by: justjames17
(Copyright 2005 -2007 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 27

Brian and Donny wheeled Shaun out of the hospital and down the path into the garden area surrounding the small hospital; they found a pleasant pond with large goldfish set in a fern area with wooden garden seats surrounding it. They sat themselves down with Shaun beside them and enjoyed the pleasant sound of splashing water as a fountain sprayed into the air above the dark water and a small waterfall trickled off the surrounding rocks. They sat there happily chatting while Donny and Shaun held hands and grinned incessantly.

Not too far away down on the fore shore Wayne and Kim were entwined together exhibiting their feelings for each other, hot soft lips pressed together as their agile tongues danced and licked inside their warm wet orifices. Soft sighs and moans echoed about the stunted wind twisted trees as they enjoyed each other, hard throbbing erections rubbed together as if trying to start a fire which was close to the truth as their emotions flared to ignition point. Kim murmured, "Wayne I want you, you are so hot and sexy I want you for my lover."

Wayne moaned in pleasure driving his tongue almost into Kim's throat as they kissed frantically and desperately, Kim writhed against him pressing harder as if to unite their crotches as he ground his hips against Wayne's. The constriction of their clothing was torture; their aching balls desired freedom so momentarily they parted frantically removing their shorts and boardies. The warm air surged about their sweaty pre cum dampened members as they rolled back together the feeling of their stiff excited flesh was sensuous and totally erotic as their turgidly pulsating pricks rubbed back and forth eliciting fresh moans of lustful delight.

Pleasure surged through their smooth taut bodies, breathing accelerated as their gyrations built to a frenzied crescendo, both lads erupted spurting sperm between their sweaty striving torsos as they reached a mutual climax. Wayne groaned, "Gees Kimer, damn that was so unintentional but awesome at the same time. I can't remember when I blew my load in that way just kissing and humping like that." Kim lay there panting and shaking, he was speechless and just capable of nodding his head, his body wracked still with the aftermath of his shattering climax. He slowly recuperated while Wayne fell onto his back beside him, his silken smooth skin glistening with they're combined cum as he gasped his muscles tensed and relaxed beneath his sperm moistened flesh. Both lads were satiated momentarily and lay supine side by side in the dappled light; their hands clutched together fingers locked so they could feel one another as they lay eyes closed, oblivious to the world around them.

Back at the hospital Brian had left Donny and Shaun alone while he walked to the nearby milk bar where he bought them all an ice cream, he returned to hear giggling from the plant hidden area of the pond, he paused knowing the boys were enjoying one another. He heard Shaun moan loudly then silence descended except for the sound of the pond, he waited a couple of minutes the ice creams warming in the sun then continued on towards the pond. He coughed to announce his arrival and heard scuffling, by the time he turned into the area both boys were sitting together looking totally innocent except for their blushes and still breathing a little faster than normal.

He smiled knowingly at the boys and handed them their softening ice creams, Shaun thanked his father then said, "Gee dad they are melting it must have taken you ages to walk back."

Brian looked at him as he licked his ice cream and said, "Well I had to wait for a while because I heard you two were busy."

Donny grinned impishly and said, "Thanks Brian both for the ice cream and waiting till we'd finished, you are tops with me."

Shaun just grinned and blushed beetroot crimson; Donny and he looked at one another and burst into a giggling fit while Brian just sat there smiling indulgently. They all laughed and Donny began to fill Shaun in about Kim and how he and Wayne seemed molten hot towards each other, Shaun giggled and looked at Brian asking, "Well dad are we going to have a fresh new crew member for the rest of the voyage?"

Brian smiled and replied, "Well Shaun it depends on what Kim wishes and if Elaine gives him permission to sail with us, it will be a few days yet as Wanderer is waiting for the Insurance assessor to inspect the damage then she has to be cleaned and repaired also the electronics have to be replaced."

