by: justjames17
(Copyright 2005 -2007 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...

Chapter 26

Ash has left Eden returning home leaving Wayne at a loose end, he feels alone and deserted as he, Brian and Donny make their way to the hospital to see Shaun. They are all feeling a little depressed at Ash's departure but decide to put on happy smiling faces when they enter the hospital and make their way down the highly polished passageway to the small ward where Shaun is resting.

They look inside from the doorway and see Shaun alone the bed that had contained the very ill looking old guy was empty and the bedding had been stripped off leaving the pale green vinyl covered mattress on the bed. Shaun seemed asleep, his eyes were closed and he was lying very still as they quietly entered the two bedroom. The sound of their soft footsteps disturbed the boy who opened his eyes and smiled at the sight of his father and friends especially Donny his lover. He reached up grasped the handle hanging above him and lifted himself up as Brian slipped a second pillow behind his back.

Shaun settled back thanking his dad and reached out to Donny who moved quickly across to him and they hugged and kissed each other, the two lovers pulled apart and Shaun greeted Wayne and asked, "So Ash has left on the coach back to Melbourne? Sorry Wayne but we knew he wasn't going to stay with us for the whole trip didn't we?"

Wayne nodded disconsolately and Donny turned and gave him a hug nestling his head against his brother's chest, Brian put a hand on Wayne's shoulder giving it a companionable squeeze. Wayne sighed and hugged Donny to him swaying him about. They all found somewhere to sit and Brian asked what had happened to the elderly gentleman in the other bed. Shaun looked sad and replied that in the early hours of the morning the poor man had taken a fit of some sort thrashing about and making weird sounds then he'd gone rigid as Shaun rang for the nurse to come.

Shaun had hardly slept since and he had dark circles under his eyes, Brian nodded and said that maybe the poor old guy had had a second stroke or something. Shaun nodded and told them by the time the nurse had arrived he had died in the bed. The ensuing noise and comings and goings had kept him awake until just before dawn when they had taken the dead body away somewhere and stripped the bed. Then Shaun had trouble sleeping as he pictured the poor man's last minutes, when he finally dropped off to sleep he'd had a nightmare about the sad incident.

Brian realised it was Shaun's first brush with death and it must have left a deep impression on the youngster, he got up and went out looking for the doctor to talk to him about the incident. The nurse at the ward desk paged the doctor who appeared some minutes later hurrying along the corridor. Brian greeted him and broached the subject of Shaun's unpleasant awakening and the doctor listened carefully and when Brian concluded he suggested that Shaun have a few counselling sessions. Brian agreed that this might help the boy and it was organised, the doctor made a phone call and the first session was to be that afternoon. The doctor asked Brian if he wished to sit in on the therapy but he declined and said that he had the other lads to worry about and knew Shaun would be in safe hands.

They kept Shaun company till lunchtime then left him to eat his meal and after lunch he had the therapy meeting, Brian and the lads walked back to Eden and popped into the restaurant where they had eaten the day before. They couldn't see the young surfer stud and an older lady waited on them taking their order, but half way through the meal the blonde Adonis made his appearance hurrying in and looking flustered. The woman smiled and asked, "Surf was up and running eh Josh?"

The blonde lad nodded and apologised for being late as he walked through to stow his surfboard away somewhere out the back, he returned and saw Wayne watching him and he smiled and ran his hand through his still damp hair. This action lifted his skin tight t-shirt up exposing his bronzed flat lower abdomen with its golden trail running up to his cute button outie navel. Wayne's eyes almost glowed with his desire to taste that delicious taut flesh and tickle his tongue on those sexy golden hairs as he licked up to the guy's beautiful navel.

The blonde approached their table and asked if they needed anything standing close to Wayne as he did so, Wayne could feel the intense heat emanating from the stud's sun and exercise heated body, he could smell the ozone and sea aroma on the stud's still damp boardies. He longed to reach out and touch this golden and bronze god and the young man seemed to tremble with a similar urge as he stood only inches from Wayne's broad muscled shoulder. Brian watched the display of youthful desires and smiled then looked at Donny who was sitting still like a statue watching his brother and the surfer his wide blue eyes devouring them both.

Brian was watching, could feel the sexual tension webbed between the three lads and wondered what was going to happen next, he broke the poignant silence by saying that they would like some desert, the lad picked up the menu and handed it to Brian who felt the folder trembling in the youth's hand as he took it. He ordered fruit salad and ice cream then looked at Donny who nodded and then he stared at Wayne eyebrows raised but the lad was lost in a reverie eyes locked on the surfer. Donny kicked his brother under the table causing him to turn and glare at him then Brian smiled and asked if he wanted a desert. Wayne blushed and looked down embarrassed mumbling yes please, Brian replied asking him if fruit salad and ice cream be ok, Wayne nodded agreeing and said, "Yes please Brian that would be great."

