper, my brother asked me to take an evening walk on the beach, which sounded better than hanging with the twins and our ‘rents one more evening.
brother and I have always been close and he might be my best friend. At this
point you’re probably wondering what we look like, how big our dicks are, and if
we are tops or bottoms or, god-forbid totally straight. Well, please be
patient, dear reader. All that in good time. I can answer some of your
questions best with just showing you a photo we took under a shade tree at
Jamaica Beach.
I’m the handsome stud on your right in the front of the photo. I’m Curtis, named after my grandfather, but my friends call me Curt. This was taken about a month after my 18th birthday and I was a senior at West Plano Senior High School in Plano at the time.
In the center position in the photo is my brother Blake, who was a couple of months shy of his 16th birthday at the time. He was a sophomore at West Plano.
The guy on your far left is our cousin Michael, who is a little smaller than Blake, but almost a year older being about to turn 17 (sometime in April). He lives in Little Rock, Arkansas, where he is apparently the most popular stud in the school if not the city.
Blake and I are quite popular at WPHS and have no problems getting dates or the attention of all the students. It helps that we are both on the tennis team, so the girls know how good we look in tight shorts. I’ve noticed that we get a lot of attention when we’re on the courts, whether for a practice session or a meet.
Okay, now that you know what we look like and a little bit about us, I want to get back to my story. Blake asked me to take an evening walk to the beach, remember?
Mom made us pack most of our stuff before we could go out since we were planning to leave at six the next morning in order to beat rush hour through Houston on our 6-hour drive back to Plano. Parents are sometimes so controlling! We managed to stuff our stuff into our duffle bags and all and take off for the beach a little before 8 o’clock. It was cool so we each had on a windbreaker over our tees and shorts.
We walked mostly in silence until we got to the beach. I was very happy to chill and enjoy the peace and quiet before we all crammed into our silver Sequoia van for a very crowded and noisy drive home.
Blake was very quiet, so I assumed he was feeling a lot like me, just chilling. When we had walked a way down the beach, he meandered over the cool sand to a rocky breakwater and sat down. I didn’t need to rest but felt we should stay together, so I sat down a couple of feet away.
“Curt?” he said rather tentatively.
“Can I tell you something?”
That was a weird thing for him to ask since we talked about everything already. I sensed this might be something serious.
I looked at him, but his face was tilted towards the sand. “Sure, buddy, you know you can tell me anything.”
“I’ve discovered something bad about myself.”
Huh? This guy is fantastic. There can’t be anything bad about him.
“Blake, you’re a great guy, the kindest and most loyal and fun dude I know. What can you possibly have discovered that you think is bad?”
“I, uhm, have realized, uhm, that I like guys more than I like girls.”
Whoa! I wondered just how he meant that.
“O-kay,” I said slowly. “Can you be a little more specific?”
He paused for a few seconds and slowly turned to face me. “I’m more attracted to guys than girls.”
“Like, uhm, sexually?”
He nodded.
Wow, I did not see that coming! Okay, Curt, I thought, don’t blow your response. I thought for a few moments before I spoke.
I stood partially up and moved closer to him, sitting back down almost against him. I put my arm around his shoulders and pulled him close to me.
“If you’re attracted to both girls and guys, that would make you bisexual. Right?”
“I guess. But I’m not very interested in girls that way. I mean, I don’t think about sex when I look at a hot girl.”
“But when you look at a hot guy?”
Fuck if his eyes didn’t sparkle in the moonlight!
He grinned. “I imagine what it would feel like to touch him or kiss him or, well, you know.”
I nodded. “So, you’re telling me you’re gay?”
“I guess so.”
I considered this guy who I’d thought I knew better than anyone. He was awesome and I didn’t see how this one new bit of information would change that. “Hey, man, there’s nothing bad about that. Lots of good people are gay.”
“Like who?”
“Uhm, well.” I was thinking fast. “There’s that English diver, Tim Daley, and, of course, that old Olympic diver, Greg Louganis. And the great tennis player Arthur Ashe was like that, too.”
“And that babe Evan Rachel Wood, you know, from Westworld, she likes gals and guys. Oh, Matt Bomer from White Collar. You remember how you loved that show.”
Blake laughed. “Mostly I loved watching Matt Bomer do anything.”
“Oh.” It was making more sense now. “And, uhm, and Ellen!”
“Everybody knows about Ellen.”
“Yeah. Well, she’s a really good person, dude. Hell, she’s almost as good as Oprah!”
He grinned at that. Okay, maybe I’m not doing too bad at being a supportive big brother.
“But, it’s a bad thing to be, isn’t it?” he asked soberly.
Wow, being a supportive brother and friend is quite challenging. After a moment, I said, “I guess it’s not very convenient, but I don’t think it’s bad. No.”
“What do you mean, not convenient?”