Kim lay on the scraggly grass his eyes roaming all over the dark haired spunk lying beside him, he noticed that Wayne unlike himself had no tan lines his bronzed body a uniform tan all over, he was drawn to the heavy black pubes so much thicker than his own fine golden spun honey gold hairs. Wayne's large thick sausage peeked from the black nest like a young cygnet from its nest; it rested on the full tennis ball sized sack with its prominent seam running down the centre to disappear under the scrotum into the delicious depths hidden below. He reached his hand out and gently caressed Wayne's muscular thigh feeling the light hairs on his palm, Wayne opened his eyes and turned his head to look the blonde beauty beside him a gentle smile gracing his full moist lips.

Kim grinned back causing his dimples to show as his bone white teeth gleamed in the dappled light, he made a kissing motion with his lips which Wayne reciprocated as he turned on his side and slid his hand onto the taut mound of Kim's left pectoral. Kim flinched momentarily at his touch then he purred deep in his throat at the sensuous touch; Wayne touched his aroused nipple gently rubbing his fingertip on the hard excited nubbin. He saw Kim's abs tense up and his flaccid cock gave a throb, flexing as it lay supine on the lad's groin, Wayne bent down and kissed the nipple as his hand slowly slipped down over Kim's rippled rib cage to slide softly onto his tensed mounded abs.

Kim arched up, moaned and clutched Wayne's head holding him in place as he humped his hips while his flaccid penis grew and stretched, it was soon fully extended pushing against Wayne's cheek as he licked around Kim's sexy button navel. Kim now moaning continuously like a muffled siren, his aroused body writhed in Wayne's grasp, Wayne felt the stiff pole drooling pre cum on his cheek and turned his face to the crimson throbbing bar. He opened his mouth poked his tongue out and licked the wet glistening knob, tasting the fresh delicious juice, Kim gasped excitedly at the feel of Wayne's wet tongue rubbing o0n his nerve filled cock head and humped hard up and pushing his desperate dick into the warm wet cavern of Wayne's mouth.

Wayne swallowed the delicious organ deep into his throat gulping it hungrily sending huge thrills through Kim as his gullet muscles rubbed on the smooth throbbing bar. Kim was delirious with lust, he was a grunting, groaning mass of sexuality, every nerve was alive, zinging electrically, his roiling brain a blur of racing thoughts and sensations as he humped and strained to drive his dick down Wayne's gulping gullet to shoot his burgeoning load straight into Wayne's guts. His hands gripped painfully pulling Wayne down mashing his nose into the hard mound where his silken gold pubes sprouted, Wayne grunted around the impaling prong and tongued the lad's swelling firm cum filled nads his lower teeth rasped the velvet wrinkled sack encouraging them to let fly.

Kim's moans increased until he wailed between gasps, his whole gorgeous body tensed up muscles bulging stretching his golden skin then he seemed to vibrate like a bow string, his gullet blocking tool swelled larger then throbbed thrice before deluging a flood of cum into Wayne's gullet. Wayne felt the hot teen spoof flooding down into his belly and struggled to pull back so he could taste the delicious cum, Kim's grip weakened and Wayne pulled back to take the last vestiges into his mouth coating his tongue with the delicate slippery sperm delighting his taste buds as he relished Kim's flavour.

Wayne continued sucking and tonguing Kim's cock head until the lad pushed him off with a strangled gurgle saying, "Enough babes I can't take any more its torture."

Wayne sucked hard locking his lips around the shaft as he pulled away stretching Kim's cock up and dragging the last drops of sperm from the sensitive tool. Kim's cock popped from his mouth and slapped down wetly onto his still heaving pale lower abdomen, as he lay there trembling, panting in the afterglow. Wayne studied Kim's red sweaty face as he lay panting on the grass, his cock shrinking back to normal the tremors and twitching calming as he slipped into the dreamy daze felt after an excellent climax, while Wayne savoured the tangy taste from his testes.

The two lads lay quietly while Kim recuperated then the blonde lad opened his eyes and asked, "Have you seen much of the district while you've been here?"