The blonde surfie took the menu and thanked then heading for the kitchen, looking back at Wayne as he went, he didn't see the door open and walked slap bang into it which caused him to fall to the floor in a painful heap. Wayne leaped to his feet hurrying to his side as the woman carried the food to another group waiting at a table near by. Wayne squatted on the floor beside the bruised embarrassed lad asking him if he was ok, the lad rubbing his face where the door had impacted grinned ruefully and mumbled that he was ok and thanked Wayne for caring. Wayne put his strong hands under the lad's pits and helped him to his feet; he felt the smooth muscles under his grasp and the tickle of the faint golden pit hairs on his hands.

Wayne helped the lad to his feet and the surfie was a little unsteady on his feet and put his arm around Wayne's shoulders while Wayne slid an arm around his taut slim waist. He helped the lad to their table and sat him down while the woman having served the customers hurried to his side with a worried expression. She brushed the floppy blonde hair from his broad forehead and asked, "Are you ok Kim? I'm sorry I opened the door so fast."

Kim grinned ruefully at her and said that it was his own fault for not looking where he was going, his face began to swell up and discolour as a huge bruise began to form under his smooth skin. Wayne squatted on his heels beside the injured youth a look of concern creasing his face, the blonde's brilliant blue eyes looked down and he smiled lopsidedly then grimaced in pain. Wayne put a hand on the muscled thigh and asked if he was all right, Kim nodded and said it only hurt when he laughed. Everyone started laughing including the injured Kim who was laughing and grimacing in pain at the same time.

The woman introduced herself saying that she was Elaine, Kim's mother and that she and her husband Ted owned the restaurant, they'd lived in Eden for the last two years after holidaying there and falling in love with the place. Brian smiled and shook hands with her saying, "I can see why you love the town it is a beautiful place and was well named Eden."

The woman then asked, "Would I be correct thinking that you are the crew off the yacht tied up at the wharf that was trashed after the two boys were bashed?"

Brian nodded and said that they were but that hadn't lowered their opinion of the town or the majority of the people living here, he asserted that they all loved Eden and would recommend anyone to holiday here. Elaine then told them the meal was on the house and when Brian protested she just laughed and walked away. Kim meanwhile was lapping up Wayne's tender care and his hard penis showed just how much he appreciated it as his colourful board shorts pointed to the ceiling. It was pretty obvious that his mum at least knew Kim was gay, the lad made no attempt to hide his excitement from her.

The table, Brian and Donny hid the boys from the other diners, as both lad's sported stiff cocks, Donny was staring at Kim's crotch admiring the colourful tent standing there proudly. Donny was so entranced by the view he missed his mouth and ended up with fruit salad and ice cream all over his cute face, shirt and shorts as he spluttered in embarrassment. Brian, Wayne and Kim all burst out laughing looking at Donny's fruit bespattered condition then Kim's aching face caused him to stop laughing. Donny sat there dripping melted ice cream and fruit juice his lower lip trembling as he fought back tears of embarrassment, Brian reached across with a serviette and began cleaning the boy's face.

Elaine hearing the outburst of laughter looked into the restaurant from the kitchen and saw poor little Donny's plight she grabbed a towel and dampened it under the tap and hurried out to his aid. She and Brian soon had him cleaned up and he sat there damp but very embarrassed, Wayne told him not to be a sook that it was only an accident and he would soon dry off. Donny gave his brother a dirty look then gave him the one finger salute as he began grinning once again. They finished their meal and sat talking to the battered young surfer who stayed sitting with them, his bruises almost glowing on his face.

Elaine stood talking to them as the other diners finished their meal, she worked on their bill then walked across giving it to them, they paid her and she thanked them and asking that they come back again soon. She came back and pulled up a chair joining our friends, she looked at Wayne and told him he was very attractive then turned to Donny pinched his cheek gently and said, "As for you Donny if I was your age I'd chase you all over till I caught you, you are utterly divine."

Donny blushed crimson and hung his head mumbling that he was not interested in girls, Elaine pouted and ruffled his short hair saying, "Oh I'm devastated Donny, you mean I have no hope in winning you over? What if I said you could come and eat all the deserts you wished for free?"

Donny lifted his head smiled cheekily and said, "Well maybe if that was for sure I might be interested."

Elaine laughed and stood up saying, "I'd better get you another fruit salad Donny seeing you wasted most of the original one."

She left and disappeared into the kitchen returned shortly with a huge bowl of fruit salad and ice cream plonking it in front of Donny who grinned at her and thanked her before diving in with his spoon. Everybody laughed and watched him demolish the huge desert, Brian said, "I'm sure these teenagers have hollow legs the way they eat, I'd explode if I ate half what these boys put away in a sitting."

Wayne and Kim were deep in conversation eyes locked together, clasping hands as they talked softly, Elaine looked across at the two young studs and whispered to Brian, "Looks as though your son has found a friend, don't they look good together?" Brian looked across and felt an unaccountable twinge of jealousy tickle his psyche, he shook his head and then smiled at Elaine nodding his head before correcting her miss conception that Wayne and Donny were his sons, "Neither of these lads are my sons Elaine, my son is the boy injured in the attack and still in hospital. These two are brothers who came along on the trip to help crew the Wanderer."

