by: justjames17
(Copyright 2005 -2007 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 28

Time passed and Timmy teamed with Kim while they enjoyed sharing their entertainment with Wayne as they explored Eden and its beautiful surrounds with him. Their sexual games took place in various places probably the utmost was at Boyd's Tower a tall stone structure he had built on the southern headland to act as a lighthouse and lookout. This imposing structure towered high above the surrounding scrubby trees and the view was incredible as it looked out across the azure blue waters of the Tasman Sea. The trio had packed lunch in their backpacks along with a few bottles of beer sneaked out of the restaurant fridges as it was a long hard hike around the bay and they had to cross the mouth of the Towamba River a fair swim even after wading the shallows.

They finally climbed up the long steep slope up to the headland and reached the base of the tall tower, they collapsed on the grass at its base breathing hard and sweating heavily. They lay there in the warm sun their nearly naked bodies glistening as if oiled until the sun dried their perspiration. All three were dressed only in Speedos and trainers their shorts and shirts in their backpacks which they had dropped and were using as pillows. Kim looked across Timmy's supine body at Wayne and his eyes naturally slid to the prominent bulge of the teen's red togs then back to the smaller display in Timmy's. He loved both these beautiful guys and began day dreaming of some of the molten fun they had enjoyed the last few days, of course like any teen his cock immediately grew and stretched the flimsy covering.

He got up and moved quietly to Kim's side kneeling between Timmy and Kim then ran his hand softly in caressing circles down their taut smooth sun bronzed torsos till he reached their silky Lycra covered straining tools, his fingers clenched around the straining throbbers squeezing them making their cocks even harder. The veins bulged through the tight skins as the pressure pushed moist pre cum out staining the material, Kim sighed and rolled onto his side facing Timmy and Wayne. The soft sound and movement stirred Timmy's lethargy and he opened dreamy eyes to look lovingly at the blonde surfer. Timmy reached out and stroked Kim's flushed face his slim fingers trailing down the warm flesh to trail gently across Kim's full slightly smiling lips, Kim grasped Timmy's hand and opening his mouth sucked his fingers in licking around them with his agile tongue. Both lad's straining tools throbbed in Wayne's hands and he gently squeezed and stroked them.

Timmy moaned, stretched and quivered all over, his togs boosted up by his own steely prick as the sensuous sucking licking excited him, Wayne opened his eyes at the faint sound and watched the two teens passionately making out. His larger more mature tool instantly stiffened and he groped himself intensely feeling his cock throb excitedly as it oozed juice. All three teens were in a world of their own as their sex drive changed into high gear; Kim pulled Timmy's togs off and moved between his slim coltish legs as Wayne moved aside, raising them on high and began kissing his smooth arse cheeks eliciting high pitched whimpers of pure pleasure from the lad. Wayne turned and began licking and sucking Timmy's tool adding to the sensuous explosions raging through the lad.

Timmy was writhing about in abandon as his erogenous areas were stimulated to the utmost degree, his mindless mewing begged for Kim to go further he was wanting, no, demanding that they have sex. Kim lost in the wild wonder of his love; dribbled saliva onto the palpitating little muscle lubing the hot flexing swirl of Timmy's entrance then rubbed more to slick his throbbing hardness. He moved closer on his knees till his hot hard tool was touching the wet glistening quivering entrance, the fat purple knob rubbing on the vibrating twitching entrance to Timmy's treasure trove.

Timmy groaned and wriggled on Kim's pole opening his doorway to delight and inviting the excited flesh to join in union with his own, Kim humped driving into the burning furnace of Timmy's insides. The silken rippling internals grasped and hugged the invader, seemingly welcomed and began drawing Kim's cock deeper and deeper as Timmy moaned and writhed his thumping prick jabbing into Wayne's molten mouth. Wayne was feasting on the copious pre cum oozing from the lad's steel hard dick his tongue caressed the warm silky hardness as he bobbed up and down on Timmy's erection.

It was all over incredibly quickly Timmy spurted in delirious delight into Wayne's vacuuming suction, volley after boiling sweet volley coursed from the sexy lad's sausage, the contortions of his slim body and anus ripped the cum from Kim's balls in a deluging gush of semen flooding Timmy's insides with thick creamy sperm. Kim hammered the pliant arse again and again teeth gritted in a grimace of lust as he emptied his swollen balls completely his ramming battering on Timmy's prostate driving every drop of the lad's sweet spoof into Wayne's sucking mouth which in turn sent Wayne over the precipice to spray his cum across Timmy and Kim's thighs where it drooled down stickily to drip onto the parched grass below. Climaxes completed they wilted back onto the ground panting and exhausted, limp cocks lying glistening on sweaty abdomens or thighs, chests rising and falling like bellows as they sucked air.

The three teens lay there in the sun drowsing and drifted off to sleep, as the tree shadows elongated to shade them from the suns burning heat. Hunger awoke them and they opened their packs and pulled out their lunch and the beer, laughing and giggling at their successful nicking of the alcohol. They sat resting against the sun warmed stone of the tower and munched on the sandwiches washing them down with the warm beer. They watched an aluminium cuddy cab fishing boat trolling back and forth across the reef out from the base of the cliff; Kim pulled a pair of compact binoculars from his pack and watched the boat as it headed away from them.