Wayne shook his head saying, "Hardly anything just the wharf, main street, cop shop and the hospital, is there much else to see?"

Kim smiled and said, "well I dunno if there's anything as nice or exciting as what I'm looking at right now, but yeah there is a fantastic little village near here that is completely under the National Trust. It's as it has been for 100 years and you might enjoy a trip there they also have the best cheese you have ever tasted."

Wayne smiled then laughed looking pointedly at Kim's uncut cock as he said, "Yup I love cheese in any form."

Kim blushed and mumbled that he had no cheese down there only cream as he washed it daily, Wayne ruffled his hair and said, "I'm only joking Kimmy, I know your cock is clean I just sucked it didn't I and it tasted delicious too."

He lifted the embarrassed lad's chin up and kissed him in apology, Kim sighed and returned the kiss passionately as they hugged each other tightly. They heard voices approaching along the beach and even though they were behind the scrub they pulled on their clothes and tidied each other up brushing the sand and grass off each other. The voices neared their hide away and they peeked through the screening bushes to see two young teens walking hand in hand along the sand.

The two boys were very cute and obviously liked each other as their boardies bulged with their excitement. They looked to be about 13 or 14 cute as pixies with golden nicely defined torsos exposed to the elements and our friends' perving gaze. The two stopped looked around carefully to see if they were in view of anyone then they kissed each other while feeling each other's erections. They then walked on slowly disappearing from sight. Wayne looked at Kim and said, "Wow wasn't that something Kimmy, two sweet youngin's enjoying each other?"

Kim nodded his eyes glowing with pleasure and said, "Yeah weren't they so much in love? It's great to see young guys knowing what they like instead of hiding it and being unhappy and frustrated with life. It made me feel so happy."

Wayne hugged him warmly and they kissed, it was now getting late so they began the long return walk back along the beach to the town. They arrived back to the ramp and decided to take a swim to cool off, they dropped their shirts on the smooth sand and ran splashing into the shallows. Schools of small bait fish fled from their rowdy approach and as they reached deeper water they dived like dolphins under the calm sea. They began play wrestling in case people were watching and they both soon had steel hard tools, which they toyed with under the surface, both lads were again feeling horny and soon they blew their loads into the warm waters of the bay. Milky semen spread about them and dispersed on the tide like coral cum on those special nights up on the Great Barrier Reef.

They stood hands on shoulders puffing hard, foreheads resting together as they recovered their aplomb. They pulled up their boardies and slowly made their way back on rubbery legs to the sand where they collapsed panting side-by-side gazing out across the bay to the huge wood chip mill on Jews Headland. They regained their composure slowly and clambered to their feet pulled on their t-shirts and climbed up to the boat ramp car park and made their way up the hill towards town.

They reached the restaurant to find Brian and Donny seated at a table enjoying steak and vegetables, Brian looked at the entrance and smiled at the two dishevelled lads, he asked, "Been swimming guys? How was the water?"

Wayne and Kim made their way to the table and sat down, Donny watched them as he masticated on a piece of steak swallowed then grinned knowingly at Wayne his eyes flicking from his brother to Kim and back again. He sensed something had gone down between the two guys and he was busting to find out what had happened. Wayne knowing his young brother glared at him and said in a low voice, "Curiosity killed the cat Donny, so be careful."

Donny shrugged his shoulders and looked up at the ceiling indicating he wasn't going to say anything just yet, Wayne smiled to himself knowing he had quashed the questions for now but realised that he was in for an inquisition later on in bed at the motel. He was glad that his quick reaction had averted Donny's questions embarrassing Kim, Elaine appeared from the kitchen carrying plates for another group and saw Kim sitting there with Wayne, she served the customers and walked across saying, "Ah Kim your back did you and Wayne have a good time?"

Kim nodded blushing and told his mother that they'd walked around past the inn and had a swim in the bay on the way back, he asked his mum if he could use the car tomorrow to take the guys sight seeing. Brian said, "Oh thanks Kim but I can't make it I'll be visiting Shaun."