Elaine turned and looked at him a quizzical expression on her face as she said, "You are an interesting man Brian to take three boys off on a yacht to cruise the seas, it must be costing you a fortune."

Brian smiled and told her about Val having to fly to Perth and that he needed some time away from his business to re-bond with Shaun who had become angry at his devotion to building the business and felt rejected and deserted. She listened nodding as Brian went on about the joy of Shaun now accepting him back and behaving, as a son should. He told her about Donny and Shaun being lovers and how he accepted that they loved each other. She asked about Wayne and Brian told her of Ash and his leaving for Melbourne that morning and how Wayne was feeling a little lonely and lost at the moment.

Elaine looked across at her son deeply in quiet conversation with the handsome Wayne; she felt the bonding between them and worried that Kim might be hurt, as Wayne was feeling lonely and on the rebound from Ash leaving. Wayne was telling Kim about Ash and his desire to be with Brian, he was opening his heart to the blonde surfer and Kim was sharing his pain and desires. Kim was very attracted to Wayne and was prepared to share himself under any circumstances, as he wanted to be with the dark and sexy young man.

Kim was throbbing all over at Wayne's touch even though they were simply holding hands; his blood-engorged muscle stretched the bright material of his board shorts in full view of Wayne. Wayne too was feeling excitement as he looked deep into Kim's sea blue eyes, he was enamoured with the smooth bronzed lad and could see the desire glowing in Kim's eyes. Donny watched knowing his brother; he could see Wayne slipping into a state of desire to be with Kim and knew that they were going to be partners.

Brian broke the mood by announcing that it was time to return to the hospital to see Shaun, Donny leapt to his feet adjusting himself so his raging rod was less visible and made for the door. Wayne stood still holding Kim's hands and sadly said that he'd see him later as Brian thanked Elaine for the meal and left looking over his shoulder at Wayne still standing holding hands with Kim he said, "If you want to stay Wayne that's fine we'll see you at the motel later on."

Wayne tore his eyes from Kim's and turned to Brian a smile of gratitude on his lips as he thanked him for understanding, Brian smiled indulgently and turned following Donny up the main street towards the hospital. They arrived to find Shaun out of bed in a wheel chair his broken leg straight out on an extended padded rest, he grinned happily as he saw Donny and Brian saying, "Hi dad, Hi Donny look I'm out of bed and raring to go somewhere."

Brian laughed at his excitement and said, "Well where are you going to go to Sydney?"

Shaun giggled and said, "No come on dad don't be stupid I'd just like to get outside into the grounds or something."

Brian nodded and said, "I'll go ask the nurse if its ok to wheel you outside, just hang on a minute guys."

Brian left the room and Donny hugged Shaun kissing him hotly on the lips then pushing his eager tongue into his lovers warm wet mouth, they tongue waltzed excitedly until they heard Brian's footsteps returning. He walked in to see them still together both flushed and excitement tenting both boys' garments, he shook his head seeing their moist lips and said, "You guys are unreal you can't leave each other alone can you?"

Shaun giggled happily then said, "No dad we love each other and I miss Donny every minute he's not here, I want to get out of the hospital and come back to the motel with you guys."

Brian said, "Well it wont be too long Shaun now your out of bed I'm sure the doctors will kick you out in a day or so."

Back at the restaurant Wayne and Kim were sitting together lost in a world of their own as life progressed around them, Elaine watched the growing bond as it strengthened and she knew her son was deeply in Wayne's sphere of influence. Time passed and the two lads stood up and Kim said that they were going for a walk down to the boat ramp and along the beach; Elaine nodded and told them to have fun as they wandered out onto the footpath and turned towards the bay. Elaine walked to the entrance and stood watching the two gorgeous guys walking close shoulders, arms and hands touching but holding hands as they threaded their way through the other pedestrians. She smiled to herself and nodded before returning to the tasks of the eatery.

Wayne and Kim wandered dream lost down the hill to the harbour then turned towards the road down to the boat ramp, they walked through the car park and stepped down the rocks onto the long golden sandy beach. They strolled along the sun-warmed sand and as they moved further from sight their hands moved fingers locking together as they held hands. The long stroll took them past the very old now restored Seahorse Inn fronting onto the beach with the Boydtown camping ground behind it, a few of the campers were frolicking in the calm waters as they passed, oblivious to the stares of both envy and disgust at the two handsome lads lost in each other holding hands as they passed.

They continued on till well past the scattered people and once more alone on the unsullied sands found a track leading into the low stunted scrub, the two lads turned onto it and were soon lost from sight in the dappled sunlight of the bush. They lay down clutching each other as they kissed passionately, tongues feverishly seeking hands searching, rubbing as legs entwined drawing their aroused members together till they pulsed as one.

To be continued.

Feedback always welcome:     

Posted: 06/29/07