He thought he had recognised it, it belonged to two young guys from Victoria, one named Jason and his friend James, they were very nice guys and had eaten a couple of times at the restaurant. He watched them as they stopped and began fighting two fish, the battle raged and eventually he saw them boat two very large striped tuna over the gunnels. He'd enjoyed watching the two guys straining as the fish battled for freedom, he handed the binoculars to Timmy who had a perv before passing them on to Wayne who surveyed the action as well. Kim told them who the guys were and related that they had eaten at the restaurant a couple of times and he thought they might be gay.

Wayne sniggered and handed the binoculars to Kim saying, "I think there's no doubt about it mate they are definitely gay, have a captain cook, they are pashing on after putting the fish out of their misery."

Kim adjusted the glasses focusing them again and smiled as the two guys kissed and hugged in the cuddy cab under the canopy out of sight of the two other boats nearby, he could make out clearly James boner stretching his red and black striped boardies. They broke apart and restarted the motor and trolled away again towards the far headland their white boat rising and falling on the long slow swells. The Kim looked at his watch and decided that it might be time to head back if they were going to reach Eden before dusk so they packed up their gear including the empty bottles and wrappings and set out on the long trek back to town.

The walk down from the headland was much faster than the toil climbing up and they soon passed the chip mill with its mountain of wood chips awaiting export to Japan, Wayne looked at the huge mass of minced gum trees in disgust and said, "What a disaster to the environment here, why can't Japan chip their own forests to make wood chip?"

Kim nodded and replied, "Yeah Wayne but it keeps a lot of the local people in jobs at the mill and out cutting timber to supply the mill."

They swam the river and waded ashore setting off along the long sandy beach towards the township, on the way they called in at the Seahorse Inn for a cool drink before continuing on their way and Wayne bought a great black t-shirt emblazoned with a white sketch of the rambling old building. They neared the ramp and saw the 17foot cuddy cab belonging to James and Ace anchored just off the beach near the ramp, the two guys were having a swim to wash off the blood and fish aroma from the day's fishing.

Kim saw them and waved both guys grinned and waved back then swam to the shore climbing to their feet and wading out to greet out trio. Kim shook hands and introduced Timmy and Wayne to the fishermen, Ace took Wayne's hand in both his and said, "Nice to meet you mate I saw you on the dock a few days ago your off the great old yacht aren't you?"

Wayne nodded taking in Ace's extremely good looks and great muscular body, his eyes trailed slowly down to the wet clinging material of his shorts noticing the soft but large meat resting therein. Kim was still shaking hands with James, Ace's younger boy friend, a skinny guy with light brown sun bleached hair and grey eyes, his skinny body highlighted his reasonable musculature under his well tanned skin. They chatted for a while then after making arrangements to hook up at the restaurant for dinner later they shook hands again and went their own ways.

The lads walked on into Eden and there made they're way home or in Wayne's case to the motel to shower and tired after all the strenuous exercise to rest before dinnertime. Wayne fell asleep lying on the bed in his briefs; he heard nothing when Donny entered after returning from visiting Shaun. Donny was feeling wicked horny and he eyed off his bro snoring gently in his dreams, obviously Wayne was dreaming sexy thoughts because his briefs were bulging and his cock head was protruding out above the elastic.

Donny remembered their fun when Wayne lived at home and they used to play with each other sexually, he walked over dropping his shorts and pulled off his polo shirt then sat on the bed beside his brother. His blue eyes gleamed with desire as he watched a clear bead of pre cum grow and ooze from Wayne's piss slit, he reached out a finger to scoop the jewel up and brought it to his lips licking the slippery sweet juice with his tongue. The taste brought back sweet memories and he pulled the briefs down hooking them under Wayne's bulging balls baring the superb 8 inches of stiff hot meat, which was flexing on the black thatch and abdomen.

Donny sat there entranced for some minutes his eyes locked on the twitching cock as it bounced slightly in its excitement, more pre cum oozed out as he watched so he slipped his hand under the rigid rod raising it up so he could encircle it with his lips sucking in the tasty offering. Wayne moved instinctively humping his hips up a moaning sigh issued from his lips as Donny bobbed up and down the hot throbber tonguing the fat silky plum sized cock head. His own hand jerking frantically on his 5 inch boner, Wayne moaned again in his sleep before his balls zapped up tight and Donny felt the monster bulge in his warm wet mouth, it bulged and throbbed then spat, making Donny climax spewing sperm all over his abdomen and hand.

A deluge of steaming juice flooded Donny's gob as he drank all he could, Wayne's tool kept erupting flooding his mouth and he relished the remembered tang of his older brother's sperm. Wayne's cock coughed cum again and again till quivering he slowed then stopped, his eyes opened dreamily looking at Donny and he whispered hoarsely, "Oh Donny you haven't lost your touch mate that was an unreal blow job."

Donny grinned licking his lips and said, "Bro your cum still tastes like the nectar of the Gods, I love your taste and the big load you spew out. Shaun's cum is so sweet but he doesn't cum anywhere near as much as you do. His is an aperitif while yours is like a main course."

Wayne ruffled his brother's blonde short clipped hair then grasped the back of his neck pulling him down onto the bed kissing him deeply searching and finding the remnants of his own cum in Donny's moist warm orifice. He then pushed Donny onto his back licking the spent semen off his smooth tummy then licked and sucked his fingers and hand to gather every scrumptious scrap. Donny giggled at the feel of his brother's wet tongue as it slipped sensuously over his flesh. They both collapsed giggling on the bed side-by-side and jerked upright in fright when they heard a loud knocking on the door.

They jumped up pulling up their briefs and scrounging around for shorts pulling them on as Wayne shuffled to the door, he opened it looking out into the corridor.

To be continued.

Feedback always welcome:     

Posted: 06/29/07