“Well, dude, I’ve heard that only 5 or 10 percent of people are gay, right?”
He shrugged. “Yeah, it’s something like that, I think.”
“So, being gay is not convenient because it means instead of having 90% of the ladies to choose from, you only get 10% of the guys. The odds aren’t in your favor, you know?”
Blake chuckled. “I’ve thought about that, but I don’t think I could be with a girl anyhow. So, I would be at 0% I guess.”
“Point well taken.” I waited a moment to think of what else I ought to say. “I love you, buddy,” I said as I hugged him closer. We sat in silence for a while.
“Hey, Blake,” I said in a soft voice, “have you, uhm, been with a guy before?”
First, he was quiet, then he sighed, then he turned his face to look up at me. Slowly he nodded. “Yes,” he said.
Damn! I thought. I’m still a virgin, but he isn’t. Shit!
“A few times,” he elaborated.
“Oh.” I felt like such a loser!
“Quite a few times actually.”
“Fuck!” I couldn’t believe this was my little brother. “Who was he?”
He took a deep breath. “First it was my friend Mason.”
“Mason?” I wracked my brain. “That redheaded kid you used to hang out with in junior high?”
Blake nodded.
“Jeez, how old were you?”
“Thirteen, I guess.”
My brother was a sexy little beast. “Damn!”
“Well, once we learned to cover our teeth, we found out a blow job sure beat jacking off.”
“Oh, man!” Actually, although I had never received a blow job, I was pretty sure from what the other guys at school said, that it was awesome to get one.
We sat in silence for a few seconds.
“Then, it was Brent.”
I couldn’t think of one of his friends named Brent. “Who’s that?”
“Brent. You know, the guy from two doors down.”
A picture came into my mind. “Holy shit, Blake! You mean the muscle-bound guy who works at the gym?”
“Yes, but he doesn’t just work there. He owns the place.”
I chuckled. “Damn, bro! I can’t believe he likes dudes. He’s so, uhm….”
“Masculine,” Blake added.
“Well, yeah,” I nodded. “I mean, shit, nobody is more masculine than him.”
“That’s true,” Blake said, “but he sure loves to be with me.”
“When did that start?”
“Summer before last.”
“Jeez, Blake, you were, what, 14?”
“And he’s, what, 40?”
“No, man. He’s only 33.”
“He could be your father, dude!”
“I don’t think of a father when I’m with Brent.” He chuckled.
“Shit, I hope not!” This sounded like a long-term thing they had. “So, do you still get with him?”
“How often?”
“It depends, but I guess once or twice a week.”
Shit! I don’t even have that many dates! “How do you find the, uhm, opportunities?”
“Every time his wife is out of town, which is a lot. She’s a pharmacy rep and travels all over Texas, New Mexico, and Oklahoma to sell drugs to doctors and hospitals, I guess.”
This whole discussion was blowing my mind. My little brother traveling around the neighborhood giving blow jobs?
“So, uhm, you give him blow jobs?”
“Yes. He loves shooting in my mouth.”
“Damn, Blake. You take his cum? You eat it?” I thought I might faint.
“Sure, Curt. It’s wonderful.”
“I don’t know,” I said doubtfully.
“Have you ever tasted yours?” he asked me.
“Well, uhm, yes. Every guy tests it out, I think.”
“So, did you like it?”
I thought back to a long-suppressed memory. “It was okay, I guess. But it didn’t turn me on.”
“Brent’s jizz turns me on!”
“Fuck.” I would need the whole drive to Plano to process all this. “Does he give you BJs?”
“Sometimes, but, uhm, not as often.”
“Is he making you do it? Hurting you?”
“No, no! Of course not. I want to do it. It’s the most exciting thing going on in my life right now.”
I was so fascinated by Blake’s revelations I just couldn’t stop wanting to know more. “So, you trade blow jobs every chance you get.”
Blake thought for a few moments. “It’s not quite like that with Brent,” he said.
“What do you mean?”
“We don’t just trade like we’re swapping comic books. It’s more like we do whatever we want to do when we’re together, whatever feels good.”
“What else do you do together?”
Blake looked sternly at me. “You really want to know everything?”
I wasn’t sure, but, frankly, this was a titillating conversation and the titillation was in the details. “I think I do.”
“Alright, then.” He seemed to be organizing his thoughts. “We cuddle and caress and kiss a lot.”
I was shocked that the muscle man would kiss a boy. “He kisses you?”
He smiled and nodded.
Seeing Blake’s expression, I said, “And you like that?”
“Oh, yeah, very much.”
“Okay, you’ve convinced me that you’re gay.”
“There is one other thing we do.”
I was pretty sure I could guess what that was and I wasn’t sure I wanted to know. But I needed to know, for some reason I couldn’t name. “What?”
“We fuck.”
To be continued...
Posted: 10/16/2020