Donny piped up looking sad, "I'll be at the hospital too."

Kim looked disconcerted and Wayne said, "Kim how about we leave the sight seeing till Shaun is discharged, then we could all go."

Kim looked at him and nodded then asked Elaine if she needed help, she shook her head then said that he could go to the kitchen and get Wayne and himself a meal. Kim bounced up and asked Wayne what he fancied, then giggled and added to eat that is then blushed crimson. Wayne looked at the dinners on the table and feeling hungry after the long walk, sex and the swim replied that the steak looked pretty good. Kim nodded and headed for the kitchen. Four pairs of eyes tracked the blonde stud as he walked across the restaurant, his cute bubble butt swaggering in the bright board shorts.

He returned shortly with two massive rump steaks and a mound of steaming vegetables plonking one in front of Wayne and sat down with the other and began to eat. Silence descended except for the clink of cutlery on plates as they all devoured their meals. Dinner over Brian suggested that they go and see Shaun all three lads nodded and Kim said, "That would be great I haven't met Shaun yet."

They stood and Elaine appeared Brian forced the money for the meal into her hand as Kim asked if he could accompany us to see Shaun. Elaine nodded but protested about Brian paying for Kim's meal saying he would eat there most meals and being their son they never charged him naturally. Brian said, "Kim was a guest at our table and as such he was paying for the dinner."

With that Brian turned and began walking away to finish the argument, the lads trailing behind, Elaine stood speechless watching them go out into the twilight. The group made their way to the hospital and walked into Shaun's room, the second bed still empty Brian sat on there while Wayne introduced Kim to Shaun, Kim shook hands with the invalid and Shaun was instantly infatuated by the blonde surfer's friendliness and good looks. Kim too instantly liked the younger teen thinking how spunky he was even lying there with a leg encased in white plaster. Wayne sat beside Brian while Donny sat on Shaun's bed as Kim moved to sit next to Wayne.

They chatted about their day and Brian asked Shaun if the evening doctor's check up had revealed when he might be discharged, Shaun grinned and nodded saying that they were pleased with him and maybe he could leave tomorrow. Brian was overjoyed at the thought of Shaun being discharge and the trek to the hospital would end except maybe for visits for them to check his leg. Wayne told Shaun about their walk along the shore, leaving out the sexy bits and he described he old ramshackle inn that was a relic from the early whaling days when Boyd had set up Boydtown and run it like a feudal baron. Everyone listened to his description to which Kim added some of the historical information. Time passed quickly, as it tends to do when you are enjoying yourself, and soon they heard the bell shrill announcing visiting hours were over. They made their farewells and left Shaun propped up on his pillows smiling wistfully as they left him and set off back into town.

They ran into Timmy walking home from fishing carrying his rod and gear, they stopped chatting and introduced Kim to Timmy, Timmy was blushing profusely and seemed tongue tied as he dropped his tackle bag and shook hands with Kim hanging his head shyly. Wayne watched the cute teen that looked so shy and said, "What's wrong Timmy? You look as if you'd like to crawl into a crack in the footpath?"

Timmy peered up from under his unruly hair and looked like he would burst into tears at any minute, Wayne suddenly twigged that Timmy knew Kim maybe not intimately but that the lad had the wicked hots totally for the blonde surfer. Kim too seemed interested as he held Timmy's hand in both his as if he feared he would run away. Kim said in a husky croaky voice, "Timmy I've seen you around town but we've never actually met, it's molten that we finally got to."

Everyone laughed and Timmy relaxed leaving his hand in the warm grasp of his hero as they stared into each other's eyes, the impact this meeting was having made everyone pleased as they knew Timmy was finding a lover who lived in his town. Brian, Wayne and Donny walked quietly away leaving the two teens together in the dark street.

To be continued.

Feedback always welcome:     

Posted: 06/29/07